• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지형교육

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The Changing Process of the Tidal Landforms in Hampyeung Bay, Southwest Korea (함평만의 간석지 해안지형의 변화)

  • KIM, Nam-Shin;LEE, Min-Boo
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.223-233
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    • 2011
  • The aims of this study is about distribution characteristics of tidal coastal landforms, and that changing process in the Hampyeung Bay, which has a semi-enclosed bay like basin shape without inflow of stream, the mouth of open sea is narrow and forms with wide ends toward inland sea. The source of deposits are moved materials by tidal currents and from coastal slopes. Main landform elements of study area consist of tidal flat, tidal channels, intertidal sand bar, sea cliffs, and sea terrace. Tidal flats is classified with mud flat and mixed flat by grain size composition. Mud flats have developed at the shoreline area that tidal flat is closed to the continuity of gentle slope, and mixed flat developed at the foot of the sea cliffs and sea terraces. Quaternary deposits were identified in the coastal materials sedimented by the sea-level change. According to the analysis of grain size composition during last ten years, sands and silt has increased 2% and 6% respectively, clay has been decreased by 9%. The concaved tidal flats are colonized by salt plants. Areal changes of salt plants expanded near four times from 2.4km2 at the year 2001 to 9.3km2 at the year 2009. During the same periods, mean grain size became coarser from 6.5φ to 4.5φ at the salt plants area.

해안지형분류표준화 동향에 관한 연구 - 환경정보표준 ISO/IEC211 18025 자료와 국내분류체계 비교

  • Chang, Eun-Mi;Park, Kyeong;Seo, Jong-Cheol
    • 한국공간정보시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.275-286
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    • 2001
  • 습지 분류의 목표는 '목록작성(inventory)과 평가와 관리를 위해 자연적인 생태계에 범위를 설정하는 것'이다. 또한 등질적인 속성을 갖는 생태단위를 기술하고, 자원관리 의사결정에 도움을 줄 수 있는 체계로 단위를 만들어내고, 목록작성과 지도화에 필요한 단위를 제공하면, 습지에 관한 개념과 용어의 통일성을 제공하는 것 등이다. 해안지형 가운데 해안 습지의 분류에는 우선, 1) 형태, 2) 생성요인, 3) 자갈, 모래, 펄 같은 기질 물질과 4)현재의 환경이라는 요소가 모두 고려되어야만 하는데 아직 국내에는 이에 대한 연구가 절대적으로 부족하여 이에 대한 규정이 부족한 현실이다. 따라서 현 단계에서 ISO/IEC 규정대로 각 코드는 엄밀히 상호배타적인 개념일 것, 정수로 표시할 것과 순차적으로 증가하는 숫자로 표시할 것 등의 전제조건을 만족시키는 전제 하에서 해안습지를 분류하는 것은 매우 힘든 작업이라 생각한다. 하지만 국토공간의 효율적 관리와 보존을 위해서는 위치와 장소에 따라 차이를 보이는 지질, 지형, 토양, 식생, 수리 현상 등 제반 지표 환경요소에 대한 체계화된 정보의 축척이 있어야 가능하다. 우리나라의 경우 지질 정보는 지질자원연구원에서 발행하는 지질도와, 농촌진흥청에서 발행하는 토양도, 임업연구원에서 발행하는 임상도 등의 주제도가 있으나, 지표환경을 나타내주는 지형에 대한 정보체계는 아직 이루러진 바가 없고, 대학의 석사학위논문이나, 실험적인 수준의 연구에 머물고 있는 실정이다. 이번 연구에서는 지형분류도 작성과 관련한 외국의 사례를 집중적으로 분석하고, 지형정보의 체계적 관리를 위해 가장 필요한 해안습지 지형분류도를 작성하기 위해 가장 기초적인 단계인 해안습지 지형분류체계에 대한 국내외의 연구성과를 비교하여 시안을 작성 표준화를 위한 첫 단계 시도를 소개하였다.분석 결과는 문장, 그림 및 도표, 장 끝의 질문, 학생의 학습 활동 수 등이 $0.4{\sim}1.5$ 사이의 값으로 학생 참여를 적절히 유도하는 발견 지향적 인 것으로 조사되었다. 그러나 장의 요약은 본문 내용을 반복하는 내용으로 구성되었다. 이와 같이 공통과학 과목은 새로운 현대 사회에 부응하는 교과 목표와 체계를 지향하고 있지만 아직도 통합과학으로서의 내용과 체계를 완전히 갖추고 있지 못할 뿐만 아니라 현재 사용되고 있는 7종의 교과서가 교육 목표를 충분히 반영하지 못하고 있다. 따라서 교사의 역할이 더욱더 중요하게 되었다.괴리가 작아진다. 이 결과에 따르면 위탁증거금의 징수는 그 제도의 취지에 부합되고 있다. 다만 제도운용상의 이유이거나 혹은 우리나라 주식시장의 투자자들이 비합리적인 투자형태를 보임에 따라 그 정책적 효과는 때로 역기능적인 결과로 초래하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 이 연구결과를 통하여 최소한 주식시장(株式市場)에서 위탁증거금제도는 그 제도적 의의가 여전히 있다는 사실이 확인되었다. 또한 우리나라 주식시장에서 통상 과열투기 행위가 빈번히 일어나 주식시장을 교란시킴으로써 건전한 투자풍토조성에 저해된다는 저간의 우려가 매우 커왔으나 표본 기간동안에 대하여 실증분석을 한 결과 주식시장 전체적으로 볼 때 주가변동율(株價變動率), 특히 초과주가변동율(超過株價變動率)에 미치는 영향이 그다지 심각한 정도는 아니었으며 오히려 우리나라의 주식시장은 미국시장에 비해 주가가 비교적 안정적인 수준을 유지해 왔다고 볼 수 있다.36.4%)와 외식을 선호(29.1%)${\lrcorner}$ 하기 때문에 패스트푸드를 이용하게 된 것으로 응답 하였으며, 남 여 대학생간에는 유의한 차이(p<0.05)가 인정되었다. 응답자의 체형은 ${\ulcorner}$

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Characteristics and classification of landform relieves on mountains and valleys with bedrock types (기반암별 산지와 곡지의 지형 기복 특성과 유형)

  • Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed characteristics of landform relieves on 12 bedrock whole(W) areas and 24 mountain(M) and valley(V) areas. Based on this result, characteristics and relations between bedrocks and landform relief were classified as follows. 1) gneiss-height M and granite-height W, M, V areas show active stream incision for uplift. However these areas have relatively low relief and grade compared to high altitude, because effect of denudation don't pass on whole slope. 2) gneiss-height W, V, gneiss-mid M, schist M, granite-mid M, volcanic rock W, M, sedimentary rock-height(conglomerate) W, M, V, sedimentary rock-mid (sandstone and shale) M, limestone W, M areas have active stream erosion and mass movement, but landform relieves are on the high side, because these have resistant bedrock and geological structure against weathering and erosion. 3) gneiss-mid W, V, schist W, V, granite-mid W, V, volcanic rock V, sedimentary rock-mid W, V, sedimentary rock-low(shale) M, limestone V areas landform relieves are on the low side, because these have weak resistance and active weathering, mass movement, erosion, transportation and deposit. 4) gneiss-low W, M, V, granite-low W, M, V, sedimentary rock-low W, V areas landform relieves are very low, because these don't have active erosion and mass movement as costal area with low altitude.

Geotourism using the Geographical Resources on Hong Island (홍도 지형 자원을 활용한 지오투어리즘)

  • Park, Mi-Young
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.109-121
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    • 2011
  • There are three natural conservation systems that UNESCO assigns: World Heritage, Biosphere Reserve and Geopark. Geopark is one of three preservation zones that UNESCO conducts. In this paper I will explain the meaning of a Geopark as well as suggest that one should be set up in Korea. Geotourism is one important aspect of Geopark. Geopark's main purpose is not only for sightseeing but also conservation and understanding the value of nature through geological and geographical features. I have analyzed the local guide's interpretations from a Hongdo Island cruise tour and suggested new way of interpretation for the tour with the concept of Korean Geotourism in mind.

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Analysis of Geomorphological Environment forthe Jar Coffins Location in the Yeongsan River Basin in Jeonnam Province (전남 영산강 유역에 있어서 옹관묘 입지의 지형환경 분석)

  • Park, Ji Hoon;Lee, Chan Hee
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.13-25
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the location characteristics in which 'large Jar coffin' (hereinafter referred to as 'Jar coffin') distributed in the Yeongsan river basin area in Jeonnam province by means of topographic analysis. 75 Jar coffins (74.3%) in 19 relics (90.5% of total) were found in hill and 26 Jar coffins (25.7%) of two consumption relics (9.5%) were found in floodplain. Among them, 34 (45.3% of total) and 41 (54.7% of total) Jar coffins were found in the Crest surface and Sideslope of hills, respectively. In particular, 26 (34.7%) Jar coffins are mostly located in the Crest flat. This result implies that people at that might be consider the river inundation, and mostly choose hill rather than floodplain when building the Jar coffin. therefore amongtherefore among micro-landform units of the hill, it seems that the 'Crest flat' was the preferred place for the building the Jar coffin at that time.

A Study of Morphometric Characteristics and Mountain Classification in Korean Mountainses (우리나라 산지의 형태적 특성과 산지분류에 관한 연구)

  • Tak, Han Myeong;Park, Sun-Yurp
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.63-76
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    • 2017
  • This research was classified mountain areas with high ecological, environmental and resource value among the macro scaled terrain that can be checked at the space scale of less than 1:1,000,000 and analyzed the topographical characteristics. It has been confirmed that the mountains of the Korean peninsula belong to the groups IV, V, VI(classification by Kapos et al.(2000)) as a result of applying the quantitative standards for designation of mountain areas to the global mountain system. The area of mountains calculated using high resolution DEM is equivalent to 48% of the area of the Korean peninsula, and the result is quite different from the general idea of which 70% is the mountain area of the Korean peninsula. The mountain areas show the distribution of geomorphons, that is different from the plains and the hills and also, it shows the differences between the mountains of the groups IV~ VI classified according to the altitude. As a result of analyzing the relations among type pattern, slope, and relief, specific geomorphons are concentrated at $10^{\circ}$ and $20^{\circ}$ and it shows the possibility to classify the mountainous areas into two groups based on the result that the distribution of landform patterns are bimodal in the relation to the amount of relief.

Analysis on Fault-Related Landformsin the Gyeongju Area of the Yangsan Fault Valley (양산 단층곡 경주 지역의 단층 지형 분석)

  • Park, Chung-Sun;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-30
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    • 2018
  • This study tries to infer fault lines and produce a map for the lines based on a classification of fault-related landforms and fluvial landformsin the Gyeongju area of the Yangsan Fault Valley. Fault activities in the study area are thought to be older than the time of river formation or stronger than the erosion by river, while the northern and southern parts of the study area seem to have experienced fault activities after valley formation. It is also possible that weaker fault activities than the erosion by river seem to have been prevailed in the parts. In the study area, the Gyeongju alluvial fan is located within a wide erosional valley at the joint area of the Yangsan and Ulsan Faults. From the distribution of the landforms, it is inferred that several fault lines parallel to the Yangsan Fault are distributed at both sides of the fault valley. In particular, the area from Bae-dong to Nogok-ri, Naenam-myeon shows the most obvious linearity of the landforms within the study area. Several fault lines with a direction of NNE-SSW are also found around the epicenter of the 2016 Gyeongju Earthquake.

Morphology and Ecological Milieu of Keum-gae River basin in Andong Province (안동 금계천 유역의 지형과 생태 환경)

  • KEE, Keun-Doh
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.99-110
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    • 2010
  • This study elucidates the interrelationship between climatic, morpological, and hydraulic milieu in the drainage basins of Keum-gae river from the viewpoint of ecogeography. The region of this basin is located at low-relief hills. Because hills are made up of granitic regolith by deep weathering, the rate of permeability is very high. And, the speed of drainage is very fast, and the deficit of water easily revealed and BOD is very high. Therefore a great deals of efforts are needed for the maintenance of stable milieu.

Geomorphological Properties and Changes of Goreabul Sand Beach in Yeongdeok (영덕 고래불 모래해안의 지형 특성과 변화)

  • Bang, Hyun Ju;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.83-92
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    • 2011
  • The properties and changes of geomorphic relief and coastal deposits were analyzed at Goreabul sand beach in Yeongdeok-gun, the largest that in east coast of Kyungsangbuk-do Province. As the result of grain size analysis, in almost season except summer, the sands mainly deposited in Goraebul sand beach because longshore current drift northward contrary to Gangwon-do east coast, and summer longshore current is weak or change direction to south ward. Sand beach mostly came form erosion owing to typoon and storm and was deposit more coarse sand in the summer, and was produced deposition actively in the fall and winter. Front side of sand dune came from deposition on sand every season by sea breeze, especially in the winter.

Revision of Geomorphological Terms in the Reference Guide for Geography Textbook Compilation (지리교과 지형 편수용어 개선을 위한 모색)

  • Kim, Taeho
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.103-115
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    • 2020
  • This study has analyzed and revised the geomorphological terms in the Reference Guide for Geography Textbook Compilation issued by the Ministry of Education in 2017. The current geography glossary is composed of 1,150 terms of which 24.4 percent are geomorphological one. They also amount to 52.2 percent of the terms registered in the physical geography glossary. The number of terms in coastal landforms is the maximum of fifty-eight, while the one in weathering landforms is the minimum of six. This suggests a large difference in the number of terms among landform types originating from varying geomorphic processes. A lot of ordinary words are included in the geomorphology glossary. Since they have been already registered in the Korean Standards Dictionary which is another reference guide for textbook compilation, it is appropriate to delete them out of the geomorphological terms. The geomorphology glossary also contains difficult terms written in Chinese characters, inappropriate terms and even incorrect terms which are likely to lead to misconception on landforms. The revised glossary consists of 284 geomorphological terms in which 101 terms are newly added after taking all the problems into consideration.