• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지진취약도 곡선

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Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Bridges Considering Rebar Corrosion (철근 부식을 고려한 교량의 지진취약도 평가)

  • Shin, Soobong;Kong, Sina;Moon, Jiho;Song, Jong-Keol
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.231-241
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    • 2021
  • Although the deterioration of bridges may occur due to various causes, one of the representative causes is that the chloride used for deicing in the winter penetrates bridge members and results in corrosion. This study aims to quantify the ageing degree resulting from the corrosion of a bridge, apply it to the inelastic dynamic analysis model of the bridge, perform a seismic fragility analysis, and evaluate the relationship between the ageing degree and the seismic fragility curve. It is important to appropriately define the threshold values for each damage state in seismic fragility analyses considering the ageing degree. The damage state was defined using the results of existing experimental studies on the characteristics of the deterioration in the displacement ductility capacity of the pier, according to the ageing degree. Based on the seismic fragility analyses of six types of bridges divided by three types of bearing devices and two pier heights, it was found that the seismic vulnerability tends to increase with the ageing degree. The difference in seismic vulnerability with respect to the ageing degree exhibits a tendency to increase as the damage state progresses from slight to moderate, severe, and collapse.

Seismic Vulnerabilities of a Multi-Span Continuous Bridge Considering the Nonlinearity of the Soil (지반 비선형성을 고려한 다경간 연속교의 지진취약도)

  • Sun, Chang-Ho;Lee, Jong-Seok;Kim, Ick-Hyun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2010
  • Seismic performances of existing structures should be assessed with more accuracy for cost-effective retrofits. Existing bridges are assessed by the current guidelines in which a simple method has been adapted considering the technical level of engineers of the historical time of construction. Recently many probabilistic approaches have been performed to reflect the uncertainties of seismic input motions. Structures are modeled frequently with the neglection of soil foundations or modeled occasionally with elastic soil spring elements to consider the effect of the soil on the structural response. However, soil also shows nonlinearity under seismic events, so this characteristic should be reflected in order to obtain a more accurate assessment. In this study, a 6-span continuous bridge has been analyzed under various seismic events, in which the soil was represented by equivalent linear spring elements having different properties according to the intensities of the input motions experienced. The seismic vulnerabilities with respect to the failure of piers and the dropping of the super-structure were evaluated on the basis of the analysis results.

Seismic Fragility Assessment Method for RC Bridges in Korea using a Representative Bridge (대표 교량을 이용한 국내 철근콘크리트 교량의 지진취약성 분석 방법)

  • An, HyoJoon;Jeong, Seong-Hoon;Shin, Soobong
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.417-423
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    • 2019
  • In this investigation, a set of seismic fragility curves for RC bridges in Korea is derived by considering variations of the representative analytical model. The dimensions and specifications of the model are determined, based on statistical analysis of the inventory of RC bridges in Korea. Variations of important modeling parameters such as material properties, size of structural members, and dimension of the bridge are defined based on statistical studies of the bridges. The OpenSees program is utilized for the analysis to represent the inelastic behavior of RC members. A systematic approach is developed to perform a large volume of inelastic dynamic analysis, in which continuous variation of the modeling parameters are programmed to appropriately represent the characteristics of RC bridges in Korea.

Seismic Risk Analysis of Steel Pile Type Pier (잔교식 안벽구조물의 확률론적 지진위험도해석)

  • Kim, Dong-Hyawn;Cho, Hong-Yeon;Kim, Doo-Kie;Cho, Byung-Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.237-243
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    • 2007
  • Probabilistic seismic risk analysis was performed. Exceeding probabilities of combined stress and maximum horizontal displacement of steel piled pier due to surface ground motion which was transferred from base rock motion was expressed as seismic fragility curves. Occurrence probability of peak ground motion was calculated by using the seismic hazard map on design code for harbor and fishery structures of Korea. Finally seismic risk of pier structure was found by combining the fragility and the hazard and those were presented through numerical analysis.

Fragility Analyses on Seismic Isolated LRB Concrete Bridges (LRB 면진 콘크리트 교량의 손상도 해석)

  • Kim, Jong-In;Kim, Doo-Kie;Kim, Tae-Hyeong
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2006
  • In performing a risk analysis of structures under earthquakes, it is imperative to identify the vulnerability of structures associated with various damage stages considering structural properties, soil-structure interactions, site condition, and so on. In this paper, the method to derive a representative fragility curve of seismic isolated LRB(lead rubber bearing) bridges is proposed. In which, the curve is assumed log-normally distribution with two parameters. The risk analysis of seismic isolated LRB bridges considering earthquake effects such as PGA, PGV, SA, SV, and SI is also performed to assure the earthquake resisting capability of the structures. An practical way for constructing the representative fragility curves is also recommended combining fragility curves of structures.

Fragility Contour Method for the Seismic Performance Assessment of Generic Structures (지진 취약성 등고선을 이용한 내진성능 평가 방법)

  • Jeong, Seong-Hoon;Lee, Ki-Hak;Lee, Do-Hyung
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.65-72
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    • 2011
  • Extensive computer simulations to account for the randomness in the process of seismic demand estimation have been a serious obstacle to the adoption of probabilistic performance assessments for the decision of applying seismic intervention schemes. In this study, a method for rapid fragility assessments based on a response database and the fragility contour method are presented. By the comparison of response contours in different formats, it is shown that representing maximum responses in ductility demand is better for the investigation of the effect of structural parameter changes on seismic demands than representations in absolute values. The presented fragility contour enables designers to practically investigate the probabilistic performance level of every possible retrofit option in a convenient manner using visualized data sets. This example demonstrates the extreme efficiency of the proposed approach in performing fragility assessments and successful application to the seismic retrofit strategies based on limit state probabilities.

Development of Empirical Fragility Function for High-speed Railway System Using 2004 Niigata Earthquake Case History (2004 니가타 지진 사례 분석을 통한 고속철도 시스템의 지진 취약도 곡선 개발)

  • Yang, Seunghoon;Kwak, Dongyoup
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.35 no.11
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    • pp.111-119
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    • 2019
  • The high-speed railway system is mainly composed of tunnel, bridge, and viaduct to meet the straightness needed for keeping the high speed up to 400 km/s. Seismic fragility for the high-speed railway infrastructure can be assessed as two ways: one way is studying each element of infrastructure analytically or numerically, but it requires lots of research efforts due to wide range of railway system. On the other hand, empirical method can be used to access the fragility of an entire system efficiently, which requires case history data. In this study, we collect the 2004 MW 6.6 Niigata earthquake case history data to develop empirical seismic fragility function for a railway system. Five types of intensity measures (IMs) and damage levels are assigned to all segments of target system for which the unit length is 200 m. From statistical analysis, probability of exceedance for a certain damage level (DL) is calculated as a function of IM. For those probability data points, log-normal CDF is fitted using MLE method, which forms fragility function for each damage level of exceedance. Evaluating fragility functions calculated, we observe that T=3.0 spectral acceleration (SAT3.0) is superior to other IMs, which has lower standard deviation of log-normal CDF and low error of the fit. This indicates that long-period ground motion has more impacts on railway infrastructure system such as tunnel and bridge. It is observed that when SAT3.0 = 0.1 g, P(DL>1) = 2%, and SAT3.0 = 0.2 g, P(DL>1) = 23.9%.

Development of Seismic Performance Estimation Service of Bridge through Seismic Risk Assessment (지진위험도평가 방법을 통한 교량의 내진성능 추정 서비스 개발)

  • Cho, Han Min;Lee, Jin Hyuk;Park, Ki Tae;Kim, Kun Soo;Jung, Kyu San;Kim, Jae Hwan
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.5
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    • pp.535-542
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    • 2023
  • In order to understand the seismic performance of a bridge, it is common to review through seismic performance evaluation and numerical analysis of the target bridge. Seismic performance evaluation and review through numerical analysis are analysis methods for specific target bridges, and many problems can arise in each management body managing bridges nationwide. Therefore, in this study, research was conducted to estimate the seismic performance of public bridges with various types and characteristics. Seismic performance was estimated by applying the seismic risk assessment method, calculating the seismic fragility curve for the type and specifications of the bridge, and estimating the seismic performance of the bridge in use by applying the domestic seismic design standard. In addition, by installing it on the platform, service items were established so that users can easily review the estimation of seismic performance of domestic bridges.

A Study on the Connection Method for the Collapse Damage of Electric Power Facilities due to Earthquake Effects (지진 영향으로 인한 전기시설물의 붕괴피해 연계 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Byung-Hoon;Lee, Byung-Jin;Oh, Seung-Hee;Jung, Woo-Sug;Kim, Kyung-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.203-208
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we selected power and power distribution facilities corresponding to urban infrastructure from the types of damage that could be caused by earthquakes and studied how they were calculated to damage. To calculate the damage, a graph of the magnitude of the damage was produced by applying the vulnerability curve calculation formula, which can be calculated for each type and type of facility. The scale of the earthquake and the probability of the occurrence of damage by the maximum earthquake acceleration were shown in the form of a vulnerability rate when the earthquake occurred in the urban infrastructure facility for utilizing the calculation result. It also applied a method of quantifying the fragility, which is a method of converting the calculated fragility into an integrated form, to represent a constant value for the magnitude of the damage. Continuing research, such as the method applied in this paper, could help identify in advance the types of structures affected by an earthquake and respond to reducing damage.

Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Chimney Structure in Power Plant by Finite Element Analysis (유한요소 해석을 통한 발전소 연돌 구조물의 지진취약도 분석)

  • Kwon, Gyu-Bin;Kim, Jin-Sup;Kwon, Min-Ho;Park, Kwan-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.276-284
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    • 2019
  • Seismic research on bridges, dams and nuclear power plants, which are infrastructure in Korea, has been carried out since early on, but in the case of structures in thermal power plants, research is insufficient. In this study, a total of 192 dynamic analyzes were performed for 16 actual seismic waves and 12 PGAs. As a result, the probability of failure increased as the PGA value increased for each applied seismic wave, but it was different for each seismic wave. As a result, at 0.22G, the ratio of the compressive limit reached to the limit state was 25% and the ratio of the relative displacement reached the limit state was 13%. So, the probability of collapse due to compressive failure Is higher. Therefore, the fragility curve of the chimney which is the subject of this study can be used as a quantitative basis to determine the limit state of the target structure when an earthquake occurs and to be used for the safety design of the thermal power plants.