• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지열정

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Construction of an Underground Heat Exchanger for Pig Housing (양돈용 지열교환기의 개발)

  • ;;H. J. Heege
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.125-136
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    • 1995
  • To use the earth heat for the pig housing, an underground heat exchanger has constructed in depth of 2.5m and 20m length. The temperature of the outlet air was max. 8 kelvin higher than that of inlet air in winter season. In spite of the -7$^{\circ}C$ outside temperature, it could keep the air temperature from the earth tube above zero degree. The heating performance was maximum in value of 3.25Wh/㎥ and average of 1.75Wh/㎥ by the airflow volume of 340㎥/h. The slope of relative humidity from outlet air has shown gentler than that of inlet air. By using the underground heat exchanger, it would be possible to prepare an relatively uniform relative humidity in the swine stalls. The temperatures on the earth, where PVC pipes are buried, have shown 10~12$^{\circ}C$ on March. This can reduce the difference between day and night temperature during this season by using the underground heat exchanger.

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Analysis of the Initial Cost Payback Period on the Open-loop Geothermal System Using Two Wells (복수정을 이용한 개방형 지열 시스템의 초기투자비 회수기간 분석)

  • Cho, Jeong-Heum;Nam, Yujin
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.119-126
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    • 2017
  • Recently, ground source heat pump systems are being used in buildings for cooling and heating to reduce greenhouse gas and save energy. However, ground source heat pump systems mainly use the vertical closed-loop geothermal system design rather than the open-loop geothermal system design. This is due to a lack of knowledge and few research feasibility studies. In this research, a dynamic thermal analysis numerical simulation based on a standard house model was conducted for an open-loop geothermal system. Based on heating load analysis results, the life cycle costs of a standard house using an open two-well geothermal system were analyzed and compared with a vertical closed-loop geothermal system, and a diesel boiler. As a result, it was found that using an open two-well geothermal system shows economic return on investment after three years.

A Study on the Effects of Heat Pump Using Standing Column Well on Soil and Groundwater Microorganisms (스탠딩컬럼웰을 적용한 지열히트펌프의 토양 및 지하수 미생물에 대한 영향 연구)

  • Jun, Jungeui;Park, Sisam;Na, Sangmin;Rhee, Keonjoong;Park, Jaewoo
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2009
  • Standing column well (SCW) heat pump system produces geothermal energy by the heat exchange of the groundwater. If SCW system changed the temperature of soil and groundwater, it could also change species or population of microorganisms. Therefore it is needed to research about the effect of temperature change on microorganisms to use eco-friendly geothermal energy. We produced the simulative heat pump system (SHPS) and observed the change of the soil temperature in SHPS. Characteristic analysis of microorganisms isolated from soil was performed and groundwater temperature variation was evaluated. Also the bleeding effect in SHPS was investigated and the results are included. As the results, the population of microorganisms was increased about 90%, as the groundwater temperature increased 2-3 celsius degree. However the species of microorganism was little influenced by the temperature change of the soil.

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