• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지역경관계획

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친수 기능을 고려한 농촌용수 개발 및 관리방안

  • Jeong, Sang-Ok
    • Water for future
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.14-19
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    • 2011
  • 본 고에서는 친수 및 경관 등의 기능을 고려한 농촌용수의 개발 및 관리방안에 대하여 소개하였다. 이러한 지역용수를 고려한 농촌용수 개발은 농촌에 활력을 불어 넣는데 큰 역할을 할 수 있을 것이다. 특히 4대강 둑 높이기 사업이나 농지전용 등으로 확보되는 수량을 적극적으로 지역용수로 활용하여 농촌발전에 기여할 수 있었으면 하는 바램이다. 앞으로 농촌용수 개발사업계획 및 설계에 적극 반영되기를 바라는 마음이다.

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A Study on the Current Status and Future Tasks of the Landscape Resources Survey in Korea (국내 경관자원 조사 현황과 향후 과제)

  • Joo, Shin-Ha;Shin, Yunji
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.27-42
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    • 2015
  • This study reviews the current status of the Korean landscape resources survey and foreign cases in order to determine the meaning and importance of it. Several cases are compared based on the evaluation method, the evaluation criteria and the application plan. Twelve domestic cases of landscape resources survey are reviewed to understand the current status and limitations of the Korean status, and 5 foreign cases to determine the implications for the Korean system. As the result of the analysis, some implications are drawn for domestic landscape resource system. First of all, it is suggested to establish more objective criteria to evaluate and select landscape resources. Various values of landscape resources should be included into the criteria and more people, as well as experts, should participate to reflect local conditions. Secondly, the management for the landscape resources must be implemented continuously. It is important to introduce a periodic reassessment system and to construct and manage a database of the landscape resources. Lastly, the landscape resource system should be integrated into other programs such as an environmental impact assessment and landscape planning. For a better landscape resource management system and efficient evaluation, resources should be comprehensively managed including various landscape types. It is essential to establish supporting policies and legislation. This research covered only the current status of the landscape resource survey and reviewed a limited number of foreign cases. Despite these limitations, it is meaningful for showing the importance of landscape resource management and to suggest some future tasks for better landscape resources management.

Landscape Analysis of the Forest Fragmentations at Doam-Dam Watershed using the FRAGSTATS Model (FRAGSTATS 모형을 이용한 도암댐 유역의 산림 파편화 분석)

  • Heo, Sung-Gu;Kim, Ki-Sung;Ahn, Jae-Hun;Yoon, Jong-Suk;Lim, Kyoung-Jae;Choi, Joong-Dae;Shin, Yong-Chul;Lyou, Chang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.10-21
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    • 2007
  • The Doam-dam watershed, located at Kangwon Province, Korea, has been experiencing significant changes in land uses, conversion from forest to agricultural/urban areas, with human involvements. However, no thorough investigation of the landscape impacts of land use changes was performed at this watershed using the scientific analytical tool. Thus, the FRAGSTATS model was utilized to quantitatively analyze the landscape impacts of forest fragmentation in this study. To provide the detailed explanations for 11 landscape indices considered in this study, two artificial and simplified landscapes, before and after fragmentations, were constructed. Using these 11 indices, the landscape impacts of forest fragmentation in 19 subwatersheds of the Doam-dam watershed were analyzed. The S1 subwatershed, one of 19 subwatersheds of the Doam-dam watershed, was found to have experienced the significant forest fragmentation from 1985 to 2000 based on landscape analysis using the FRAGSTATS model. The results obtained in this study can be used to evaluate the water quality impacts of forest fragmentations/land use changes at watershed scale level, and establish environment-friendly land use planning based on the results obtained using landscape analytical tool, FRAGSTATS.

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Analysis of Three Dimension Landscape Impact Using Intelligent Spatial Data (지능형공간정보를 이용한 3차원 경관 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Yang, Seung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.495-503
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    • 2009
  • A landscape represents a part of the local environmental characteristics consisting of nature, artificial factors, and human living condition, and is now emerging as the very important factor in the development and conservation of national land. However, due to the rapid economic growth and development-based land businesses during the past, environment-friendly and nature-friendly development was not realized so that the development considering the landscape of downtowns and highlands was not achieved as well. Thus, in this study, targeting the area in which development and rehabilitation are being Intelligent Spatial Data, and through the three-dimensional simulation before and after the development and rehabilitation, realistic landscape impact could be analyzed and the consequential problems by the development and rehabilitation were easily figured out.

Application Strategies of Eye-tracking Method in Nightscape Evaluation (야간경관 평가에서의 아이트래킹 분석 적용 연구)

  • Kang, Youngeun;Kim, Mintai
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2015
  • There's a trend towards vitalization of nightscape planning businesses nationally and locally as well for city image making and activation of regional economy, but there is still no systematic nightscape planning going on for lack of relevant researches and objective evaluations. This study aims to suggest the guideline for nightscape planning by conducting an eye tracking experiment and survey for recognizing the characteristics of a nightscape. Furthermore, the authors intended to verify the eye-tracking method as a tool for landscape evaluation. The research site was restricted in the campus of Virginia Tech, VA, and those were selected by experts' survey among various types of nightscape images. The variables for analyzing the characteristics of nightscape images selected were 'preference', 'safety(fear)' and 'clearness'. 'Fixation duration', 'saccade duration', 'scan path length', and 'pupil size' were selected as the eye movement measurements. The results of this study are as follows: The first outcome found was that there were significant differences among the characteristics(preference, safety and clearness) of a nightscape by MANOVA, and these variables were correlated positively by Pearson's correlation. Secondly, there were differences on fixation duration, saccade duration and scan path depending on the nightscape setting statistically. Also, the eye tracking measurement in an open setting was recorded lower than enclosed settings. In the result of a heat map, we found the meaning of the fixated areas on both viewing without intention and viewing intentionally. It turned out that the fixated areas were consistent with the areas the subjects felt preferred and clarity in all of the nightscape images, which means people usually focus on what they prefer and see clearly in a certain nightscape. Based on this result and previous studies, the authors could make a conclusion that eye tracking method can apply to evaluate nightscape settings in terms of analyzing the whole characteristics and finding specific points for the detailed analysis as well. Therefore, these results can contribute by suggesting nightscape planning, implication of the landscape evaluation, and implication of the eye tracking study.

The Analysis of Change Factors and Improvement of the Planning techniques on the Number of Floor in Multi Housing Complex Planning -Focus on Planning Index- (공동주택 층수계획 변화요인 분석과 계획기법 개선에 관한 연구 -계획지표를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Sung-Hak
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.428-437
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    • 2017
  • Recently, local government has established a development strategy which takes into account the quality of each area, in order to solve the problems posed by poor development, hindrance of the urban landscape, the limits imposed by relevant laws, etc. However, the number of floors is an important factor which determines the urban landscape, planning density and quality of the external space. This planning factor has a very different effect according to the terrestrial circumstances, number of households, underparking ratio, green space ratio and floor area ratio. Therefore, in this study, a case analysis and case study are conducted and the correlation between each index is clarified. The conclusions of this study are follows. Firstly, flexibility should be ensured by taking into consideration the density indicators, average number of floors, and residential environmental performance measures in related laws and systems. Secondly, it is necessary to develop a wide-area planning method that extends the planning concept from the beginning of planning to neighboring blocks or cities. Thirdly, deregulation measures should be implemented, such as establishing specialized strategies for each region, and regulatory measures for encouraging different types of development.

Improvement on Development Permit System after the Abolition of the Regulation against Continuous and Adjacent Development (연접개발제한 폐지 이후 개발행위허가 심의제도 개선방안)

  • Kim, Young-Woo;Yoon, Jeong-Joong
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2012
  • The regulation of continuous and adjacent development was introduced to prevent unplanned and improper development and to protect environment in green zone and non-urban area that was deficient in infrastructure. Though it has been effective, it was repealed in 2011 by disorderly development problem caused by crafty tricks around restrictions. Alternatively, the Urban Planning Commission is now deliberating on the development permit, but there are still much to be resolved such as improper committee formation and abuse of power, insufficient green corridor preservation, a lack of use of planning information system, discordance between landscape management guidelines in laws, etc. Therefore, we suggest several ideas for improvement of development permit system as follows; intensive deliberation system in the Urban Planning Commission, integrated commission for green corridor prevention, early establishment of urban planning information system, making a development permission guideline to minimize discretional act of the Urban Planning Commission, etc.

A Simulation of City Viewscape Using Digital Photogrammetry and GIS (수치사진측량 및 GIS에 의한 도시경관 시뮬레이션)

  • 최병길
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.323-329
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    • 2002
  • This paper aims at three dimensional simulation and quantitative analysis fer city height planning using digital photogrammetry and GIS. Land view has been neglected while the cities in Korea have been developed rapidly and quantitatively It is, however recognized that Land viewscape is an important factor to achieve a high quality of life. Land viewing is shape and subjective, which makes quantitative and objective analysis of urban viewscape not easy. In this study, a spatial database was constructed by aerial color photographing and digital photogrammetry. The analysis of photographic image were performed using 3-D simulation. Numerical and quantitative analysis for the height planning of building was carried out by producing the vertical profiles of existing buildings and terrain at sight lines. As the result of this study, it was found that the hight planning in a city could be made quantitatively and objectively using 3-D viewscape analysis.