• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지식자원 네트워크

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Applying Network Analysis in Convergent Research Relationships: The Case of High-Tech Convergence Technology Development Program (네트워크 분석을 통한 융합연구 구조 분석: 첨단융합기술개발사업을 중심으로)

  • Heo, Jungeun;Yang, Chang Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.883-912
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    • 2013
  • This study examines network compositions of convergent research relationships in the field of high-tech convergence technology and investigates the relational linkages among various research fields. A network analysis was performed to evaluate the High-Tech Convergence Technology Development Program, a convergent research funding program of the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF); the dataset covered the 2009-2011 period. The analytical results reveal the hidden network structure of convergent research relationships and demonstrate that the formation of convergent research might be enhanced by interdependent pressures placed on various research fields but also by accumulated research capabilities that each of these fields possessed and which could be used to converge specialized and heterogeneous research areas and interests.

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중소기업구조개선(中小企業構造改善)과 지역기술혁신체제(地域技術革新體制)

  • Park, Jun-Gyeong
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.3-61
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    • 1996
  • 80년대초 이후 기술혁신의 가속으로 중소기업에서도 기술변화에 대한 적응이 경쟁력의 유지를 위한 핵심과제가 되면서, OECD 국가는 중소기업에 대한 과학기술정보(科學技術情報)의 이전(移轉)을 촉진하는 정부지원을 확충하였다. 경제성과의 개선을 위해서는 기술혁신만이 아니라 기술혁신의 성과를 확산시키는 것도 중요하다는 인식으로 중소기업의 경쟁력향상에 기여하는 과학기술정보의 공급확대를 위하여 연구개발사업(硏究開發事業)에 대한 지원을 강화하는 동시에 중소기업에 대한 과학기술정보의 이전을 촉진하기 위하여 과학기술정보의 공급원(供給源)(대학, 시험연구기관 등)과 중소기업을 연결하는 다양한 중개(仲介)(촉매(觸媒))기관(機關)의 설립 운영을 지원하고 있다. 연구개발과 과학기술정보이전에 관한 과학기술공급원과 중소기업간의 인식의 차이를 해소하기 위하여 정보교환(情報交換)과 인적교류(人的交流)를 확대하고 과학기술공급원이 제공하는 지식을 중소기업이 이용하기 쉬운 기술로 변환하기도 한다. 이러한 기능을 중개기관이 효과적으로 수행하기 위해서는 중소기업 사업자와 신뢰관계(信賴關係)를 구축하는 것이 긴요하며, 기술변화를 인지 수용하도록 유도하는 초기단계에서는 중소기업의 네트워크를 통하여 접근하는 것이 효과적이다. 이러한 기술확산과정(技術擴散過程)의 특성으로 인하여 지역혁신체제(地域革新體制)의 구축과 기술혁신정책(技術革新政策)의 지역화(地域化)가 강조되고 있다. 최근에 통상산업부와 과학기술처도 기술혁신정책의 지역화를 시도하고 있다. 연구기반과 산업기반을 고려하여 지역별로 다양한 유형의 산학연 공동연구기반이 구축될 계획이다. 기술혁신정책의 지역화는 시도단계에 불과하며 효율적인 지역혁신체제를 구축하기 위한 여건도 불리하다. 선진국에 비하여 대학과 연구기관의 연구자원(硏究資源)에서도 현격한 차이가 있으나, 네트워크의 혁신성을 좌우하는 지식집약형 중소기업의 비중과 중소기업기술개발의 혁신성에서도 선진국에 비하여 절대열위에 있다. 이러한 불리한 여건을 극복하기 위하여 중소기업의 혁신현장에 밀착된 지역의 전문가집단이 지역경제의 비전과 지역산업의 특수성을 고려하여 지역연구개발사업(地域硏究開發事業)을 전략적으로 기획하고 효율적으로 추진하며, 기획 추진과정에 참여하는 지역대학 지역시험연구기관 지역산업단체 등이 구성하는 지역사회(地域社會)의 협의체(協議體)가 정보공유(情報共有)와 공동학습(共同學習)을 통하여 지역혁신체제의 형성을 주도하고 경쟁과 협력의 조화를 통하여 기술혁신을 가속시키는 지역사회(地域社會)의 규범(規範)과 문화(文化)가 정착되도록 노력하며 중앙정부는 지역연구개발사업에 대한 지원에서 투명하고 합리적인 평가기준을 제시하고 지역산업의 혁신성과에 의하여 지원을 차등화(差等化)하는 경쟁원리를 도입하여 지역사회의 합리적 의사결정을 유도해야 한다.

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Lightweight Deep Learning Model for Real-Time 3D Object Detection in Point Clouds (실시간 3차원 객체 검출을 위한 포인트 클라우드 기반 딥러닝 모델 경량화)

  • Kim, Gyu-Min;Baek, Joong-Hwan;Kim, Hee Yeong
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.26 no.9
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    • pp.1330-1339
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    • 2022
  • 3D object detection generally aims to detect relatively large data such as automobiles, buses, persons, furniture, etc, so it is vulnerable to small object detection. In addition, in an environment with limited resources such as embedded devices, it is difficult to apply the model because of the huge amount of computation. In this paper, the accuracy of small object detection was improved by focusing on local features using only one layer, and the inference speed was improved through the proposed knowledge distillation method from large pre-trained network to small network and adaptive quantization method according to the parameter size. The proposed model was evaluated using SUN RGB-D Val and self-made apple tree data set. Finally, it achieved the accuracy performance of 62.04% at mAP@0.25 and 47.1% at mAP@0.5, and the inference speed was 120.5 scenes per sec, showing a fast real-time processing speed.

Method of Teaching Material to Develop Computer Creativity by Accessing to the Computer Principle in Elementary School (컴퓨터 원리 교육을 통한 초등 창의성 교재 개발 방안)

  • Jung, Eun-Young;Kim, Jong-Jin;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2004.08a
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2004
  • 오늘날 IT의 급속한 진보는 많은 변화를 가져왔다. 단순한 자원이나 노동력보다는 첨단과학기술을 이용하여 얼마나 의미 있는 정보를 찾아내고 활용하는가에 따라 개인의 경쟁력이 좌우된다. 즉, 개개인의 창의적인 아이디어와 지식, 정보의 생산과 활용이 앞으로의 국가경쟁력을 좌우하게 된다. 이에 따라 교육계에서도 창의적인 능력을 발휘할 수 있는 인간상을 추구하고 있다. 전국의 초 중등학교가 정보인프라 구축으로 컴퓨터를 활용하는 교육이 가능하게 되었다. 비로소 미래사회를 대비하여 정보우수인력을 길러낼 수 있는 여건이 조성된 것이다. 그러나 현재까지 개발된 초등 컴퓨터 교재는 소프트웨어의 활용법을 소개하는 데 그치고 있다. 컴퓨터 교육이 활용교육으로 치우치다 보니 창의력 제한, 자기 주도적 학습 능력 부족 등 여러 가지 문제점이 발생하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 컴퓨터 활용법에만 두었던 기존의 교육방법을 탈피하여 체계적이고 쉬운 초등 컴퓨터 창의성 교재 개발 연구 방안을 제시하고자 하는데, 특히 컴퓨터 구조, 운영체제, 네트워크 등의 동작 원리를 기반으로 한다.

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Effective Visual Method for Branch Instruction Trace Profiling Tool (Branch Instruction Trace Profiling Tool의 효과적인 가시적 방법)

  • Yang, Su-Hyun;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Song, Eun-Ha;Jeong, Young-Sik
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.514-516
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    • 2011
  • 최근 지식 정보화 사회에 있어서 컴퓨터 네트워크 개방화와 함께 컴퓨터 시스템의 보안 위협이 급증하였다. 또한 기본적으로 데이터 보호에 초점을 맞추고 있기 때문에 접근에 대한 제한이 없으며 응용 프로그램에 따라 보안 운영방식이 다르다는 취약점을 가지고 있다. 본 논문은 하드웨어 기반 보안상태 모니터링 가시화를 위하여 TCG에서 제안한 TPM 칩을 기반으로 동작하는 컴퓨팅 환경의 신뢰 상태 및 시스템 자원에 대한 상태 정보를 실시간으로 모니터링하고 분기 추적 모니터링을 통해 논리적 에러의 초기위치를 파악하여 가시화한다.

An Analysis on the Relation between Network Structure and Research Performance of Joint Researches in Accordance with the Matter of Supporting Research Funds: Focusing on the CT Area (연구비 지원 여부에 따른 공동연구의 네트워크구조와 연구성과 관계 분석: CT분야를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Minki;Kim, Donghyun;Cho, Keuntae
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.63-87
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    • 2015
  • As the important factors to improve research performance, the researchers' capacity and the input of resources like research funds have been pointed out. As joint researches are recently vitalized, however, the scientific knowledge is produced by forming continuous mutual relations through the structural characteristics between researchers. Since the support of research funds becomes a foothold to perform researches as multiple institutions cooperate with each other, it can be considered to have influence on research performance. In other words, it can be estimated that the support of research funds has influence on research performance by generating differences in the connecting structure of joint researches. In the results of analyzing the relation between network structure and research performance in accordance with the matter of supporting research funds, targeting the joint research theses in the culture technology(CT) area for five years from 2009 to 2013 in SCIE DB, when multiple research institutes are connected to each other, the number of thesis is increased. When the betweenness centrality is increased, the number of thesis is decreased. Also, the matter of supporting research funds has influence on network structure and research performance.

Case Study on Organization Entrepreneurship for preliminary Entrepreneurs (조직기업가정신이 예비창업자에게 주는 시사점)

  • Seon, Seung Won;Jang, Ae Sung;Han, Jung Hee
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.221-232
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    • 2014
  • Many preliminary entrepreneurs are ready to start a business in every year. However, starting and preparing business have a lot of difficulties. Entrepreneurship is the most important factor for overcoming these difficulties. But, it is not easy to understand entrepreneurship to founders despite many research scholars. In this paper, we are focused on easy understanding of entrepreneurs. Instead of vague theories, we analyzed selected two companies in Korea. From the beginning until now, these companies have founders entrepreneurship and organization entrepreneurship. we studied these entrepreneurship factors with other Various causes. Analysis of two cases is summarized into three type. First, both companies had well-founded internal network system. Trained employees in internal network were flexible to meet the market conditions. Also, network effect made that employees can offer their idea and make discussions. Second, The company quickly recognized for organizational culture despite of most other companies recent awareness. This factor was the basic driving force for solving human resource management problem of small size companies. final factor is innovation capacity of these companies. Financial difficulties experienced of establishment is common to every company. However, two companies has continued to invest research and development despite of this financial problem. As a result, intellectual property management was accepted, as well as technology development. Clearly, these three factors are consistently applied since established and led to the company's continued growth and success.

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An Empirical Study on Effects of Global Alliance Networks' Motives on Firm's Capabilities, Partner's Capabilities, Operating Structures, and Performances of Korean Companies (글로벌 제휴네트워크 추진 동기가 기업 역량, 파트너 역량, 운영구조, 제휴 성과에 미치는 영향에 관한 실증연구)

  • Jeong, Jong-Sik
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.249-269
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    • 2012
  • The focus of our work is to identify and understand the drivers of alliance performance so that businesses can maximize their chances of a successful alliance-an area that has received little attention in empirical modeling. Although both conceptual and applied research on alliances has increased, an empirically tested comprehensive theoretical model that explains alliance performance has yet to be developed. Using five salient perspective, namely market power theory, transaction cost theory, the resource-based view, institutional theory, real option theory, this paper attempts to provide a theoretical rationale linking motives of global alliance networks on firm's capabilities, partner's capabilities, operating structures, and performances of Korean companies. The key contribution of this study is that it paints a picture of what matters in driving alliance performance. Our work shows the complex nature of driving performance and the interplay of firm's capabilities, partner's capabilities, and operating structures for understanding alliance performances. This study has given us a small but significant step forward towards understanding the intricacies of alliance performance. We are now better able to understand the respective roles played by various alliance factors and derive insights that lead to improved alliance performance.

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A Study on the Factors Influencing Technology Innovation Capability on the Knowledge Management Performance of the Company: Focused on Government Small and Medium Venture Business R&D Business (기술혁신역량이 기업의 지식경영성과에 미치는 요인에 관한 연구: 정부 중소벤처기업 R&D사업을 중심으로)

  • Seol, Dong-Cheol;Park, Cheol-Woo
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.193-216
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    • 2020
  • Due to the recent mid- to long-term slump and falling growth rates in the global economy, interest in organizational structures that create new products or services as a new alternative to survive and develop in an opaque environment both internally and externally, and enhance organizational sustainability through changes in production methods and business innovation is increasing day by day. In this atmosphere, we agree that the growth of small and medium-sized venture companies has a significant impact on the national economy, and various efforts are being made to enhance the technological innovation capabilities of the members so that these small and medium-sized venture companies can enhance and sustain their performance. The purpose of this study is also to investigate how the technological innovation capabilities of small and medium-sized venture companies correlate with the performance of knowledge management and to analyze the role of network capabilities to organize the strategic activities of enterprise to obtain the resources and organizational capabilities to be used for value creation from external networks. In other words, research was conducted on the impact of technological innovation capabilities of small and medium venture companies on knowledge management performance by using network capabilities as parameters. Therefore, in this study, we would like to verify the hypothesis that innovation capabilities will have a positive impact on knowledge management performance by using network capabilities of small and medium venture companies. Economic activities based on technological innovation capabilities should respond quickly to new changes in an environment where uncertainty has increased, and lead to macro-economic growth and development as well as overcoming long-term economic downturns so that they can become the nation's new growth engine as well as sustainable growth and survival of the organization. In addition, this study was conducted by setting the most important knowledge management performance within the organization as a dependent variable. As a result, R&D and learning capabilities among technological innovation capabilities have no impact on financial performance. In contrast, it was shown that corporate innovation activities have a positive impact on both financial and non-financial performance. The fact that non-financial factors such as quality and productivity improvement are identified in the management of small and medium-sized venture companies utilizing their technological innovation capabilities is contrary to a number of studies by those corporate innovation activities affect financial performance during prior research. The reason for this result is that research companies have been out of start-up companies for more than seven years, but sales are less than 10 billion won, and unlike start-up companies, R&D and learning capabilities have more positive effects on intangible non-financial performance than financial performance. Corporate innovation activities have been shown to have a positive (+) impact on both financial and non-financial performance, while R&D and learning capabilities have a positive (+) impact on financial performance by parameters of network capability. Corporate innovation activities have been shown to have no impact on both financial and non-financial performance, and R&D and learning capabilities have no impact on non-financial performance. It could be seen that the parameter effects of network competency are limited to when R&D and learning competencies are derived from quantitative financial performance. It could be seen that the parameter effects of network competency are limited to when R&D and learning competencies are derived from quantitative financial performance.

Spatial Characteristics of Manufacturing Production and Innovation Networks of the Long-live Area of Gangwon and Jeju (강원.제주 장수지역의 제조업 생산 연계와 혁신 네트워크의 공간적 특성)

  • Jeong Eun-Jin;Song Kyung-Un;Park Sam-Ock
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.41 no.1 s.112
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    • pp.1-21
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    • 2006
  • Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze production and innovation networks of manufacturers in the rural, long-live areas of Gangwon Jeju and to suggest an ideal regional development model of rural areas in the knowledge-based information age. For this purpose, we compared the areas of Gangwon Jeju with the long-live belt areas in the rural pan of the Honan region and Gwangju Jeonju, the urban part of Honam. The findings from the study are summarized as follows. Firstly, the stronger the local networks in terms of supply of the necessary input materials and labor, the more successful the manufacturing industry is in the given area. Secondly, the more diverse and lasting the networks (in terms of the location of manufacturers, local area and national area) and cooperation agents(businesses, research institutions, the local government, the central government) they have, the more prosperous the manufacturing industry is. These results indicate that the successful development model for rural areas requires that we take the approach of fostering potential innovation capabilities of total areas by fully utilizing their innate resources so as to create an internal cooperative network and further build extensive networks encompassing external entities to create a virtual innovation cluster.