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Mediating Effect of Opportunity Recognition Among Entrepreneurial Alertness, Mentoring, & Number of Mentoring on New Ventures' Performance (기업가적 기민성과 멘토링 및 멘토링 횟수와 기업성과 관계에서 기회인지의 매개효과 영향)

  • Park, Mi-Jung;Lee, Seon-Ho;Hwangbo, Yun
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.1-24
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    • 2021
  • The Korean government is currently expanding the business startup incubator support program and funds for new ventures with innovative technology in order to spread the second venture boom. However, despite the fact that entrepreneurial education and mentoring that entrepreneurs should have are important parts for the sustainable growth of the startup, some companies selected for government support programs are reluctant to participate in programs such as entrepreneurship education and mentoring for the sole purpose of funding commercialization. This research addressed the effects of entrepreneurial alertness with opportunity awareness as its medium and the small business mentoring service along with the number of times the mentoring has taken place, on the corporate performances. The results of empirical research are as follow: the first one is that scanning-search and evaluation-judgment can influence a company's performance (financial, non-financial) through opportunity recognition, with the exception of association-connection, which is a sub-factor of entrepreneurial alertness. Secondly, it was found to affect a company's financial and non-financial performance through opportunity recognition for financing mentoring, technical support mentoring, and management support mentoring. Thirdly, it was found that the number of mentoring also affects the financial and non-financial performance of a company through opportunity recognition. The implications of this study are that it should be revisited that program managers consider rooms that do not violate the startup founder's strategic decision-making opportunities when designing and operating the program as entrepreneurial alertness sub-factor association-connection does not affect corporate performance through opportunity recognition. This study also emphasizes the need for customized mentoring to meet the outcome goals of each startup, as it has been empirically clarified that the mentoring provided to the startup by the government's support is important. The contribution of this research is that entrepreneurial alertness and opportunity recognition that are treated as important components in research for entrepreneurship, and the factors of mentoring and mentoring frequency that are recognized as important elements in the practical aspect of startup business are clarified theoretically and empirically as an influential factor in corporate performance. And this study also provide a rationale for the startup business support agency supplying mentoring.

Development of Vivorium, a new indoor horticultural ornamental plants via plant tissue culture techniques (식물조직배양 기술을 이용한 새로운 실내 원예 장식품인 비보리움(Vivorium)의 개발)

  • Hwang, Min Hee;Kim, Do Yeon;Cho, In Sun;Kim, Mi Hyung;Kwon, Hyun Sook;Kim, Jong Bo;Kim, Su Jung;Kim, Sun Hyung
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.179-185
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    • 2021
  • Indoor gardening includes wall greening, terrariums, and flower arrangements. Among these types of indoor gardens, the terrarium is easy to access for the general public, but in Korea, because of the focus on esthetics, the original purpose of creating terrariums, which was to grow plants sustainably in an enclosed space, has been lost. In addition, miniaturization of plants is required to grow plants in an enclosed space. Since the available plant species suitable for a terrarium are limited, only plants such as succulents, cacti, and moss have been used. In this study, Bronze (X Graptosedum) was used, and these problems were solved using the following three methods: placement and growth of virus-free plants in the terrarium; extending the diversity of plants with minimal size that can be planted in terrariums; and reducing the price of in vitro plants with minimal size by achieving large-scale production. In particular, tissue-cultured succulents were developed into a Vivorium by replacing the tissue culture container and renewing the composition of the plant. This paper suggests a new indoor horticultural field, Vivorium, that can improve the current limitations of terrariums and make them more accessible to the general public. The introduction and popularization of new indoor gardening fields with the increase in single-person households and indoor activities in the Pandemic era can also improve psychological stability among people and in the society.

Recovery Support Service for Neglected Children and Their Families of Origin: Status and Suggestions (방임 및 보호 아동·청소년 원가정 회복지원 시범사업의 현황과 과제)

  • Jeong, Jeeyoung;Anh, Jinkyung;Kim, Eunhye
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • Child abuse and neglect are recently increasing in Korea, and although the government has actively improved the child protection system, the number of abused children and the rate of cases judged as abuse have continuously risen. Given that 75% of child abusers are parents, child abuse and neglect are expected to recur. To prevent such a recurrence, various intervention programs for abused children and their parents are required. The purpose of this study were to design a recovery support service process and investigate the effectiveness of pilot program for families of origin, including neglected(protected) children, to improve the system by which these programs are operated, and formulate policy alternatives that reinforce "family preservation" principles. The pilot program was implemented from June to November 2020 in 4-local healthy family support center. The number of program participants and the frequency of participation in each other differed, because of the difference in number of confirmed coronavirus cases in each region and the requirement for social distancing. Through the program, a community-based service process was developed for neglected(protected) children and their parents, and cooperative networks between related facilities and institutions were established. The study formulated the following recommendations: First, a cooperation system among government departments mandated to provide different services to neglected(protected) children is needed. Second, wider and various channels through which abused children can avail of protective services should be developed within communities. Third, more stable environments for program operation should be cultivated, and cooperative partnerships should be sought for knowledge sharing among relevant government departments. Another necessary measure is for a center to develop its own business model, in which the duplication of services provided by involved organizations is avoided. Finally, clear guidelines, administrative standards, and specific plans for program operation should be arranged. Also regional characteristics are maintained, but services should be standardized.

Study of major issues and trends facing ports, using big data news: From 1991 to 2020 (뉴스 빅데이터를 활용한 항만이슈 변화연구 : 1991~2020)

  • Yoon, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed issues and trends related to ports with 86,611 news articles for the 30 years from 1991 to 2020, using BIGKinds, a big data news analysis service. The analysis was based on keyword analysis, word cloud, relationship diagram analysis offered by BIG Kinds. Analysis results of issues and trends on ports for the last 30 years are summarized as follows. First, during Phase 1 (1991-2000), individual ports such as Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports tried to strengthen their own competitiveness. During Phase 2 (2001-2010), efforts were made on gaining more professional and specialized port management abilities by establishing the Busan Port Authority in 2004, the Incheon Port Authority in 2005, and the Ulsan Port Authority in 2007. During Phase 3 (2011-2020), the promotion of future-oriented, eco-friendly, and smart ports was major issues. Efforts to reduce particulate matters and pollutants produced from ports were accelerated, and an attempt to build a smart port driven by port automation and digitalization was also intensified. Lastly, in 2020, when the maritime sector was severely hit by the unexpected shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, a microscopic analysis of trends and issues in 2019 and 2020 was made to look into the impact the pandemic on the maritime industry. It was found that shipping and port industries experienced more drastic changes than ever while trying to prepare for a post-pandemic era as well as promoting future-oriented ports. This study made policy suggestions by analyzing port-related news articles and trends, and it is expected that based on the findings of this research, further studies on enhancing the competitiveness of ports and devising a sustainable development strategy will follow through a comparative analysis of port issues of different countries, thereby making further progress toward academic research on ports.

Assessment Selective Breeding Effect of Israeli carp (Cyprinus carpio) from Korea (국내 이스라엘 잉어의 선발육종효과 평가)

  • Kim, Jung Eun;Hwang, Ju-ae;Kim, Hyeong Su;Im, Jae Hyun;Lee, Jeong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.210-221
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    • 2020
  • Since the introduction of Israeli carp into Korea for farming in 1973, there are no breeding studies on developing Korea Israeli carp (domestic) so far. This study performed gene-based cross-breeding studies to restore genetic diversity of lowered Israeli carp through continuous inbreeding, and for rapid growth and better scales. This study produced four cross-breeding groups (F1) using Koean Israeli carp and Chinese Songpu mirror carp for the improvement of growth and scale of Israeli carp in Korea. And mating scheme for breeding groups was set in consideration of the morphological analysis and genetic distance of broodstock. In addition, this study used microsatellite markers and genotype data to analyze genetic diversity and parentage analysis. As a result, the average NA and HE values of Korean select broodstock are 8.3 and 0.743, and F1 is 13.0 and 0.764. This study shows that the genetic diversity of F1 has been recovered over Korean Israeli carp through breeding between Korean Israeli carp and Chinese Songpu mirror carp. Common Israeli carp in Korea reached 1.7 kg in 17 months, and improved Israeli carp reached to 2.2 kg. The KC (Korea×China, KC) group was 2.52 and broodstock group was 3.15. F1 showed lower scale score (0.63) than broodstock. The improved carp (F1; CK, KC) had 20% better scales than the parent group (F0), which improved 27% in weight and 25% in scales compared to common Israeli carp. The Israeli carp developed by the genetics-based breeding grew quicker and had improved genetic diversity and fewer scales, which will be of great value for Korean Israeli aquaculture industry due to good marketability.

Anti-oxidative and Anti-cancer Activities of Ethanol Extract of Litsea populifolia (인체 폐암 세포주 A549에서 Litsea populifolia 추출물의 항산화 및 항암활성 분석)

  • Jin, Soojung;Oh, You Na;Jeong, Hyun Young;Yun, Hee Jung;Park, Jung-ha;Kwon, Hyun Ju;Kim, Byung Woo
    • Journal of Life Science
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.679-687
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    • 2019
  • Litsea populifolia, a plant species of the Lauraceae family, is widely distributed in the tropical and subtropical areas of Asia. The phylogenetic relationships and botanical characteristics of L. populifolia have been reported; however, its anti-oxidative and anti-cancer activities remain unclear. In this study, we evaluated the anti-oxidative and anti-cancer effects of ethanol extracts of L. populifolia (EELP) together with the molecular mechanism of its anti-cancer activity in human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells. EELP showed significant anti-oxidative effects with a 50% inhibitory concentration at $11.71{\mu}g/ml$, which was measured by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay. EELP exhibited cytotoxic activity and induced cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase in A549 cells in a dose-dependent manner, whereas EELP did not have the cytotoxic effect on the normal human lung cell line IMR90. Treatment with EELP also resulted in a decreased expression of G1/S transition-related molecules-including cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) 2, CDK6, cyclin D1, and cyclin E-both for the transcription and translation levels. EELP-induced G1 arrest was associated with the phosphorylation of checkpoint kinase 2 (CHK2), p53, cell division cycle 25 homolog A (CDC25A), and the reduction of CDC25A expression in A549 cells. Collectively, these results suggest that EELP may exert an anti-cancer effect by cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase through both p53-dependent and p53-independent (ATM/CHK2/CDC25A/CDK2) pathways in A549 cells.

Real-time CRM Strategy of Big Data and Smart Offering System: KB Kookmin Card Case (KB국민카드의 빅데이터를 활용한 실시간 CRM 전략: 스마트 오퍼링 시스템)

  • Choi, Jaewon;Sohn, Bongjin;Lim, Hyuna
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2019
  • Big data refers to data that is difficult to store, manage, and analyze by existing software. As the lifestyle changes of consumers increase the size and types of needs that consumers desire, they are investing a lot of time and money to understand the needs of consumers. Companies in various industries utilize Big Data to improve their products and services to meet their needs, analyze unstructured data, and respond to real-time responses to products and services. The financial industry operates a decision support system that uses financial data to develop financial products and manage customer risks. The use of big data by financial institutions can effectively create added value of the value chain, and it is possible to develop a more advanced customer relationship management strategy. Financial institutions can utilize the purchase data and unstructured data generated by the credit card, and it becomes possible to confirm and satisfy the customer's desire. CRM has a granular process that can be measured in real time as it grows with information knowledge systems. With the development of information service and CRM, the platform has change and it has become possible to meet consumer needs in various environments. Recently, as the needs of consumers have diversified, more companies are providing systematic marketing services using data mining and advanced CRM (Customer Relationship Management) techniques. KB Kookmin Card, which started as a credit card business in 1980, introduced early stabilization of processes and computer systems, and actively participated in introducing new technologies and systems. In 2011, the bank and credit card companies separated, leading the 'Hye-dam Card' and 'One Card' markets, which were deviated from the existing concept. In 2017, the total use of domestic credit cards and check cards grew by 5.6% year-on-year to 886 trillion won. In 2018, we received a long-term rating of AA + as a result of our credit card evaluation. We confirmed that our credit rating was at the top of the list through effective marketing strategies and services. At present, Kookmin Card emphasizes strategies to meet the individual needs of customers and to maximize the lifetime value of consumers by utilizing payment data of customers. KB Kookmin Card combines internal and external big data and conducts marketing in real time or builds a system for monitoring. KB Kookmin Card has built a marketing system that detects realtime behavior using big data such as visiting the homepage and purchasing history by using the customer card information. It is designed to enable customers to capture action events in real time and execute marketing by utilizing the stores, locations, amounts, usage pattern, etc. of the card transactions. We have created more than 280 different scenarios based on the customer's life cycle and are conducting marketing plans to accommodate various customer groups in real time. We operate a smart offering system, which is a highly efficient marketing management system that detects customers' card usage, customer behavior, and location information in real time, and provides further refinement services by combining with various apps. This study aims to identify the traditional CRM to the current CRM strategy through the process of changing the CRM strategy. Finally, I will confirm the current CRM strategy through KB Kookmin card's big data utilization strategy and marketing activities and propose a marketing plan for KB Kookmin card's future CRM strategy. KB Kookmin Card should invest in securing ICT technology and human resources, which are becoming more sophisticated for the success and continuous growth of smart offering system. It is necessary to establish a strategy for securing profit from a long-term perspective and systematically proceed. Especially, in the current situation where privacy violation and personal information leakage issues are being addressed, efforts should be made to induce customers' recognition of marketing using customer information and to form corporate image emphasizing security.

A Study on the Application Effect of Central-Grid PV System at a Streetlamp using RETScreen - A Case Study of Gwangjin-gu - (RETScreen을 이용한 가로등의 계통연계형 태양광시스템 적용 효과 분석 - 서울시 광진구를 중심으로 -)

  • Kang, Seongmin;Choi, Bong-Seok;Kim, Seungjin;Mun, Hyo-dong;Lee, Jeongwoo;Park, Nyun-Bae;Jeon, Eui-Chan
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • With continued economic growth, Korea has seen an increase in the nighttime activities of its citizens as hours of activity have extended into night. There is an increasing trend in energy consumption related to citizens' nighttime activities. In order to analyze ideas for an efficient replacement of the power consumption of streetlights and for profit generation by applying grid-type solar systems, this study used an RETScreen model. Through energy analysis and cost analysis, the application benefit and viability of grid-type solar street light systems were analyzed. With analysis result of a total weekly power generation of 114 kWh via a grid-connected solar streetlight system, it was shown that the net present value of a grid-connected solar street light system is 155,362 KRW, which would mean a payback period of about 5.2 years, and as such, it was shown that profit could be generated after about 6 years. In addition, if the grid-connected solar power generation system proposed by this study is to be applied, it was shown that 401,935 KRW in profit could be generated after the 20-year useful life set for the solar system. In addition, the sensitivity analysis was performed taking into account the price fluctuations of SMP, maintenance. As a result, a payback period has increased by 1~2 years, and there were no significant differences. Because the most important factor that affect the economic analysis is the cost of supply certification of renewable energy, a stable sales and acquisition of this certification are very important. the Seoul-type Feed in Tariff(FIT) connected to other institutions will enable steady sales by confirming to purchase the certification for 12 years. Therefore, if those issues mentioned above are properly reflected, Central-grid PV system project will be able to perform well in the face of unfavorable condition of solar PV installation.

An Exploratory Study on Smart Wearable and Game Service Design for U-Silver Generation: U-Hospital Solution for the Induction of Interest to Carry Out Personalized Exercise Prescription (U-실버세대를 위한 스마트 웨어러블 및 연동 게임의 서비스 디자인 방안 탐색: 개인 맞춤형 운동처방 실행을 위한 흥미 유도 목적의 U-Hospital 솔루션)

  • Park, Su Youn;Lee, Joo Hyeon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2019
  • The U-Healthcare era has evolved with the development of the Internet of things (IoT) in the early stages of being connected as a society. Already, many changes such as increased well-being and the extension of human life are becoming evident across cultures. Korea entered the growing group of aging societies in 2017, and its silver industry is expected to grow rapidly by adopting the IoT of a super-connected society. In particular, the senior shift phenomenon has resulted in increased interest in the promotion of the health and well-being of the emergent silver generation which, unlike the existing silver generation, is highly active and wields great economic power. This study conducted in-depth interviews to investigate the characteristics of the new silver generation, and to develop the design for a wearable serious game that intends to boost the interest of the elderly in exercise and fitness activities according to their personalized physical training regimes as prescribed by the U-Hospital service. The usage scenario of this wearable serious game for the 'U-silver generation' is derived from social necessity. Medical professionals can utilize this technology to conduct health examinations and to monitor the rehabilitation of senior patients. The elderly can also use this tool to request checkups or to interface with their healthcare providers. The wearable serious game is further aimed at mitigating concerns about the deterioration of the physical functions of the silver generation by applying personalized exercise prescriptions. The present investigation revealed that it is necessary to merge the on / off line community activities to meet the silver generation's daily needs for connection and friendship. Further, the sustainability of the serious game must be enhanced through the inculcation of a sense of accomplishment as a player rises through the levels of the game. The proposed wearable serious game is designed specifically for the silver generation that is inexperienced in using digital devices: simple game rules are applied to a familiar interface grounded on the gourmet travels preferred by the target players to increase usability.

Effects of Environmental Factors on Phytoplankton Succession and Community Structure in Lake Chuncheon, South Korea (환경요인이 춘천호의 식물플랑크톤 천이 및 군집구조에 미치는 영향)

  • Baek, Jun-Soo;Youn, Seok-Jea;Kim, Hun-Nyun;Sim, Youn-Bo;Yoo, Soon-Ju;Im, Jong-Kwon
    • Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2019
  • Effects of environmental factors on phytoplankton succession and community structure were studied in Lake Chuncheon located in Bukhan River, South Korea. The data were sampled at three sites such as CC1 (lower side), CC2 (middle side), and CC3 (upper side of Lake Chuncheon) from 2014 to 2017. The annual average precipitation in Lake Chuncheon was 992 mm during the study period (2014~2017), and the annual precipitation was lower than 800 mm in 2014 and 2015. The annual average water temperature, total phosphorus (TP), and total nitrogen (TN) ranged from 17.0 to $21.1^{\circ}C$, 0.012 to $0.019mg\;L^{-1}$, and 1.272 to $1.922mg\;L^{-1}$, respectively. The TN concentration was relatively high in 2015 compared with the other study years, as a drought continued from 2014 to 2015. When comparing the correlation between precipitation and environmental factors, water temperature (p<0.01) and TP(p<0.05) showed positive correlations with rainfall. The average numbers of phytoplankton cells by branch were 2,094, 2,182, and $3,108cells\;mL^{-1}$ in CC1, CC2, and CC3, respectively. CC3 is considered advantageous for phytoplankton growth, even in small pollution sources due to low water depth. As a result of analyzing the relationship between precipitation and phytoplankton, the correlation between the two was shown to be high for 2016 (p<0.01) and 2017 (p<0.05), which is when precipitation was high. However, the correlation was not clear to 2014 and 2015. The relationship between water temperature and phytoplankton indicated a negative correlation with diatoms (p<0.01), yet positive correlations with green algae (p<0.01) and cyanobacteria (p<0.01). Diatoms increased in spring and autumn, which are characterized by low water temperature, and green algae and cyanobacteria increased in summer, when the water temperature is high. Our findings provide a scientific basis for characteristics of phytoplankton and water quality and management at the Lake Chuncheon.