• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지리인자

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A Analysis of Freight Volume and Freight Truck Flows for Efficient Urban Goods Movement at Incheon City (인천시의 효율적인 도시물류정비를 위한 화물물동량 및 화물차의 유동특성분석)

  • Yun, Jeong Mi;Park, Sang Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.166-174
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    • 2005
  • Plan of Logistics facility and Management of Freight trucks need for Efficient Improvement of Urban Goods Movement. For this, it need to clear flow pattern of Freight volumes and Freight trucks on urban space. Therefor, The purpose of this study is to clear space flow pattern of Freight volumes and Freight trucks as base data for Plan of Urban Goods Movement on Incheon city. Incheon city is selected because it is at sea & air ports and carries out various Activity of Urban Goods Movement. As the result of this study, it understands and analyzes Characteristic on flow pattern of Freight volumes and Freight trucks. Through this study, we'll expect that this results could be contributed in the understand of actual conditions of Freight volume and freight trucks and the basic data for Improvement of urban goods movement and the management policy of freight trucks in urban goods movement.

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Regional Safety Assesment Due to Urban Flood Using GIS (GIS를 이용한 도시홍수에 대한 지역안전도 평가)

  • Yeo, Chang-Geon;Seo, Geun-Soon;Song, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2011
  • Flood disasters on the metropolis where population and facilities were densely concentrated cause an enormous damage, therefore it is important to find risk and vulnerable area for floods, and then mid-long term disaster reduction plan should be established by the results. However, there is no rational method which reflects urban characteristics to estimate the regional safety for flood. so it is necessary to develop the standardized method of regional safety assesment due to urban flood. The proposed regional safety assesment model in this study was combined risk and mitigation score which consisted of three and two element, and 12 assesment factors which effect flood disasters were selected. And then the integrated regional safety was estimated by subtracting mitigation score from risk score. GIS tool was used to estimate the factor assesment and integrated regional safety. Developed regional safety assesment model was applied in Seoul to evaluate the suitability.

The Characteristics of Regional Structure in Metropolitan and Surrounding Areas using ArcView (ArcView를 이용한 대도시와 주변도시의 특성분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Kwan;Kang, Gi-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.217-226
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of regional structure in metropolitan and surrounding areas in Busan metropolitan and Gyeongsang-Namdo. An analysis of urban growth factors with change process, that data suggests a urban management direction of Busan metropolitan and Gyeongsang-Namdo for the future. The findings of this study are summarized as follows: 1) factor analysis result 5 factors appeared, with this result use to cluster analysis of all 4 cluster. 2) The regional structure of Busan metropolitan and Gyeongsang-Namdo are accelerated know that is most industry connection areas concentration of southeast. 3) It is considered to regional development must be activated.

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Flood Runoff Analysis using TOPMODEL Linked with Muskingum Method - Anseong-cheon Watershed - (TOPMODEL과 Muskingum 기법을 연계한 안성천 유역의 홍수유출 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyung-Joong;Kim, Seong-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2003
  • In this study, TOPMODEL(TOPography based hydrologic MODEL) was tested linked with Muskingum river routing technique for $581.7km^2$ Anseong-cheon watershed. Linear trend surface interpolation was used to give flow direction for flat areas located in downstream watershed. MDF (multiple flow direction) algorithm was adopted to derive the distribution of ln(a/$tan{\beta}$) values of the model. Because the coarser DEM resolution, the greater information loss, the watershed was divided into subwaterhseds to keep DEM resolution, and the simulation result of the upstream watershed was transferred to downstream watershed by Muskingum techniques. Relative error of the simulated result by 500 m DEM resolution showed 27.2 %. On the other hand, the relative error of the simulated result of 300 m DEM resolution by linked 2 subwatersheds with Muskingum method showed 15.8 %.

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Estimation of Areal Evapotranspiration Using NDVI and Temperature Data (NDVI와 기온자료를 이용한 광역증발산량의 추정)

  • Shin, Sha-Chul;An, Tae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.79-89
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    • 2004
  • Remote sensing technique is a probable means to estimate distribution of actual evapotranspiration in connection with regional characteristics of vegetation and landuse. The factors controlling evapotranspiration from ground surface are air temperature, humidity, wind, radiation, soil moisture and so on. Not only the vegetation influences directly the evapotranspiration, but also these factors strongly influences the vegetation growth at the area. Therefore, it can be expected that evapotranspiration is highly correlated to vegetation condition. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed excellent ability to get the vegetation information. The NDVI is obtained using NOAA/AVHRR have been studied as a tool for vegetation monitoring. In this paper, a simple method to estimate actual avapotranspiration is proposed based on vegetation and meteorological data.

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An Approach to Drought Vulnerability Assessment using TOPSIS Method (TOPSIS을 적용한 가뭄취약성 평가 방법에 관한 연구)

  • LEE, Chang-Woo;SHIN, Hyung-Jin;KWON, Min-Sung;LEE, Gyu-Min;NAM, Sang-Hyeok;KANG, Mun-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.102-115
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to establish and apply a drought vulnerability assessment plan including various factors related to drought. The evaluation technique consisted of three stages: evaluation factor and weight selection, evaluation data database construction, evaluation data and weight combination, and Delphi investigation method was applied to evaluation factor and weight selection. As the evaluation method, the TOPSIS method, which is a widely used MCDM method, was used. The results of the drought vulnerability assessment were applied to the administrative districts of Sigun-gu, Korea from March 2016 to September 2019. As a result of the evaluation, drought vulnerable areas were identified in Chungcheongbuk-do, Gyeongsangnam-do, and Jeollanam-do, and it was analyzed that it is necessary to establish drought response plans for these areas.

Zoning Suitability Analysis to Reduce First-flush Runoff Contamination in a Separated Sewer System (분류식 하수지역의 초기 유출수 오염저감을 위한 용도지구별 적지 분석)

  • Park, In-Hyeok;Ha, Sung-Ryong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2008
  • This paper aim to reorganize zoning areas for decreasing first-flush runoff contamination in a separated sewer system via suitability analysis, and to simulate the discharge pollution loads of first-flush runoff using SWMM. For these purposes, diffuse pollution, which is accumulated on a surface and first-flush runoff flow were investigated. Suitability conditions for zoning were defined using the results of these investigation and suitable zoning areas were analyzed for the each condition. AHP analysis was conducted to establish weights of the suitability conditions. The most suitable zoning areas were analyzed via overlaying weights and suitability conditions. From the result, it was noted that the most suitable zones for detached houses & apartments are location they already occupied. Some school areas analyzed were found to be suitable as commercial centers. Some zones within the area analyzed were found to be suitable for commercial zones. From results obtained from simulation, the zone re-organization showed BOD and SS concentration to reduce from 91.2% to 0.09% ans 72.74% to 0.31% respectively.

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Influence of Expectations, Norms and Motives on Perceived Conflict -At a Campground in Chirisan National Park- (휴양객(休養客)의 기대(期待), 규범(規範) 및 휴양동기(休養動機)가 상충인지(相衝認知)에 미치는 영향(影響) -지리산(智異山) 국립공원(國立公園) 야영장(野營場)을 대상(對象)으로-)

  • Kim, Sang-Oh;Shelby, Bo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.85 no.4
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    • pp.647-655
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    • 1996
  • This paper examined the effects of users' expectations, norms and recreation motives on perceived conflict in a recreation setting. The study used data collected at Second Campground in Chirisan National Park, Korea, during the summer of 1994. Of the total 280 questionnaires distributed, 253 questionnaires(90.4%) were usable. About 82% of the respondents perceived conflict by others' late-night-singing. This study supported the notion that perceived conflict occurs when norms, expectations, and recreation motives are interfered with by others' incompatible behaviors. Solitude/nature motive factor was a better predictor of perceived conflict than norm-interference or expectation-interference. However, the relative predictability of each variable on perceived conflict could be various depending on different kinds of recreation motives, specific ways of measuring norms, expectations and conflict. Management implications were discussed.

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The Analysis of Optimum Resolution with Different Scale of Soil Map for the Calculation of Soil Loss (토양침식량 산정에서 토양도 축척에 따른 적정 해상도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Greun-Sang;Jang, Young-Ryul;Cho, Gi-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2003
  • RUSLE(revised universal soil loss equation) has been widely used for estimating soil loss. It is very difficult to validate the model estimation since the calculated soil loss should be compared with the survey data for quantification. The input variables for RUSLE model were estimated to grid cell for raster analysis in Bosung basin. Both reconnaissance(1:250,000) and detailed(1:25,000) soil maps were used to derive the input variables for soil erodibility factor. Soil loss calculated using RUSLE were compared to the unit sediment deposit surveyed by KICT(Korea Institute of Construction Technology, 1992) in Bosung basin for assessment. Unit sediment deposit from the cell size of 120m and 150m were the closest to the survey data in 1:250,000 and 1:25,000 map scale, respectively.

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Logistic Regression and GIS based Urban Ground Sink Susceptibility Assessment Considering Soil Particle Loss (토립자 유실을 고려한 로지스틱 회귀분석 및 GIS 기반 도시 지반함몰 취약성 평가)

  • Suh, Jangwon;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Yum, Byoung-Woo
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.149-163
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents a logistic regression and GIS based urban ground sink susceptibility assessment using underground facility information considering soil particle loss. In the underground environment, the particle loss due to water flow or groundwater level change leads to the occurrence and expansion of cavities, which directly affect the ground sink. Four different contributory factors were selected according to the two underground facility domains (water pipeline area, sewer pipeline area) and subway line area. The logistic regression method was used to analyze the correlation and to derive the regression equation between the ground sink inventory and the contributory factors. Based on these results, three ground sink susceptibility maps were generated. The results obtained from this study are expected to provide basic data on the area susceptible to ground sink and needed to safety monitoring.