• Title/Summary/Keyword: 지능형 정보 공간

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Energy Demand Estimation in Metropolitan Area in Case of Emergency using Spatial Information (공간정보를 활용한 대도시권역 비상시 에너지 수요량 예측)

  • Nam, Gyeongmok;Lee, Hong Chul;Lee, Dong-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2019
  • Due to abnormal high temperature, electric power demand has exceeded the backup power reserved for emergency case, hence, resulting in a major power outage. In today's overcrowded cities, the unexpected disruption in energy supply and demand is a major threat to the enormous economic damage and urban malfunctions. Existing methods for estimating the demand of the emergency power source do not lend themselves to predict the actual demand in the spatial dimension of the city. In addition, the reserve power is arbitrarily distributed in the case of emergency. This paper presents a method that predicts the emergency power demand using the spatial distribution of emergency power demand by applying the daily energy consumption intensity and emergency power demand according to urban spatial information and building use.

An Analysis on the Evolutionary Characteristics of Ubiquitous City through Evolutionary Map of Ubiquitous City (유시티 진화 지도를 통한 유시티 진화 특성 분석)

  • JO, Sung-Soo;LEE, Sang-Ho;LEEM, Youn-Taik
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.75-91
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    • 2015
  • This study aims to analyse the U-City characteristics through the U-City historical mapping. The U-City characteristics were analysed by building the U-City historical map in terms of STIM model which consists of service, technology, infrastructure and management. The data for analysis is the National Informatization White Paper published by the NIA (National Information Society Agency) from 2002 to 2013. As a result, first, the U-City service were evolved from administration informatization, enterprise informatization, administration/living informatization and administration/space/private informatization through the intelligence facilities and space. Second, the U-City technology were changed through wire network, sensor/network, processing/super-highway network, convergence of network/security. Third, the U-City infrastructure have had evolutionary process such as wire computer network, wire/wireless network, intellectualization facility and intelligent facility space. Forth, the U-City management were carried out with making the unit network/infrastructure management, information connection/operating management and information integration/participation management. Therefore, the history of U-City has been making rapid development in government computerization, computer oriented society, information city and ubiquitous city.

Heel Trajectory Analysis Method of Walking using a Wearable Sensor (착용형 센서를 이용한 보행 뒤꿈치 궤적 분석 방법)

  • Hee-Chan Kim;Hyun-Jin Choi
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.731-736
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    • 2023
  • Walking is a periodic motion that contains specific phases and is a basic movement method for humans. Through gait analysis, various musculoskeletal health conditions can be identified. In this study, we propose a calf wearable sensor system that can perform gait analysis without space limitations. Using a ToF(: Time-of-Flight) sensor that measures distance and an IMU(: Inertial Measurement Unit) sensor that measures inclination the heel trajectory of walking was derived by proposed method. In case of abnormal gait with risk of fall, gait is evaluated by analyzing the change pattern of the heel trajectory.

Factors Affecting Individual Effectiveness in Metaverse Workplaces and Moderating Effect of Metaverse Platforms: A Modified ESP Theory Perspective (메타버스 작업공간의 개인적 효과에 영향 및 메타버스 플랫폼의 조절효과에 대한 연구: 수정된 ESP 이론 관점으로)

  • Jooyeon Jeong;Ohbyung Kwon
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.207-228
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    • 2023
  • After COVID-19, organizations have widely adopted platforms such as zoom or developed their proprietary online real-time systems for remote work, with recent forays into incorporating the metaverse for meetings and publicity. While ongoing studies investigate the impact of avatar customization, expansive virtual environments, and past virtual experiences on participant satisfaction within virtual reality or metaverse settings, the utilization of the metaverse as a dedicated workspace is still an evolving area. There exists a notable gap in research concerning the factors influencing the performance of the metaverse as a workspace, particularly in non-immersive work-type metaverses. Unlike studies focusing on immersive virtual reality or metaverses emphasizing immersion and presence, the majority of contemporary work-oriented metaverses tend to be non-immersive. As such, understanding the factors that contribute to the success of these existing non-immersive metaverses becomes crucial. Hence, this paper aims to empirically analyze the factors impacting personal outcomes in the non-immersive metaverse workspace and derive implications from the results. To achieve this, the study adopts the Embodied Social Presence (ESP) model as a theoretical foundation, modifying and proposing a research model tailored to the non-immersive metaverse workspace. The findings validate that the impact of presence on task engagement and task involvement exhibits a moderating effect based on the metaverse platform used. Following interviews with participants engaged in non-immersive metaverse workplaces (specifically Gather Town and Ifland), a survey was conducted to gather comprehensive insights.

A Study on the Traction System and Cost Calculation of the Illegal Parking Car (Centering around Bucheon City) (불법 주.정차 차량의 견인실태 및 비용산출에 관한 연구 (부천시를 중심으로))

  • 김종민;남궁호봉
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.143-156
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    • 2003
  • 도시로의 집중현상에 따라 차량이 증가함으로 한정된 공간에서의 도시교통난이 계속 악화되고 있는 실정이다. 도로상의 불법 주ㆍ정차위반차량으로 인해 차량소통에 불편을 주고, 주거 및 교통환경을 저해하기 때문에 견인업무는 주차정책을 실현시키는 강력한 수단으로써 반드시 필요하지만, 우리나라에서 불법 주ㆍ정차 차량의 견인부분에 대한 연구 및 결과는 극히 미비한 실정이다. 이에 따라 본 연구에서는 우리나라 주요 도시를 대상으로 불법 주ㆍ정차 차량의 견인운행 실태 및 특징을 비교, 견인제도의 문제점을 분석하여 개선방안을 검토하고자 하였다. 이의 내용으로는 각 시에서 추진 및 계획중인 지능형 교통체계(ITS), 버스 정보시스템(BIS) 및 차량 위치 자동 표시기(AVM)를 연계시켜 공차거리를 줄이는 등의 첨단체계를 구축하여 견인차량에 대한 운영을 효율적으로 하여야 할 것이고, 요금의 구조도 서울을 제외한 기존의 3단계 톤급별 요금구조에서 장래 대형차의 견인을 감안한 4단계의 톤급별 요금구조로의 조정방안이 필요하다. 견인비용에 있어서도 대부분의 도시가 수년전의 여건을 근거로 산출한 결과를 기준으로 요금을 징수하고 있어 현실에 맞지 않는 요금체계를 적용시키고 있는 실정이다. 따라서, 견인비용부분에 대하여도 장래의 경제여건을 감안한 탄력적 요금체계를 설정하여 경영합리화를 유도함이 바람직하다. 부가하여, 견인원가에 대한 사례분석 결과는 부천시를 중심으로 하여 현실성 있는 견인비용을 제시코자 하였다.

A Spatiotemporal Location Prediction Method of Moving Objects Based on Path Data (이동 경로 데이터에 기반한 이동 객체의 시공간 위치 예측 기법)

  • Yoon, Tae-Bok;Park, Kyo-Hyun;Lee, Jee-Hyong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.568-574
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    • 2006
  • User adaptive services have been important features in many applications. To provide such services, various techniques with various kinds of data are being used. In this paper, we propose a method to analyze user's past moving paths and predict the goal position and the path to the goal by observing the user's current moving path. We develop a spatiotemporal similarity measure between paths. We choose a past path which is the most similar to the current path using the similarity. Based on the chosen path, user's spatiotemporal position is estimated. Through experiments we confirm this method is useful and effective.

Designing Augmented Spatial Experiences of Architectural Heritage - Information Modeling for Intelligent Content Service Platform - (건축문화유산의 공간경험 디자인 - 지능형 콘텐츠 서비스 플랫폼과 정보표현체계 -)

  • Jang, Sun-Young;Kim, Seongjun;Kim, Sung-Ah
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Planning & Design
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2019
  • Currently, museums and architectural heritage provide augmented user experiences by incorporating various media technologies. They still, however, suffer from the limitation of entertainment-based and the provision of location-based simple and repetitive contents. In addition, while acting as a key medium of experience for architectural heritage, the concept of space is not properly reflected in current services. The purpose of this study is to design user space experience considering such characteristics of architectural heritage. The spatial experience content and content production platform are defined. This software platform creates content that enhances the experience of the place by giving a context-based digital data associated with space and objects. The spatial experience content is designed as a series of experience sequences. The composition of the sequence borrows the method of film and narrative which segment and connect consecutive experiences on a scene basis considering user's detailed spatial experience. Therefore, content components can be combined and reproduced in various types. Augmented contents were extracted by using rule-based reasoning function of ontology at the moment. As a practical example of architectural heritage, the Seokjojeon Hall is used to reveal a spatial experience scenario.

Implementation of Context aware Learning System by Designing Ubiquitous Learning Space and OWL Context Model (유비쿼터스 학습공간과 OWL 상황 모델 설계를 통한 상황 인식 학습 시스템 구현)

  • Hong, Myoung-Woo;Lee, Young-Whan
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.99-109
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    • 2011
  • Ubiquitous computing technology makes an impact on the appearance of u-learning and presents an advanced direction of futuristic school education. In ubiquitous learning environments, various embedded computational devices will be pervasive and interoperable across the network for supporting the learning, so users may utilize these devices anytime anywhere. An important next step for ubiquitous learning is the introduction of context-aware learning service that employing knowledge and reasoning to understand the local context and share this information in support of intelligent learning services. However, the existing studies on design and application of ontology context model to support context-aware service in actual school environments are incomplete state. This paper, therefore, suggests a scheme of constructing ubiquitous learning space for existing school network by introducing USN to support context-aware ubiquitous learning services. This paper, also, designs an ontology based context model for ubiquitous school environments which describes context information through OWL. To determine the suitability of proposed ubiquitous learning space and ontology context model, we implement some of context-aware learning services in the ubiquitous learning environments.

A Study on Implementation of a Disaster Crisis Alert System based on National Disaster Management System

  • Hyong-Seop, Shim
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.55-63
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a function and service of the Disaster Crisis Alert Management System that automatically analyzes the situation judgment criteria to issue a disaster crisis alert and a plan to operate in the National Disaster Management System(NDMS). In the event of a disaster, a crisis alert(interest-caution-alert-serious) is issued according to the crisis alert level. In order to automatically analyze and determine the crisis alert level, first, data collection, crisis alert level analysis, crisis alert level judgment, and disaster crisis alert management system that expresses the crisis alert level by spatial scale(province, city, district) were implemented. The crisis alert level was analyzed and expressed in two ways by applying the intelligent crisis alert level(determination of regional sensitivity, risk level, and crisis alert level) and the crisis alert standard of the crisis management manual(province-level standard setting). Second, standard metadata, linkage of situation information of target) and API standards for data provision are presented to jointly utilize data linkage and crisis alert data of the disaster and safety data sharing platform so that it can be operated within the NDMS.

Designing an Intelligent Advertising Business Model in Seoul's Metro Network (서울지하철의 지능형 광고 비즈니스모델 설계)

  • Musyoka, Kavoya Job;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2017
  • Modern businesses are adopting new technologies to serve their markets better as well as to improve efficiency and productivity. The advertising industry has continuously experienced disruptions from the traditional channels (radio, television and print media) to new complex ones including internet, social media and mobile-based advertising. This case study focuses on proposing intelligent advertising business model in Seoul's metro network. Seoul has one of the world's busiest metro network and transports a huge number of travelers on a daily basis. The high number of travelers coupled with a well-planned metro network creates a platform where marketers can initiate engagement and interact with both customers and potential customers. In the current advertising model, advertising is on illuminated and framed posters in the stations and in-car, non-illuminated posters, and digital screens that show scheduled arrivals and departures of metros. Some stations have digital screens that show adverts but they do not have location capability. Most of the current advertising media have one key limitation: space. For posters whether illuminated or not, one space can host only one advert at a time. Empirical literatures show that there is room for improving this advertising model and eliminate the space limitation by replacing the poster adverts with digital advertising platform. This new model will not only be digital, but will also provide intelligent advertising platform that is driven by data. The digital platform will incorporate location sensing, e-commerce, and mobile platform to create new value to all stakeholders. Travel cards used in the metro will be registered and the card scanners will have a capability to capture traveler's data when travelers tap their cards. This data once analyzed will make it possible to identify different customer groups. Advertisers and marketers will then be able to target specific customer groups, customize adverts based on the targeted consumer group, and offer a wide variety of advertising formats. Format includes video, cinemagraphs, moving pictures, and animation. Different advert formats create different emotions in the customer's mind and the goal should be to use format or combination of formats that arouse the expected emotion and lead to an engagement. Combination of different formats will be more effective and this can only work in a digital platform. Adverts will be location based, ensuring that adverts will show more frequently when the metro is near the premises of an advertiser. The advertising platform will automatically detect the next station and screens inside the metro will prioritize adverts in the station where the metro will be stopping. In the mobile platform, customers who opt to receive notifications will receive them when they approach the business premises of advertiser. The mobile platform will have indoor navigation for the underground shopping malls that will allow customers to search for facilities within the mall, products they may want to buy as well as deals going on in the underground mall. To create an end-to-end solution, the mobile solution will have a capability to allow customers purchase products through their phones, get coupons for deals, and review products and shops where they have bought a product. The indoor navigation will host intelligent mobile-based advertisement and a recommendation system. The indoor navigation will have adverts such that when a customer is searching for information, the recommendation system shows adverts that are near the place traveler is searching or in the direction that the traveler is moving. These adverts will be linked to the e-commerce platform such that if a customer clicks on an advert, it leads them to the product description page. The whole system will have multi-language as well as text-to-speech capability such that both locals and tourists have no language barrier. The implications of implementing this model are varied including support for small and medium businesses operating in the underground malls, improved customer experience, new job opportunities, additional revenue to business model operator, and flexibility in advertising. The new value created will benefit all the stakeholders.