• 제목/요약/키워드: 주상복합

검색결과 265건 처리시간 0.03초

친환경 건설의 프런티어, 성원건설 건강한 생활이 시작되는 곳, 상떼빌

  • 김소진
    • 주택과사람들
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    • 통권196호
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    • pp.52-53
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    • 2006
  • '건강'을 우선시하는 주택 건설업체,성원건설. 9월에는 용인 기흥읍 공세동에 400여 세대를 분양 하고 두바이와 카자흐스탄 알제리에도 주상복합 아파트 건립 사업을 준비하고 있다. 국내외에서 알토란 같은 사업을 추진하고 있는 성원건설의 브랜드 가치와 국내외 주요 분양 프로젝트, 사업 방향 등에 대해 알아보자.

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선택받은 사람들을 위한 맞춤형 타운하우스

  • 하유정
    • 주택과사람들
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    • 통권203호
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2007
  • '친환경, 웰빙, 로하스', 요즘 아파트나 주택 분양 광고에서 빠지지 않고 등장하는 수식어들이다. 최근 1-2년 사이에 주거 수요자들은 커뮤니티와 편의 시설 못지않게 자연과 접한 조용한 주거를 중시하고 있다. 3-5년전에는 초고층 주상복합 아파트의 인기가 높았지만, 지난 해부터 자연 환경을 중시하는 고객들을 타깃으로 한 타운 하우스가 주목받고 있다.

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‘쾌적성’과 ‘편의성’을 모두 갖춘 주거 공간으로 승부

  • 하유정
    • 주택과사람들
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    • 통권198호
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    • pp.72-75
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    • 2006
  • 초고층 주상복합 아파트가 대거 건설되고 있는 요즘, 자연 환경을 선호하는 수요자들을 타깃으로 타운하우스가 건설되고 있다. 타운하우스는 자연 친화적인 환경과 생활의 편리성이 한데 어우러지고 개인의 프라이버시를 보호하면서 동시에 방범·방재 등 관리의 효율성을 높이는 고품격 주택 시장의 신주거 트렌드로 자리 잡고 있다. 고급 수요자들을 타깃으로 수도권 지역에 선보이고 있는 타운하우스를 찾아가보았다.

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동탄 신도시를 바라보는 눈

  • 김인수
    • 주택과사람들
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    • 통권206호
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    • pp.6-7
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    • 2007
  • 정부는 6월 1일 화성 동탄면 일대 660만 평을 분당급 신도시로 개발한다고 발표했다. 10만 5000가구에 26만 명을 수용할 계획이다. 구릉 많은 동쪽 지역은 타운하우스.고급단독.연립주택 단지가 들어설 예정이고, 평지 많은 서쪽 지역은 고층 아파트와 주상복합이 들어설 것으로 보인다. 신도시의 향후 개발계획을 집중 조명한다.

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주상복합 건축물에 적용된 지열이용 히트펌프 시스템의 냉방성능 평가 (Evaluation on the Cooling Performance of Geothermal-energy Using Heat Pump System in Mixed-use Residential Building)

  • 김용식;김중헌;황광일
    • 한국태양에너지학회 논문집
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    • 제26권4호
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2006
  • Geothermal-energy has been getting popular as a natural energy source for green buildings these days. Public building with gross area more than $3000m^2$, planned after March, 2005, should spend about 5% of total building cost for equipment run by natural energy source (e.g. geothermal, solar heat, solar power, etc) according to renewable energy promotion law in Korea. As a result geothermal-energy using heat pump system is emerging as a effective alternative for realistic and economic plan although design guidelines and construction code for the system is in progress and technical data is far from sufficient. The quantitative analysis on the performance of geothermal-energy using heat pump system is insufficient for appropriate design of it. In this paper, cooling performance of geothermal-energy using heat pump system of residential and retail etc. mixed-use building has been analyzed on the basis of temperature comparison between inlet and outlet of heat exchangers of the operating system. Additionally, dry-bulb temperature and relative humidity have been measured and analyzed together as an index of indoor thermal environment.

주민공동체 활성화를 위한 주상복합 주거의 공유공간에 대한 인식과 만족도 (The Perceptions and Satisfactions of High-Rise Mixed-Use Apartments' Common Space and Family Community)

  • 최재순;곽인숙
    • 한국주거학회논문집
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2005
  • Housing consumers prefer high-rise mixed-use apartments because of one-stop living style, and high quality of life. This study investigated the residents community with the residents who lived in the apartments and the future residents who will live in the apartments to investigate the usage of the public spaces and the influence of the space to form housing culture of residents family community. All data were taken from the response of two hundred forty three questionnaire to be gathered during 20th of June through 24th of August in 2003. Data were analyzed with percentages, means, t-test, and variance analysis using SPSS/PC+. Residents in four high-rise mixed-use apartments feels that the public space in the apartments were mainly provided by their convenience of the construction companies not for the residents. Physical conditions of public space in high-rise mixed-use apartments should be environmentally friendly housing space in which nature and human can be coexisted. It also should be high-tech system housing with which SOHO can be operated. And different custom-made spaces which the residents' needs can be satisfying should be provided. The public space should be recommended to be multi-purposed room because the space will be differentiated with the circumstances of the area, the residents' age differences, and the variety of the family's life style. Moreover, the various programs should be supplied to run the public space efficiently.

초고층 주상복합 건물의 입주자관리, 공유공간 만족도와 지역공동체의식의 관계 (Relationship between Satisfaction Degree on Management for Residents, Common Spaces and Sense of Community in High Rise Mixed-use Residential Building)

  • 홍형옥;채혜원
    • 가정과삶의질연구
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the relations among management for residents, sense of community and common space for residents which provided in high rise mixed-use residential building constructed at the end of 1990s. Research method was social survey with questionnaire from 178 subjects collected by the snow ball sampling. Statistical analysis was done by the SPSS 10 for Windows program using frequency, percentage, t-test, one-way ANOVA. Research results showed high degree of residents' management satisfaction in the area of fitness space and business service. And they also showed high degree of residents' satisfaction in common space which include swimming pool, shower and sauna facilities. Satisfaction degree of management for residents became high with the support of residents' common space, so the management of residents' common space might be important in the management of high rise mixed-use residential building. Finally, residents' management and residents' common spaces have an important role to enhance the sense of community.