• Title/Summary/Keyword: 주관적 노후격차

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The Effects of Subjective Differences in Age and Self-Perceptions of Aging on Depression : Focusing on Moderating Effects of Gender and Age Groups (주관적 연령격차와 주관적 노후격차가 우울에 미치는 영향: 성별과 연령대의 조절효과를 중심으로)

  • 남석인;김성희;김수연;허수임
    • Korean Journal of Gerontological Social Welfare
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    • v.73 no.4
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    • pp.181-216
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of subjective differences in age (difference between subjective age and chronological age) and self-perceptions of aging (differences between chronological age and age in the elderly) on depression. Also, we confirm the moderating effect of gender and age groups(young-old, old-old, and oldest-old). The subjects of this study were 547 older adults aged 65 and over who use a senior welfare center or day-care center for the elderly in the Seoul metropolitan area. The results of this study showed that depression was higher when differences between subjective age and chronological age, and self-perceptions of aging were higher. Also, the age groups showed a moderating effect in relation to differences between subjective age and chronological age on depression. In addition, the moderating effect of gender on differences between self-perceptions of aging and depression was confirmed. In the young-old population, when the subjective age was higher than the chronological age, the level of depression rapidly increased, on the other hand, the level of depression of the oldest-old population decreased. When differences in self-perceptions of aging were higher, men showed more signs of depression than women. This study is significant in that it confirms the importance of subjective perception of old age rather than only chronological age.Based on the results of this study, we propose a practical intervention plan and social discourse on aging and the perception thereof in later life.

A Study on the Constructing Database and Its Utilization Direction of Old Building using GIS (GIS를 이용한 노후건축물 DB구축과 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Heung-Kwan
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.172-181
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    • 2008
  • Life of building repeats removal and new construction continuously because it is limited like living things. But, because the physical standard is subjective and abstract, saying too much is not even though it had been influenced by policy decision of the government. To solve these problem clear data about superannuation degree of building after construction accordingly decision relationship necessity continuously rise. To above background, this study on the Constructing Database Based and Improvement of Old Building using GIS in Busan. The results are as following. First, presented necessity of knowledge information gap mitigation. Second, present Busan's ordinance detailed Contents of old-badness building and production-consequences.

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Retirement-related Subjective Expectations and the Capital Accumulation of the Korean Baby-boom Generation (주관적 기대가 한국 베이비붐 세대의 자산축적에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Yoonsoo;Woo, Seokjin
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.855-870
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    • 2011
  • This paper investigates the effect of retirement-related subjective expectations on the capital accumulation of the Korean baby-boom generation. Using the 1st, 2nd waves of the KLoSA (2006, 2008), we estimate the distributional effects with quantile regression. In addition, the endogeneity of the expectation variables is handled using the fixed effect model. The quantile regression results reveal that the schooling, gender and the number of children are important determinants, but their effects are heterogenous across quantiles to a significant margin. The expectations of the stronger bequest motives and longer lifespan turned out to lead to more capital accumulation. The expectation regarding the expanded role of government retirement support seemed to crowd out private savings for the baby boomers with the total assets over 0.7 percentile.