• Title/Summary/Keyword: 좌절단

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ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (국제표준화기구의 표준화활동 정책동향 (ITU-PP 활동을 중심으로))

  • Lee, Dong-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.917-918
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    • 2008
  • 국제표준화기구의 각 국의 표준화활동 정책동향 연구를 통하여 각 국이 왜 의장단에 진출하여 활동할려고 하는지, 이로 인한 자국의 이익이 무엇인지, 기술 반영은 어느 정도 되고 있는지, 표준화의 주도적 역할을 과연 의장단 진출로 인하여 반영은 할 수 있는지 등에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 우리나라는 지난 1987년이후 의장단 진출을 위해 국제표준화기구의 연구위원회 회의 등을 한국에서 수차례 유치하는 등 정부의 많은 노력 끝에 국내에서 그동안 각 분야별 전문가들이 국제기구에의 의장단에 진출하여 표준화 활동을 하고 있다. 지난 터키 회의에서 ITU-T 사무총장 진출을 하였으나, 좌절되었고 최근 소련에서 개최된 3GPP에서 한국이 부의장에 당선되는 등 최근의 의장단 활동이 두드러지게 나타나고 있다. 이번 WTSA에서는 25명의 의장단이 진출할 예정이다. 이로 인하여 향후 표준화활동의 지속적인 활동으로 정보통신 분야에서의 기술적 이익이 반영되었으면 한다.

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Path Analysis on Adolescent's Suicidal Ideation -A Comparison of Adolescent Suicide Attempters and Non-attempters- (자살시도 청소년과 자살 비시도 청소년의 자살생각에 영향을 미치는 경로 비교분석 -짐이 되는 느낌과 좌절된 소속감의 직접효과와 매개효과-)

  • Hong, Na-mi;Chung, Young-soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Child Welfare
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    • no.40
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    • pp.255-283
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the pathways of factors that influence adolescent's suicidal ideation of suicide attempters and non-attempters and to compare path coefficients between the two groups. Results from simultaneous analysis of multiple populations suggest that the path model was appropriate for both groups. However, significant differences in path coefficients were found. Parental abuse and peer victimization had direct effects on adolescent's suicidal ideation only among the adolescent suicide non-attempters. Burdensomeness and hopelessness had direct effects on adolescent's suicidal ideation, whereas thwarted belongingness did not have direct effects for both groups. Peer victimization appear to have an indirect effect through burdensomeness for both groups of adolescents. Only among the adolescent suicide non-attempters, parental abuse had an indirect effect on suicidal ideation through burdensomeness, and burdensomeness and thwarted belongingness had indirect effects on suicidal ideation through hopelessness. The results indicate that differentiated approaches are required to prevent suicidal ideation for adolescent suicide attempters and non-attempters.

Modified Product-Limit Estimator via Period Analysis (기간분석에 따른 수정된 누적한계 추정량)

  • Kim, Jin-Heum;Ahn, Yoon-Ok
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.395-406
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    • 2006
  • Long-term survival rates are the most commonly used outcome measures for patients with cancer. However, traditional long-term survival statistics, which are derived by cohort analysis or complete analysis, essentially reflect the survival expectations of patients diagnosed many years ago. They are often outdated at the time they become available. In this article, we propose a modified product-limit method to obtain up-to-date estimates of long-term survival rates via a period analysis. The proposed method is illustrated with cancer registry data collected from January 1993 to December 1997.

Exploring the Agency of a Student Leader in Collaborative Scientific Modeling Classes in an Elementary School (초등학교의 협력적 과학 모델링 수업에서 나타난 리더의 행위주체성 탐색)

  • Uhm, Janghee;Kim, Heui-Baik
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.339-358
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    • 2021
  • This study explores the agency of a student leader, expressed through efforts to distribute power and encourage participation in elementary scientific modeling classes. The study also analyzes the context in which the leader's agency was expressed and the context in which the development of a collective agency was constrained. The participants were 22 fifth-grade students. The leader's agency was analyzed by examining his words and actions. As a result, at the outset of the study, the leader had the most power, performing all the activities as the sole authority in a non-cooperative participation pattern. However, with reflection and help from the researcher, the leader recognized the problem and facilitated the participation of other students. He developed an identity as a teacher and demonstrated the agency. The leader's agentic behaviors can be categorized into three aspects. First, regarding the cognitive aspect, the leader helped other students participate in modeling by sharing his knowledge. Second, regarding the normative aspect, he made rules to give all students an equal voice. Third, regarding the emotional aspect, the leader acknowledged the contribution of the students, increasing their confidence. The leader's agency temporarily helped the group to overcome the student hierarchy, facilitating a cooperative participation pattern. However, the development of a collective agency was constrained. The power of the leader was partially redistributed, and the other students did not position themselves as equal to the leader. To support the leader's agency to develop into a collective agency, it is necessary to redistribute the power of the leader more equally and to change the recognition of students.

New maxillary anterior ridge classification according to ideal implant restorative position determined by CAT (전산화단층영상을 이용한 이상적 임플란트 수복 위치에 따른 상악 전치부 치조제의 새로운 분류)

  • Park, Young-Sang;Cho, Sang-Choon;Kim, Kyoung-Nam;Kim, Kwang-Mahn;Choi, Seong-Ho;Moon, Hong-Seok;Lee, Yong-Keun
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.37 no.sup2
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2007
  • This study proposed a new classification system for maxillary anterior alveolar ridge deformities based on CAT-scan implant simulation as a useful concept in order to more precisely predict treatment outcomes and the necessity for ridge augmentation prior to implant placement. The results indicate that a high number of cases in the maxillary anterior area would require augmentation procedures in order to achieve ideal implant placement and restoration.

Rebirth of the French baroque opera and analysis of Quinault and Lully's Atys (프랑스 바로크 오페라의 부활과 키노와 륄리의 『앗티스』 분석)

  • 강희석
    • 한국프랑스학논집
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    • v.108
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    • pp.1-45
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    • 2019
  • The objective of this work is to study the rebirth of the French baroque opera and to analyze Atys of Quinault and Lully. Accordingly, it can appear interesting to take into account not only the reception of Atys in the 17th century in France, but also its representations in 1987. Then, it seems important to us to examine the studies on the modification of the myth in Atys, while questioning the legitimacy of the Fasti of Ovid as a primary source. Lastly, we will endeavor to emphasize the influence of Natale Conti's Mythologies on Atys, and that of Michel de Marolles's the Tableaux du Temple des Muses on the scene of the sleep of the hero. In a general way, in regard to the influence of the sources in Atys, these two works drew until now only very little the attention of criticism. The difficulties which Louis XIV crosses at the time of the genesis of Atys, such as the death of the marshal of Turenne or the departure of Louise de La Vallière to the convent, seem to have nourished the choices of Quinault and Lully. Atys is an admirable spectacle with the changes at sight of the decorations, the varied machines and the splendid costumes, but in spite of the immense success of this opera, he is forgotten after the representation given at Fontainebleau in 1753. Two centuries later, les Arts Florissants' production of Atys in 1987 - with its triumph which one knows - seems to announce a rebirth of the French baroque opera. William Christie and Jean-Marie Villégier still succeed in presenting their production in 2011 thanks to Ronald Stanton, American fortunate who was impressed by the representation of Atys in 1987. Villégier and his artistic team choose a single decoration and remove the machines in order to place work at the court plunged into mourning of Louis XIV twenty years after the premiere of Atys. The "classicism" of their dramatic presentation emphasizes the classical dramaturgy and the tragic side of this opera. Criticisms often stress the importance of Ovid's Fasti as a primary source, while adding his Metamorphoses as a secondary source (the metamorphosis of Atys in pine and the scene of his sleep). Quinault borrows indeed from the Fasti some elements : in love with Atys, Cybele entrusts the responsibility to him of keep her temple ; the reciprocal love between Atys and Sangaride causes the revenge on the goddess. However he borrows more from the French translation of Natale Conti's Mythologies which present the Phrygian version of the myth of Atys. In the first three accounts of this version, one finds common points with the opera : 1) Atys refuses the physical desire of Cybele ; the goddess makes Atys insane instead of making die Sangaride ; 2) the lover of the hero is daughter of the river of Sangar ; Cybele makes change into pine Atys who committed suicide (or ready to commit suicide) ; 3) the goddess discovers the physical relation of the young couple. Natale Conti's Mythologies also present the Lydian version of the myth : a furious wild boar sent by irritated Zeus kill Atys and several people. One can suppose that this part undoubtedly influences the "monster" and its "dreadful howls" evoked by Atys in a fit of insanity. Moreover, the dreams make discover in Atys the intentions of Cybele, which is not without relationship with the translated text of Natale Conti : the Mythologies indicate that sweet Sleep reveals "the intentions & the plans of the Gods." To manufacture the famous scene of the sleep of the hero, Quinault and Lully make use of the annotations of the "Palace of the Sleep" located at the end of the Tableaux du Temple des Muses : Michel de Marolles translates and explains the texts of Catullus (the sleep of Atys), of Ovid (the Sleep and his three sons), and of Ausonius (good dreams / bad dreams). In spite of the important influence of these sources, Quinault and Lully modify some elements of the myth : the theme of castration is removed because of the proprieties ; the suicide of Atys is at the same time an act of love and an act of revolt against Cybele ; the cruel goddess is also a desperate and weak lover; the invention of the character of Celenus returns the love of the young prohibited and tragic. Quinault fascinate the contemporary public with the interior movements of complex characters and the music of Lully emphasizes this quality of the libretto.