• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조합

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Enactment of the Fundamental Act on Cooperatives and Its Implications for Rural Development Policy (협동조합기본법 제정 및 시행의 시사점과 농촌 정책의 과제)

  • Kim, Jeong Seop;Ma, Sang Jin;Kim, Mee Bok
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-39
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    • 2013
  • The Cooperatives Act was enacted. This enabled people to establish easily cooperatives at various fields. A cooperative is an important vehicle for rural community development. Therefore, the enactment of the Cooperatives Act can be a significant chance for rural policy. The Cooperatives Act have made three significant changes. First, cooperatives can start businesses at all the fields except for financial and insurance business. Second, requisites for people to establish cooperatives have been alleviated exceptionaly. Third, the Cooperatives Act introduced a new cooperative organization, social cooperative which aims to serve the socially excluded class. The self-help approach places rural community members at the core of a development process with two goals: to improve the quality of life within the community and to facilitate the community's capacity building. Community cooperatives contribute to accomplish those goals. One of the roles for cooperatives is to provide products and services at competitive prices. Providing a good or service at a competitive price bcomes increasingly important in some rural communities declines. Cooperative development processes have bic impacts on the ablility of community members to increase human asset and social capital. We conducted a survey targeting rural community businesses to grasp inclinations toward establishing cooperatives. The Cooperatives Act has gained low level of recognition. But so many community businesses wanted to establish cooperatives. This means there is a possibility for many community businesses to establish cooperatives without sufficient understanding. We suggested some policy issues for coping with this situation, as followings. First, the governments should provides rural community residents with opportunities to learn about cooperatives. Second, the current legal systems and regulations about business and social service should be reviewed to do away with the possible discrimination between the new cooperatives and the other forms of incoporation. Third, the cooperation of cooperatives should be encouraged and facilitated in rural communities.

Correlation and Combining Ability of Days to Germination, Flowering and Ripening in F1 Hybrids of Petunia hybrida (페튜니아 일대 잡종에서 발아, 개화 및 종자 등숙소요일수 관련형질의 상호관계 및 조합능력)

  • Song, C.Y;Park, S.C.;Park, N.B.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2001
  • The correlation among days to germination, days to flower, days to seed ripening and number of seeds per a pod and their combining were studied in 15 F1s from the partial six-parent diallel cross in Petunia hybrida. The days to flowering, days to germination and seed number per a pod showed high positive correlation together, however germination percentage and number of seed showed negative correlation with days to ability(SCA) were highly significant for all the characters. The estimates of variance components of SCA were greater than those of GCA for all the characters, showing preponderance of non-additive gene actions for these characters. The line of A and C showed relatively high GCA effect for days to germination and days to flower and the lines of C and G for germination, days to seed ripening and number of seeds per a pod. The crosses of D×G and E×F exhibited high SCA effect for decreasing days to flower and days to germination, and increasing germination percentage and number of seeds per a pod. The broad sense heritability was generally high compared to narrow sense one in the 5 characters. The higher heritability values of both broad and narrow sense were shown in the days to ripening and number of seeds per a pod.

Trends of Cooperatives Establishment in Rural Korea and Improvement of Legislation (협동조합기번법 시행과 농업법인 관련 법제 개선 방향)

  • Kim, Jeong-Seop
    • Journal of Agricultural Extension & Community Development
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-34
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    • 2014
  • In urban as well as rural areas, there is a vigorous movement to establish cooperatives which are based on the Framework Act On Cooperatives. Eight months after the enforcement of the law, more than 600 cooperatives reported their articles of association to the competent Mayor/Governor in rural areas. Considering the population distribution in urban and rural areas, this is not a small number. Though recently established rural cooperatives are acting throughout diverse business sectors, cooperatives in agricultural sector, which engage in agricultural production, processing and sales, occupy the largest portion of all the rural cooperatives. There are two types of juridical person that are allowed to engage in the agricultural production, processing and sales by the laws. They are Farm Association and Agricultural Business Corporation. Now in rural Korea, farmers tend to establish cooperatives by the Framwork Act On Cooperatives which are in the same business sector with Farm Association or Agricultural Business Corporation. There are many needs to improve legislation regarding cooperatives. Above all, the laws about Farm Association and Agricultural Business Corporation are in urgent need of improvement for the emerging rural cooperatives to be treated fairly.

Upbringing Way of Cooperative Company on Food Industry (국내외 산업동향 - 식품분야 협동조합기업 육성방안)

  • Park, JinSeo
    • Bulletin of Food Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.170-175
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    • 2012
  • 국가의 글로벌화 전략에 따라 한 EU, 한 미 FTA가 발효를 앞두고 있으며, 중국도 단순히 농수산물 생산지원에서 탈피하여 농산물 가공촉진을 위한 계획수립 및 지원을 추진 중이다. 이런 대외의 상황변화에 따라 대기업을 제외한 중소식품기업은 고가의 메스티지 제품 생산이나 저가의 범용식품생산에서도 경쟁력이 부족한 실정이다. 노령인구로 인한 농업생산의 구조조정이 완료된 유럽이 농업 및 식품산업에서 경쟁력을 유지하고 있는 배경은 다양한 협동조합기업 그리고 협동조합기업연합의 활발한 경영활동과 한 번 협동조합기업에 가입하면 그 협동조합을 통해 농산물 등을 유통해야 하는 법과 제도에 기반하고 있다. 한국의 경우 "농업협동조합법" 등 기존 8개의 개별법체제는 농수산물생산자 중심으로 식품을 생산하는 중 소규모 식품기업이 연합하여 규모화를 달성할 수 있는 법인을 설립할 수 있는 제도적 기반이 미비하였으나, "협동조합기본법" 제정을 계기로 중 소 식품기업이 함께 공동체를 구성하여 대기업이나 수입식품에 대한 경쟁력을 갖기를 희망한다.

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The Conceptual Model of the Study on the Mediating Effect of Organizational Culture on the Relationship between the Cooperative Union's Organizational Performance (협동조합의 조직성과에 대한 조직문화 매개효과의 개념적 모형)

  • Yang, Yong-Sun;Jun, Soon-Young
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2011.05b
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    • pp.897-900
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문에서는 다양한 협동조합들 중 대표적인 협동조합이라고 할 수 있는 농업협동조합을 대상으로 협동조합의 특수성에 맞는 리더십을 모색하여보고자 한다. 연구의 목적은 협동조합을 대상으로 조직성과에 미치는 리더십 및 조직성과의 직접적 효과와 간접적 효과 행태를 분석하는 것이다. 리더십이 조직성과 즉 조직 몰입도와 직무만족도에 미치는 영향과 기업문화에 미치는 관계를 연구할 수 있는 모형 및 분석의 제언을 하고자 한다. 리더십과 조직성과의 측정은 농업협동조합으로 보고자 하였으며, 이를 통하여 리더십, 조직문화, 조직성과의 관계를 파악할 수 있을 것이다.

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A Extension of Service Component Architecture for Dynamic Service Composition (동적 서비스 조합을 위한 서비스 컴포넌트 아키텍처의 확장)

  • Hwang, Yun-Young;Lee, Kyu-Chul
    • Proceedings of the Korea Database Society Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.369-377
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    • 2008
  • This paper is to provide the method of dynamic service composition in ubiquitous environment. This method is extended of Service Component Architecture, which is a standard about service composition. This standard only supports service composition in system design time. It has problem we cannot it ubiquitous environment, requests dynamic service composition. To solve this problem, we suggest dynamic service composition method based on SCA.

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The Posibility of Combination with Characters in Han-Gul Typeface Design (한글 활자체의 조합형 설계 가능성 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Pyong
    • Annual Conference on Human and Language Technology
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    • 1992.10a
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    • pp.293-300
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    • 1992
  • 모아쓰기 원리에 의한 한글은 조합 가능한 글자수가 총 11,172자에 달한다. 오늘날 정보산업화 시대의 다양한 요구로 인해 과거와 달리 이제는 한 벌의 한글 활자체도 조합 가능한 글자를 모두 갖추어야 하는 시대가 되었다. 활자체 설계 방식에서 과거처럼 글자 한 자 한 자를 다듬어 내던 설계 방식인 완성형 설계방식으로는 글자수를 모두 수용하면서도 다양한 활자체를 신속하게 만들어 내기는 매우 힘들게 되었다. 이를 해결 할 수 있는 설계 방식은 한글의 모아쓰기 원리를 활용해서 자소를 조합하여 설계하는 조합형 설계 방식이다. 이러한 조합형 설계의 성공적인 결과를 위해서는, 활자체 설계 전문가의 합리적 조합 규칙 설정 및 자소설계와 함께 효율적 전산 프로그램이 뒷받침되어야만 한다.

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An Enhancement Method of Algorithms Visiting all Combinations by a CUDA Method (CUDA를 이용한 조합 전수조사 알고리즘의 속도 개선 방법)

  • Kim, Young-min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.10a
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    • pp.761-764
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    • 2013
  • Visiting k-combinations of a set S which has n elements is the general representation of many engineering problems. The performance of algorithms visiting all combinations, however, dramatically degrades with growing cases and the time to evaluate each combination. This paper presents the method to enhance the performance of these algorithms by a CUDA method. The experimental results show that the parallel algorithm running on GPU is approximately 900 times faster than the serial algorithm running on CPU.

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Management System for REST Web Service Composition (REST 웹서비스 조합 운영관리 시스템)

  • Choi, Min;Lee, Wonjae
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2012.04a
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2012
  • 최근 인터넷의 발달과 함께 웹을 기반으로 하는 클라이언트-서버 분산 구조의 웹서비스 시스템 구조가 점차 확산되고 있다. 게다가, 최근에는 스마트폰을 이용한 스마트폰 애플리케이션이 대중화 되면서, 웹서비스의 활용이 점차 확대되는 추세이다. REST 웹서비스는 일반적으로 기업이나 공공기관에서 자사의 정보시스템의 특정 Open API를 제공하는데 많이 활용된다. 본 연구에서는 REST 웹서비스를 조합/탑재/운용하는 시스템을 제안한다. 본 시스템을 활용하면 서비스 개발자로 하여금 서비스를 조합한 웹서비스를 일반적인 객체지향언어를 통해 개발하고 컴파일 후 업로드 하면 손쉽게 서비스를 운용할 수 있다. 본 논문에서는 REST 웹서비스 조합/탑재/운용 시스템을 제안한다. 웹서비스 조합/탑재/운용 시스템은 REST 웹서비스 개발자로 하여금 웹서비스를 손쉽게 조합하여 컴파일한 후 업로드함으로써 손쉽게 조합 REST 웹서비스를 운용할 수 있도록 한다. 이를 통해 REST 웹서비스 개발자들은 일반적인 객체지향언어를 통해 개발하고 업로드 할 수 있으며, 본 논문에서 제안하는 시스템을 통해 REST 웹서비스를 운용할 수 있다.

Study on Reproductive and Pork Production Performance for Two-way and Three-way Crosses in Swine (이원교잡종(二元交雜種) 및 삼원교잡종(三元交雜種) 돼지의 산자(産仔) 및 산육능력(産肉能力)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Park, Chang Sik;Lee, Kyu Seung
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.51-63
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    • 1981
  • The results of a crossbreeding experiment with a total of 315 litters and 325 pigs of Berkshires, Hampshires, Durocs, Landraces, Large Whites, eight different two-breed crosses and twelve different three-breed crosses, produced at Livestock Experiment Station from 1975 through 1979, are summarized as follows. 1. Number born alive per litter was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by the D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ mating, and smallest in the Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at birth than those in other parities. 2. Birth weight of pig was heaviest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating and lightest in the Large White. The total litter weight at birth was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Hampshires and Birkshires. 3. Litter size at weaning was largest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was smaller in Durocs and Hampshires. The pigs in the 3rd-6th parities had larger litter size at weaning than those in other parities. 4. The total litter weight at weaning was heaviest in the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, followed by H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ and Lw♂${\times}$L♀ matings, and was lighter in Durocs and Hampshires. The weaning weight of pig was largest in D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating and lightest in L♂${\times}$H♀ mating. 5. Survival rate at weaning was highest in L♂${\times}$Lw♀ mating, followed by D♂${\times}$(L♂${\times}$H♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating, and was lowest in Durocs. 6. The three-breed cross from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ mating had the highest average gain and lowest feed requirement per unit gain, followed by the D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings. The Birkshires and Landraces ranked lowest among the 25 mating groups compared for both of the traits. Males had higher average daily gain than females by about 0.06kg and had lower feed requirement by about 0.14. 7. The three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ and H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ matings reached 90kg body weight at younger age than the other groups. The D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀ group reached 90kg at younger age than the Landrace by 39 days. 8. The dressing percentage and lean meat percentage tended to be higher in H♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$ ♀, H♂${\times}$L♀ and L♂${\times}$B♀ matings compared to the other mating groups. The loin-eye area was largest in the Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating and smallest in the B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. Males had higher dressing percentage, higher lean meat percentage and lion-eye area than females. The backfat was thinnest in purebred Hampshire and was thickest in B♂${\times}$L♀ mating. 9. The results obtained in this study suggest that the two-breed cross from Lw♂${\times}$L♀ mating, and the three-breed crosses from D♂${\times}$(Lw♂${\times}$L-♀) $F_1$ ♀ and D♂${\times}$(H♂${\times}$L♀) $F_1$♀ matings are superior crossbreds for reproductive and pork prodnction performance.

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