• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조석효과

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The Tartar (Mamiya) Strait Currents (타타르(간관) 해협의 해류)

  • Ponomarev, Vladimir I.;Yurasov, Gennadiy I.
    • Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.335-339
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    • 1994
  • The Tartar Strait currents of different scales are analysed using results of observations and modeling. The paper focuses on tidal phenomena and general circulation features. It is shown that the areas of maximal tidal currents are located in the regions of stable boundary streams. The stability of the streams under different meteorological conditions and energy concentration in the small areas may be explained by non-linear effects of tide over rough bottom topography.

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Application of Implicit Discontinuous Galerkin Method to Step-Type Discontinuous Bathymetry (계단형 불연속 지형에 대한 불연속 갤러킨 음해법의 적용)

  • Lee, Haegyun;Lee, Namjoo
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.253-253
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    • 2021
  • 천수방정식에 대한 불연속 갤러킨 기법 (DG) 모형은 주로 양해법 기반으로 개발되어 적용되어 왔으나, 바닥마찰항의 처리, 과도한 CFL 조건 등의 불리한 점이 지적되어 왔으며, 이로 인하여 실제 적용에서 FDM, FEM 등 다른 고전적인 수치기법과 비교하여 경쟁력을 갖기 어려웠다. 이에 대한 대안으로써, 최근, 불연속 갤러킨 기법에 대한 음해법 기반의 모형이 연구되고 있으며, 다소 복잡한 알고리즘에도 불구하고 적용이 확대되고 있다. 또한, 널리 알려진 바와 같이, 천수방정식의 실제 하도에 대한 적용에 있어 문제점 중 하나는 나비에-스토크스 방정식으로부터 유도할 때 사용된 정수압 가정으로 인하여, 하도의 계단과 같은 불연속 지형에 적용이 용이하지 않다는 것이다. 본 연구에서는 기존에 개발된 불연속 갤러킨 음해법에 불연속 지형의 해석을 위한 표면경사법(surface gradient method)을 결합하여 이러한 문제에 효과적으로 대응할 수 있는 기법을 제시하였다. 개발된 모형의 검증을 위하여, 제방 등 하도 구조물 위의 장주기 조석흐름, 홍수파, 계단 등을 포함하는 댐 붕괴류 모의에 적용하고 실용적인 기능성을 검증하였다. 향후 구조물이 많은 국내 하천에 적용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.

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A Functional Assessment of Nakdong River Barrage for Preventing Salinity Intrusion Using EFDC Model (EFDC를 이용한 낙동강 하구둑 염수침입방지 기능 평가)

  • Son, Yong-Ku;Jeong, Sang-Man;Cha, Kee-Uk;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.2018-2022
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    • 2009
  • 본 연구에서는 낙동강 하구둑의 주요 기능 중에서 용수공급에 지장을 초래하는 염수침입 및 염해피해 방지 효과에 대하여 재평가 하고자 한다. 평가범위는 수치모형을 이용하여 낙동강 하구둑 건설 이전의 지형상황을 재현하고, 하구둑이 없는 조건 하에서 상류유입유량을 변화시키며 외해를 통한 염분 침입 가능범위를 수치모의 함으로서 하구둑의 효과를 간접적으로 평가하였다. 연구에 사용된 수치모형인 EFDC 모형 입력자료로 낙동강 하류부 및 외해 수역에 대한 3차원 지형도를 작성하였고. 평면 직교곡선격자망을 이용하여 대상 지역을 분할하였다. 초기조건으로 전 수역을 담수(염도 0.0psu)로 가정한 상태에서 하류단 경계에 실측 조위 및 해수조건(염도 33psu)을 적용하고 상류단에는 $50m^3/sec$를 적용하여 약 20일간 수행된 결과를 사용하였다. 상류유입유량을 $10^{\sim}250m^3/sec$의 범위로 변화시키고, 하류단 경계조건으로 조위를 적용하여 수치모의를 수행한 결과 염수침입현상에 제일 큰 영향을 미치는 요소는 상류로부터 유입하는 유량인 것으로 나타났다. 그 이외에 담수와 해수의 밀도 차이에 인한 밀도류형성 및 조석에 의한 염수의 밀어올림현상이 하류에서 상류로 염수가 침입하는데 다소의 영향이 있었다. 유입유량이 $250m^3/sec$에서 $10m^3/sec$로 감소할 경우 염분농도 1psu의 도달범위는 11km에서 50km정도로 증가하였다.

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Image Retrieval using Modified Color Correlogram (변형된 칼라 코렐로그램을 이용한 영상검색)

  • 안명석;조석제
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.29 no.12
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    • pp.940-946
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposes an image retrieval method to use the modified color correlogram. For retrieving images with less effect of the size variation of the regions in an image, the modified color correlogram is extracted by normalizing auto-correlogram and cross-correlogram of the color correlogram from a color image, and the similarity of two images is calculated by putting the less weight to the auto-correlogram of the modified color correlogram. Because proposed method uses the information of the color correlogram more effectively, we can get better results than that of color correlogram method. In the experiments, the performance of the proposed method is better as compared with that of the color cerrelogram method.

Variation of the M2 tide amplitude around the Jeju-Do (제주도 주변 M 2조의 진폭변화)

  • Kim, Kuh;Lee, Sang-Ho
    • 한국해양학회지
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.171-183
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    • 1986
  • The amplitudes of the M2 tide recorded at Seoguipo and Jeju are 77.9cm and 70.1cm respectively, which differ by 7.8cm over a distance of 30km across the Jeju-Do. The difference is an example of the geographical variation of the tidal amplitude around the Jeju-Do, the larger amplitude being along its southern coast compared with that along its northern coast. This variation can be explained in terms of effects of an island on the wave propagation as modelled by Proudman(1914). A numerical experiment of the M2 tide around the Jeju-Do reproduces the basic pattern of the observed variation and results are consistent with the theory. Due to the rotation of the earth larger and smaller amplitudes result along the left-hand and right-hand coasts of an island for an observer facing the direction of the wave propagation in the northern hemisphere.

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식초산 발효에 관한 연구

  • 조석금;정동효
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Applied Microbiology Conference
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    • 1979.10a
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    • pp.248.2-248
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    • 1979
  • 식초산 발효 실험을 통하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 자연에서 초산균 52균주를 분리하고 그중 식초산 농도 5.5% 이상되는 초산균 CAU-4, CAU-15, CAU-17, CAU-46, 4균주를 선별하였다. 2. 정치배양과 진탕배양을 실시한 결과 산생성랑은 진탕배양에서 월등한 효과를 보였다. 3. 유기태 질소원의 첨가시 peptone을 0.4%까지 증가를 보였고, yeast extract는 0.1~0.2%가 최적량이고 그 이상은 산량이 감소되었다. 4. $NH_4NO_3의$ 자화성을 조사한 결과 CAU-17만이 자화하지 못하였고, 무기태 질소원으로서는 $(NH_2)_2CO가$ 가장 좋았다. 5. 무기염류는 $KH/_2PO_4,$ $MgSO_4.7H_2$ O 0~0.1% 첨가하여 약간의 효과를 보았다. 6. Glucose의 첨가량별 산량의 증가는 0.25% 첨가시 0% 첨가시 보다 증가를 보인 반면 1% 첨가시는 오히려 감소하였다. 7. 초발 alcohol농도가 낮을수록 유도기와 대수기가 단축되며 10%이상에서는 4균주 모두 산을 생성하지 못하였다. 8. 초발산도가 높을 경우 유도기가 길어지고 산생성량이 줄어 들었다. 9. 초산균의 배양온도는 $30^{\circ}C,$ $35^{\circ}C에서$ 산생성 속도가 가장 빨랐다. 10. 발효시 산생성량에 따른 세균수의 증가는 접종후 2~3일 사이에 가장 많았다. 11. 초산의 증가와 더불어 균체량은 증가하였고 pH는 약간색 감소하나 PH는 2.5이하로는 내려가지 않았다. 12. alcohol 잔량은 발효 개시 후 5 ~6일의 정지기에 가장 낮았다.

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Prediction on The Effects of Prior Success on Applying New Information Technologies (새로운 정보기술 적용에 따른 사전 성공 효과 예측)

  • 조석환
    • The Journal of Information Technology
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 2000
  • This is to study that effects in a company's success with using the new information technology. Here It was confirmed that an existing information technology resulted in a positive bias in managers' thought of new technology had been effected in success. This is more stronger among managers who had greater amounts of experience with the existing technology and among managers whose companies did not engage in proactive information seeking about new information technologies. Even though it has demonstrated that manager's understanding of a strategic issue have and important impact on organizational actions, the research on strategic issue has gotten little attention to the determinants of those interpretations. This suggests that an prior experience of information technology will be affected in manager's strategic issue about applying new IT.

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Shrinkage Stress Analysis of Concrete Slab with Shrinkage Strip in Multi-Story Building (수축대를 사용한 고층건물 콘크리트 슬래브의 건조수축응력 해석)

  • 김한수;조석희
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.726-733
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    • 2002
  • Shrinkage strip or separation strip is a temporary joint that is left open for a certain time during construction to allow a significant part of the shrinkage to take place without inducing stress. A shrinkage stress analysis method of shrinkage strip in concrete slab of multi-story building considering the relaxation effect of creep and construction sequence is proposed. The analysis results of 10-story example building show that the effect of shrinkage strip can be analyzed easily by the proposed method. And shrinkage strip installed in a particular floor makes the stress of that floor reduced and the stress of the other floors increased a little. The rate and amount of stress reduced with closing time mainly depends on the development of shrinkage with time of concrete model used. The amount of stress reduced is determined by the amount of shrinkage strain developed before the closing of shrinkage strip.

Studies on the Development of Photoreceptor in the Nonchromatophore Organisms (II) - Effects of organic compound and metal ion influx of Light-Induced Mitochondrial ATPase in the Lentinus edodes(Berk.) Sing - (무흡광색소 식물의 감광수용체 개발 연구(II) - 표고버섯의 광감응성 mitochondrial ATPase의 유기물 및 금속이온 유입 효과 -)

  • Min, Tae-Jin;Cho, Suck-Woo;Kim, Young-Soon;Kim, Jae-Woong;Mheen, Tae-Ick
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.224-230
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    • 1987
  • Effects Of organic compound, photosensitizer and $K^+$ ion influx. On the light-induced ATPase of mitochondria in L. edodes purified by linear sucrose density gradient centrifugation were studied. The mitochondrial ATPase activity was investigated by various wavelength illumination at dark state. The mitochondrial ATPase was activated 139% and 128% by 10m mol dithiothreitol and 0.1m mol quinacrine, respectively. This enzyme also was activated 36% by 0.1m mol phenazine methosulfate as photosensitizer. But, 100 mg oligomycin and 1m mol phlorizin inhibited activity of enzyme to 48% and 45%, respectively. Its optimum wavelength was 690 nm on the effect of $K^+$ ion influx, its optimum pH and temperature were found to be 7.2 and $55^{\circ}C$.

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The Spatial Characteristics of Vertical Accretion Rate in a Coastal Wetland - In case of Sunchon bay estuarine marsh, south coast of Korea - (해안습지 성장률의 공간적 특성에 관한 연구 - 순천만 염하구 해안습지를 사례로 -)

  • Park, Eui-Joon
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.153-168
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    • 2000
  • An estuarine marsh is semi -inclosed inlets, located between coastal and terrestrial environment. The sediment transport by river and tide through tidal river and vertical accretion by sediment accumulation are important processes in estuarine marsh. An analysis of the vertical accretion rate at various time scale is important work for understanding and managing coastal environments. The purpose of this study is to determin the spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate in an estuarine marsh, Sunchon Bay, in the southern coastal region of Korean peninsula. The methods of analysis are sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle, annual accretion rate, concentration of total suspended load in water column. Spatial characteristics of sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle was investigated using 30 filter paper traps. Sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle at levee edge was higher than that at back marsh. The sedimentation rate decreased with distance from estuarine front. Levee effect and proximity to the turbidity maximum zone result in a higher sedimentation rate in the levee edge. There is a weak relation-ships between tidal regime and sedimentation rate by individual tidal cycle. Spatial cahracteristics of annual accretion rate was investigared using 30 artificial marker plots. Annual accretion rate at back marsh($1.5{\sim}3.5cm/yr$) was higher than that at tidal river levee edge($0.8{\sim}3.0cm/yr$). Total suspended load (TSL) concentrations in water column also indicate this spatial characteristics of annual accretion rate. TSL concentration in water column leaving the vegetation part dramatically decreased. There is a very strong relationship between the concentration of suspended load and accretion rate. These results indicate that annual accretion rate is controlled by vegetation cover and proximity to the turbidity maximum zone. This difference of spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate ar various time-scale was due to the fact that surface sediment of levee edge was eroded by tide and other factors. The major findings are as follows. First, the spatial characteristics of vertical accretion rate are different from various time-scale. Second, the major mechanism for the vertical accretion rate in this region is suspended load trapping by vegetation. Third, this region is primarily a depositional regime over the time-scale of the present data Fourth, this estuarine marsh is accreting at rates beyond other area.

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