• Title/Summary/Keyword: 조도측정

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Rotifer 대량 배양에 적합한 계절별 미세조류 개발

  • 배진희;민병희;허성범
    • Proceedings of the Korean Aquaculture Society Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.90-91
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    • 2003
  • 어류 등의 종묘 생산시 초기 먹이로 이용되는 rotifer의 배양에 주로 해수산 Chlorella가 많이 이용되어 왔으나, 해수산 Chlorella는 수온 30℃이상 이거나, 10℃ 이하 일 때는 그 성장 상태가 극히 불안정하다. 따라서 부경대학교 한국 해양미세조류은행에서 보유하고 있는 국내외 Chlorella 종류 130종 중에서 채집 해역, 크기 등을 고려하여 해수산 Chlorella 5종, 해수산 Nannochloris 5종, 기수산과 담수산 Chlorella 각각 3종, 총 16종을 선택하여, 계절별 rotifer 배양에 적합한 Chlorella를 개발하고자 하였다. 먼저, 5종의 해수산 Chlorella를 수온 25℃, 염분 15‰과 30‰, 조도 5,000 lux 연속조명하에서 10일간 배양한 결과 15‰에서는 C-23 Chlorella vulgaris (감천), C-12 Chlorella vulgaris(낙동), C-20 Chlorella ellipsoidea(일본) 의 S.G.R. 이 각각 0.6621, 06353과 0.6251로 높게 나타났으며, 30‰에서는 C-23 이 13,146×10⁴cells/㎖로 가장 높은 세포 밀도를 보였다. 다음으로 5종의 해수산 Nannochloris를 동일한 조건에서 7일간 배양한 결과, 15와 30‰ 모두에서 C-31 Wannochloris oculata(UTEX), C-87 Nannochloris sp.(득량만) 와 C-189 Nannochloris sp.(부안) 의 S.G.R.이 0.9504∼0.9734로서 높은 성장률을 나타내었고, C-31은 30‰에서 11,229×10⁴cells/㎖의 높은 세포 밀도를 보였다. 그리고, 3종의 기수산 Chlorella는 25℃, 5,000 lux 연속조명, 염분 0, 15, 30‰에서, 담수산 3종은 동일한 수온과 조도에서 0, 15‰에서 각각 7일간 배양한 결과, 기수산에서는 S.G.R.이 0.6915∼0.8601로 나타났다. 특히, EC-001 Chlorella vulgaris(화진포)가 15와 30‰에서 각각 6491×10⁴cells/㎖, 6166×10⁴cells/㎖로 가장 높은 세포 밀도를 보였으며, 3종의 담수산 Chlorella는 0‰에서 S.G.R.이 0.6215∼0.6596의 성장률로 FC-001 이 2454×10⁴cells/㎖로 높은 밀도를 보였으나, 15‰에서는 모두 접종후 세포수가 감소하였다. 따라서 담수산 Chlorella는 rotifer의 적정 배양 염분인 15‰에서는 성장이 저조한 것으로 판단되어 제외하였다. 위의 배양 실험에서 각각 성장이 우수한 7종(C-12, C-20, C-23, C-31, C-87, C-189, EC-001)을 선정하여 다시 25℃, 15‰, 5,000 lux 연속 조명하에서 동시에 배양한 결과 해수산에서는 C-12, C-20, C-31, C-87 및 C-189의 S.G.R.이 0.8170∼0.8752로 높았으나, C-23은 0.7868로 낮게 나타났으며, EC-001은 0.7807로서 해수산에 비해서는 다소 낮았다. 한편, 이들 7종의 일반 성분을 분석한 결과에서는 조단백질은 C-31, C-12이 각각 42.93%, 42.7%였으며, 조지방 함량은 C-12 2.64%, C-31 2.58% 및 EC-001 2.43%로 나타났다. 위의 결과에서 C-23을 제외한 6종을 대상으로 성장과 영양성분이 높은 6종(C-12, C-20, C-31, C-87, C-189, EC-001)을 선택하여, 고수온기에 해당하는 32℃와 30℃, 저수온기인 10℃에서 각 종의 성장을 측정한 결과 32℃에서는 C-87과 C-189의 세포수가 6475×10⁴cells/㎖와 5932×10⁴cells/㎖로 가장 높았으며, 30℃에서는 C-31과 C-87이 각각 7951×10⁴cells/㎖와 7775×10⁴cells/㎖로 높게 나타났다. 반면 10℃에서 배양한 결과 EC-001이 3316×10⁴cells/㎖ 로 다른 종들의 107∼986×10⁴cells/㎖에 비하여 월등히 높은 세포 밀도를 나타내었다. 이들 6종의 미세조류를 L-type rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis에 먹이로 공급한 결과 C-12에서 5일째 300개체/㎖로 가장 높은 개체수를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 결과를 종합할 때 rotifer의 먹이로서는 여름철 고수온기에는 C-87 Nannochloris sp. (득량만)과 C-189 Nannochloris sp.(부안)이, 저수온기에는 기수산인 EC-001 Chlorella vulgaris(화진포)가 적당하며, 봄, 가을의 다른 계절에는 C-12 Chlorella vulgaris(낙동)이 가장 효과적일 것으로 판단되어진다.

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Characteristics of Fermented Hot Pepper Soybean Paste (Kochujang) Prepared by Liquid Beni-koji (액체홍국코지를 이용한 고추장의 제조)

  • Kang, Seong-Gook;Park, In-Bae;Jung, Soon-Teck
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 1997
  • Monascus anka produces biologically active materials, and liquid M. anka koji was employed for preparing fermented hot pepper soybean paste (kochujang). Three kinds of koji (M. anka, Aspergillus oryzae and mixed koji) were used to prepare kochujang, and changes of physicochemical characteristics were examined during fermentation. A. oryzae koji showed the highest ${\alpha}-amylase$ and protease activities; whereas, M. anka koji showed the highest ${\beta}-amylase$ activity in liquid koji. Water content of kochujang continuously decreased, whereas viscosity increased during fermentation. The water content and viscosity was 46% and $1.4{\times}10^5\;cP$, respectively after 40 days of fermentation. The pH of kochujang with M. anka and/or A. oryzae koji was $4.63{\sim}4.65$ in the beginning and was between 4.53 and 4.67 after 40 days of fermentation. L-, a- and b-values decreased rapidly during fermentation until 20 days of fermentation. After 40 days, L- and b-values of kochujang prepared with M. anka koji showed lower values than A. oryzae, and a-value showed higher values as the amount of M. anka koji increased. Ammoniacle nitrogen content continuously increased during fermentation. Amino nitrogen content was the highest, 241.2 ㎎%, and ammoniacle nitrogen was the lowest, 97.2 ㎎%, in kochujang prepared with A. oryzae. However, amino and ammoniacle nitrogen content showed no difference between M. anka and A. oryzae koji kochujang. Kochujang prepared with M. anka koji showed a potential that kochujang can be manufactured lower level of red pepper than previously used.

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A Comparative study of roughness of enamel surface to various interdental enamel stripping methods in vitro (치간 법랑질 삭제방법에 따른 치아표면 거칠기에 관한 비교연구)

  • Row, Joon;Chun, Youn-Sic
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.29 no.4 s.75
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    • pp.483-490
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    • 1999
  • Interdental enamel stripping is an usual method for correction of abnormal tooth shape and tooth size discrepancy which is one of the etiologic factors of malocclusion. Clinically it Is useful to correct the minor crowding in anterior teeth and posterior occlusion during finishing stage of orthodontic treatment. But this procedure has risks such as irreversible tooth reduction and remaining roughness of enamel surface can accumulate plaque which can evoke periodontal problem. Even if various methods were introduced to minimize the enamel surface roughness, their evaluation was limited in morphologic differences by scanning electronic microscope(SEM). The purpose of this study was to compare the various interdental enamel stripping method by SEM and to quantify the difference of surface roughness by use of Surfcorder SEF-30D(Kosaka Lab. Ltd.) which can measure the roughness of surface. The stripping methods were divided into mechanical and mechanical-chemical method. Air-rotor stripping and separating strip were used for mechanical stripping and $37\%$ phosphoric acid was used for chemical stripping. The enamel surface roughness after mechanical or mechanical-chemical stripping of interproximal surfaces of premolars which were extracted for orthodontic purpose were measured and compared by means of SEM and $Surfcorder^{\circledR}$, the results were as follows. 1. Enamel surface of primary treated by coarse diamond bur and separating strip groups showed highest value of roughness. 2. To compare the primary treated groups between mechanical and mechanical-chemical method, the latter group showed lower value of roughness remarkably. 3. Mechanical stripping groups which were treated both coarse and fine instrument showed lower value of roughness as much as non treated group. 4. The use of Pumice for final polishing did not show significantly smoothening the stripped enamel surface any more.

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Study on the Indoor Environment and Status of Facilities and Equipments of Home Economics Practice Rooms of Middle Schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province (제주특별자치도 중학교 가정실의 실내환경 및 시설.설비 현황에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Min-Hye;Kim, Bong-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Home Economics Education Association
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of the study is to identify and understand problems existing in the middle school home economics practice rooms in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province. The findings are based on the examination and the analysis of the indoor environment and the condition of the facilities and equipment. Study method employs on-site research and a survey. The on-site research was conducted about temperature, humidity, intensity of illumination, and status of teaching instrument in 10 out of 41 middle schools in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province from August 16 to September 30, 2006. Meanwhile, the survey was implemented by mail for 95 teachers in charge of manual training and home economics education in 41 middle schools in Jeju from November 1 to 23, 2005. 64 questionnaires out of total 95 were collected, including those collected during the period of on-site research. Finally, 61 questionnaires which were effective among the answered ones were used for analysis. Collected materials were analyzed with the SPSS Win.12.0 program for frequency, percentile analysis. In conclusion, the study determines that the condition of the home economics practice rooms of the middle school in JSSGP in terms of temperature, humidity, lighting and ventilation is very inadequate. The structure of the practice room represents an inefficient work flow pattern. Further, the facilities and equipment are in a very poor condition because the facilities are old and the retention rate of teaching tools is low. Therefore, to address these problems, the study suggests that improvements on the facilities and equipment should be made and teaching tools should be replenished in accordance with the industry standard.

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EFFECT OF VARIOUS MECHANICAL TREATMENTS ON TITANIUM PLASMA SPRAYED IMPLANT SURFACES (Titanium plasma sprayed implant에 관한 여러가지 기계적 표면처리방법이 implant표면조도에 미치는 영향)

  • Yu, Hyeon-Seok;Park, Jae-Wan;Suh, Jo-Young
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.493-506
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    • 1993
  • For maintenance of an ailing or failed implant it is essential to treat the implant fixture surface so as to remove bacterial endotoxin and make a surface tolerated by surrounding soft and hard tissue. Thus in this study the method that makes the smoothest surface treated with a high speed diamond bur, a low speed diamond bur, a stone, a rubber point or Jetpolisher was studied. With the profilomenter a mean value of $R_{max}$ was measured. The hight speed diamond, the rubber point and the Jetpolisher showed a mean $R_{max}\;7.77{\mu}m$. The low speed diamond bur, the rubber, point and the Jetolisher made a mean value of $R_{max}\;8.44{\mu}m$. The stone, the rubber point and the Jetolisher showed the smoothest surfaces with a mean value of $R_{max}\;6.24{\mu}m$. TPS (titanium plasma sprayed) areas showed a mean vlaue of $R_{max}\;24.42{\mu}m$, and the smooth surfaced titanium disc manufactured by the company (IMZ, Germany) shows a mean value of $R_{max}\;3.00{\mu}m$. Under the SEM examination the disc treated with a high speed diamond bur, a rubber point and a Jetpolisher showed partially remaining TPS particles, but the height of these particles were reduced remarkably compared with those of the original TPS. The disc treated with a low speed diamond bur, a rubber point and a Jetpolisher showed a rough topography with remaining TPS on the entire surface. A stone, a rubber point and a Jetpolisher removed almost TPS and the bulk titanium metal was exposed and some scratches were made by the stone. All treated discs were revealed as rougher than the smooth surface disc manufactured by the company. An untreated TPS disc shows a very irregular surface and a $40{\mu}m$ height of the plasma sprayed areas.

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Comparison of Plant's Growth in Wall Greening Depending on Orientations (방위에 따른 벽면녹화식물의 생육 비교)

  • Kim, Da-Yoon;Cho, Yong-Hyeon;Son, In-Ki;Kim, Yoon-Ho
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.49 no.5
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    • pp.71-78
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    • 2021
  • Green areas and the area of available horizontal surfaces are gradually decreasing due to the overcrowding of buildings. It is adversely affecting the urban climate and ecosystem. However, the recognition of the importance of green areas is gradually increasing. As a result, the importance of wall greening using vertical surfaces is growing. However, despite the fact that domestic wall greening guidelines and institutions related to orientations restrict planting. there was no study to determine whether there were actual differences in plant growth due to orientations. Therefore, this study compared and analyzed the plant growth characteristics by orientations to apply actual wall greening to cities. The experiment was conducted from May to September 2020. First of all, three octave walls were constructed to measure the temperature, the illumination, and the length of the plants once a week. The plants included Parthenocissus tricuspidata, Hedera rhombea, and Euonymus radicans cv. Aueonmarinata Rehd plants. As a result of the study, Parthenocissus tricuspidata was prolific in the north, and Hedera rhombea, and Euonymus radicans cv. Aueonmarinata Rehd plants were prolific in the south. All three types of plants were prolific in June-July, and the Parthenocissus tricuspidata was prolific in grass-growing, and in August, all the walls were 100% covered. Hedera rhombea had the lowest rate of herbaceous growth, and the vertical coverate was also lower at an average of 45%, but among the three plants, the sheath of the horizontal surface coverate was the highest. Euonymus radicans cv. Aueonmarinata Rehd was low in the speed of herbaceous growth, and finally, the walls were 100% covered except for the north and northwest directions. It was found that not all plants used for wall greening show the same growth, and the difference in growth varies more depending on plants than the effect of orientations. Therefore, it is better to identify the characteristics of plant growth and plant suitable plants for each directions.

A Method of Reproducing the CCT of Natural Light using the Minimum Spectral Power Distribution for each Light Source of LED Lighting (LED 조명의 광원별 최소 분광분포를 사용하여 자연광 색온도를 재현하는 방법)

  • Yang-Soo Kim;Seung-Taek Oh;Jae-Hyun Lim
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.19-26
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    • 2023
  • Humans have adapted and evolved to natural light. However, as humans stay in indoor longer in modern times, the problem of biorhythm disturbance has been induced. To solve this problem, research is being conducted on lighting that reproduces the correlated color temperature(CCT) of natural light that varies from sunrise to sunset. In order to reproduce the CCT of natural light, multiple LED light sources with different CCTs are used to produce lighting, and then a control index DB is constructed by measuring and collecting the light characteristics of the combination of input currents for each light source in hundreds to thousands of steps, and then using it to control the lighting through the light characteristic matching method. The problem with this control method is that the more detailed the steps of the combination of input currents, the more time and economic costs are incurred. In this paper, an LED lighting control method that applies interpolation and combination calculation based on the minimum spectral power distribution information for each light source is proposed to reproduce the CCT of natural light. First, five minimum SPD information for each channel was measured and collected for the LED lighting, which consisted of light source channels with different CCTs and implemented input current control function of a 256-steps for each channel. Interpolation calculation was performed to generate SPD of 256 steps for each channel for the minimum SPD information, and SPD for all control combinations of LED lighting was generated through combination calculation of SPD for each channel. Illuminance and CCT were calculated through the generated SPD, a control index DB was constructed, and the CCT of natural light was reproduced through a matching technique. In the performance evaluation, the CCT for natural light was provided within the range of an average error rate of 0.18% while meeting the recommended indoor illumination standard.

Development of u-Health Care System for Dementia Patients (치매환자를 위한 u-Health Care 시스템 개발)

  • Shin, Dong-Min;Shin, Dong-Il;Shin, Dong-Kyoo
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.38C no.12
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    • pp.1106-1113
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    • 2013
  • For patients who have senile mental disorder such as dementia, quantity of excercise and amount of sunlight are important clue for dose and the treatment. Therefore, monitoring health information of daily life is necessary for patients' safety and healthy life. Portable & wearable sensor device and server configuration monitoring data are needed to provide these services for patients. Watch-type device(smart watch) which patients wear and server system are developed in this paper. Smart watch developed includes GPS, accelerometer and illumination sensor, and can obtain real time health information by measuring the position of patients, quantity of exercise and amount of sunlight. Server system includes the sensor data analysis algorithm and web server that doctor and protector can monitor through sensor data acquired from smart watch. The proposed data analysis algorithm acquires quantity of exercise information and detects step count in patients' motion acquired from acceleration sensor and to verify this, the three cases with fast pace, slow pace, and walking pace show 96% of the experimental result. If developed u-Healthcare System for dementia patients is applied, more high-quality medical service can be provided to patients.

Parameter estimations to improve urban planning area runoff prediction accuracy using Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) (SWMM을 이용한 도시계획지역 유출량 예측 정확도 향상을 위한 매개변수 산정)

  • Koo, Young Min;Seo, Dongil
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.50 no.5
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2017
  • In environmental impact assessments for large urban development projects, the Korean government requires analysis of stormwater runoff before, during and after the projects. Though hydrological models are widely used to analyze and prepare for surface runoff during storm events, accuracy of the predicted results have been in question due to limited amount of field data for model calibrations. Intensive field measurements have been made for storm events between July 2015 and July 2016 at a sub-basin of the Gwanpyung-cheon, Daejeon, Republic of Korea using an automatic monitoring system and also additional manual measurements. Continuous precipitation and surface runoff data used for utilization of SWMM model to predict surface runoff during storm events with improved accuracy. The optimal values for Manning's roughness coefficient and values for depression storage were estimated for pervious and impervious surfaces using three representative infiltration methods; the Curve Number Methods, the Horton's Method and the Green-Ampt Methods. The results of the research is expected to be used more efficiently for urban development projects in Korea.

Rheological and Pasting Properties of Potato Flour Dispersions (감자가루 분산액의 유변학적 및 페이스팅 특성 분석)

  • Heo, Hyemi;Won, Chuin;Jin, Yong-Ik;Chang, Dong-Chil;Kim, Misook;Lee, Youngseung;Chang, Yoon Hyuk
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.9
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    • pp.1407-1413
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    • 2015
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the rheological and pasting properties of potato flour dispersions at different concentrations (3, 4, 5, 6, and 7%, w/w). A potato cultivar 'Goun', used in this study, was developed by Highland Agriculture Research Center, RDA. Potato flour dispersions showed shear-thinning behaviors (n=0.44~0.51) at $25^{\circ}C$. Apparent viscosity (${\eta}_{a,100}$), consistency index (K), and yield stress (${\sigma}_{oc}$) significantly increased with an increase in potato flour concentration. Storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") significantly increased, whereas complex viscosity (${\eta}^*$) was significantly reduced with increasing frequency (${\omega}$) from 0.63 to 63.8 rad/s. Magnitudes of G' and G" were significantly increased with elevation of potato flour concentration. G' values were considerably greater than G" over the entire range of frequency (${\omega}$) with a high dependence on ${\omega}$. Cox-Merz rule was not applicable to potato flour dispersions. Rapid Visco Analyzer data showed that peak viscosity, trough viscosity, breakdown viscosity, final viscosity, and set back viscosity of samples significantly increased with an increase in potato flour concentration.