• Title/Summary/Keyword: 제도 분석

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  • Oh, Kasil
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.33-56
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    • 1974
  • 간호를 장래의 전문직으로 택하려고 공부하는 간호학생들은 완전한 성인으로서의 발달 과정중 후기 성년기에 속한다. 이시기는 자아를 발견하고 인간이 무엇을 믿으며 인간의 가치가 무엇인가를 추구하는 중요한 시기이다. 다시 말해서 어른과 어린이의 과도기에 서서 자신의 이상적 가치와 기성사회의 기존 가치를 잘 융화시켜 독립된 인간으로서 성숙하려는 노력의 시기이다. 그러므로 성년기의 갈등은 인생의 어느 시기보다도 그 정도가 심하게 나타난다. 간호학생들은 이상의 일반적인 성년기 발달의 요구 외에도 간호대학이라는 특수한 배움의 여건 때문에 좀 더 심각한 문제에 대두된다. 특히 소아과 간호대학이라는 실습환경은 여러 가지 복잡한 병실 사정으로 많은 긴장감을 주는 학습경험이다. 어린이의 간호에는 그들의 발달과정에 따른 다양한 역활이 요구된다. 또한 병원이라는 낯선 환경과 어머니를 떨어져야하는 두려움으로 불안한 어린이와 그 어린이의 불안과 두려움으로 인해 우울과 죄의식에 있는 어머니의 간호는 여러 면에서 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 일으키게 하는 요인이 된다. 본 연구의 문헌조사는 주로 미국 문헌에 나타난 간호 대학생들의 성년기 성숙을 위한 발달의 요구와, 소아병실의 복잡한 여건으로 발생되는 긴장감을 다루고 있다. 문헌을 기초로 하여 저자는 긴장감을 주는 간호활동을 크게 다섯 부군으로 묶었다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호, 2. 어린이 환자나 부모와의 원만한 대화와 상호관계를 위한 간호활동 3. 소아병실에서 요구되는 다양한 간호원의 역활 4. 어린이나 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심 5. 간호의 가치나 이상적 간호. 연구방법으로는 49개의 폐쇄식 질문 항목을 가진 질문지를 사용하였다. 질문 항목들은 문헌연구에서 소아과 간호학 실습시 학생들이 긴장감을 느낀다고 밝혀진 내용들이 다. 학생들은 자신의 경험을 "긴장감이 없었다. ""긴장감이 있었다. ""심한 긴장감이 있었다. ""실습 중 경험이 없었다. "의 사항 중 택일을 하게 되어 있다. 연구대상으로는 모 대학교 간호대학 학생으로 산부인과 간호학 실습을 마친 후 소아과 간호학 실습 8주를 완료한 4학년 학생 42명이었다. 자료분석의 결과는 대부분의 학생들에게 소아과 간호학 실습은 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다고 나타났다. 다음은 연구결과 주목할만한 몇 가지 사항들이다. 1. 어린이 환자의 신체적 간호는 성년기 학생들에게 긴장감을 주는 실습 경험이었다. 특별히 심하게 긴장감을 주었던 간호활동은 어린이환자의 상태가 중한 경우로, 장기간 앓는 아이, 선천성 기형이 있는 아이, 회복이 불가능하여 죽게될 아이나 사망하는 경우의 어린이 간호였다. 이 결과는 간호학의 기본과정 즉, 기초간호학이나 내 외과 간호학 실습만으로 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 충분한 준비가 되지 못한다는 것을 뜻 할 수도 있다. 한편, 문헌연구에서 밝힌바와 같이 어리고 연약해 보이는 어린이들의 신체조건이 학생들의 간호활동을 어렵게 하는 경우도 될 수 있겠다. 2. 간호학생들의 어린이 환자와의 대화나 원만한 인간관계에서의 긴장감은 이 연구결과로 평가나 제언이 힘들다. 조사결과에서 학생들은 주로 어린이의 상태가 좋지 않은 경우에 심한 긴장감을 가졌고 일반적인 간호의 경우에는 별로 긴장감이 없었다. 이것은 질병의 상태나 화제, 이야기 할 때의 상황에 따라 긴장감의 여부가 달라질 수 있다는 결론이 되겠다. 3. 소아병실에서의 다양한 역활을 수행하는 것은 비교적 긴장감이 많이 생기는 간호활동으로 나타났다. 그러나 재미있는 사실은 학생들이 간호원으로서의 전문가적인 입장에서, 환자나 보호자를 가르칠때는 별로 문제가 없었으나 어린이 기르는 방법이나 어린이 이해면에서 좀 더 잘 안다고 생각되는 어머니가 지켜 볼때의 어린이 간호에는 긴장감을 가진다는 사실이다. 이것은 Jewett의 연구에서 밝힌바와는 상반되는 결과다. 그의 연구에서 학설들은 부모나 어머니들에 의해 전문가로서 인정받고 기대되는 경우가 제일 어려운 경험이 있다고 밝혔다. 4. 어린이 환자나 그들 부모의 간호에 대한 의뢰심은 학생들에게 심한 긴장감을 주는 경험이 있다. 특히 신체적 간호에 대해 의뢰하는 경우에는 더 심한 긴장감을 준다고 표현한다. 일반적으로 부모가 병실에 상주하는 경우에는 그들의 의뢰심이 심하며 이것은 학생들에게 감당하기 힘든 긴장과 어려움을 주게된다. 왜냐하면 성년기의 학생들은 그들 자신이 먼저 타인에게서 이해받기를 원하며 또 관용을 베풀어주기를 원하는데 그것을 남에게 주어야 하는 입장은 학생들을 긴장되게 하는 실습활동인 것이다. 5. 학생들은 그들이 배운 간호의 이상이나 가치가 실습지에서의 여러 경우와 맞지 않는 것을 보았을 때 극심한 긴장감을 갖는다고 밝혔다. 의사나 병원 행정의 사실이 자신의 이상과 맞지 않는다는 것보다는 간호원의 간호업무의 차이에서 더 비판적인 반응을 보였다. 대부분의 성년기 학생들은 그들의 이상적인 간호원상을 그들의 선배나 실무 간호원 중에서 찾으려는 시기에 그들의 간호활동이 이론과 다른 점이나 학생 자신의 소아과 간호의 가치와 다른 것을 보았을 때는 심한 반감과 긴장감을 갖게된다. 이 문제는 어린 사람이 윗 어른과 함께 동료의식을 갖고 일하기 어려운 한국적 사회구조 때문에 더 심하게 긴장감을 주는 경험인지도 모른다. 선배 간호원의 전문인으로서의 권위와 어린이 환자 보호자의 어른으로서의 권위 사이에서 자신의 이상과 가치의 추구는 용이하지 않으며 내적 갈등은 어쩔수 없는 일 일 것이다. 6. 대부분 높은 백분율의 긴장 반응은 죽음이나 환자의 사망에 관련된 간호활동 항목에서 나타났다. 이 연구의 대상 학생들은 2, 3학년에서 죽음에 대한 강의를 들었지만 이 연구 결과에 의하면 충분한 학습 경험이 주어진 것 같지 않다. 어떠한 경우의 죽음에라도 어린이 환자나 그 보호자들의 심리를 잘 이해하고 반응을 잘 관찰해서 적절한 간호를 해 줄 수 있는 다양한 방법의 학습 경험이 필요하다고 보겠다. 7. 학생들의 긴장도가 어린이 간호에 더 심한가, 보호자 간호에 더 심한가를 알기 위한 비교 결과는 비교적 비슷한 정도로 나타났다. 8. 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습시의 긴장도는 과거의 병실 실습기간의 장, 단이나 가정에서의 어린인 간호의 경험과는 별 연관성이 없었다. 연구의 대상자가 적기 때문에 단정을 하기는 힘이 들지만 소아과 간호학 실습이 다른 병실의 실습과는 분리되어서 완전히 다르게 다루어 져야만 하며 간호교육자들의 주의 깊은 관심과 노력이 필요한 실습교육이 라 하겠다. 이상의 전반적인 고찰에 의하면 한국 성년기 간호학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습은 미국의 경우와 마찬가지로 긴장감을 주는 경험이다. 문화배경의 다른 점은 무시하고라도 Davis와 Oleson이 결론한 바와 같이 "간호대 학생은 어디를 막론하고 다 같은 성격과 문제를 가지고 있다. " 앞으로 보다 효과적인 학생들의 소아과 간호학 실습을 위한 연구를 위해 다음의 몇 가지를 본 연구의 결과를 가지고 제언한다. 1. 보다 여러 지역에서 다양한 교육 방법을 가진 학교의 학생을 대상으로 한 연구의 필요성. 2. 학생들이 실습 전 선입견이나 이미 들어서 생긴 긴장감의 개입 여부를 밝힐 수 있는 연구. 3. 학생 개인의 과거 경침이 긴장감 유발에 미치는 영향을 위한 연구 4. 이 연구의 결과를 입증할 수 있는 종단적 연구. 5. 이 연구에서 나타난 긴장감이 학습 행위에 미치는 영향을 알기 위한 관찰적 연구. 이 연구를 위해 많은 도움을 주셨던 보스턴대학의 Dr. Kennedy와 연세대학의 여러 선생님께 심심한 감사를 드립니다.

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  • Lee, Ju-Seok;Seo, Jeong-Taeg;Lee, Syng-Il;Lee, Jong-Gap;Sohn, Heung-Kyu
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.399-415
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    • 1999
  • From bacteria to mammalian cells, one of the most important mediators of intracellular signal transduction mechanisms which regulate a variety of intracellular processes is free calcium. In salivary acinar cells, elevation of intracellular calcium concentration ($[Ca^{2+}]_i$) is essential for the salivary secretion induced by parasympathetic stimulation. However, in addition to $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, gap junctions which couple individual cells electrically and chemically have also been reported to regulate enzyme secretion in pancreatic acinar cells. Since the plasma membrane of salivary acinar cells has a high density of gap junctions, and these cells are electrically and chemically coupled with each other, gap junctions may modulate the secretory function of salivary glands. In this respect, I planned to investigate the role of gap junctions in the modulation of salivary secretion and $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, using mandibular salivary glands of rats. In order to measure the salivary flow rate, fluid was collected from the cannulated duct of the isolated perfused rat mandibular glands at 2 min intervals. $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, was measured from the cells loaded with fura-2 by spectrofluorometry. The results obtained were as follows: 1. CCh-induced salivary secretion was reversibly inhibited by 1 mM octanol, a gap junction blocker. 2. CCh-induced increase in $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, was also reversed by the application of 1 mM octanol. 3. Octanol did not block the initial increase in $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ caused by CCh, which suggested that the reduction of $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, caused by gap junction blockade was not resulted from the inhibition of $Ca^{2+}$ release from intracellular $Ca^{2+}$ stores. 4. Addition of octanol during stimulation with $1{\mu}M$ thapsigargin, a potent microsomal ATPase inhibitor, reduced $[Ca^{2+}]_i$, to the basal level. This suggested that inhibition of gap junction permeability closed plasma membrane $Ca^{2+}$ channels. 5. 2,5-di-tert-butyl-1,4-benzohydroquinone (TBQ) generated $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ oscillations resulting from periodic influx of $Ca^{2+}$ via plasma membrane. The TBQ-induced $[Ca^{2+}]_i$ oscillations were stopped by the application of 1mM octanol which implicated that gap junctions modulate the permeability of plasma membrane $Ca^{2+}$ channels. 6. Glycyrrhetinic acid, another well known gap junction blocker, also inhibited CCh-induced salivary secretion from rat mandibular glands. These results suggested that gap junctions play an important role in the modulation of fluid secretion from the rat mandibular glands and this was probably due to the inhibition of $Ca^{2+}$ influx through the plasma membrane $Ca^{2+}$ channels.

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Analysis and Implication on the International Regulations related to Unmanned Aircraft -with emphasis on ICAO, U.S.A., Germany, Australia- (세계 무인항공기 운용 관련 규제 분석과 시사점 - ICAO, 미국, 독일, 호주를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Dong-Uk;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Sung-Mi;Kwon, Ky-Beom
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.225-285
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    • 2017
  • In regard to the regulations related to the RPA(Remotely Piloted Aircraft), which is sometimes called in other countries as UA(Unmanned Aircraft), ICAO stipulates the regulations in the 'RPAS manual (2015)' in detail based on the 'Chicago Convention' in 1944, and enacts provisions for the Rules of UAS or RPAS. Other contries stipulates them such as the Federal Airline Rules (14 CFR), Public Law (112-95) in the United States, the Air Transport Act, Air Transport Order, Air Transport Authorization Order (through revision in "Regulations to operating Rules on unmanned aerial System") based on EASA Regulation (EC) No.216/2008 in the case of unmanned aircaft under 150kg in Germany, and Civil Aviation Act (CAA 1998), Civil Aviation Act 101 (CASR Part 101) in Australia. Commonly, these laws exclude the model aircraft for leisure purpose and require pilots on the ground, not onboard aricraft, capable of controlling RPA. The laws also require that all managements necessary to operate RPA and pilots safely and efficiently under the structure of the unmanned aircraft system within the scope of the regulations. Each country classifies the RPA as an aircraft less than 25kg. Australia and Germany further break down the RPA at a lower weight. ICAO stipulates all general aviation operations, including commercial operation, in accordance with Annex 6 of the Chicago Convention, and it also applies to RPAs operations. However, passenger transportation using RPAs is excluded. If the operational scope of the RPAs includes the airspace of another country, the special permission of the relevant country shall be required 7 days before the flight date with detail flight plan submitted. In accordance with Federal Aviation Regulation 107 in the United States, a small non-leisure RPA may be operated within line-of-sight of a responsible navigator or observer during the day in the speed range up to 161 km/hr (87 knots) and to the height up to 122 m (400 ft) from surface or water. RPA must yield flight path to other aircraft, and is prohibited to load dangerous materials or to operate more than two RPAs at the same time. In Germany, the regulations on UAS except for leisure and sports provide duty to avoidance of airborne collisions and other provisions related to ground safety and individual privacy. Although commercial UAS of 5 kg or less can be freely operated without approval by relaxing the existing regulatory requirements, all the UAS regardless of the weight must be operated below an altitude of 100 meters with continuous monitoring and pilot control. Australia was the first country to regulate unmanned aircraft in 2001, and its regulations have impacts on the unmanned aircraft laws of ICAO, FAA, and EASA. In order to improve the utiliity of unmanned aircraft which is considered to be low risk, the regulation conditions were relaxed through the revision in 2016 by adding the concept "Excluded RPA". In the case of excluded RPA, it can be operated without special permission even for commercial purpose. Furthermore, disscussions on a new standard manual is being conducted for further flexibility of the current regulations.

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Role of Growth Factors and Cytokines on Bleomycin Induced Pulmonary Fibrosis (Bleomycin 유도 폐 섬유화에 있어서 성장인자 및 Cytokine의 역할)

  • Lee, Yong-Hee;Jung, Soon-Hee;Ahn, Chul-Min;Kim, Sung-Kyu;Cho, Sang-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.871-888
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    • 1997
  • Background : It is now thought that the earliest manifestation of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is alveolitis, that is, an accumulation of inflammatory and immune effector cells within alveolar walls and spaces. Inflammatory cells including alveolar macrophages and resident normal pulmonary tissue cells participate through the release of many variable mediators such as inflammatory growth factors and cytokines, which contribute to tissue damage and finally cause chronic pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. This study was performed to investigate the source and distribution pattern of transforming growth factor-${\beta}_1$(TGF-${\beta}_1$), platelet derived growth factor(PDGF), basic fibroblast growth factor(bFGF), interleukin 1(IL-1), interleukin 6(IL-6), tumor necrosis factor-$\alpha$ (TNF-$\alpha$) and the role of these mediators on bleomycin(BLM)-induced pulmonary injury and fibrosis in rats. Method : Wistar rats were divided into three groups(control group, BLM treated group, BLM and vitamine E treated group). Animals were sacrificed periodically at 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 days after saline or BLM administration. The effects were compared to the results of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis, light microscopic findings, immunohistochemical stains for six different mediators(TGF-${\beta}_1$, PDGF, bFGF, IL-1, IL-6 and TNF-$\alpha$) and mRNA in situ hybridization for TGF-${\beta}_1$. Results : IL-1 and IL-6 are maximally expressed at postbleomycin 1~7th day which are mainly produced by neutrophils and bronchiolar epithelium. It is thought that they induce recruitment of inflammatory cells at the injury site. The expression of IL-1 and IL-6 at the bronchiolar epithelium within 7th day is an indirect evidence of contribution of bronchiolar epithelial cells to promote and maintain the inflammatory and immune responses adjacent to the airways. TNF-$\alpha$ is mainly produced by neutrophils and bronchiolar epithelial cells during 1~5th day, alveolar macrophages during 7~28th day. At the earlier period, TNF-$\alpha$ causes recruitment of inflammatory cells at the injury site and later stimulates pulmonary fibrosis. The main secreting cells of TGF-${\beta}_1$ are alveolar macrophages and bronchiolar epithelium and the target is pulmonary fibroblasts and extracellular matrix. TGF-${\beta}_1$ and PDGF stimulate proliferation of pulmonary fibroblasts and TGF-${\beta}_1$ and bFGF incite the fibroblasts to produce extracellular matrix. The vitamine E and BLM treated group shows few positive cells(p<0.05). Conclusion : After endothelial and epithelial injury, the neutrophils and bronchiolar epithelium secrete IL-1, IL-6, TNF-$\alpha$ which induce infiltration of many neutrophils. It is thought that variable enzymes and $O_2$ radicals released by these neutrophils cause destruction of normal lung architecture and progression of pulmonary fibrosis. At the 7~28th day, TGF-${\beta}_1$, PDGF, bFGF, TNF-$\alpha$ secreted by alveolar macrophages sting pulmonary fibroblasts into proliferating with increased production of extracellular matrix and finally, they make progression of pulmonary fibrosis. TNF-$\alpha$ compares quite important with TGF-${\beta}_1$ to cause pulmonary fibrosis. Vitamine E seems to decrease the extent of BLM induced pulmonary fibrosis.

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PS-341-Induced Apoptosis is Related to JNK-Dependent Caspase 3 Activation and It is Negatively Regulated by PI3K/Akt-Mediated Inactivation of Glycogen Synthase Kinase-$3{\beta}$ in Lung Cancer Cells (폐암세포주에서 PS-341에 의한 아포프토시스에서 JNK와 GSK-$3{\beta}$의 역할 및 상호관련성)

  • Lee, Kyoung-Hee;Lee, Choon-Taek;Kim, Young Whan;Han, Sung Koo;Shim, Young-Soo;Yoo, Chul-Gyu
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.57 no.5
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    • pp.449-460
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    • 2004
  • Background : PS-341 is a novel, highly selective and potent proteasome inhibitor, which showed cytotoxicity against some tumor cells. Its anti-tumor activity has been suggested to be associated with modulation of the expression of apoptosis-associated proteins, such as p53, $p21^{WAF/CIP1}$, $p27^{KIP1}$, NF-${\kappa}B$, Bax and Bcl-2. c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) and glycogen synthase kinase-$3{\beta}$ (GSK-$3{\beta}$) are important modulators of apoptosis. However, their role in PS-341-induced apoptosis is unclear. This study was undertaken to elucidate the role of JNK and GSK-$3{\beta}$ in the PS-341-induced apoptosis in lung cancer cells. Method : NCI-H157 and A549 cells were used in the experiments. The cell viability was assayed using the MTT assay and apoptosis was evaluated by proteolysis of PARP. The JNK activity was measured by an in vitro immuno complex kinase assay and by phosphorylation of endogenous c-Jun. The protein expression was evaluated by Western blot analysis. Dominant negative JNK1 (DN-JNK1) and GSK-$3{\beta}$ were overexpressed using plasmid and adenovirus vectors, respectively. Result : PS-341 reduced the cell viability via apoptosis, activated JNK and increased the c-Jun expression. Blocking of the JNK activation by overexpression of DN-JNK1, or pretreatment with SP600125, suppressed the apoptosis induced by PS-341. The activation of caspase 3 was mediated by JNK activation. Blocking of the caspase 3 activation suppressed PS-341-induced apoptosis. PS-341 activated the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway, but its blockade enhanced the PS-341-induced cell death via apoptosis. GSK-$3{\beta}$ was inactivated by PS-341 via the PI3K/Akt pathway. Overexpression of constitutively active GSK-$3{\beta}$ enhanced PS-341-induced apoptosis; in contrast, this was suppressed by dominant negative GSK-$3{\beta}$ (DN-GSK-$3{\beta}$). Inactivation of GSK-$3{\beta}$ by pretreatment with lithium chloride or the overexpression of DN-GSK-$3{\beta}$ suppressed both the JNK activation and c-Jun up-regulation induced by PS-341. Conclusion : The JNK/caspase pathway is involved in PS-341-induced apoptosis, which is negatively regulated by the PI3K/Akt-mediated inactivation of GSK-$3{\beta}$ in lung cancer cells.

A Study on the Critical Success Factors of Social Commerce through the Analysis of the Perception Gap between the Service Providers and the Users: Focused on Ticket Monster in Korea (서비스제공자와 사용자의 인식차이 분석을 통한 소셜커머스 핵심성공요인에 대한 연구: 한국의 티켓몬스터 중심으로)

  • Kim, Il Jung;Lee, Dae Chul;Lim, Gyoo Gun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.211-232
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    • 2014
  • Recently, there is a growing interest toward social commerce using SNS(Social Networking Service), and the size of its market is also expanding due to popularization of smart phones, tablet PCs and other smart devices. Accordingly, various studies have been attempted but it is shown that most of the previous studies have been conducted from perspectives of the users. The purpose of this study is to derive user-centered CSF(Critical Success Factor) of social commerce from the previous studies and analyze the CSF perception gap between social commerce service providers and users. The CSF perception gap between two groups shows that there is a difference between ideal images the service providers hope for and the actual image the service users have on social commerce companies. This study provides effective improvement directions for social commerce companies by presenting current business problems and its solution plans. For this, This study selected Korea's representative social commerce business Ticket Monster, which is dominant in sales and staff size together with its excellent funding power through M&A by stock exchange with the US social commerce business Living Social with Amazon.com as a shareholder in August, 2011, as a target group of social commerce service provider. we have gathered questionnaires from both service providers and the users from October 22, 2012 until October 31, 2012 to conduct an empirical analysis. We surveyed 160 service providers of Ticket Monster We also surveyed 160 social commerce users who have experienced in using Ticket Monster service. Out of 320 surveys, 20 questionaries which were unfit or undependable were discarded. Consequently the remaining 300(service provider 150, user 150)were used for this empirical study. The statistics were analyzed using SPSS 12.0. Implications of the empirical analysis result of this study are as follows: First of all, There are order differences in the importance of social commerce CSF between two groups. While service providers regard Price Economic as the most important CSF influencing purchasing intention, the users regard 'Trust' as the most important CSF influencing purchasing intention. This means that the service providers have to utilize the unique strong point of social commerce which make the customers be trusted rathe than just focusing on selling product at a discounted price. It means that service Providers need to enhance effective communication skills by using SNS and play a vital role as a trusted adviser who provides curation services and explains the value of products through information filtering. Also, they need to pay attention to preventing consumer damages from deceptive and false advertising. service providers have to create the detailed reward system in case of a consumer damages caused by above problems. It can make strong ties with customers. Second, both service providers and users tend to consider that social commerce CSF influencing purchasing intention are Price Economic, Utility, Trust, and Word of Mouth Effect. Accordingly, it can be learned that users are expecting the benefit from the aspect of prices and economy when using social commerce, and service providers should be able to suggest the individualized discount benefit through diverse methods using social network service. Looking into it from the aspect of usefulness, service providers are required to get users to be cognizant of time-saving, efficiency, and convenience when they are using social commerce. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the usefulness of social commerce through the introduction of a new management strategy, such as intensification of search engine of the Website, facilitation in payment through shopping basket, and package distribution. Trust, as mentioned before, is the most important variable in consumers' mind, so it should definitely be managed for sustainable management. If the trust in social commerce should fall due to consumers' damage case due to false and puffery advertising forgeries, it could have a negative influence on the image of the social commerce industry in general. Instead of advertising with famous celebrities and using a bombastic amount of money on marketing expenses, the social commerce industry should be able to use the word of mouth effect between users by making use of the social network service, the major marketing method of initial social commerce. The word of mouth effect occurring from consumers' spontaneous self-marketer's duty performance can bring not only reduction effect in advertising cost to a service provider but it can also prepare the basis of discounted price suggestion to consumers; in this context, the word of mouth effect should be managed as the CSF of social commerce. Third, Trade safety was not derived as one of the CSF. Recently, with e-commerce like social commerce and Internet shopping increasing in a variety of methods, the importance of trade safety on the Internet also increases, but in this study result, trade safety wasn't evaluated as CSF of social commerce by both groups. This study judges that it's because both service provider groups and user group are perceiving that there is a reliable PG(Payment Gateway) which acts for e-payment of Internet transaction. Accordingly, it is understood that both two groups feel that social commerce can have a corporate identity by website and differentiation in products and services in sales, but don't feel a big difference by business in case of e-payment system. In other words, trade safety should be perceived as natural, basic universal service. Fourth, it's necessary that service providers should intensify the communication with users by making use of social network service which is the major marketing method of social commerce and should be able to use the word of mouth effect between users. The word of mouth effect occurring from consumers' spontaneous self- marketer's duty performance can bring not only reduction effect in advertising cost to a service provider but it can also prepare the basis of discounted price suggestion to consumers. in this context, it is judged that the word of mouth effect should be managed as CSF of social commerce. In this paper, the characteristics of social commerce are limited as five independent variables, however, if an additional study is proceeded with more various independent variables, more in-depth study results will be derived. In addition, this research targets social commerce service providers and the users, however, in the consideration of the fact that social commerce is a two-sided market, drawing CSF through an analysis of perception gap between social commerce service providers and its advertisement clients would be worth to be dealt with in a follow-up study.

Effect of temperature on pharmacokinetics of nalidixic acid, piromidic acid and oxolinic acid in olive flounder Paralichthys olivaceus following oral administration (넙치, Paralichthys olivaceus에 nalidixic acid, piromidic acid, oxolinic acid의 경구투여 약물동태에 미치는 수온의 영향)

  • Jung, Sung-Hee;Kim, Jin-Woo;Seo, Jung-Soo;Choi, Dong-Lim;Jee, Bo-Young;Park, Myoung-Ae
    • Journal of fish pathology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.57-67
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    • 2010
  • Effects of temperature ($13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$, $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$) on the pharmacokinetic properties of nalidixic acid (NA), piromidic acid (PA) and oxolinic acid (OA) were studied after oral administration to cultured olive flounder, Paralichthys olivaceus. Serum concentrations of these antimicrobials were determined after oral administration of a single dosage of 60 mg/kg body weight (average 700 g). At $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$, the peak serum concentrations of NA, PA and OA, which attained at 10 h, 24 h and 30 h post-dose, were 11.55, 3.79 and $1.12{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. At $13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$, the peak serum concentrations of NA, PA and OA, which attained at 10 h, 15 h and 30 h post-dose, were 6.36, 1.4 and $1.01{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. Better absorption of NA and PA was noted at $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ compared to $23{\pm}13^{\circ}C$. The elimination of NA from serum of olive flounder was considerably faster at $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ than at $13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$. However, both absorption and elimination of OA were not affected significantly by temperature. The kinetic profile of absorption, distribution and elimination of these antimicrobials in serum were analyzed by fitting to a one- and two compartment model, with WinNonlin program. In the one compartment model for NA, AUC, Tmax and Cmax at $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $258.26{\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 10.67 h and $8.91{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. The AUC, $T_{max}$ and $C_{max}$ at $13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $341.45 {\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 7.72 h and $6.23{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. In the one compartment model for PA, AUC, $T_{max}$ and $C_{max}$ at $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $248.12{\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 21.15 h and $3.09{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. The AUC, $T_{max}$ and $C_{max}$ at $13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $103.89{\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 12.89 h and $1.22{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. In the two compartment model for OA, AUC, $T_{max}$ and $C_{max}$ at $23{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $138.20{\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 23.95 h and $1.06{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively. The AUC, $T_{max}$ and $T_{max}$ at $13{\pm}1.5^{\circ}C$ were $159.10{\mu}g{\cdot}h/m\ell$, 28.03 h and $1.02{\mu}g/m\ell$, respectively.

Effects of Dietary Salt Restriction on the Development of Renal Failure in the Excision Remnant Kidney Model (식이 sodium 제한 및 식이 sodium 제한에 따른 항고혈압제의 투여가 만성신부전증의 진행에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim Kee-Hyuk;Kim Sang-Yun;Kang Yong-Joo;Maeng Won-Jae;Kim Kyo-Sun
    • Childhood Kidney Diseases
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.170-179
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: To evaluate whether or not sodium restriction had its own beneficial effect and increased the efficiency of the anti-hypertensive drugs on the progression of renal failure. Methods: We studied using the excision remnant kidney model. Treatment groups were as follows: 5/6 nephrectomy and a 0.49% (normal-high) sodium diet (NN); 5/6 nephrectomy and a 0.25% (normal-low) sodium diet (LN); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.49% sodium diet and enalapril (NNE); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.49% sodium diet and nicardipine (NNN); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.25% sodium diet and enalapril (LNE); 5/6 nephrectomy, a 0.25% sodium diet and nicardipine (LNN). Both diets were isocaloric and had the same content of protein, phosphorus and calcium. Proteinuria, remnant kidney weight, mesangial expansion scores, and glomerular volume were assessed. Results: Blood pressure tended to be lower in LN compared to NN (P<0.05). NN developed progressive hypertension. LNE, LU, NNE, and NNN reduced blood pressure. LNE, LNN, NNE, NNN, and LN had significantly less proteinuria than NN at 16 weeks (P<0.05). At 24 weeks, LN developed proteinuria (82 mg/day), which were lessened in LNE (54 mg/day) and not lessened in LNN (76 mg/day). Mesangial expansion scores were significantly less in LN rats compared to those in NN rats. Glomerular volumes at 24 weeks in LN rats were significantly less compared to those at 16 weeks in NN rats. Mesangial expansion scores and glomerular volumes at 4, weeks, 12 weeks, and 24 weeks were not different among LN, LNE, and LNN groups. Conclusion: Dietary salt restriction lessens renal damage, at least in part, by inhibiting compensatory renal growth and reducing blood pressure. Enalapril was particularly successful in reducing proteinuria and glomerular injury when combined with dietary salt restriction.

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Synthesis of a Dopamine Transporter Imaging Agent, N-(3-[$^{18}F$]fluoropropyl)-$2{\beta}$-carbomethoxy-$3{\beta}$-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane (도파민운반체 방사성추적자 N-(3-[$^{18}F$Fluoropropyl)-$2{\beta}$-carbomethoxy-$3{\beta}$-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane의 합성)

  • Choe, Yearn-Seong;Oh, Seung-Jun;Chi, Dae-Yoon;Kim, Sang-Eun;Choi, Yong;Lee, Kyung-Han;Kim, Byung-Tae
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.298-305
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    • 1999
  • Purpose: N-(3-[$^{18}F$]Fluoropropyl)-$2{\beta}$-carbomethoxy-$3{\beta}$-(4-iodophenyl)nortropane [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT) has been shown to be very useful for imaging the dopamine transporter. However, synthesis of this radiotracer is somewhat troublesome. In this study, we used a new method for the preparation of [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT to increase radiochemical yield and effective specific activity. Materials and Methods: [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT was prepared by N-alkylation of nor-${\beta}$-CIT (2 mg) with 3-bromo-1-[$^{18}F$]fluoropropane in the presence of $Et_3N$ (5-6 drops of $DMF/CH_3CN$, $140^{\circ}C$, 20 min). 3-Bromo-1-[$^{18}F$]fluoropropane was synthesized from $5{\mu}L$ of 3-bromo-1-trifluoromethanesulfonyloxypropane (3-bromopropyl-1-triflate) and $nBu_4N^{18}F$ at $80^{\circ}C$. The final compound was purified by reverse phase HPLC and formulated in 13% ethanol in saline. Results: 3-Bromo-1-[$^{18}F$]fluoropropane was obtained from 3-bromopropyl-1-triflate and $nBu_4N^{18}F$ in 77-80% yield. N-Alkylation of nor-${\beta}$-CIT with 3-bromo-1-[$^{18}F$]fluoropropane was carried out at $140^{\circ}C$ using acetonitrile containing a small volume of DMF as the solvents. The overall yield of [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT was 5-10% (decay-corrected) with a radiochemical purity higher than 99% and effective specific activity higher than the one reported in the literature based on their HPLC data. The final [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT solution had the optimal pH (7.0) and it was pyrogen-free. Conclusion: In this study, 3-bromopropyl-1-triflate was used as the precursor for the [$^{18}F$]fluorination reaction and new conditions were developed for purification of [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT by HPLC. We established this new method for the preparation of [$^{18}F$]FP-CIT, which gave high effective specific activity and relatively good yield.

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Diving patterns and diving related disease of diving fishermen in Korea (수산물채취 잠수부의 작업특성과 잠수관련질환의 양상)

  • SaKong, Joon
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.31 no.1 s.60
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    • pp.139-156
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    • 1998
  • Diving related disease including decompression sickness is an important occupational health problem and diving fishermen remain a fairly hazardous occupation in Korea. To prevent diving related disease, we investigate diving patterns, incidence of diving related diseases, and contributing factors of 433 diving fishermen of three coast interviewing and mailing questionnaire in 1996. Mean age of divers was 39.7 years, ranged from 24 to 58 years, 92.8% of these were male, and 58.4% of divers were high school graduates. Mean duration of work as a diver was 12.9 years, ranged from 2 to 40 years. It was found that 70.4% of divers were using hookah system, 22.2% of helmet, and only 2.5% SCUBA. About half of them have learned diving skills from other divers. The peak season of diving was from April to June and mean working days were 20.3 days per month during the peak season. On the average, the divers dived 5-6 times, ranged from 1 to 10 times a day with 51.1 minutes of diving time, ranged from 20 to 120 minutes, at 30 m or 40 m in depth, and 35.5 minute of interval on surface. Most divers ascended slowly making decompression stop, yet the decompression profile used was not based on any scientific knowledge except for their own experiences. It appeared that each diving system had slightly different diving patterns. There were 282(65.0%) divers that suffered from DCS in 1995 and 31.2% of divers were given recompression therapy at a medical facility since they worked as diving fishermen. Skin and musculoskeletal complaints were common symptoms of DCS and 39% of divers experienced a voiding difficulty. In univariate analysis, females have an increased frequency of DCS(93% vs 66% for males). Old age, long duration of work, helmet diving, diving time, diving depth, repetitive diving, and blow up were all contributing factors to DCS. It was found that most diving patterns exceed no decompression limit and did not use the standard decompression table. This suggests that most of divers are at high risk of developing diving related disease with prolonged dives and lengthy repetitive diving in deep depth. Considering the diving patterns and economic aspect of professional diving, the incidence of DCS among diving fishermen in Korea will not decrease in the near future. These findings suggest that periodical health surveillance for divers, and education of health and safety are important for reducing the risk of diving related disease in the population of diving fishermen.

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