• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정점분할

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Application of Fractal Dimension on Consistent Calculation of Coastline Length - Focused on Jeju Island (일관된 해안선 길이 산출을 위한 프랙탈 차원 적용 방안 연구 - 제주도를 중심으로 -)

  • Woo, Hee Sook;Kwon, Kwang Seok;Kim, Byung Guk;Cho, Seck Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.83-88
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    • 2016
  • The use of consistent coastlines is an important element for the systematic management of maritime boundaries and the interests of local governments. The Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency conducted a preliminary survey for consistent coastline production, since 2001. As a result, the length of coastline was different by year. Because of the lack of systematic management, the use of incorrect data, etc. We also changed the coastline on the sea chart to show on a digital map for realization of terrain expression method. However, there was a variation in shoreline length due to various surveying techniques and shoreline extraction methods. In this paper, the characteristics of Jeju-do coastline were analysed by using a modified divider method of fractal dimension. The accuracy of the vectorization was determined by converting the actual distance in the Public Survey Amendment for proper divider use. With 1:5,000 and 1:25,000 digital maps of Jeju-si and Seogwipo-si each fractal dimensions were calculated. Jeju-si=1.14 and Seogwipo-si=1.12 in 1: 5,000. Jeju-si=1.13 and Seogwipo-si=1.10 in 1: 25,000. Calculated fractal dimension were correlated to data from digital maps. It was considered that complexity and scale of coastlines affected. In the future coastline length statistics and minimum ratio of calculated coastline length to original length need to be determined for consistency of coastline length statistics.

An Acceleration Technique of Terrain Rendering using GPU-based Chunk LOD (GPU 기반의 묶음 LOD 기법을 이용한 지형 렌더링의 가속화 기법)

  • Kim, Tae-Gwon;Lee, Eun-Seok;Shin, Byeong-Seok
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2014
  • It is hard to represent massive terrain data in real-time even using recent graphics hardware. In order to process massive terrain data, mesh simplification method such as continuous Level-of-Detail is commonly used. However, existing GPU-based methods using quad-tree structure such as geometry splitting, produce lots of vertices to traverse the quad-tree and retransmit those vertices back to the GPU in each tree traversal. Also they have disadvantage of increase of tree size since they construct the tree structure using texture. To solve the problem, we proposed GPU-base chunked LOD technique for real-time terrain rendering. We restrict depth of tree search and generate chunks with tessellator in GPU. By using our method, we can efficiently render the terrain by generating the chunks on GPU and reduce the computing time for tree traversal.

Histogram Analysis in Separated Region for Face Contour Extraction under Various Environmental Condition (다양한 환경 조건에서의 얼굴 윤곽선 영역 검출을 위한 분할 영역 히스토그램 분석)

  • Do, Jun-Hyeong;Kim, Keun-Ho;Kim, Jong-Yeol
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2010
  • Some methods employing the Active Contour Model have been widely used to extract face contour. Their performance, however, depends on the initial position of the model and the coefficients of the energy function which should be reconsidered whenever illumination and environmental condition of an input image is changed. Additionally, the number of points in the contour model should increase drastically in order to extract a fine contour. In this paper, we thus propose a novel approach which extracts face contour by segmenting the face region with threshold values obtained by a histogram analysis technique in the separated region of input image. The proposed method shows good performance under various illumination and environmental condition since it extracts face contour by considering the characteristics of the input image.

The Design of Genetic Fuzzy Set Polynomial Neural networks based on Information Granules and Its Application of Multi -variables System (정보 입자 기반 유전론적 퍼지 집합 다항식 뉴럴네트워크 설계와 다변수 시스템으로의 응용)

  • Lee In-Tae;Oh Sung-Kwun;Kim Hyun-Ki;Seo Ki-Sung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.479-482
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    • 2005
  • 본 논문에서는 퍼지 뉴럴네트워크의 새로운 구조인 Fuzzy Set-based Polynomial Neural Networks(FSPNN)을 소개한다. 제안된 모델은 일반적인 최적화 방법과 정보 입자를 이용하여 네트워크를 설계한다. 최종 구조는 Fuzzy Set-based Polynomial Neuron(FSPN)을 기반으로 설계한 FPNN과 동일하다. 첫째로 FSPNS의 종합적인 설계방법(유전자 알고리즘을 이용한 최적 구조 탐색)에 대해 소개한다. FSPNN에 관계되는 입력변수의 개수, 후반부 다항식의 차수, 멤버쉽 함수의 수 그리고 입력변수 개수에 따른 입력변수를 유전자 알고리즘을 통하여 동조한다. 두 번째로, 입력 변수의 개별적인 퍼지 규칙 형성과 퍼지 공간 분할 및 삼각형 멤버쉽 함수의 초기 정점을 HCM 클러스터링을 통한 Information Granules로 정의한다. 또한 데이터 입자의 중심을 이용하여 후반부의 구조를 결정한다. 이 네트워크의 성능은 기존에 퍼지 또는 뉴로퍼지 모델링에서 실험된 모델링 표준치를 이용하여 평가한다.

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A Field-based Morphing with Semi-automatic Control Lines Matching Using Image Segmentation (영상 분할을 이용한 반자동 제어선 정합에 의한 필드 기반 모핑)

  • Lee Hyoung-Jin;Kwak No-Yoon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2004
  • The field based morping requires the user to set most of the control lines manually which require much time and skill to get satisfactory results. This tjesis proposes a method to acquire semi-automation of image morphing through first acquiring shape information from the source image and the target image, than after the user manually designates the least amount of a pair of feature points, these are used as standards for polygon based vertex to set the appropriate control line to the source image and target image, and then using the ratio of control line lengths and space. Using the proposed method the user can reduce the time setting the control line and unskilled persons can get natural image morphing results while desingnating the least amount of control line.

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Terrain Reconstruction from Contour Lines (등고선을 이용한 지형 재구성)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Lee, Seong-Ho;Lee, Jong-Hun;Yang, Young-Kyu
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.641-644
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    • 2001
  • 기존의 종이지도를 수치지도 처리과정으로 얻어진 등고선(contour line) 데이터는 원격탐사(Remote Sensing)와 지리정보시스템(GIS)의 응용분야에서 주로 사용되어지는 데이터이다. 이러한 등고선은 해당 지역의 DTM(Digital Terrain Model) 데이터 생성을 위해 보간(interpolation)하여 생성하는 데 연구가 집중되어 왔다. 본 논문에서는 DEM(Digital Elevation Model)으로부터 얻어진 등고선 데이터를 이용하여 사용자에게 3 차원으로 가시화 해 줄 수 있는 기법을 소개한다. 등고선 추출을 위한 방법으로는 기존의 소개되어진 Marching Square 알고리즘을 적용하였고, 지역적인 최고점(local minimum)과 최소점(maximum)을 구하기 위해 등고선을 열린 등고선(open contour)과 닫힌 등고선(closed contour)으로 분류하게 된다. 지역적 최고, 최소점을 찾기 위한 탐색공간을 줄이기 위해 닫힌 등고선만을 대상으로 등고선 트리를 생성하였으며, 생성된 트리의 리프노드에 대해서 최고, 최소점에 대한 근사(approximation)를 수행하게 된다. 이렇게 구해진 근사된 정점들과 등고선 데이터를 입력으로 하여 제한된 딜로니 삼각분할(Constrained Delaunay Triangulation)을 수행함으로써, 3 차원 지형을 재구성할 수 있다. 실험에서 USGS 로부터 획득한 지형 데이터를 이용하여 속도 측정을 하였다. 결과적으로 저장공간 측면에서 적은 량의 데이터를 가지면서 등고선을 표현할 수 있는 3 차원 지형을 렌더링 할 수 있음을 알 수 있다.

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Effects of No-Tillage and Split Irrigation on the growth of Pepper Organically Cultivated under Plastic Film Greenhouse Condition (무경운과 분할관수가 시설 유기재배 고추 생육에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Seung-Koo;Shin, Gil-Ho;Kim, Hee-Kon;Kim, Hyun-Woo;Choi, Kyung-Ju;Jung, Woo-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.781-796
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    • 2015
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of no-tillage and split irrigation on the growth of pepper plant under green house condition in Jeonnam province. Moisture content of soil at whole quantity irrigation in tillage was increased rapidly regardless of soil depth for initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. Deviation of moisture content in soil was decreased with increasing depth of soil. Moisture contents of top soil and subsoil (20 cm) at whole quantity irrigation in no-tillage were increased with sunrise, and then decreased with sunset. Moisture contents of top soil in tillage, and top soil and subsoil (20 cm) in no-tillage at half quantity irrigation indicated a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of soil was increased after initial irrigation and then was decreased continuously until next irrigation. With increasing depth of soil, increases of salinity in soil was delayed. Salinity of top soil in no-tillage was increased between AM 11:00 and AM 12:00, and then showed the highest level between PM 2:00 and PM 6:00 on a cyclic diurnal variation by evapotranspiration. Salinity of subsoil (30 cm) in no-tillage was not measured a cyclic diurnal variation. Moisture content and salinity of soil was positive correlation regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. Growth of pepper in no-tillage cultivation was higher than that in tillage cultivation. Main branch Length and stem diameter of half quantity irrigation plot was higher than that of whole quantity irrigation plot regardless of tillage and no-tillage cultivation. After harvesting, the number of pepper fruits of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 49% and 47%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively. Pepper yield of no-tillage cultivation plot was higher by 8% than that of tillage cultivation plot. Pepper yield of half quantity irrigation plot was increased remarkably by 36% and 39%, in tillage and no-tillage cultivation, respectively.

High Dynamic Range Compression using 3D Mesh Processing (삼차원 메쉬 처리를 이용한 고명암 대비 압축)

  • Im, Jong-Guk;Lee, Yun-Jin;Lee, Seung-Yong
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2002
  • Recently, high dynamic range (HDR) compression has attracted much attention due to the wide availability of HDR images. In this paper, we present an HDR compression method using a progressive image, which is a multi-level image representation based on a progressive mesh. An HDR image can be decomposed into a base image and a sequence of details by conversion into a progressive image. This decomposition provides a good structure to highly compress the dynamic range while preserving image details. The base image and larger details are considerably scaled down but smaller details are slightly scaled down. Experimental results show that our method successfully generates HDR compressed images without halo artifacts by controlling two intuitive parameters.

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The Spatio-temporal Distribution of Zooplankton Communities in the Northern Yellow Sea During Autumn and Winter (가을-겨울철 황해 북부의 동물플랑크톤 시공분포 특성)

  • Lim, Dong-Hyun;Yoon, Won-Duk;Yang, Joon-Yong;Lee, Yoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.339-344
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    • 2009
  • The joint cruises of six times between Korea and China were carried out for a better understanding of the environmental and oceanographical characteristics of the Yellow Sea for 6 years from 1998 to 2003. Zooplankton samples were collected one time per year at 24 stations on 3 lines of the Yellow Sea. The aim of this study is to understand the seasonal fluctuation of zooplankton community in the Yellow Sea. There is no trend on the spatio-temporal distribution of zooplankton. Copepoda, the major taxon of the Yellow Sea, was high in distribution in the eastern part and Chaetognatha in the western part of the Yellow Sea. In this results, the dominant copepods were Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus s.l., Oithona atlantica, and Corycaeus affinis during the study periods. The density fluctuation of these dominant species may be an important factor in determining the fisheries resource of the Yellow Sea.

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Algorithm for Cross-avoidance Bypass Routing in Numberlink Puzzle (숫자 연결 퍼즐에 관한 교차 회피 우회 경로 알고리즘)

  • Sang-Un Lee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 2024
  • The numberlink puzzle(NLP), which non-crossings with other numbers of connection in connecting lines through empty cells between a given pair of numbers, is an NP-complete problem with no known way to solve the puzzle in polynomial time. Until now, arbitrary numbers have been selected and puzzles have been solved using trial-and-error methods. This paper converts empty cells into vertices in lattice graphs connected by edge between adjacent cells for a given problem. Next, a straight line was drawn between the pairs of numbers and divided into groups of numbers where crossing occurred. A bypass route was established to avoid intersection in the cross-number group. Applying the proposed algorithm to 18 benchmarking data showed that the puzzle could be solved with a linear time complexity of O(n) for all data.