• Title/Summary/Keyword: 정서지수

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The Research on the Gifted Children's Happiness (영재들은 행복한가?: 영재, 잠재적 영재, 일반학생의 행복관련 정서적 특성 비교)

  • Han, Ki-Soon;Kim, Young-Mi
    • Journal of Gifted/Talented Education
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.519-542
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of the present study was to examine the emotional characteristics related to gifted children's happiness, such as happiness index, optimism, psychological wellbeing, and school education happiness. For the study, 201 gifted students who were currently enrolled in gifted education centers, 124 potentially gifted students who were nominated by teachers for their scientific interests and high performances, and 141 general middle school students participated in the study. The results indicated that both the gifted and the potentially gifted students showed significantly higher emotional characteristics related to happiness compared to the general students. There was no significant difference between the gifted and the potentially gifted in the diverse aspects of happiness. Interestingly, significant interaction between gender and giftedness was found. Girls were happier when they were identified as the gifted, compared to the boys. Variables related to the happiness were also investigated, and the results indicated that the peer relationship and the family happiness were the most important variables that explained gifted children's happiness in general.

A Study of The Relation of Fatigue, The Stress Resistance and Emotion in Korean Middle Aged Women (중년여성의 피로도와 스트레스 저항력 그리고 정서와의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Eun;Park, Pyung-Woon
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2010.11b
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    • pp.855-858
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구는 발달적 위기에 놓여있는 중년여성의 피로도와 스트레스 저항력 그리고 정서와의 상관관계를 알아보기 위하여 뇌신경 생리학적 지표인 뇌파 측정을 이용하여 분석해 보고자 하였다. 2005년 3월부터 2009년 6월까지 한국정신과학연구소에 뇌파 측정을 의뢰한 우리나라 중년여성 4403명(35세~65세)을 기준으로 선정된 뇌기능 지수(긴장도, 항스트레스지수, 정서지수)를 시계열 선형분석과 상관분석으로 한 결과 중년여성의 피로도, 스트레스 저항력 그리고 정서에는 밀접한 관계가 있었다. 그러므로 사회적으로나 가정적으로 성숙하고 책임감 있는 중년여성의 역할이 필요한 현대사회에서, 중년기의 심리적 생리적 문제에 적극적으로 대처하는 것이 개인생활은 물론 가족의 원만한 기능과 안녕을 유지, 증진하는데 반드시 필요하다.

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Relation between depression and dietary practice among middle-aged women: mediating effect of emotional eating (중년여성의 우울증과 식생활 실천과의 관계: 정서적 섭식의 매개효과)

  • Dayeon Jang;Seunghee Kye
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.56 no.1
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    • pp.86-96
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: This study analyzes the association between depression, emotional eating, and dietary practices, and investigates the mediating effects of emotional eating between depression and dietary practice. Methods: A total of 345 women aged 40-59 years participated in the Seoul and Gyeonggido region. Assessments were achieved by self-reported questionnaires for emotional eating (Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire), Nutrition Quotients (NQ), and depression (Patient Health Questionnaire-9). Results: Analyzing the NQ scores by considering the depression group, revealed that compared to the normal group, balance, diversity, and eating behavior scores were lower in the depression group, whereas the moderation score was lower in the borderline depression group and depression group. The emotional eating scores were determined to be higher in the depression group than in the normal group. Partial correlation analysis between depression, emotional eating, and NQ revealed that depression is positively correlated with emotional eating and negatively correlated with all other factors of the nutrition quotient, balance, diversity, moderation, and eating behavior. Among the nutrition quotient factors considered, emotional eating was determined to be negatively correlated with both diversity and moderation. The bootstrapping method was applied to analyze the mediating effect of emotional eating for determining the association between depression and NQ. Results indicate that among the nutrition quotient factors evaluated using emotional eating as a medium, depression exerted a negative effect on moderation. Conclusion: Results of this study confirm that emotional eating, as a medium, affects the intake of unhealthy foods especially when depression is associated with dietary practices.

The Convergence Relationship on Emotion, Emotional Labor, Happiness Index, and Retention Intention in Dental Hygienists (치과위생사의 정서, 감정노동, 행복지수와 재직의도와의 융합적 관계)

  • Won, Young-Soon;Park, A-Reum
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.9 no.7
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    • pp.135-144
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted in order to be applied to basic data for enhancing dental hygienists' retention intention. Data analysis was carried out a univariate analysis and a hierarchical regression analysis over 3 stages by using SPSS version 19.0. The dental hygienists' retention intention showed a high outcome in case of the married(p<.001), in the more positive emotion(p<.001), in the lower frequency of emotional expression(p=.010), in the higher happiness index with life satisfaction(p<.001) and in the higher psychological happiness index(p=.012). The dental hygienists' emotion, emotional labor and happiness index need to be recognized as important relevant factors for increasing retention intention.

Factors Analysis Affecting intent to learn e-Book contents based on EEG (e-Book 학습자의 학습수용의도에 미치는 요인 분석 - 뇌파 분석(EEG)을 중심으로)

  • O, Arang;Moon, Nammee;Lee, K.S.
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.342-343
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    • 2011
  • 미디어 디지털컨버전스 환경에서 교육을 수용하는 도구로서 e-Book은 향후 더 많은 확산이 기대되어진다. 본 연구에서는 학습자의 학습도구로서 e-Book과 종이책의 수용 의도를 뇌파를 분석(자기조절지수, 기초율동지수, 주의지수, 활성지수, 정서지수, 항스트레스지수, 좌우뇌균형지수, 브레인지수 분석)하여 실험하였으며, e-Book을 사용후, 성별에 상관없이 내외적 환경 요인으로 인한 육체적, 정신적 피로도에 대한 저항력을 나타내는 항스트레스 지수가 낮아지는 결과를 얻었다. 향후, 본 연구를 기반으로 개선방향을 찾을 필요가 있다.

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A Study on the Effects of One's Blood Type on Cognitive Function and Emotional Character - for the Elder- (노인들의 혈액형과 인지 기능및 행동 성향과의 관계연구)

  • Bak, Ki-Ja
    • Proceedings of the KAIS Fall Conference
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    • 2009.12a
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    • pp.550-553
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    • 2009
  • 이 연구는 노인들의 혈액형이 인지 기능및 행동성향과 상관 관계가 있는지를 개인이 지닌 뇌신경 생리학적 지표인 뇌파 측정을 이용하여 비교 하여보았다.. 대상자는 2008년 9월에서 2009년6월까지 한국정신과학연구소에 뇌파측정 의뢰한 노인(60세 이상)을 기준으로 선정한 자료이다. 노인 여자 311명 노인 남자명451명 총762 명이다. 노인 혈액형 분포는 A형이 남 289명(64%), 여 111명(36%), B형이 남 78명 (17%), 여 64명(20%), O형이 남 57명(13%), 여 100명(32%), AB형이 남 27영(6%), 여 36명(12%)로 A>B>O>AB형 순이었다. 분석 결과 노인들의 혈액형과 행동성향과 상관관계에서 여자노인에서는 무관하였고 남자노인에서는 유의미한 차이가 있었다. B형과 O형의 남자노인에서 부정성향이 높다고 본다. 인지기능과의 상관관계에서는 정서지수(p=.001)와 활성지수(우)(p=.040)에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다.. 정서지수에서는 A형이 가장 높았고 활성지수에서는 AB형이 가장 높았다. 이 연구 결과 몇 개의 범주에서 혈액형과 의의있는 상관 관계를 보여 주었으며 미치는 영향이나 유전적인 역할이 어떻게 영향을 주는지의 작용기전을 규명하는 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다.

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The Relationship between Fatigue, Stress resistance and Emotion in Korean middle aged women (중년여성의 피로와 스트레스 저항력 그리고 정서와의 관계 연구)

  • Lee, Jung-Eun;Park, Pyung-Woon;Hyun, Kyung-Sun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.1145-1150
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study was to determine the relationships between fatigue, stress resistance and emotion in middle aged women under the developmental crisis using a brain wave measurement which is a cranial physiological index. From March 2005 to June 2009, women aged between 35 and 65 (N=4402) who volunteered for a brain wave test at the KRIJUS( Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science) were monitored the brain function quotient (tension degree, anti-stress quotient and emotional quotient). Correlation and time-series linear analysis revealed significantly the relationships between fatigue, stress resistance and emotion. Also, according to the emotional propensity, cheerful propensity was higher in the cheerful and depressed propensity, positive propensity was higher in the positive and negative propensity, during the whole test, cheerful and positive propensity was higher. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the quality of life by decreasing fatigue and stress level of the middle-aged women to maintain and increase their individual health and the better family relationship.

A Study on the Effects of One's Blood Type Cognitive Function and Emotional Character for the Elder (노인들의 혈액형과 인지 기능 및 행동 성향과의 관계 연구)

  • Bak, Ki-Ja;Ahn, Sang-Kyun;Lee, Hye-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.2072-2077
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    • 2010
  • This study is focused on the effects of elder's blood type on determining awareness and emotional character of the elderly, by comparing each individual's brain wave. Observed records are from thoes elder's who volunteered for KRIJUS( Korea Research Institute of Jungshin Science)'s brain wave measurement from September 2008 to June 2009. The whole 762 elder group consists of 311 female and 451 male. Blood types are A>B>O>AB dominately ordered. The result shown no relations between the blood types and their emotional character among elderly female, while elderly men shown meaningful difference; type B and O had higher rate on negative aspects. When it comes to awareness categories, both emotional(p=.001) and active(right)(p=.040) index shown meaningful differences. Type A had highest rate on emotional index and AB had it on active index. This study revealed meaningful relation between blood types and emotional character among several categories, while suggesting follow-up researches figuring out more detailed explanations for its effect and genetic role.

A study on the Brain function specialty based on the Maladaptive Soldier by Brain waves analysis (뇌파분석을 통한 군복무 부적응 병사의 뇌기능 특징 연구)

  • Ryu, Myeong-Oh;Yi, Seon-Gyu;Bak, Ki-Ja
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.1916-1922
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    • 2014
  • This study focuses on observing the brain function characteristics of maladaptive soldiers, through EEG analysis. The number of subjects was 1,119 including 59 maladaptive soldiers, 60 normal soldiers and 1,000 civil youths. The EEG measurements were performed from Sep. 2013 to Jan. 2014. As a result of the study, first, the soldier group's BRQ, ATQ, EQ, ASQ and BQ values were significantly higher than civil youth's, on the contrary to SRQ, ACQ, CQ which were higher in civil youth group. Second, compared to normal soldiers, the values of EQ and BQ were meaningfully low in maladaptive soldiers group, as well as the average values of each 8 quotient. In conclusion, military service can be assumed to have a positive effect on brain function of all soldiers due to regular life cycle, usual physical activities and balanced nutrition, but less effect on maladaptive soldiers who are exempted from those strict life.

A study on the effect of the brain activation and emotion by child Baduk study (아동 바둑 학습이 뇌의 활성도와 정서에 미치는 영향연구)

  • Ahn, Sang-Kyun;Bak, Ki-Ja;Jeong, Soo-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.1436-1441
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    • 2010
  • This research is about the effect on children's brain before and after learning Baduk. The research was performed on 20 pupils attending I Baduk school with the contrast group of 20 pupils who did not take Baduk instruction. The pre-test on the brain waves before learning Baduk were measured from October 27, 2008 to November 7, 2008 and the post-test on the brainwaves after learning Baduk were measured from November 2, 2009 to November 4, 2009. The result confirmed the differences of both resistance activity quotient and emotion quotient. The result of the study suggest baduk study possibility in positively affecting the subjects' brain activation and emotion.