• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전통적인 조리

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Development of Semi-cooked Pork using Steam Oven for Food Service System (오븐을 이용한 단체급식용 반조리식 제육구이 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Mee;Kim, Ok-Hee
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.62-67
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    • 2009
  • This study was undertaken to develope a semi-cooked pork using oven to provide a more convenient recipe for food service systems. Pork sliced 2 or 4 mm thick prepared with a Korean traditional kochujang sauce was broiled in an oven, steam oven or on a pan. 4 mm-thick meat that was broiled in oven for 4 min at $170^{\circ}C$, obtained higher scores in sensory and color evaluations. In labor-concentrated food service kitchens, the inner temperature of the pork at $85^{\circ}C$ provoked the highest satisfaction. The assessments of color L was ordered as steam oven, oven and pan broiling. And a- and b-values of oven broiling were higher than those of the steam oven or pan broiling. The color values of the steam oven-broiled pork sliced 4 mm-thick were significantly higher than those of the pan-broiled (p<0.05). In sensory evaluation, the taste score of steam oven was better than other broiling with significant differences. Furthermore pork broiling in oven was tender with low score in cohesiveness and chewiness. Overall acceptability was ordered as pan, steam oven, and oven broiling. Thus it was expectable that international Korean traditional food can be made using oven for food service system. For the diversity of the menu in food service, however it need to develope the more convenient and simpler recipes with semi-cooked Korean food.

The Characteristics of Sensory Evaluation by Various Cooking Methods of Salted-Dried Flathead (염건양태의 조리방법에 따른 관능적 특성(I))

  • 신애숙;이현덕;김경자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.512-523
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    • 1999
  • A purpose of this study was to figure out the best cooking conditions of salted-dried fish by a sensory evaluation on cooked salted-dried flathead. Cooking of the salted-dried fish is traditional and popular in Korea, and salted-dried flathead is a favorite with southern Korea. The raw material for the examination were a raw flathead and 3 degrees salted(2%, 4%, 6%)-dried flathead which added 3 kinds cooking treatment (steaming, boiling, baking) within three different times(5, 10 and 15 min.) respectively. The category scaled descriptive test and response surface methodology were applied for the evaluation, and the results of the evaluation were analyzed by SAS program. The result of the study were as follows : 1. For the steaming cooking, scale at 6% salt concentration and 5 minutes cooking time were the best conditions of the salted-dried flathead cooking. 2. For the boiling, 6% salt concentration and 10 minutes cooking time were the best conditions. 3. For the baking, 6% salt concentration and 10 minutes cooking time were the best conditions. 4. The baking group got higher estimations on the items of browning, cooked condition and meaty aroma than steaming and boiling group on Duncan's multiple range test. According to the result of the Duncan's test, baking is better cooking way for the salted-dried flathead.

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Quality Characteristics of JungKwa Made with Ginseng by Different Manufacturing Methods (제조방법을 달리한 수삼 정과의 품질 특성)

  • Jo, Eun-Hee;Kim, Myung-Hee
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.161-170
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    • 2014
  • Making jungkwa, a traditional Korean snack, is difficult and complicated. In this study, a rice cooker was used to simplify the process of making jungkwa made with ginseng. Comparing ginseng jungkwa cooked in a rice cooker with the control group cooked in a traditional way, their chewiness, browness, glossy and overall preference were similar when cooked for 160 minutes, 175 minutes, 190 minutes, 205 minutes, and 220 minutes. The moisture content of ginseng jungkwa cooked in a rice cooker decreased, while its sugar content increased with increased cooking time. Also, the ginseng jungkwa had lower lightness and higher redness and yellowness as its cooking time got longer. The ginseng jungkwa cooked for 205 minutes was most similar to the one cooked in a traditional way. In the measurement of texture, the ginseng jungkwa had higher hardness with increased cooking time, and, when cooked for 205 minutes, it was most similar to the one cooked in a traditional way in chewiness. The sensory evaluation showed that the one cooked for 205 minutes was most preferred in appearance, smell, taste, texture and overall preference. Based on these results, this study revealed that using a rice cooker can be substituted for the traditional way of making jungkwa.

시판 장류의 현황과 발전 방향

  • 신말식
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Food and Cookery Science Conference
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    • 2001.06a
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    • pp.298-308
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    • 2001
  • 장류는 콩을 주재료로 하는 우리 나라의 전통적인 발효식품으로서 중요한 조미료로 사용되고 있다. 장의 종류는 우리 고유의 전통식 제법에 의한 재래형과 일본식 또는 중국식 제법에 의한 외래형으로 나눌 수 있는데 간장, 된장, 청국장, 고추장 등이 포함된다. 또한 가정에서 담그는 장류와 산업체에서 다량 제조하는 것으로 나눌 수 있다. 장류는 그 원료, 지방의 기후, 환경 등 기타 요인에 의해 변화를 보이며 제조법이 차이가 나는데 맛은 메주에 의해 좌우된다 우리 나라에서 장류가 산업적으로 생산하기 시작한 것은 일본인의 정치 침투와 더불어 시작되었으며, 해방이후 국군이 창설되면서 수요가 갑자기 증가하였다. 또한 서구화의 영향으로 사회구조가 바뀌고 인구의 도시집중화, 주택구조 변화와 자가 제조 등의 어려움으로 공장제품에 대한 수요가 따라서 증가하였다. 최근에는 장류는 조미료로서의 역할 이외에 영양 강화나 생리활성물질을 함유한 식품으로서 그 가치를 찾을 수 있다. 우선 장류가 어떻게 발전되어 왔으며, 가정에서 담가먹지 않고 시판 중인 제품을 구입하는 경우 어떤 종류의 장이 판매되고 있으며 어느 산업체에서 생산되고 있는지 알아본다. 현재 장류를 상품화하고 또 편의식품화 하려고 할 때 문제점과 장류 산업이 나아가야 할 방향에 대해 소개하고자 한다.

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Texture Profiles of Frozen Cheese Pizzas and Effects of Heating in Microwave or Conventional Oven (냉동 치즈피자의 텍스쳐 프로필과 가열방법에 따른 영향)

  • Kim, Hye-Young
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.232-237
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    • 1994
  • A Texture profile for frozen pizzas was developed and applied to a comparison of the texture of frozen pizzas heated by conventional and microwave ovens. The texture profile consisted of 29 attributes evaluated at the following five stages: visual and manual. lip feel, first bite, mastication, and swallowing. The microwave pizza tended to be more crisp, dry, and rough but less tender than the conventionally heated pizza. Separate evaluations of the center and edge portions showed differences only in top greasiness, wetness of sauce on palate, moisture release for both types of pizza suggesting that the separated evaluations were not necessarily required. The edge tended to be less greasy and moist than the center possibly because it is more susceptible to overcooking and subsequent drying out.

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Literary Investigation and Traditional Food Cooking Methods for the Development of a Breakfast Food Substitutefood I (Analysis of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum During $1400's{\sim}1945's$) (아침대체 편의식 개발을 위한 전통음식의 조리방법과 문헌고찰 I(1400년대${\sim}$1945년대 고 조리서 속 미음과 미수, 고음류 분석))

  • Bok, Hye-Ja
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.987-1002
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    • 2007
  • This study examined Tthe cooking methods foroftraditional foods called such as Mieum, Misu, and Goeum from the from investigation of old cook books and ancient literatureis as follows. There We found were 7 types of Mieum that were cooked by mixing rice and cereals, while 3 types of Mieum were cooked by mixing cereals and herbal medicines to with thenuts. The Mieums that were cooked by mixing meat, fish, and shellfish, etc. to the herbal medicine ingredients like such as medical plants, etc were consisted of 8 types. Therefore, a total of 18 types of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum, etc were have been classified. Among the cooking methods of for Mieum, rice and grains were boiled for an extended longtime and filtered with a sieve to be used as the juicebroth. The Job's tears and millet, etc were mixed into water, or boiled after being made into a powder, soaked into water, and dried. The herbal medicine ingredients such as ginseng were boiled for an extended long time, and once the ingredients are were flown out cooked down, it the broth was filtered with asieve to be used the as a liquid extract. The meat, bone, and shellfish, etc were also boiled for a longn extended time, filtered with a sieve, and made into a juice broth to be used as a drinks from on occasion time to time. These drinks, called Mieum, Misu, and Goeum above, were healthy foods our ancestors used to enjoy for enjoyment drinking, and were also food for remedyies and sources of nutritionon. As Since the meal replacement foods to that replace meals that can be eaten right away while working and studying are needed, due to is required within the our busy schedules of in modern peoplesociety, thise literary investigation and the cooking methods for of Mieum, Misu, and Goeum, which that used to be are our traditional foods, can be are used as a basic research material for the development of convenient breakfast to meal replacements breakfast.

메디컬 리포트 - 건강한 기름? 고급 식용유 제대로 알고 먹자

  • Kim, Cheol-Jung
    • 건강소식
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    • v.38 no.7
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    • pp.38-39
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    • 2014
  • 가정용 식용유에도 웰빙 바람이 불고 있다. 전통적인 식용유 대신 고급 식용유를 찾는 사람이 늘고 식생활도 서구화되면서 올리브유, 포도씨유, 카놀라유 등을 일반 조리용이나 샐러드 드레싱용으로 사용하는 경우가 많아졌다. 이처럼 다양한 고급 식용유가 등장했지만 영양성분과 쓰임새를 정확히 알고 있는 사람은 많지 않다.

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Elementary school children's perceptions of traditional Korean foods, based on the health belief model (건강신념모델에 기초한 초등학생의 우리 전통 식생활에 대한 인식 조사)

  • Lee, KyoungAe
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.86-97
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    • 2013
  • This study investigated the eating habits of elementary school children and their perceptions related to traditional Korean foods, based on the health belief model. The subjects were fifth grade elementary school children (274 boys and 274 girls) in eight Korean cities. The results were as follows: The children ate almost three meals per day and were grateful for their meals. However, they irregularly consumed meals and snacks. They tended to eat heartily and did not eat foods that they had not yet eaten. Their meals were based on rice and they have eaten kimchi and vegetables at almost every meal. However, they had undesirable habits in eating other foods, such as fruits, fish, soybeans, and sweet foods. They did not sensitively or seriously perceive their eating habits in relation to their health. They perceived that it was very good for their nutrition, health, and tastes to eat traditional Korean foods, and they had pride in traditional Korean foods and eating style. Although they expressed some difficulty regarding availability and preparation of traditional Korean foods, they hardly felt difficulty in eating them. They had high dietary self-efficacy with regard to eating these foods, except for two items of self-regulation. Their eating habits showed positive correlation with dietary self-efficacy, perceived susceptibility, and perceived benefit. In conclusion, eating habits of elementary school children in relation to traditional Korean foods are not desirable, but not serious. They did not sensitively or seriously perceive their eating habits in relation to their health. However, they perceived that it was very good for their nutrition and health to eat traditional Korean foods, did not have a high level of difficulty in eating them, and had high dietary self-efficacy with regard to eating them. Therefore, we suggest that children should be exposed to various traditional Korean foods, along with education about them, in order to enhance their concern and motivation to eat them.

Characteristics of School Menus from the Daegu and Gyeongbuk Area (대구·경북지역 학교급식 제공 메뉴 특성 분석)

  • Ahn, Seon Woo;Choi, Mi-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.983-990
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the characteristics of menu items offered for school meals in the Daegu and Gyeongbuk area. A total of 538 menu items were collected from six schools (two elementary schools, two middle schools, and two high schools). There was a significant difference in food costs according to menu groups (p<0.001), with the highest food costs for meat and fish dishes (881.66 won) and the lowest cost for kimchi (114.50 won). The proportion of menu items using processed foods and with low operational efficiency were significantly higher in middle schools (p<0.01). In addition, menu items containing animal products were significantly higher in the non-traditional menu items in middle schools (p<0.001). Traditional menu items were less frequently cooked with oil (p<0.001) and processed foods (p<0.001), and their operational efficiency was higher (p<0.001). In conclusion, we found that traditional menu items in school meals were being offered with healthier ingredients and cooking methods, as well as a more efficient foodservice management, than non-traditional menu items.