• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전통무늬

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  • Kim, Gyu-Seok
    • 식품문화 한맛한얼
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.447-452
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    • 2010
  • 떡살과 다식판은 의례음식인 떡과 다식에 무늬를 박기 위해 사용되었다. 우리 민족은 음식에 아름다운 모양을 나타내기 위해 떡살을 사용했을 뿐만 아니라 조상에 대한 염원과 기원을 담아 사용하였다. 그래서 떡살과 다식판은 단순한 생활도구의 차원을 넘어서 민족의 정서를 담고 있을 뿐만 아니라 그 형태와 무늬는 조형적이며 상징성과 예술성이 뛰어나 소중한 우리 전통문화유산이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 이 글에서는 전통적인 떡살과 다식판에 대하여 알아보기로 한다.

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Preference and Dvaluation of Image for Modern Application of Korean Traditional Patterns (한국 전통무늬의 현대적 응용을 위한 선호도 및 이미지 평가)

  • 김증자;조지현
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.21-35
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the preference of image for modern application of Korean traditional patterns. A survey was conducted using the randomly selected 292 undergraduate women students of Taegu city. The degree of interest and preference in Korean traditional style or something like that had measured by 5 scale method. And then they had two groups which are interest/non-interest group, and preference/non-preference group in Korean traditional style. Also, preference of Korean traditional patterns was measured by 5 scale method. The image of Korean traditional patterns consisted of semantic differential scales. Analysis was by frequency, percentage, and mean. For difference of groups analysis was by t-test. The results were as follows:1. For the survey, 53.8% showed the interest and 40.4% did the preference for the traditional patterns. There was the positive correlation(0.782) between the degree of the interest and preference. 2. Among twenty traditional patterns, the patterns of plants and nature were very preferred, but the patterns of geometrical things was not preferred. 3. For the nature pattern, the image seemed to be elegant and feminine(womanly). For the plant pattern, the image seemed to be feminine, neat, weak, light and mild. For the animal pattern, the image seemed to be heavy, gorgeous, deluxe, virile(manly), strong and active. Last, for the geometrical pattern, the image seemed to be elegant, deluxe, rigid and strong. 4. Between the interest/non­interest groups, there was the significant difference in pattern of cloud, mountain, lotus flower, plum blossoms, orchid, dragon, chinese phoenix and bogy. Especially, for the orchid pattern, the preference difference between these groups was large. 5. For the plant pattern, the image difference between these groups was very large as the elegant-rustic image. Especially, the interest group evaluated as the elegant image. 6. Between the preference/non­preference groups, there was the strongly significant difference in the preference for the orchid pattern. 7. For the geometrical pattern, the image difference between these groups was very large as the mild­cold image. Especially, the preference groups evaluated as the cold image.

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Types of Lotus Patterns in Traditional Korean Textiles (한국 전통 직물의 연꽃무늬 유형 연구)

  • Lee, Eunjin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.67 no.1
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    • pp.56-73
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to categorize the lotus patterns of traditional Korean fabrics. This study collected 169 fabrics of Korean lotus flower patterns and then made a list of era, configuration of pattern, type of artifact, findspot and holding institutions. It analyzes the characteristics of 251 kinds of lotus woven on 169 Korean fabrics, 251 kinds of lotus on 169 fabrics divided into Realistic Type, Design Type, and Abstract Type. They consist of 213 kinds of Design Type(84.8%), 21 kinds of Realistic Type(8.4%), and 17 kinds of Abstract Type(6.8%). The largest part of lotus patterns is Design Type. Design Types are subdivided into 14 types. This result contrasted with the conclusion of the research paper about peony patterns in Traditional Korean Textiles. The largest part of peony patterns was Realistic Types. Realistic Types of lotus patterns in Korean textiles are subdivided into 6 types. Korea has more diverse forms and a higher ratio of Realistic Types than China and this can be interpreted to reflect that there is a tendency in Korea to prefer natural patterns. Besides abstract Types are subdivided into 3 types. When the lotus flower patterns of Korea and China are categorized and similar types are compared, there are some unique patterns that appear only in Korea or China. Not only that, similar types display differences in pattern arrangement methods and portrayal among the two countries. If such study results are utilized, they can be grounds for distinguishing the production area of lotus flower textile fabrics when they are newly excavated in the future.

Expression Methods and Compositions of Peony Patterns in Chinese Textiles (중국 직물 모란무늬의 표현방법 및 구성형태에 관한 연구)

  • Qiao, Dan;Lee, Eun-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.101-116
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    • 2010
  • In this study, the subjects are the expression methods and compositions of peony patterns in Chinese textiles. This study represents the peony patterns which are from Tang Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, the research subjects are the peony patterns in fabric, except the peony patterns which are expressed by gold foil, embroidery and kesi. The objects of this study are 72 pieces of peony patterns. We sketched the configuration details of peony patterns through the Illustrator program. Analyze and classify the configuration accurately. Based on the 72 pieces of peony patterns, expression methods and compositions of the peony pattern are as following, firstly, we classified peony patterns into three categories, based on expression methods, as realistic shape, pattern shape and shape. Among these 72 fabric relics, there most of realistic shape 42 pieces(58.3%), pattern shape 25 pieces(34.7%), and shape 5 pieces(7.0%). Secondly, in the realistic shape peony, the most of pattern has petal accumulate as grape- shaped. This type is found in almost every Dynasty and was used regularly in the eras of Song and Ming Dynasty. In the era of Ming Dynasty, by using petals like the curly mushroom, Yeongji(靈芝), the pattern of symbolizing longevity was habitually used. The U-shaped flower pattern (type E) and the pattern of emphasizing the veins of petals are found only in the remains of the era of Qing Dynasty. Thirdly, in the pattern shaped peony, the most of pattern has some petals which are separated(type C). Fourthly, we classified peony patterns into four categories, based on compositions, as individual branch form, floral branch form, cluster branch form and floral nest form. Among these 72 fabric relics, there most of individual branch form 33 pieces(45.8%), floral branch form 18 pieces(25.0%), cluster branch form 13 pieces(18.1%), floral nest form 8 pieces(11.1%).

Reproduction of the Dyeing Technique Used for the Small Flower Pattern Clamp Resist Dyed Fine Tabby in Amitabha of 1302 (1302년 아미타불복장 소화문협힐견(小花紋��纈絹) 염색기법 재현)

  • Choi, jungim;Sim, Yeon-ok
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.254-267
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    • 2019
  • Clamp resist dyeing is a resist dyeing technique in which a fabric is sandwiched between two or more pieces of woodcarving and then a pattern is expressed by dyeing. Records from nine years of King Heungdeok's reign during the Unified Silla dynasty show that the use of the clamp resist dyeing technique was banned for different garments. This was only for garments of YOOKDUPUMNYEO (六頭品女) or OHDUPUMNYEO (五頭品女). Given this, it can be assumed that clamp resisted fabrics were widely used, and the technique had been established during the Unified Silla dynasty or before. However, only the term can be found in the records. Neither its definition nor how this technique was used is explained. Also, it is difficult to assume the types and features of clamp resist dyeing due to a lack of materials. A small number of relics from the Goryeo dynasty still remain, though. Craft techniques have developed through international exchanges and have changed according to respective nations' circumstances including politics, economics, society, and culture. Hence, this research analyzed documents and relics from China and Japan, two countries neighboring the Republic of Korea, and studied the different types and features of clamp resist dyeing techniques. Clamp resist dyeing techniques were divided into monochromatic or multichromatic according to the number of colors that represented patterns, rather than according to the respective nations' features. They were also classified into mono, bilateral symmetry, or vertical-bilateral symmetry according to the structure of the patterns. Through the study of examples of inherited or reproduced dyeing techniques in China and Japan, it was confirmed that different engraving techniques, including relief, openwork, intaglio fit for the feature of a pattern and the number of colors, were applied in order to vividly represent patterns on fabric. Using small flower pattern clamp resist dyed fine tabby in Amitabha of 1302, the only relic showing its patterns and colors in Korea, as the experiment subject, this research successfully reproduced a clamp resist dyeing technique through a successful experiment based on the basic materials from the dyeing technique case study. Due to the significance of the experiment on a clamp resist dyeing technique that stopped its transmission and shows the features of the technique, this study is expected to be a basic resource that can be used for future reproductions of multichromatic clamp resist dyeing techniques. Also, it is expected to be helpful in widening and recreating the world of Korean pattern dyeing with modern dyeing techniques.

A Comparative Study on the Surface Patterns Applied to the Traditional Refining and Forge Welding Process Using Iron (철을 이용한 전통 정련·단접 과정 적용 소재별 표면무늬 금속학적 비교 연구)

  • Oh, Min Jee;Cho, Sung Mo;Cho, Nam Chul;Han, Jeong Wook
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.440-452
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    • 2019
  • This research has analyzed SI, the traditional steel, and SIHS(SI + HS), SICS(SI + CS), and SINiS(SI + NiS), the materials that were produced through welding and reprocessing three modern steel- HS, CS, and NiS- that have different carbon content. The purpose of the analyzation was to improve the definition of the multi-layered pattern that appears in the forging process. In observing modified structures on the commissures of three modern steel that have different carbon component to the SI, SINiS produced the most significant multi-layered pattern as well as the excellent welding quality. The excellent welding quality was due to the content of nickel which helped the forge welding process with other materials. There was no significant difference in crystal grain per materials, and SICS showed the highest hardness. At the measurement of EPMA for commissures of the materials, SINiS showed the highest definition of the multi-layered pattern due to the nickel and carbon content. The results above showed that the carbon steel with nickel content is the best material for the most definite multi-layered pattern, expressed from the multi-layered structure which is a characteristic of traditional forge welding technology. It is expected that the result of this research can be utilized as the technical data in further researches regarding the relics excavated from ancient welding process and their multi-layered structure and patterns.

A Comparative Study on the Metallurgical Characteristics of the Iron Knife Using Traditional Iron-Making Method (전통 제철법을 적용하여 제작한 철제 칼의 금속학적 특성에 관한 비교 연구)

  • Cho, Sung Mo;Cho, Nam Chul;Han, Jung Uk
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.433-442
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    • 2018
  • In this study, metal properties were compared by preparingthree iron knives from steel ingots produced via traditional iron-making, and ingot which jointed the steel of modern times. Metal microscope and SEM-EDS analysis revealed fine ferrite and pearlite structures of the hypo-eutectoid steel of Fe-C alloys. All samples also exhibited martensite on the blade of the knife. By Vicker's hardness analysis, the hardness of the sand iron knife (K1) was 533.38 HV, sand iron-nickel steel knife (K3) was 514.8 HV, and sand iron-carbon steel knife (K2) was 477.02 HV. The mass reduction due to wear was 0.058% for K1, 0.059% for K3, and 0.144% for K2. EPMA(Electron probe micro-analyzer) analysis of the surface pattern of the specimens confirmed that the patterns were exposed due to differences in the content of C or the chemical composition. Additional research on heat treatment processes is needed to increase the abrasion resistance of blades. Traditional steel ingots could produce high-quality steel if combined with nickel steel.

Construction of Korean Traditional Tessellations via GSP(Geometer's SkechPad) (GSP를 활용한 한국 전통문양의 테셀레이션 작도)

  • Kye, Young-Hee;Kim, Jong-Min
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2008
  • From the ancient Korea, our ancestor had designed the unique pattern which is Dan-chung, in architectures such as palace and Buddhist temple. In Dan-chung pattern, there are many various kinds, that is geometric pattern, arabesque pattern, plant pattern, flower pattern, animal pattern, Buddhist pattern and living pattern. So, we can see the tessellations in the Dan-chung pattern, moreover we can find the beauty of tessellation in the Korean traditional architectures and crafts. In this paper, I'll show you Korean traditional tessellations via GSP 4.0. which means geomeric program Geometer's SkechPad.

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Historic Development of Navajo Textiles - Focus on the Classic Period - (Navajo 직물의 역사적 발달에 대한 연구 - 고전시대를 중심으로 -)

  • 정미실
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.45
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    • pp.5-16
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    • 1999
  • 본 연구의 목적은 Navajo 직물의 역사적 발달을 고전시대를 중심으로 살펴보고 특히 외부영향에 따른 직물의 변화를 고찰하는데 있다. 구체적으로 1) 고전시대의 전통적인 직물은 어떻게 발달하였는가\ulcorner 2) 고전시대 직물의 전통적 요소와 외부영향요인은 어떤 점이 다른가\ulcorner 예 초점을 맞추었다. 연구방법은 아메리카 인디언의 이동,문화 Navajo 직조 및 직물에 대한 문헌을 바탕을 조사하였고 아리조나 주립박물과 아리조나 역사 박물관을 방문하였으며 박물관 안에 있는 전문가들의 조언을 듣고 연구의 자료를 보완하였다. 또 비교 미학적 차원에서 고전시대 navajo 직물의 전통적 요소와 외부영향 요인을 분석하였고 외부영향을 받은 직물의 예를 시각적자료로 제시하였다. 이연구는 인디언직물에 대한 이해, 고전시대. Navajo 직물의 문헌고찰을 통한 민족의복의 문화적측면에 기여할수 이고 현대적 감각을 지닌 Navajo 직물을 한국직물에 접목 응용하는데 도움을 줄수 있다 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. Navajo 직물을 고전, 전환, 양탄자 시대로 구분되었고. 이중에서 고전시대가 navajo 직물의 특성을 가장 잘 나타내었으며 발달된 직조기술을 보였다. Navajo인들의 직조기술은 1863년경 최고조에 달했다. Navajo 직물의 디자인 주제로 주로 인간을 둘러싸고 있는 환경에서 얻어졌고 이것들은 직선의 기하학적 형태로 구체화되었다. 또한 직물에 표현된 색도 자연과 밀접한 관련성을 갖는 있었다. 2. Navajo 직물의 주용한 용도는 여성용 드레스, 남성용 셔츠는 어깨에 걸치는 두르개였다. 여성용 드레스는 동일한 크기의 직물의 두장을 직조한 후에 꿰매었고 남성용 셔츠는 머리가 들어갈수 있는 구멍이 있는 장방형 판쵸 스타일이었다. 어깨에 걸치는 두르개는 여성의 경우 가운데가 검은색이고 가장자리가 푸른색인형태오 흰색과 붉은 색이 교대로 나타나는 형태의 2가지가 있었고 남성용은 고전시대의 대표라고 일컬어지는 족장 두르개였다. 3. Navajo 직물은 외부의 영향을 받아 많은 변화를 가져왔다. 즉 스페인 사람들로 인하여 면 섬유대신 양모섬유를 사용하게 되었고 전통적 모양과 다른직물이 출현하게 되었다. 또한 인디고 염류, 색소니 실, 바에타 직물의 도입으로 다양한 색상의 표현이 가능해졌고 이와 관련하여 다이아몬드 십자형 톱니형 무늬드이 나타나게 되었다. 4, 고전시대를 대표하는 직물로 족장 두르개, 쇼올, 안장덮개를 들수 있으며 이 직물들에서 뚜렷하게 외부영향 요인을볼수 있다. 즉 족장 두르개의 가장 정교한 단계에서 다이아몬드 무늬가 가장가리 가운데 모서리에 위치하여 9지점 배치를 이룬 것 쇼올의 경우 폭보다 길이가 긴 형태의 비전통적 모습을 나타낸 것 안장덮개에서 보여지는 여덟포인트 별 무늬도 외부의 영향을 받은예이다. 뛰어난 직조기술로 유명한 navajo인들은 변화에 잘 적응하는 특성을 갖고 있었다. 외부의 영향을 그들은 긍정적으로 받아들였고 자기 자신들의 필요에 맞도록 수정하여 정체감을 잃지 않으면서도 문화를 발전시켰다. 따라서 고전시대의 Navajo 직물은 고유적 요인과 외래적 요인의 조화를잘 나타내고 있으며 디자인의 탁월함이 세련됨 천연염료와 인조염료의 배\ulcorner에 의한 색상의 우월성 등으로 오늘까지 높이 평가되고있다.

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