• Title/Summary/Keyword: 전신 마취

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Dental Consultations and Treatment Pattern of Pediatric Inpatient in Severance Hospital (세브란스 병원에 입원한 환자들의 소아치과 협진의뢰 내용 및 진료현황)

  • Song, Jihyeo;Lee, Koeun;Song, Je Seon;Kim, Seong-Oh;Lee, Jaeho;Choi, Hyung-jun
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.200-208
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze the dental consultation of pediatric inpatients to the department of pediatric dentistry in Yonsei University Severance Hospital, and to investigate the change in patterns. In 2017, 268 pediatric patients (384 cases) admitted to the Severance Hospital were referred to the department of pediatric dentistry. The mean age was 6.6 years, and most of the patients were referred from the Department of Pediatric Hematology Oncology and Rehabilitation Medicine. The chief complaints were as follows: oral examination (31%), dental caries (20%), oral pain (10%), tooth mobility (10%), pre-operative evaluation (9%) and others (20%). 41% of the patients received only oral examination without treatment. Dental caries were the most frequent dental diagnosis of the patients. 28% (111 cases) of patients received operative treatments, 22 cases were treated under general anesthesia. Oral health is closely related to systemic diseases, especially for hospitalized patients. Dental consultations should be encouraged for prevention and early appropriate treatments. For this purpose, it is necessary to establish a referral system and perform dental treatment under general anesthesia.

Prosthodontic Treatment of Persons with Disabilities Under Dental Sedation and General Anesthesia (치과진정법과 전신마취를 이용한 장애환자의 보철치료)

  • Kim, Yun-Hee;Lee, Jin-Han
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.183-191
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    • 2012
  • In most persons with disabilities had poor oral hygiene because of less attention and ability to perform a dental care. So the increased prevalence and severity of dental disease were common oral state. Although most persons with disabilities need a adequate dental treatment, it is often very difficult to treat because of noncooperativity and involuntary muscle movements. Dental treatments under sedation and general anesthesia were make to provide a high-quality dental service because of decreased anxiety and fear associated dental treatment in persons with disabilities. The dental professionals must be able to select and apply the proper sedation methods in agreement with the characteristics of the disabilities, general conditions, sedation experience and capacity of dentist, type and time of dental treatment, equipments of dental clinic, consent of patient's protector. The proshodontic treatment procedures, such as abutment preparation, dental impression taking process, try-in process of prosthesis and adjustment of occlusion, are difficult even for patients without disabilities. Those procedures are more difficult to patients with disability because it's too hard to control breathing and muscle. In this report, we performed prosthetic dentistry procedures to three patients with disabilities under dental sedation and general anesthesia.

Dental Treatment of a Patient with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher Disease under Outpatient General Anesthesia -A Case Report- (Pelizaeus-Merzbacher 병 환자의 외래전신마취 하 치과치료 -증례보고-)

  • Kim, Tae-Kyung;Shin, Cha-Uk;Kim, Hyun-Jeong;Yum, Kwang-Won;Seo, Kwang-Suk
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.18-21
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    • 2007
  • Pelizaeus-Merzbacher disease (PMD) can be defined as an X-linked recessive leukodystrophy that is caused by a mutation in the proteolipid protein gene on chromosome Xq22. PMD is one of a group of progressive, degenerative disorders of the cerebral white matter known as the leukodystrophies. Due to the progressive nature of the disorders and their devastating effects on the central nervous system, these children frequently require anesthesia during imaging procedures such as MRI or during various surgical procedures. Anesthetic concerns in theses cases include high prevalence of seizure disorders, gastroesophageal reflux with the risk of aspiration, airway complications related to poor pharyngeal muscle control and copious oral secretions, and mental retardation. We report a successful anesthetic management in a patient with PMD for dental procedures.

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The Effect of Chest Meridian Massage on Post- Anesthetic Recovery of General Anesthesia Patients (흉부경락마사지가 충수돌기 절제술 환자의 마취 후 회복에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee, Byung-Yup;Shon, Kyung-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Adult Nursing
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.612-621
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: This study aims at confirming the effects of the chest meridian massage on the post-anesthetic recovery of general anesthesia appendectomy patients. Method: The research was post-test designed as a nonequivalent control group among quasi-experiments tested. The data was collected from June 20, 2003 to October 14, 2003 at a hospital in P city. In the collected data, using SPSS Win 10.0 program, these general features were analyzed by real numbers and percentages; the homogeneity among variables by $X^2-test$ and t-test and the research hypothesis by the t-test. Result: Hypothesis 1; The experimental group receiving the treatment of the chest meridian massage will have a much higher post-anesthetic recovery score than that of the control group not receiving it was supported(t=2.544, p=.014). Hypothesis 2; The experimental group receiving the treatment of the chest meridian massage will have a much shorter time of stay in the recovery room than that of the control group not receiving it was supported(t=-4.919, p=.000). Conclusion: According to these results, it may be concluded that Chest Meridian Massage is effective in producing a higher level of post-anesthetic recovery score and helps appendectomy patients reduce the time of stay in the recovery room. Therefore the chest meridian massage can be considered as an intervention therapy for directly nursing general anesthesia appendectomy patients.

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An Anesthetic Management in a Pedodontic Patient with Lowe Syndrome - A case report - (Lowe 증후군을 동반한 소아치과 환자의 전신 마취 경험 -증례 보고-)

  • Choi, Young-Kyoo;Oh, Jae-Yeol;Kim, Dong-Ok;Shin, Ok-Young;Lee, Keung-Bo
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.2 no.1 s.2
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    • pp.33-37
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    • 2002
  • The oculo-cerebro-renal syndrome of Lowe (Lowe syndrome) is an X-linked recessive disorder involving the eyes, nervous systems, and kidneys. The clinical manifestation of this syndrome is characterized by congenital cataracts, glaucoma, seizure disorder, psychomotor growth retardation, hypotonia, renal tubular acidosis, aminoaciduria, rickets, and osteoporosis. We report a 5-year old boy underwent general anesthesia for the treatment of multiple dental carries. During intraoperative period, marked metabolic acidosis was noted and such acidosis was partially corrected by hyperventilation. We suggest that patients with Lowe's syndrome should be attention and treated to possible anesthetic hazards such as metabolic acidosis due to renal tubular dysfunction, rise of intraocular pressure in patient with glaucoma, the fragility of the bone structures due to rickets and osteoporosis.

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Ambulatory Anesthesia Management of the Patient with Adrenoleukodystrophy for Dental Treatment -A Case Report- (부신백질이영양증 환자의 치과치료를 위한 외래전신마취 -증례 보고-)

  • Seo, Kwang-Suk;Bak, So-Yeon;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.45-49
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    • 2010
  • Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) is a rare X-linked genetic disorder associated with various central nervous system problems and adrenal insufficiency. It is common in childhood and symptoms include loss of previously acquired neurological abilities, seizures, ataxia, Addison's disease as well as degeneration of visual and auditory function. These children frequently require anesthesia during imagining procedure such as MRI or during some surgical procedures like gastrostomy. There is special need for careful management because of numerous anesthetic challenges like difficulty in cooperation, seizure disorders, life-threatening airway obstruction, copious oral secretion and possibility of aspiration. In addition, adrenal involvement and hypofunction must be considered for safe anesthesia management. We report a successful anesthetic management in a patient with ALD for dental procedures.

Difficult Intubation in Patients Undergone Oromaxillary Surgery: Retrospective Study (전신마취를 시행한 구강외과 환자에서 어려운 기관내삽관: 후향적 연구)

  • Kwon, O-Seon;Kim, Cheul-Hong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.118-121
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    • 2008
  • Background: This retrospective study aims to describe the airway management and to search predictive parameter for difficult intubation in 700 patients undergoing oromaxillary surgery. Methods: The medical records of 700 patients undergone oromaxillary surgery were reviewed for airway management during perioperative period. The cases of difficult intubation were selected and those radiologic findings were reviewed. The mandibular depth (MD), mandibular length (ML), thyromental distance (TMD) were measured. Results: In 41 cases difficult intubation were recorded in anesthetic record. The grade of Cormack and Lehane was III in 36 patients and IV in 5 cases. The MD of difficult intubation cases was $4.2{\pm}3.2\;cm$. The ML of difficult intubation cases was $10.1{\pm}3.8\;cm$. The TMD of difficult intubation cases was $5.9{\pm}4.3\;cm$. Under the fiberoptic guided awake intubation was undertaken in 75 patient. In none of the cases was failed nasotracheal intubation. Conclusions: The patients undergoing oromaxillar surgery have a potentially difficult airway but, if managed properly during perioperative preiod, morbidity and mortality can be reduced or avoided. The radiologic findings were poor predict for difficult intubation. The fiberoptic guided awake intubation is a safe alternative to direct laryngoscopic intubation.

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Pneumonia after Dental Treatment under Ambulatory General Anesthesia in Mentally Retard Patient -A Case Report- (정신지체 환자에서 외래전신마취 하 치과치료 후 발생한 폐렴 -증례보고-)

  • Seo, Kwang-Suk;Chang, Ju-He;Shin, Teo-Jeon;Yi, Young-Eun;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.122-126
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    • 2008
  • A 15-years-old female patient with seizure disorder and pervasive developmental disorder was scheduled for dental treatment under ambulatory general anesthesia. She had past history of pneumonia and herpes encephalitis when she was 3 year old. Because of sever mental retardation and behavior disorder, routine laboratory test was substituted with physical exam and medical records of department of pediatrics. A few days before general anesthesia, she showed slight common cold, but pediatric consult had reported that there was minimal risk in general anesthesia. After 4-hour general anesthesia, she became critically sick with high fever, cough and malaise. After 10-day hospitalization with pneumonia and sepsis, she could go home.

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  • Kim, Jin;Ro, Hong-sup;Kim, Il-woong;Lee, Sung-Ho;Yun, Han-ouk
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.291-295
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    • 1998
  • Intravenous anesthesia was compared with inhalation anesthesia in 20 patients of oral and maxillofacial surgery. The patients were randomly assigned to study in two treatment groups. 20 patients were injected ketamine and propofol. 20 patients were administered Enflurane. The respond of patients consciousness and general recovery condition of the two groups were compared. Intravenous anesthesia group were awake significantly faster without complications such as nause, vomiting, and agitation after operation than inhalation anesthesia group. Full recovery time of intravenous anesthesia group was significantly 3 times less than inhalation anesthesia group. The authors conclude that intravenous anesthesia is a practical technique for oral and maxillofacial surgery patients undergoing and may be preferable to intravenous anesthesia because of the significantly short of recovery time without complications.

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Jaw Thrust Improves the Fiberoptic Laryngeal View during Fiberoptic Nasotracheal Intubation (하악견인법 적용하 굴곡성 기관지 내시경을 이용한 경비삽관시 내시경하 후두시야의 비교)

  • Shin, Teo-Jeon;Seo, Kwang-Suk;Kim, Hyun-Jeong
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.178-182
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    • 2010
  • 배경: 임상적으로 굴곡성 기관지 내시경을 이용 삽관 시행시 후두경으로 성문부위가 잘 드러나지 않는 환자의 경우 삽관 시행이 어려운 경우를 경험한다. 하지만 이에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 어려운 기도환자에서 굴곡성 기관지경 시행시 후두시야를 확보시 차이가 있는지 확인하고자 하였다. 방법: 전신마취 유도 후 Cormack - Lehane classification을 이용하여 기관 삽관의 어려움을 먼저 평가하였다. 기관지 내시경을 이용하여 내시경하 후두시야의 정도를 평가하였다. 후두경으로 기도 확보가 용이한 그룹(Cormack - Lehane grades 1, 2)과 어려운 그룹(Cormack - Lehane grades 3, 4) 간의 내시경하 후두 시야의 정도가 차이가 나는 지를 확인하였다. 결과: 후두경으로 기도확보가 용이하지 않을 경우에 기관지 내시경으로 후두 시야를 용이하게 (fiberoptic laryngeal view 1, 2) 확보하기가 어려웠다. 반면 하악을 전방으로 견인시 후두시야의 정도가 통계적으로 유의하게 개선되었다. 결론: 전방하악견인법 (jaw-thrust maneuver)은 기도확보가 어려운 환자에서 기관지 내시경을 이용한 기관내 삽관 시행시 시야를 개선시켜서 삽관을 용이하게 할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.