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Development of Site Classification System and Modification of Site Coefficients in Korea Based on Mean Shear Wave Velocity of Soil and Depth to Bedrock (기반암 깊이와 토층 평균 전단파속도를 이용한 국내 지반분류 방법 및 지반 증폭계수 개선)

  • Kim, Dong-Soo;Lee, Sei-Hyun;Yoon, Jong-Ku
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1C
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    • pp.63-74
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    • 2008
  • Site response analyses were performed based on equivalent linear technique using the local geologic and dynamic site characteristics, which include soil profiles, shear wave velocity profiles and depth to bedrock for 125 sites collected in Korean Peninsula. From the results of site response analyses, 2-parameters site classification system based on the combination of mean shear wave velocity of soil and depth to bedrock was newly recommended for regions of shallow bedrock depth in Korea. First, as the borders of bedrock depth (H) for site classification were determined as 10m and 20m, the soil sites were divided into 3 classes as $H_1$, $H_2$ and $H_3$ sites. And then, the 3 site classes were subdivided into 7 classes based on the mean shear wave velocity of soil ($V_{s,soil}$). The feasibility of new site classification system was verified and the representative site coefficients ($F_a$ and $F_v$) and design response spectrum were suggested by analyzing uniform trend and dispersion of site coefficients for each site class. The suggested site coefficients and the regression curves present the nonlinear characteristics of soils according to the change of rock outcrop acceleration with uniform trend effectively. From the comparison between the mean values of response spectrum which was acquired from the site response analysis and the suggested design response spectrum, there was a little difference in some of site classes and it was verified to adjust the integration interval to make it more suitable for the site condition in Korea.

Assessing the Habitat Potential of Eurasian Otter (Lutra lutra) in Cheonggye Stream Utilizing the Habitat Suitability Index (서식지 적합성 지수를 이용한 청계천 수달의 서식지 평가)

  • In-Yoo Kim;Kwang-Hun Choi;Dong-Wook W. Ko
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.140-150
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    • 2023
  • The Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) is an apex predator of the riparian ecosystem. It is a keystone and an indicator species; consequently, its presence suggests a sustainable water environment. Otter is a keystone species as a predator at the top of the food web in the aquatic environment and an indicator species representing the health of the aquatic environment. Although Eurasian otters disappeared from the Han River urban water system because of anthropogenic activities like habitat destruction, poaching, and environmental pollution in the 1980s, the species were sighted in the Cheonggye Stream, Jungrang Stream, and Seongnae Stream, which are urban sections of the Han River, in 2016 and 2021. Therefore, it is pertinent to assess the habitat potential in the area for conservation and management measures to ensure its permanent presence. However, existing studies on otter habitats focused on natural rivers and reservoirs, and there is a limit to applying them to habitats artificially confined habitats in narrow spaces such as tributaries in urban areas of the Han River. This study selected the Cheonggye Stream, an artificially restored urban stream, to evaluate its potential as a habitat for Eurasian otters in urban water environments using the habitat suitability index (HSI). The HSI was calculated with selected environment attributes, such as the cover, food, and threat, that best describe the L. lutra habitat. According to the results, the confluence area of Seongbuk Stream and Cheonggye Stream and the confluence area of Cheonggye Stream and Jungnang Stream were suitable otter habitats, requiring appropriate conservation efforts. The HSI model suggests a valuable method to assess the habitat quality of Eurasian otters in urban water environments. The study is crucial as it can help rehabilitate the species' populations by identifying and managing potential Eurasian otter habitats in highly urbanized areas of the Han River basin and its tributaries.

Projection of Long-Term care Insurance Beneficiary and Financing (노인장기요양보험 대상자 확대에 따른 재정추계 분석)

  • Choi, In-duck;Lee, Ho-yong
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.1047-1065
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    • 2011
  • The main purpose of this study is to provide the sustainability and continuous development of Long-term care Insurance in projecting changes of the Long-term care Insurance beneficiary population and Cost. We conducted a transformed cohort-component projection method that are employed for the beneficiary population projection and applied the previous experiences in Japan and German. A transformed cohort-component method means that we also projected the increasing beneficiary of long-term care insurance for using the data of geriatric disease in NHIC and estimated the cost of insurance's financial resources. First of all, beneficiary increase and strategy of extending to level 4 are categorized 2 and the expense account projection are categorized 2. If it is thought experience of Japan and German, The Level 4 extend of insuree is projected 2012 or 2013. With the results of this study, we proposed that extended level 4 insuree include the 40%~90% of geriatric disease in elderly people. The number of beneficiaries in 2011 is expected to reach to about 342,896 and in 2015 is 415,905 on scenario 1. Scenario 2(40%of geriatric disease in elderly people), the number of beneficiaries in 2011 is 342,896 and in 2015 is 483,453. Scenario 3(90%of geriatric disease in elderly people), the number of beneficiaries in 2012 is 545,068 and in 2015 is 565,565. The cost of beneficiaries insurance benefit of scenario 1 are projected from 3,000billion in 2012 to 3,500billion won in 2015. Scenario 2 are projected from 3,100billion in 2012 to 4,000billion won 2015. Finally, The cost of Level 4 extending are need minimum 300billion to maximum 1,400billion won.

An Analysis of Relationships among Quality, Satisfaction and Utilization Perceived by Family Caregivers in Standard LTC Utilization Plan (가족수발자가 인지하는 표준장기요양이용계획서의 질과 만족도, 활용도 간의 관계분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Suk;Han, Eun-Jeong;Kwon, Jinhee
    • 한국노년학
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.871-884
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    • 2011
  • Standard Long-term care(LTC) Utilization Plan is a kind of care plan, which aims to help beneficiaries and their family choose services to meet their care needs. The objective of this study is to determine the relationships among family caregivers' perceived quality, overall satisfaction and utilization in Standard LTC Utilization Plan. Data were gathered from family caregivers with beneficiaries who have used community service in long-term care insurance system. A national cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted in December 2008, using proportionate quota sampling. Finally, 351 family caregivers completed questionnaires which included demographic characteristics, perceived quality(9 items), overall satisfaction(1 item) and utilization(2 items). Path analysis was conducted to find a causal relationship. This study shows firstly, the quality of Standard LTC Utilization Plan was categorized into three dimensions, that is, assessment of care needs, recommended care plan, and management of monthly benefits. Secondly, reliability and validity of quality items were satisfied. Finally, in the effect of perceived quality and satisfaction for utilization, assessment of care needs(indirect effect, path coefficients=0.077) and overall satisfaction(total effect, path coefficients=0.324) were statistically significant. The findings of this study would be helpful in developing the strategies, which is needed to improve the role of Standard LTC Utilization Plan.

A study on women's welfare organization's network -Focusing on network centrality and organizational effectiveness- (여성복지조직의 네트워크에 관한 연구 -네트워크 중심성(centrality)과 조직효과성을 중심으로-)

  • Jang, Yeon Jin
    • Korean Journal of Social Welfare Studies
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    • v.41 no.4
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    • pp.313-343
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    • 2010
  • The aim of this study is to examine the factors influencing network centrality on women's welfare organizations, and to investigate how the level of network centrality influence the effectiveness of the organization. To achieve this goal, this study conducted a survey on women's welfare organizations in Seoul from March to June, 2009. Network analysis method was used to get each organization's network centrality value. Also, through the Structural Equation Modelling, organizational characteristics predicting network centrality and effect of network centrality on organizational effectiveness. The main results are as follows. First, the significant affecting factors were different between three types of centralities with regards to the type of organization, recognition of resource dependency, attitude of top manager, and established year. Second, the common factors affecting three network centralities were the number of informal ties, accepting feminism as the main organizational philosophy, and the number of qualified staffs. Third, only closeness centrality positively predicted the level of organizational effectiveness among three types of centralities. The faster the organization reaches to other organizations in a network, the organizational effectiveness becomes higher, which means high closeness centrality is more important factor than high degree centrality or high betweenness centrality to increase organizational effectiveness. This result shows social welfare organization should consider changing inter-organizational network strategy from quantity-focused to quality-focused.

Research on Elderly's Experience for 'YangSaeng Exercise as a Recreational Welfare Service (여가복지서비스 활동으로서 노인의 양생(養生)체조 참여경험 탐색)

  • Kim, Sueyeon;Won, Youngshin;Lee, Sanghee
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.57 no.1
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    • pp.347-367
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to explore the meaning of YangSaeng exercise as a recreational activity for older adults. Twelve older adults who participated in the 'YangSaeng Exercise' at the S Senior Welfare Service Center were interviewed through purposeful sampling method. Each participant was interviewed two times, and data were analyzed using Strauss and Corbin's(1988) grounded theory method. Centralization was appeared as 'An addiction to YangSaeng exercise' and causal conditions were appeared as 'Visiting Welfare Center' and 'Participation in YangSaeng exercise program' and situational context were appeared as 'Self-management of old ages' and 'For possession of Independent Life' as the results of Axial Coding. Moreover, arbitrational conditions were 'Coexistence of Regret and Attraction' and interaction strategies were appeared as 'Accept', 'Effort and Easing Mind' and 'Share Together'. As a result, 'Appreciation', 'YangSaeng Exercise that comes in my Life' and 'Softly Pitapat' were derived. Core category of 'Living Joyfully with comforted and eased' was selected through outline of story which means it contains Positivity and Expectations, Acceptance and Acknowledgement, Satisfaction and Appreciation, and Commitment and Hope. Based on the findings, we acknowledge that YangSaeng exercise plays a role in improving quality of life of older adults as a recreational activity. This study sheds light on the possibility of implementing 'YangSaeng Exercise' as a health promotion activity among older adults.

A Study on fostering strategy for Port Equipment industry (스마트항만 구축을 위한 항만장비산업 육성 방안 연구)

  • 김보경;한승훈;안승현
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.108-109
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to set a policy that can be specifically promoted according to the recently announced domestic equipment industry fostering strategy, and to suggest a plan that can be implemented. As a plan to foster the equipment industry, a new technology certification system and a new technology test and verification area operation and vitalization plan were set as alternatives. And a survey was conducted on companies conducting R&D to derive specific demand and introduction plans. As a result of the survey, it was found that there was a high demand for the use of new technology certification systems and testing and verification area. Also demonstration in connection with port equipment, testing and evaluation in connection with accredited verification agency, and preparation of dedicated agencies were derived to foster the equipment industry. Based on this, this study suggests a new technology certification system specialized for port equipment was established and a plan to institutionalize. In addition, in connection with the survey results and certification system, the basic functions and roles of the new technology testing and verification area was established. For future activation, incentives with effective certificates such as exemption of certification costs and issuance of performance confirmation certificates are needed, and efficient operation and management through dedicated organization and certification center were suggested.

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A Study on the Structural Relationship between Employee Services and Store Loyalty (종업원 서비스와 점포충성도간의 구조적 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Sung-Wook;Suh, Geun-Ha
    • Asia Marketing Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.59-81
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    • 2004
  • Store loyalty is increasingly being recognized as a path to long-term business profitability. Customer contact employees deliver a service firm's promises and create an important image for the firm. A major purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of customer service and product value on store loyalty. In order to test research hypotheses, data were collected through surveys administered to 300 apparel store customers. Two hundred thirty nine usable data were used for the analysis. The findings of this research are as follows: First, a employee's voluntary service(EVS) has a positive impact on interpersonal r elationship, which then affects switching barrier and store loyalty. Second, a employee's regular service(ERS) has an influence on store satisfaction, which in turn affect store loyalty. Third, product value is shown to be a significant antecedent to store satisfaction, which have a direct effect on store loyalty. The study concludes with implications, contributions, and limitations of the research and the empirical findings of this research should be beneficial to marketing practitioners and retailing businessmen in developing effective marketing strategies.

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A Study on Changes in Seafarers Functions and Manpower Training by the Introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships (자율운항선박 도입에 따른 선원직능 변화와 인력양성에 관한 연구)

  • Sung-Ju Lim;Yong-John Shin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2021.11a
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    • pp.78-80
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on Degree of Recognition and AHP surveys for experts, this study investigates changes in the demand of seafarers in response to changes in the shipping industry environment in which Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships(MASS) emerge according to the application of the fourth industrial revolution technology to ships, and it looks into changes in seafarers' skills. It also analyzes and proposes a plan for cultivating seafarers accordingly. As a result of Degree of Recognition and AHP analysis, it is analyzed that a new training system is required because the current training and education system may cover the job competencies of emergency response, caution and danger navigation, general sailing, cargo handling, seaworthiness maintenance, emergency response, and ship maintenance and management, but jobs such as remote control, monitoring diagnosis, device management capability, and big data analysis require competency for unmanned and shore based control.By evaluating the importance of change factors in the duties of seafarers in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships, this study provides information on seafarers educational institutions response strategies for nurturing seafarers and prioritization of resource allocation, etc. The importance of factors was compared and evaluated to suggest changes in the duties of seafarers and methods of nurturing seafarers according to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.It is expected that this study is meaningful as it systematically derived the duties and competency factors of seafarers of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships from a practical point of view and analyzed the perception level of each relevant expert to diagnose expert-level responses to the introduction of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships.

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Exploratory Study on the Application of Blockchain for ESG Management in the Distribution Industry (유통업계 ESG 경영을 위한 블록체인 도입 탐색적 연구)

  • Yeji Choi;Jaewook Byun;Jiwon Moon;Hangbae Chang
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.217-237
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    • 2023
  • Recently, in the face of successive and unexpected global economic risks, ESG(Environmental, Social, and Governance) management has risen as an essential survival strategy for businesses. Particularly, the supply chain disruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic have added to the uncertainty of risks, heightening the importance of ESG management in the distribution industry. In this context, the role of blockchain technology in strengthening and managing the connection between the distribution industry and ESG management has become increasingly significant. While there have been extensive proposals for business models that integrate blockchain technology into distribution, few studies have specifically focused on the feasibility and effectiveness of applying blockchain to ESG management in this field. Therefore, this study analyzed the relationship between blockchain and ESG management in the distribution industry by employing association analysis, a text mining technique, on Korean academic research. Through this, the study confirmed the possibility of implementing blockchain in the distribution industry's ESG management and presented keywords to guide future research directions. The findings obtained from this study are expected to be utilized as foundational research for future studies in constructing blockchain-based business models for ESG management in the distribution industry.