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A Review on Constitutional Discordance Adjudication of the Constitutional Court to Total Ban on Abortion ('낙태죄' 헌법재판소 헌법불합치 결정의 취지와 법률개정 방향 - 헌법재판소 2019. 4. 11. 선고 2017헌바127 전원재판부 결정에 따라 -)

  • Lee, Seok-Bae
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.3-39
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    • 2019
  • Even after the Constitutional Court decided on August 23, 2012 that the provisions of abortion were constitutional, discussions on the abolition of abortion continued. The controversy about abortion is not only happening recently, but it has already existed since the time when the Penal Code was enacted, and it shares the history of modern legislation with the Republic of Korea. Legislators whom submitted amendment while insisting upon the eradication of abortion in the process of enacting criminal law at that time, presented social and economic adaptation reasons as the core reason. From then on, the abolition of abortion has been discussed during the development dictatorship, but this was not intended to guarantee women's human rights, but it was closely connected to the national policy projects of "Contraception" and "Family Planning" of the Park's dictatorship. Since then, the enactment of the Mother and Child Health Law, which restrictively allow artificial abortion, was held on February 8, 1973, in an emergency cabinet meeting that replaced the legislative power after the National Assembly was disbanded. It became effected May 10th. The reason behind the Mother and Child Health Law that included legalization of abortion in part was that the Revitalizing Reform at that time did not allow any opinion, so it seem to be it was difficult for the religious to express opposition. The "Maternal and Child Health Law" enacted in this way has been maintained through several amendments. It can be seen that the question of maintenance of abortion has been running on parallel lines without any significant difference from the time when the Penal Code was enacted. On August 23, 2012, the Constitutional Court decided that the Constitutional Opinion and the unonstitutional Opinion were 4: 4. However, it was decided by the Constitution without satisfying the quorum for unconstitutional decision of the Constitutional Court. This argument about abolition of abortion is settled for the the time being with the decision of the constitutional inconsistency of the Constitutional Court, and now, the National Assembly bears the issue of new legislation. In other words, the improved legislation must be executed until December 31, 2020, and if the previous improved legislation is not implemented, the crime of abortion (Article 269, Paragraph 1, Article 270 of the Criminal Code) Article 1 (1) will cease to be effective from 1 January 2021. Therefore, in the following, we will look into the reason of the Constitutional Court's constitutional discordance adjudication on criminal abortion(II), and how it structurally differs from the previous Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court. After considering key issues arised from the constitutional discordance adjudication(III), the legislative direction and within the scope of legislative discretion in accordance with the criteria presented by the Constitutional Court We reviewed the proposed revisions to the Penal Code and the Mather and Child Health Act of Korea(IV).

The Influence of Nutrients Addition on Phytoplankton Communities Between Spring and Summer Season in Gwangyang Bay, Korea (광양만에서 춘계와 하계 영양염류 첨가가 식물플랑크톤군집의 성장에 미치는 영향)

  • Bae, Si Woo;Kim, Dongseon;choi, Hyun-Woo;Kim, Young Ok;Moon, Chang Ho;Baek, Seung Ho
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2014
  • In order to estimate the effect of nutrients addition for phytoplankton growth and community compositons in spring and summer season, we investigated the abiotic and biotic factors of surface and bottom waters at 20 stations of inner and offshore areas in Gwangyang Bay, Korea. Nutrient additional experiments were also conducted to identify any additional nutrient effects on phytoplankton assemblage using the surface water for the assay. Bacillariophyceae occupied more than 90% of total phytoplankton assembleges. Of these, diatom Eucampia zodiacus and Skeletonema costatum-like species was mainly dominated in spring and summer, respectively. Here, we can offer the season why the two diatom population densities were maintained at high levels in both seasons. First, light transparency of spring season in the euphotic zone was greatly improved in the bay. This improvement is one of important factor as tigger of increase in E. zodiacus population. Second, low salinity and high nutrient sources supplied by Seomjin River discharge are a main cue for strong bottom-up effects on S. costatum-like species during the summer rainy season. Based on the algal bio-assays, although maximum growth rate of phytoplankton communities at inner bay (St.8) were similar to those of outer bay (St.20), half-saturation constant ($K_s$) for phosphate at outer bay was slightly lower than those of inner bay. This implied that adapted cells in low nutrient condition of outer bay may have enough grown even the low phosphate and they also have a competitive advantage against other algal species under low nutrient condition. In particular, efficiency of N (+) addition in summer season was higher compared to control and P added experiments. In the bay, silicon was not a major limiting factor for phytoplankton growth, whereas nitrogen (N) was considered as a limiting factor during spring and summer. Therefore, a sufficient silicate supply form water mixing Si recycled from diatom decomposition and river water is favorable form maintaining diatom ecosystems in Gwangyang Bay.

Zooplankton Community as an Indicator for Environmental Assessment of Aquatic Ecosystem: Application of Rotifer Functional Groups for Evaluating Water Quality in Eutrophic Reservoirs (동물플랑크톤 군집의 수생태계 환경 평가 지표 활용: 부영양화 저수지 수질 평가를 위한 윤충류 기능성 그룹의 적용)

  • Oh, Hye-Ji;Chang, Kwang-Hyeon;Seo, Dong-Il;Nam, Gui-Sook;Lee, Eui-Haeng;Jeong, Hyun-Gi;Yoon, Ju-Duk;Oh, Jong Min
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.404-417
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we analyzed response patterns of rotifer community to eutrophic state, and estimated the applicability of rotifer community as an environmental indicator for highly eutrophicated reservoirs. In order to evaluate the relationships among spatial and temporal distributions and the water quality of rotifer community, we selected the Jundae Reservoir and Chodae Reservoir in Chungcheongnam-do, Korea, which are geographically adjacent but have different water quality, particularly in their eutrophic states. For the analyses on their correlations, monthly survey of water quality and rotifer community, was conducted from April to November 2013 in both reservoirs. The rotifer community was divided into different compositions of functional groups as well as species. Functional groups were classified according to the structure and shape of trophi which can represent feeding behavior of rotifer genus. To reflect ecological characteristics of species, body size and habitat preferences were also considered. Species-based composition did not show a consistent tendency with water quality parameters related with eutrophication. On the contrary, functional group composition showed relatively clear group-specific patterns, increasing or decreasing according to the parameters. The results suggest the possible application of rotifer functional group composition as an indicatorforthe lentic systems, especially hyper-eutrophicated reservoirs. The present study can suggest the applicability based on the field observations from the limited time scale and sites, and further studies on feeding behavior of the rotifer functional group and its interactions with environmental variables are necessary for the further application.

A Study on the Neumann-Kelvin Problem of the Wave Resistance (조파저항에서의 Neumann-Kelvin 문제에 대한 연구)

  • 김인철
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Fisheries and Ocean Technology
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 1985
  • The calculation of the resulting fluid motion is an important problem of ship hydrodynamics. For a partially immersed body the condition of constant pressure at the free surface can be linearized. The resulting linear boundary-value problem for the velocity potential is the Neumann-Kelvin problem. The two-dimensional Neumann-Kelvin problem is studied for the half-immersed circular cylinder by Ursell. Maruo introduced a slender body approach to simplify the Neumann-Kelvin problem in such a way that the integral equation which determines the singularity distribution over the hull surface can be solved by a marching procedure of step by step integration starting at bow. In the present pater for the two-dimensional Neumann-Kelvin problem, it has been suggested that any solution of the problem must have singularities in the corners between the body surface and free surface. There can be infinitely many solutions depending on the singularities in the coroners.

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A comparative Study of Changing Pattern of Cause of Death Analysis of Korean, Korean in Japan and Japanese (재일한국인의 생활문화의 이질화와 적응과정에 관한 보건학적 연구(제 1보 한국, 재일한국인, 일본의 사인구조분석)

  • 김정근;장창곡;임달오;김무채;이주열
    • Korea journal of population studies
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.15-59
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    • 1992
  • After world war II Japanese life expectancy has been improved remarkably, and reached the highest level in the world around late 1970's. The life expectancy of Korean has also shown tremendous improvement in recent years with about 20 year's gap from the Japanese. The reason of rapid improvement of life expectancy can be explained by changes in the structure of cause of death due to health system, living standard, social welfare, health behavior of individuals and so on. Korean in Japan is placed under different situations from both Korean in Korea and Japanese in these regards, and expected to show different picture of cause of death pattern. The objective of this study is the comparision of changing patterns of cause of death of three population groups, Korean in Japan, Korean in Korea and Japanese, and to investigate the reasons which effect to the structural difference of mortality cause with special emphasis on health ecological aspects. One of the major limitations of the Korean causes of death statistics is the under-registration which ranges about 10% of the total events, and inaccuracy of the exact cause of death. Some 20% of registered deaths were unable to classify by ICD. However, it is concluded that the Korean data are evaluated as sufficient to stand for over-viewing of trends of cause of death pattern. The evaluation is done by comparing data from registration and field survey over the same population sample. Population data of Korean in Japan differ between two sources of data; census and foreigner's registration. Correction is done by life table method under the assumption that age-specific mortality pattern would accord with that of the Japanese. The crude death rate was lowest among Korean in Japan, 5.7 deaths per 1,000 population in 1965. The crude death rates of Korean in Japan and Japanese are increasing recently influenced by age structure while Korean in Korea still shows decreasing tendency. The adjusted death rate is lowest among Japanese, followed by Korean in Japan, and Korean in Korea. The leading causes of death of Korean in Korea until 1960's was infectious diseases including pneumonia and tuberculosis. The causes of death structure changed gradually to accidents, neoplasm, hypertensive disease, cerebro-vascular disease in order. The main difference in cause of death between Korean and Japanese if high rate of liver diseases and diabetes for both Korean in Japan and Korea. A special feature of cause of death among Korean in Korea is remakably high rate of hypertensive disease, which is assumed to be caused by physicians tendency in choosing diagnostic categories. The low ischemic heart disease and high vasculo-cerebral disease are the distinctive characteristic of the three population groups compared to western countries. Specific causes of death were selected for detailed sex, age and ethnic group comparisons based on their high death rates. Cancer is the cause of death which showed most dramatical increase in all three population groups. In Korea 20.1% of all death were caused by cancer in 1990 compared with 10.5% in 1981. Cancer of the liver is the leading cause of cancer death among Korean in Japan for both sexes, followed by cancer of the lung and cancer of the stomach, while that of Korean in Korea is cancer of the stomach, followed by cancer of the liver and cancer of the lung for male. Causes of infant mortality were examined among the three population groups since 1980 on yearly bases. For both Japanese and Korean in Japan, leading cause of death ranks as conditions originating in the perinatal period, congenital anomalies, accidents and other violent causes. Trends since 1980 for these two population groups in the leading cause of infant mortality showed no changes. On the contrary, significant changes in leading cause of death structure in Korea were observed : the ranking of leading cause of death in 1981 were congenital asnomalies, pneumonia bronchitis, infectious disease, heart disease, conditions originating in the perinatal period, accident and other violent causes ; in 1990 the ranking shifted to congenital anomalies, accident, pneumonia bronchities, conditions originating in the perinatal period, infectious disease. The mortality rate by congenital anomalies in Korea continuously grew than any other causes. Larger increase ocurred during the 1990's

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Using Effective Temperatures to Determine Safety Cultivation Season in Direct Seeding Rice on Dry Paddy (작물생육 유효기온 출현시기를 이용한 건답직파 벼의 지역별 안전작기 설정)

  • 최돈향;윤경민;윤성호;박무언
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    • v.42 no.6
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    • pp.666-672
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    • 1997
  • Twenty years' daily mean air temperature data was used to calculate the critical early seeding date(CESD), the optimum heading date(OHD), the critical late heading date for stable ripening(CHDR) and the critical late ripening date(CLRD) for rice seeded on dry paddy in different agroclimatic zones in Korea. The CESD was defined as the first day with mean air temperature of 13$^{\circ}C$, and the OHD as the first day of the 40 consecutive days with mean air temperature of 22$^{\circ}C$ or above after heading. The CHDR was defined as the date after which the cumulative daily mean air temperature would be at least 76$0^{\circ}C$. Lastly, the CLRD was defined as the last day when daily mean air temperature remains above 15$^{\circ}C$. This information was used for the estimation of periods from the earliest date of seeding to optimum heading date, the latest possible date of heading and the latest possible date of ripening in respective regions. For instance, in Suwon, those respective periods mentioned were found to be 104days, 124days, and 165days.

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The Construction of QoS Integration Platform for Real-time Negotiation and Adaptation Stream Service in Distributed Object Computing Environments (분산 객체 컴퓨팅 환경에서 실시간 협약 및 적응 스트림 서비스를 위한 QoS 통합 플랫폼의 구축)

  • Jun, Byung-Taek;Kim, Myung-Hee;Joo, Su-Chong
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.7 no.11S
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    • pp.3651-3667
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    • 2000
  • Recently, in the distributed multimedia environments based on internet, as radical growing technologies, the most of researchers focus on both streaming technology and distributed object thchnology, Specially, the studies which are tried to integrate the streaming services on the distributed object technology have been progressing. These technologies are applied to various stream service mamgements and protocols. However, the stream service management mexlels which are being proposed by the existing researches are insufficient for suporting the QoS of stream services. Besides, the existing models have the problems that cannot support the extensibility and the reusability, when the QoS-reiatedfunctions are being developed as a sub-module which is suited on the specific-purpose application services. For solving these problems, in this paper. we suggested a QoS Integrated platform which can extend and reuse using the distributed object technologies, and guarantee the QoS of the stream services. A structure of platform we suggested consists of three components such as User Control Module(UCM), QoS Management Module(QoSM) and Stream Object. Stream Object has Send/Receive operations for transmitting the RTP packets over TCP/IP. User Control ModuleI(UCM) controls Stream Objects via the COREA service objects. QoS Management Modulel(QoSM) has the functions which maintain the QoS of stream service between the UCMs in client and server. As QoS control methexlologies, procedures of resource monitoring, negotiation, and resource adaptation are executed via the interactions among these comiXments mentioned above. For constmcting this QoS integrated platform, we first implemented the modules mentioned above independently, and then, used IDL for defining interfaces among these mexlules so that can support platform independence, interoperability and portability base on COREA. This platform is constructed using OrbixWeb 3.1c following CORBA specification on Solaris 2.5/2.7, Java language, Java, Java Media Framework API 2.0, Mini-SQL1.0.16 and multimedia equipments. As results for verifying this platform functionally, we showed executing results of each module we mentioned above, and a numerical data obtained from QoS control procedures on client and server's GUI, while stream service is executing on our platform.

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Ecological Factors Influencing Adolescent's Negative Emotion: Moderating Effects of Parent's Abuse (청소년의 부정적 정서에 영향을 미치는 생태학적 요인: 부모학대경험 여부의 조절효과)

  • Lee, Jongseok;Jung, Deuk;Kim, Insul;Hwang, Hyunseok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.2713-2723
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    • 2014
  • This study adopts an ecological perspective to empirically navigate the issues surrounding the impact of parental abuse on the emotional development of adolescents. The data is used from the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey 2011 (KCYPS 2011), which was conducted by the National Youth Policy Institute (n=2,270). Path models were constructed in which adolescents' environmental mediators (i.e., the relationship with parents, friends, and teachers; and school life) control their negative emotions (i.e., aggressiveness, negative physical symptoms, social weakness and depression); in turn to compare the difference between two groups based on parental abuse by using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). As with the non-abused group (n=1,644), all the environmental mediators remained significant to control their negative emotion; whereas, the abused group (n=626) showed no significant pathway from their relationship with teachers and school life to negative emotion. This indicates that the abused group have limited number of the mediators to control their negative emotion than those of the non-abused group. For the non-abused group, the mediator with the highest total effect to control their negative emotion was the relationship with their friends; on the other hand, the abused group's mediator that showed the highest total effect to control their negative emotion was the relationship with their parents. Although the relationship with teachers remained significant as a mediator to affect school life for the both groups, teachers were not significant to control the negative emotion of the abused group. These findings suggest that the negative relationship with teachers in the abused group is a factor to threat the school adaptation of adolescents, which also leads to problems that are related to the emotional development of adolescents.

The Clinical Applicability of Transoral Transpharyngeal Approach to the Craniovertebral Junction Lesions (두개 경추 이행부의 병소에 대한 경구적 접근법의 유용성)

  • Cho, Tae Goo;Park, Kwan;Cho, Yang-Sun;Baek, Chung-Hwan;Nam, Do Hyun;Kim, Jong Soo;Hong, Seung-Chyul;Shin, Hyung Jin;Eoh, Whan;Kim, Jong Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2000
  • Objective : Although transoral transpharyngeal approach is a very useful method for the lesions of craniovertebral junction, it is not frequently used because of anatomical unfamilarity, risk of cerebrospinal fluid(CSF) leakage, and resultant postoperative meningitis. To evaluate the usefulness of transoral transpharyngeal approach for various lesions of craniovertebral junction, clinical characteristics and the results of this approach are investigated. Methods : Transoral transpharyngeal approaches were performed in eight cases between 1996 and 1999. Among them, there were three basilar invaginations due to congenital anomalies, two odontoid type I fractures, two atlantoaxial dislocations, and one pseudotumor. Surgical methods included five cases of anterior decompression and posterior fusion, two anterior approaches for decompression and one transoral approach for biopsy. Results : This procedure allowed immediate clinical improvement in all cases. In seven patients with preoperative motor deficit showed a progressive neurological improvement. The follow-up plain x-rays demonstrated successful bony fusion in all patients. Only one patient suffered from postoperative wound dehiscence, but she completely recovered after wound revision. There was no complication of postoperative CSF leakages. Conclusions : Transoral transpharyngeal approach for the ventral lesions of craniovertebral junction, can be used as a relatively simple and effective method.

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Full mouth rehabilitation for a patient with vertical dimension loss using digital diagnostic analysis: A clinical report (수직고경이 감소된 환자의 디지털 진단 분석을 이용한 완전 구강 회복 증례)

  • Choi, Yeawon;Lee, Younghoo;Hong, Seoung-Jin;Paek, Janghyun;Noh, Kwantae;Kim, Hyeong-Seob;Kwon, Kung-Rock;Pae, Ahran
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.59 no.4
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    • pp.487-496
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    • 2021
  • Full mouth rehabilitation is re-organizing the occlusion of the remaining teeth and missing teeth considering the functions, esthetics, and neuromuscular harmony. With the loss of multiple teeth, the patient's occlusal plane gradually collapses and the vertical dimension can be reduced. Since reduced vertical dimension can be a potential etiology of the temporomandibular joint and masticatory muscles, prosthetic restoration with increased vertical dimension is required. This case report is about a 68 years old patient with vertical dimension loss due to worn dentition and multiple loss of teeth. In this case, the loss of vertical dimension is assessed carefully using the digital dentistry technology. Using CAD software in digital analysis step, the occlusal plane was established and evaluated using several criteria. Orienting the position of the bone and teeth using CBCT image, patient's condition was visualized in 3 dimension and treatment planning was possible virtually. The information that matches the patient's condylar position with the articulator, which is the virtual face bow, is reproduced on the actual articulator, and evaluated again. After the evaluation, provisional prosthesis was fabricated and it was confirmed that the patient adapts without any abnormality. This was implemented as a final prosthesis. As a result, the patient obtained satisfying results, utilizing the benefits of digital dentistry technology and traditional methods.