• Title/Summary/Keyword: 저온피해

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Optimal Fertilizer Concentration (EC) for Fertigation Culture of Korean Cabbage in Highland (고랭지배추 관리재배시 적정 관비농도 (EC))

  • Jong Taek Suh;Ki Deog Kim;Chang Seok Kim;Sam nyu Jee
    • Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2020.08a
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    • pp.54-54
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    • 2020
  • 배추는 근본적으로 저온성 작물로 고온에 견디는 힘이 약할 뿐 아니라 가뭄이나 다습에도 취약하다. 그런데 2007년 이 후 매년 봄·초여름 가뭄이 지속되고 있으며, 예전처럼 강우에 의한 피해보다는 빈번히 나타나는 고온, 가뭄, 폭염 등 이상기상 환경조건에서 병 발생 및 생장지연으로 고랭지배추의 안정 생산이 위협받고 있다. 가뭄이 매년 지속됨에 따라 고랭지배추 재배지에서도 관수의 필요성이 인식되면서 관수를 실시하고 있으며, 대부분 스프링클러로 관수하고, 분수호스나 점적호스도 일부 이용하고 있으나 아직 토양수분, 토성이나 작물상태, 재배시기 등 환경요인을 고려한 과학적인 수분관리가 이루어지지 못하고 있어 고품질 안정생산을 위해서는 수분관리의 과학화가 필요한 실정이다. 관비재배는 적정한 비료를 필요한 위치에 공급하는 방식으로 비료의 효율을 높이면서 환경오염을 최소화하고, 비료과다 시용에 따른 환경오염 등을 회피할 수 있는 좋은 수단이다. 본 연구는 앞으로 고랭지배추 점적관수재배시 가뭄 극복과 효율적인 시비를 위한 적정 관비농도를 구명하고자 하였다. 배추품종은 수호를 이용하였으며 관비 EC농도(dS/m)는 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4 등 6처리를 두었으며 기준시비량은 N-P-K=32.0-7.8-19.8kg/10a로 하였다. 시험은 고령지농업연구소내 유리온실에서 4월 상순부터 5월 하순까지 직경 20cm 사각화분에 정식하여 재배하였다. 관비는 정식후 15일부터 7일 간격으로 5회 주었으며 관비량은 1회 화분당 65ml를 주었다. 화분은 완전임의배치 3반복으로 배치하였다. 초장은 정식후 38일까지 컸으며 엽장은 정식후 52일까지도 크는 경향을 보였다. 엽폭은 정식후 45일에 가장 많이 컸다. 초장, 엽장, 엽폭 모두 관비농도가 높을수록 커지는 경향이었으며 EC농도(dS/m) 1.4에서 가장 높게 나타났다. 주당 엽수와 주중도 EC농도가 높아질수록 많아졌으며 EC농도 1.4 처리에서 가장 많았고 그 다음이 EC 1.2 처리였다. 그러므로 관비 농도는 EC 1.4 dS/m 로 주는 것이 배추 생육에 좋을 것으로 생각된다.

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Comparison of Bud Break and Growth Characteristics on Seedling Stage of Six Asparagus Cultivars (육묘 단계에서 아스파라거스 6품종의 맹아 출현과 생장 특성 비교)

  • Seo Yeon Ha;Tae Heon Lee;Hyo Jung Jang;Ju Young Hong;Seung Wook Choi;Han Na Lee;Kyung Hye Seo;Myung Suk Ahn;Yang Gyu Ku
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2024
  • The objective of the experiment was to determine the sprout emergence and asparagus seedling growth characteristics of six cultivars ('Apollo', 'Atlas', 'Grande', 'Purple Passion', 'UC157', and 'Walker Deluxe') according to growth stage to select suitable cultivar in the Korean climate condition. As a result of examining the growth characteristics of the seedlings of each cultivar during the dormancy, bud break, early fern growth and fern establishment stages, green asparagus cultivar 'UC157' had a higher number of spears, number of roots and buds, root length, and fresh and dry weights of root than the other cultivars. Green asparagus cultivars, 'Atlas' and 'UC157' were released from dormancy considerably earlier than other cultivars. In contrast, a purple asparagus cultivar 'Purple Passion' was showed to lower growth characteristics than those of other cultivars. Proper thermal insulation will be required when the seedling stage of asparagus is damaged by low temperature in winter. These results indicated that the 'UC157' cultivar showed characteristics of good seedlings and bud break compared to other cultivars and is thus expected to have the highest yield among all cultivars tested.

Major character analysis of CAX 1 (cation exchanger 1) transgenic rice plants in In Vivo (CAX 1 형질전환체 벼의 In Vivo에서 주요특성 분석)

  • Kim, Kyung-Min
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    • v.54 no.4
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    • pp.375-383
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    • 2009
  • This study was carried out to develop transgenic rice cultivars with the CAX1 (accession no. U57411) gene. We successfully selected the transgenic rice plants over-expressing the Arabidopsis H+/$Ca^{2+}$ antiporter CAX1 (accession no. U57411) gene in T6 generation. The brown rice of the CAX1 expressing rice contained 13.4~68.0 % more calcium $(Ca^{2+})$ than that of the wild type and 5 lines were selected based on the phenotypes compared to the control cultivar at the GMO field. The CAX1 expressing transgenic rice plants were similar in phenotype to the wild type during the whole growth period. Also these selected 4 lines appeared to be resistant to blast, cold and water solution compared with the wild type. Difference in 1,000 grain weight of brown rice was observed among each line but grain shape did not show any morphological alternations. These results suggest the enhanced Ca-substrate specificity of CAX1 exchanger in donor plant. Therefore, intact CAX1 exchanger can be functionally useful for $Ca^{2+}$ nutrient enrichment of rice with reduced accumulation of undesirable cation.

Competition of Adlay and Dominant Weeds, and Weed Control (율무와 우점잡초의 경합 및 방제효과)

  • Yoon, Seong-Tak;Yi, Eun-Sub;Kim, Ki-Jung;Yoon, Seung-Gil
    • Korean Journal of Medicinal Crop Science
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.121-128
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    • 1999
  • This experiment was carried out to establish effective weed control system in the cultivation of Coix lachryma-jobi L. The effect of annual weeds artificially transplanted on the growth of Coix lachryma-jobi L. were that the higher the density of weeds, the lower the yield considerably by reducing number of grains and tillers per plant. Among four weeds of Echinochloa crusgalli galli P. BEAUV., Digitaria sanguinalis $S_{COPOL}$., Chenopodium album L., and Portulaca oleracea L., weed of Portulaca oleracea L. reduced adlay yield most by 182.6kg/10a and it was judged to be the most injurious weed to adlay production. Among four weed control systems, which are one herbicide treatment, one herbicide treatment + one cultivating work with cultivator, two times cultivating work with cultivator and two times hand-weeding, the control system of 'one herbicide treatment + one cultivating work with cultivator' showed the lowest amount of weed growth by 7.34 weeds per $m^2$ in comparison with control plot of 35.00 weeds per $m^2$. Among four weed control systems, the system of 'two times hand-weeding' had much more amount of light penetration in adlay canopy with 791.9 mol than any other systems.

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Quantification of Temperature Effects on Flowering Date Determination in Niitaka Pear (신고 배의 개화기 결정에 미치는 온도영향의 정량화)

  • Kim, Soo-Ock;Kim, Jin-Hee;Chung, U-Ran;Kim, Seung-Heui;Park, Gun-Hwan;Yun, Jin-I.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2009
  • Most deciduous trees in temperate zone are dormant during the winter to overcome cold and dry environment. Dormancy of deciduous fruit trees is usually separated into a period of rest by physiological conditions and a period of quiescence by unfavorable environmental conditions. Inconsistent and fewer budburst in pear orchards has been reported recently in South Korea and Japan and the insufficient chilling due to warmer winters is suspected to play a role. An accurate prediction of the flowering time under the climate change scenarios may be critical to the planning of adaptation strategy for the pear industry in the future. However, existing methods for the prediction of budburst depend on the spring temperature, neglecting potential effects of warmer winters on the rest release and subsequent budburst. We adapted a dormancy clock model which uses daily temperature data to calculate the thermal time for simulating winter phenology of deciduous trees and tested the feasibility of this model in predicting budburst and flowering of Niitaka pear, one of the favorite cultivars in Korea. In order to derive the model parameter values suitable for Niitaka, the mean time for the rest release was estimated by observing budburst of field collected twigs in a controlled environment. The thermal time (in chill-days) was calculated and accumulated by a predefined temperature range from fall harvest until the chilling requirement (maximum accumulated chill-days in a negative number) is met. The chilling requirement is then offset by anti-chill days (in positive numbers) until the accumulated chill-days become null, which is assumed to be the budburst date. Calculations were repeated with arbitrary threshold temperatures from $4^{\circ}C$ to $10^{\circ}C$ (at an interval of 0.1), and a set of threshold temperature and chilling requirement was selected when the estimated budburst date coincides with the field observation. A heating requirement (in accumulation of anti-chill days since budburst) for flowering was also determined from an experiment based on historical observations. The dormancy clock model optimized with the selected parameter values was used to predict flowering of Niitaka pear grown in Suwon for the recent 9 years. The predicted dates for full bloom were within the range of the observed dates with 1.9 days of root mean square error.

Effects of Temperature and Light Intensity on the Growth of Red Pepper(Capsicum annuum L.) in Plastic House During Winter. I. Fluctuations of Temperature and Light Environment in the Multilayered Plastic House Grown Red Pepper (동계 Plastic house내 고추(Capsicum annuum L.) 육묘시 온도와 광도가 생장에 미치는 영향 I. 다중피복 고추육묘 시설내의 온도 및 광환경 영향)

  • 정순주;이범선;권용웅
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.106-118
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    • 1994
  • This study was conducted to analyze the effects of fluctuations in temperature, light intensity and soil temperature on the growth of red pepper seedlings in the nonheated plastic houses with various number of layers and in the open field. Relationship between the optimal environment and the growth of seedlings was discussed, and the maximum and minimum outdoor temperatures in Kwangju area from 1941 to 1985 were analyzed. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The minimum temperature in tunnel with quadruple coverings of P. E. film from December 20 to February 25 was decreased to 5$^{\circ}C$ mostly, where the exposure to chilling temperature could not be avoided during this period. The maximum temperature was increased to 33$^{\circ}C$ mostly and 42$^{\circ}C$ in peak, where some ventilation was needed. 2. The diurnal differences of inside temperature, increasing with number of layers, were 16 to 38$^{\circ}C$, while those of outside temperature were 5 to 1$0^{\circ}C$. 3. The cold injury in the quadruple coverings during winter occurred all the times below 12$^{\circ}C$ and as many as 200 times over 3$0^{\circ}C$, while effectiveness of thermal insulation in the multilayered nonheating plastic houses were clearly proved. 4. The inside light intensity was markedly reduced with the increment of layers and the minimum light intensity fallen down below the light compensation point for the growth of red pepper plants regardless of the number of layers. 5. Until 10 a. m., the temperature in the daytime during December 20 to mid - February showed below 10 to 12$^{\circ}C$ which was the limiting temperature for the growth of red pepper seedlings. After 4 p. m., the light intensity was sharply reduced despite of the air temperature kept over 12$^{\circ}C$. Therefore, limiting factors for the growth of red pepper seedlings were the temperature before 10 a. m. and the light intensity after 4 p. m. 6. The minimum soil temperature in quadruple coverings showed around 1$0^{\circ}C$ where the physiological damage for red pepper seedlings might be occurred. 7. The minimum outdoor temperatures from 1941 to 1985 was -19.4$^{\circ}C$, observed in the 5th January.

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Changes of Cold Tolerance and it Mechanisms at Young Microspore Stage caused by Different Pre-growing Conditions in Rice (벼 수잉기내냉성의 전역조건에 따른 변동과 기구)

  • 이선용;박석홍
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.394-406
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    • 1991
  • It was proved that cold tolerance of rice plants at the young microspore stage was affected by water temperature and nitrogen application from the spikelet differentiation stage to the young microspore stage, and this mechanism could be explained in the point of view of pollen developmental physiology. The cold tolerance of rice plants at the young microspore stage was severely affected by water temperature (Previous water temperature) and nitrogen application(Previous nitrogen application) from the spikelet differentiation stage to the spikelet differentiation stage. Although the duration is only 10 days or so from the spikelet differentiation stage to the young microspore stage, these days are very important period to confirm the cold tolerance of rice plants at the young microspore stage. The higher previous water temperature up to $25^{\circ}C$ and the deeper previous water depth up to 10cm caused the more cold tolerance of rice plants. Water irrigation of 10cm before the cretical stage showed lower cool injury than that of water irrigation of 20cm during the critical stage. The preventive effect of cool injury by combined treatment of the deep water irrigation before and during the critical stage was not additive but synergistic. The cold tolerance of rice plants grown in previous heavy nitrogen level was rapidly decreased when nitrogen content of leaf blade at the young microspore stage was excessive over the critical nitrogen level. Nitrogen content of leaf blade at the changing point of cold tolerance was estimated as about 3.5% for Japonica cultivars and about 2.5% for Indica x Japonica cultuvars. It is considered that these critical nitrogen contents of leaf blade can be used as a index of the safe critical nitrogen level for the preventive practices to cool injury. It was summarized that increase of engorged pollens per anther by high previous water temperature resulted from the increase of number of differentiated microspores per anther, otherwise, the increase of engorged pollens by the decrease of previous nitrogen level was caused by the decrease of the number of aborted microspores per anther.

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Cultural Practices for Reducing Cold Wind Damage of Rice Plant in Eastern Coastal Area of Korea (동해안지대 도작의 냉조풍피해와 피해경감대책)

  • 이승필;김칠용
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.407-428
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    • 1991
  • The eastern coastal area having variability of climate is located within Taebaek mountain range and the east coast of Korea. It is therefore ease to cause the wind damages in paddy field during rice growing season. The wind damages to rice plant in this area were mainly caused by the Fohn wind (dry and hot wind) blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the cold humid wind from the coast. The dry wind cause such as the white head, broken leaves, cut-leaves, dried leaves, shattering of grain, glume discolouration and lodging, On the other hand the cold humid wind derived from Ootsuku air mass in summer cause such symptom as the poor rice growth, degeneration of rachis brenches and poor ripening. To minimize the wind damages and utilize as a preparatory data for wind injury of rice in future, several experiments such as the selection of wind resistant variety to wind damage, determination of optimum transplanting date, improvement of fertilizer application methods, improvement of soils and effect of wind break net were carried out for 8 years from 1982 to 1989 in the eastern coastal area. The results obtained are summarized as follows. 1. According to available statisical data from Korean meteorological services (1954-1989) it is apperent that cold humid winds frequently cause damage to rice fields from August 10th to September 10th, it is therefore advisable to plan rice cultivation in such a way that the heading date should not be later than August 10th. 2. During the rice production season, two winds cause severe damage to the rice fields in eastern coastal area of Korea. One is the Fohn winds blowing over the Taebaek mountain range and the other is the cold humid wind form the coast. The frequency of occurrence of each wind was 25%. 3. To avoid damage caused by typhoon winds three different varieties of rice were planted at various areas. 4. In the eastern coastal area of Korea, the optimum ripening temperature for rice was about 22.2$^{\circ}C$ and the optimum heading date wad August 10th. The optimum transplanting time for the earily maturity variety was June 10th., medium maturity variety was May 20th and that of late maturity was May 10th by means of growing days degree (GDD) from transplanting date to heading date. 5.38% of this coastal area is sandy loamy soil while 28% is high humus soil. These soil types are very poor for rice cultivation. In this coastal area, the water table is high, the drainage is poor and the water temperature is low. The low water temperature makes it difficult for urea to dissolve, as a result rice growth was delayed, and the rice plant became sterile. But over application of urea resulted in blast disease in rice plants. It is therefore advise that Ammonium sulphate is used in this area instead of urea. 6. The low temperature of the soil inhibits activities of microorganism for phosphorus utilization so the rice plant could not easily absorb the phosphorus in the soil. Therefore phosphorus should be applied in splits from transplanting to panicle initiation rather than based application. 7. Wind damage was severe in the sandy loamy soil as compared to clay soils. With the application of silicate. compost and soil from mointain area. the sand loamy soil was improved for rice grain colour and ripening. 8. The use of wind break nets created a mocro-climate such as increased air. soil and water temperature as well as the reduction of wind velocity by 30%. This hastened rice growth, reduced white head and glume discolouration. improved rice quality and increased yield. 9. Two meter high wind break net was used around the rice experimental fields and the top of it. The material was polyethylene sheets. The optimum spacing was 0.5Cm x 0.5Cm. and that of setting up the wind break net was before panicle initiation. With this set up, the field was avoided off th cold humid wind and the Fohn. The yield in the treatment was 20% higher than the control. 10. After typhoon, paddy field was irrigated deeply and water was sprayed to reduce white head, glume discolouration, so rice yield was increased because of increasing ripening ratio and 1, 000 grain weight.

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Research Trends and Future Directions for R&D Vitalization of Domestic Dairy Industry (국내 유가공산업의 R&D활성화를 위한 연구 동향과 방향)

  • Yoon, Sung-Sik
    • Journal of Dairy Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.23-31
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    • 2011
  • Domestic dairy industry is now standing at the crossroad for planning next fifty years, mainly because economic and environmental situations surrounding Korean peninsula are fast changing. For the aspects of dairy consumption, fresh milk consumed less, while consumption of the other milk and dairy products is slightly increasing every year. In 2010, it is approximately estimated that 1,939,000 tons of raw milk was used and the supply would be short by about 35,000 tons, based on the amounts in the previous year. Currently, multilateral negotiations against US and EU are underway. When it will be in effect in the future, significant damage would be expected in the dairy and livestock sectors, leading to cut domestic milk supply. Quality of farm-gate milk is graded as 1A on average 90% or more, loaded with very low in microbial and somatic cell counts. Therefore, policy implications have to be placed toward switch currently the UHT processing method to Pasteurization or the LTLT technology, by which natural flavors and nutrients in milk mostly remain after heat treatment. Domestic cheese products comprise only 10% and the rest is occupied by the various kinds of imported natural products. The market size keeps increasing up to 65,423,000 tons last year. When it comes to vitalization of our natural cheese industry, cheese whey, which is a main by-product in cheese manufacture, is a critical issue to be solved and also "On-Farm Processing" would be combined with a growth of big dairy companies when few immediate issues among the relevant regulations will be eased and alleviated in the near future. Fermented milk market is recorded as a single area of gradual increase in the past 10 years, Korea. Fermented yogurts with health claims targeted stomach, liver, and intestine are popular and has grown fast in sales amounts. In this context, researches on beneficial probiotic lactic acid bacteria are one of the important projects for domestic milk and dairy industries. Labelling regulations on efficacy or health-promoting effects of functional dairy products, which is the most important issue facing domestic dairy processors, should be urgently examined toward commercial expression of the functionality by lawful means. Colostrum, a nutrition-rich yellowish fluid, is roaded with immune, growth and tissue repair factors. Bovine colostrum, a raw material for immune milk preparations and infant formula, can be used to treat or prevent infections of the gastrointestinal tract. Nanotechnology can be applied to develop new milk and dairy products such as micro-encapsulated lactase milk for consumers suffering lactose intolerance. Raw milk is suggested to be managed by its usage in the processing line because imbalance of supply and demand is structural problem in every country and thus the usage systems as in the advanced dairy countries is worth of bench-marking to stabilize milk supply and demand. Raw milk produced is desirable to divide into the three parts; domestic, import, and buffering purposes. It is strongly recommended that a domestic dairy control center as an institutional framework should be urgently established as is Dairy Board in New Zealand and Australia. Lastly, government policy should be directed to foster the highly-educated people who are majoring in Dairy Sciences or working in the dairy industry by means of financial support in studying and training abroad as well.

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An Comparison of Storability of Several Cultivars Chicon Grown in Different Regions (품종과 재배지역에 따른 치콘의 저장성 비교)

  • Kang, Ho-Min;Kim, Hyuk-Su;Seo, Hyun-Taek;Won, Jae-Hee
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.291-296
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    • 2009
  • This study was conducted to compare the storability of 6 chicory cultivars for producing chicon; 'Vintor', 'Focus', 'Metafora', 'Kibora', 'Nobus', and 'Redoria Red' grown in 2 regions: Chuncheon (plain region) and Pyeongchang (high land region). Chicons were produced from chicory roots that grown for 120days and then stored for over 120days at $2^{\circ}C$ and 90% of RH conditions. To produce chicon, chicory root was forced at $18^{\circ}C$ for 22days with suppling the nutrient solution ($KNO_30.54g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, $Ca(NO_3)_2\;1.02g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, $MgSO_4\;0.36g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, $KH_2PO_4\;0.21g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, $K_2SO_4\;0.10g{\cdot}L^{-1}$, pH 7.0). Chicons produced from 6 different chicory cultivars packed with $25{\mu}m$ ceramic film and stored for 25days at $8^{\circ}C$. The fresh weight of chicon in MAP was maintained to 99.5% of pre-storage weight. The fresh weight of 'Redoria Red' was lowest in all cultivars, and that of Chuncheon region cultivated treatment was lower than Pyeongchang treatment. The $CO_2$ and $O_2$ concentration in chicon MAP were 2% and $10{\sim}17%$. There were not significantly different among cultivars and between regions, although 'Redoria Red' cultivar showed highest $CO_2$ and lowest $O_2$ concentrations. The ethylene concentration in chicon MAP was $1.0{\mu}{\iota}{\cdot}{\iota}^{-1}$ and also didn't show any significant difference among all treatments. Chicon detoriorated visual quality with appearing russet spotting that result from ethylene gas. The visual quality of 'Redoria Red' cultivar decreased faster than the other cultivars. 'Metafora', 'Focus', and 'Kibora' maintained higher firmness of their leaf than the others, and the firmness was higher grown in Pyeongchang region cultivated treatments than in Chuncheon region.