• Title/Summary/Keyword: 저류계수

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Groundwater evaluation in the Bokha watershed of the Namhan River using SWAT-MODFLOW (SWAT-MODFLOW를 활용한 남한강 복하천유역의 지하수 모의 평가)

  • Han, Daeyoung;Lee, Jiwan;Jang, Wonjin;Kim, Seongjoon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.53 no.11
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    • pp.985-997
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    • 2020
  • SWAT (Soil and Water Assessment Tool)-MODFLOW (Modular Groundwater Flow) is a coupled model that linking semi-distributed watershed hydrology with fully-distributed groundwater behavior. In this study, the groundwater simulation results of SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW were compared for Bokhacheon watershed in Namhan river basin. The models were calibrated and validated with 9 years (2009~2017) daily streamflow (Q) data of Heungcheon (HC) water level gauge station and the daily groundwater level observation data of Yulheon (YH). For SWAT, the groundwater parameters of GW_DELAY, GWQMN, and ALPHA_BF affecting baseflow and recession phase were treated. The SWAT results showed the coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.7 and Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiencies (NESQ, NSEinQ) for Q and 1/Q with 0.73 and -0.1 respectively. For SWAT-MODFLOW, the spatio-temporal aquifer hydraulic conductivity (K, m/day), specific storage (Ss, 1/m), and specific yield (Sy) were applied. The SWAT-MODFLOW showed R2, NSEQ, and NSEinQ of 0.69, 0.74, and 0.51 respectively. The SWAT-MODFLOW considerably enhanced the low flow simulation with the help of aquifer physical information. The total streamflow of SWAT and SWAT-MODFLOW were 718.6 mm and 854.9 mm occupying baseflow of 342.9 mm and 423.5 mm respectively.

Simulating inundation depth and area in paddy fields considering back flows (역류를 고려한 논 침수 모의 해석 방법)

  • Noh, Jaekyoung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.31-31
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    • 2021
  • 2020년 8월 7일부터 8월 8일까지 호우는 용담댐, 섬진강댐, 합천댐 등 하류 유역의 농경지에 막대한 침수피해를 일으켰다. 특히 논의 인삼재배 지역은 피해가 컸다. 지역에 따라 내수유입, 제방월류, 배수로 역류, 용수로 유입 등 유입량 과다의 침수 현상을 나타냈다. 여기서 이들 다양한 유입량 요소를 고려하여 제내지의 침수심, 침수면적을 모의할 수 있는 물수지 모형을 구축하였고, 하천 수위관측자료가 있는 금산 지역에 적용한 예를 제시하고자 한다. 물수지 모형의 구성은 저류량은 유입량과 방류량으로 구성되며, 유입량은 자체유입, 용수로 유입, 배수로 역류, 제방월류 등으로 구성하였고, 용수로, 배수로의 수문은 원형, 구형 두 가지로 개도에 따라 오리피스 공식을 적용하는 것으로, 제방월류는 여수로 공식의 계수를 조정 적용하는 것으로 하였다. 제내지 내용적은 1:1,000 지형도에서 DEM 자료를 추출하여 생성하였고, 자체유입량은 ONE 모형에 의해 10분 단위로 모의하는 것으로 하였다. 모형 적용 결과는 제원리 제내지 경우이며, 8월 6일 부터 8월 10일 까지 유역면적 322.1ha인 제내지의 10분 간격 물수지 분석 결과, 현장의 침수흔적 조사의 최고수위가 일치하도록 배수문과 배수통관의 방류시 개도율을 조정하며 분석하였다. 이 상태의 침수위 모의 분석결과는 월류고 EL.133.86 m, 월류길이 29m로 나타났다. 10분 최대 강우량 9mm, 1시간 최대 강우량 19mm, 총 강우량 225mm(724,725m3)였고, 10분 최대 유입량 5.619m3/s(3,371m3), 평균 1.264m3/s(758m3), 총545,933m3였다. 용수로 유입은 없었고, 배수문 역류 유입량은 13시간 50분 동안, 10분 최대 6,836m3, 총 28.26만m3였고, 제방월류 유입량은 9시간 30분 동안, 10분 최대 7,212m3, 총 33.15만m3였고, 배수문 방류량은 3일 20시간 20분 동안, 10분 최대 19,932m3, 총 116.13만m3였다. 하천수위는 최고 EL.134.45m, 최소 EL.128.51m, 평균 EL.130.69m였고, 내수위는 최고 EL.134.05m, 최소 EL.129.00m, 평균 EL.131.02m였다. 최고 침수위 EL.134.05m일 때 DEM으로부터 침수면적은 38.88ha로 분석되었다. 내수 유입에 의한 침수면적 19.54ha를 빼면 10.71ha가 배수문과 제방월류를 통해 유입된 수량으로 침수된 것으로 분석되었다.

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Impacts assessment of Climate changes in North Korea based on RCP climate change scenarios II. Impacts assessment of hydrologic cycle changes in Yalu River (RCP 기후변화시나리오를 이용한 미래 북한지역의 수문순환 변화 영향 평가 II. 압록강유역의 미래 수문순환 변화 영향 평가)

  • Jeung, Se Jin;Kang, Dong Ho;Kim, Byung Sik
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.21 no.spc
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    • pp.39-50
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to assess the influence of climate change on the hydrological cycle at a basin level in North Korea. The selected model for this study is MRI-CGCM 3, the one used for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5). Moreover, this study adopted the Spatial Disaggregation-Quantile Delta Mapping (SDQDM), which is one of the stochastic downscaling techniques, to conduct the bias correction for climate change scenarios. The comparison between the preapplication and postapplication of the SDQDM supported the study's review on the technique's validity. In addition, as this study determined the influence of climate change on the hydrological cycle, it also observed the runoff in North Korea. In predicting such influence, parameters of a runoff model used for the analysis should be optimized. However, North Korea is classified as an ungauged region for its political characteristics, and it was difficult to collect the country's runoff observation data. Hence, the study selected 16 basins with secured high-quality runoff data, and the M-RAT model's optimized parameters were calculated. The study also analyzed the correlation among variables for basin characteristics to consider multicollinearity. Then, based on a phased regression analysis, the study developed an equation to calculate parameters for ungauged basin areas. To verify the equation, the study assumed the Osipcheon River, Namdaecheon Stream, Yongdang Reservoir, and Yonggang Stream as ungauged basin areas and conducted cross-validation. As a result, for all the four basin areas, high efficiency was confirmed with the efficiency coefficients of 0.8 or higher. The study used climate change scenarios and parameters of the estimated runoff model to assess the changes in hydrological cycle processes at a basin level from climate change in the Amnokgang River of North Korea. The results showed that climate change would lead to an increase in precipitation, and the corresponding rise in temperature is predicted to cause elevating evapotranspiration. However, it was found that the storage capacity in the basin decreased. The result of the analysis on flow duration indicated a decrease in flow on the 95th day; an increase in the drought flow during the periods of Future 1 and Future 2; and an increase in both flows for the period of Future 3.

Velocity-effective stress response of $CO_2$-saturated sandstones ($CO_2$로 포화된 사암의 속도-유효응력 반응)

  • Siggins, Anthony F.
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.60-66
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    • 2006
  • Three differing sandstones, two synthetic and one field sample, have been tested ultrasonically under a range of confining pressures and pore pressures representative of in-situ reservoir pressures. These sandstones include: a synthetic sandstone with calcite intergranular cement produced using the CSIRO Calcite In-situ Precipitation Process (CIPS); a synthetic sandstone with silica intergranular cement; and a core sample from the Otway Basin Waarre Formation, Boggy Creek 1 well, from the target lithology for a trial $CO_2$ pilot project. Initial testing was carried on the cores at "room-dried" conditions, with confining pressures up to 65 MPa in steps of 5 MPa. All cores were then flooded with $CO_2$, initially in the gas phase at 6 MPa, $22^{\circ}C$, then with liquid-phase $CO_2$ at a temperature of $22^{\circ}C$ and pressures from 7 MPa to 17 MPa in steps of 5 MPa. Confining pressures varied from 10 MPa to 65 MPa. Ultrasonic waveforms for both P- and S-waves were recorded at each effective pressure increment. Velocity versus effective pressure responses were calculated from the experimental data for both P- and S-waves. Attenuations $(1/Q_p)$ were calculated from the waveform data using spectral ratio methods. Theoretical calculations of velocity as a function of effective pressure for each sandstone were made using the $CO_2$ pressure-density and $CO_2$ bulk modulus-pressure phase diagrams and Gassmann effective medium theory. Flooding the cores with gaseous phase $CO_2$ produced negligible change in velocity-effective stress relationships compared to the dry state (air saturated). Flooding with liquid-phase $CO_2$ at various pore pressures lowered velocities by approximately 8% on average compared to the air-saturated state. Attenuations increased with liquid-phase $CO_2$ flooding compared to the air-saturated case. Experimental data agreed with the Gassmann calculations at high effective pressures. The "critical" effective pressure, at which agreement with theory occurred, varied with sandstone type. Discrepancies are thought to be due to differing micro-crack populations in the microstructure of each sandstone type. The agreement with theory at high effective pressures is significant and gives some confidence in predicting seismic behaviour under field conditions when $CO_2$ is injected.