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Evaluation of Metal Volume and Proton Dose Distribution Using MVCT for Head and Neck Proton Treatment Plan (두경부 양성자 치료계획 시 MVCT를 이용한 Metal Volume 평가 및 양성자 선량분포 평가)

  • Seo, Sung Gook;Kwon, Dong Yeol;Park, Se Joon;Park, Yong Chul;Choi, Byung Ki
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The size, shape, and volume of prosthetic appliance depend on the metal artifacts resulting from dental implant during head and neck treatment with radiation. This reduced the accuracy of contouring targets and surrounding normal tissues in radiation treatment plan. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to obtain the images of metal representing the size of tooth through MVCT, SMART-MAR CT and KVCT, evaluate the volumes, apply them into the proton therapy plan, and analyze the difference of dose distribution. Materials and Methods : Metal A (0.5×0.5×0.5cm), Metal B (1×1×1cm), and Metal C (1×2×1cm) similar in size to inlay, crown, and bridge taking the treatments used at the dentist's into account were made with Cerrobend (9.64g/cm3). Metal was placed into the In House Head & Neck Phantom and by using CT Simulator (Discovery CT 590RT, GE, USA) the images of KVCT and SMART-MAR were obtained with slice thickness 1.25 mm. The images of MVCT were obtained in the same way with RADIXACT(R) Series (Accuracy Precision(R), USA). The images of metal obtained through MVCT, SMART-MAR CT, and KVCT were compared in both size of axis X, Y, and Z and volume based on the Autocontour Thresholds Raw Values from the computerized treatment planning equipment Pinnacle (Ver 9.10, Philips, Palo Alto, USA). The proton treatment plan (Ray station 5.1, RaySearch, USA) was set by fusing the contour of metal B (1×1×1cm) obtained from the above experiment by each CT into KVCT in order to compare the difference of dose distribution. Result: Referencing the actual sizes, it was appeared: Metal A (MVCT: 1.0 times, SMART-MAR CT: 1.84 times, and KVCT: 1.92 times), Metal B (MVCT: 1.02 times, SMART-MAR CT: 1.47 times, and KVCT: 1.82 times), and Metal C (MVCT: 1.0 times, SMART-MAR CT: 1.46 times, and KVCT: 1.66 times). MVCT was measured most similarly to the actual metal volume. As a result of measurement by applying the volume of metal B into proton treatment plan, the dose of D_{99%} volume was measured as: MVCT: 3094 CcGE, SMART-MAR CT: 2902 CcGE, and KVCT: 2880 CcGE, against the reference 3082 CcGE Conclusion: Overall volume and axes X and Z were most identical to the actual sizes in MVCT and axis Y, which is in the superior-Inferior direction, was regular in length without differences in CT. The best dose distribution was shown in MVCT having similar size, shape, and volume of metal when treating head and neck protons. Thus it is thought that it would be very useful if the contour of prosthetic appliance using MVCT is applied into KVCT for proton treatment plan.

Radiation Therapy Using M3 Wax Bolus in Patients with Malignant Scalp Tumors (악성 두피 종양(Scalp) 환자의 M3 Wax Bolus를 이용한 방사선치료)

  • Kwon, Da Eun;Hwang, Ji Hye;Park, In Seo;Yang, Jun Cheol;Kim, Su Jin;You, Ah Young;Won, Young Jinn;Kwon, Kyung Tae
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: Helmet type bolus for 3D printer is being manufactured because of the disadvantages of Bolus materials when photon beam is used for the treatment of scalp malignancy. However, PLA, which is a used material, has a higher density than a tissue equivalent material and inconveniences occur when the patient wears PLA. In this study, we try to treat malignant scalp tumors by using M3 wax helmet with 3D printer. Methods and materials: For the modeling of the helmet type M3 wax, the head phantom was photographed by CT, which was acquired with a DICOM file. The part for helmet on the scalp was made with Helmet contour. The M3 Wax helmet was made by dissolving paraffin wax, mixing magnesium oxide and calcium carbonate, solidifying it in a PLA 3D helmet, and then eliminated PLA 3D Helmet of the surface. The treatment plan was based on Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) of 10 Portals, and the therapeutic dose was 200 cGy, using Analytical Anisotropic Algorithm (AAA) of Eclipse. Then, the dose was verified by using EBT3 film and Mosfet (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor: USA), and the IMRT plan was measured 3 times in 3 parts by reproducing the phantom of the head human model under the same condition with the CT simulation room. Results: The Hounsfield unit (HU) of the bolus measured by CT was 52±37.1. The dose of TPS was 186.6 cGy, 193.2 cGy and 190.6 cGy at the M3 Wax bolus measurement points of A, B and C, and the dose measured three times at Mostet was 179.66±2.62cGy, 184.33±1.24cGy and 195.33±1.69cGy. And the error rates were -3.71 %, -4.59 %, and 2.48 %. The dose measured with EBT3 film was 182.00±1.63cGy, 193.66±2.05cGy and 196±2.16cGy. The error rates were -2.46 %, 0.23 % and 2.83 %. Conclusions: The thickness of the M3 wax bolus was 2 cm, which could help the treatment plan to be established by easily lowering the dose of the brain part. The maximum error rate of the scalp surface dose was measured within 5 % and generally within 3 %, even in the A, B, C measurements of dosimeters of EBT3 film and Mosfet in the treatment dose verification. The making period of M3 wax bolus is shorter, cheaper than that of 3D printer, can be reused and is very useful for the treatment of scalp malignancies as human tissue equivalent material. Therefore, we think that the use of casting type M3 wax bolus, which will complement the making period and cost of high capacity Bolus and Compensator in 3D printer, will increase later.

Genetic Diversity of Korean Native Chicken Populations in DAD-IS Database Using 25 Microsatellite Markers (초위성체 마커를 활용한 가축다양성정보시스템(DAD-IS) 등재 재래닭 집단의 유전적 다양성 분석)

  • Roh, Hee-Jong;Kim, Kwan-Woo;Lee, Jinwook;Jeon, Dayeon;Kim, Seung-Chang;Ko, Yeoung-Gyu;Mun, Seong-Sil;Lee, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Jun-Heon;Oh, Dong-Yep;Byeon, Jae-Hyun;Cho, Chang-Yeon
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.65-75
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    • 2019
  • A number of Korean native chicken(KNC) populations were registered in FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) DAD-IS (Domestic Animal Diversity Information Systems, But there is a lack of scientific basis to prove that they are unique population of Korea. For this reason, this study was conducted to prove KNC's uniqueness using 25 Microsatellite markers. A total of 548 chickens from 11 KNC populations (KNG, KNB, KNR, KNW, KNY, KNO, HIC, HYD, HBC, JJC, LTC) and 7 introduced populations (ARA: Araucana, RRC and RRD: Rhode Island Red C and D, LGF and LGK: White Leghorn F and K, COS and COH: Cornish brown and Cornish black) were used. Allele size per locus was decided using GeneMapper Software (v 5.0). A total of 195 alleles were observed and the range was 3 to 14 per locus. The MNA, Hexp, Hobs, PIC value within population were the highest in KNY (4.60, 0.627, 0.648, 0.563 respectively) and the lowest in HYD (1.84, 0.297, 0.286, 0.236 respectively). The results of genetic uniformity analysis suggested 15 cluster (ΔK=66.22). Excluding JJC, the others were grouped in certain cluster with high genetic uniformity. JJC was not grouped in certain cluster but grouped in cluster 2 (44.3%), cluster 3 (17.7%) and cluster8 (19.1%). As a results of this study, we can secure a scientific basis about KNC's uniqueness and these results can be use to basic data for the genetic evaluation and management of KNC breeds.

Development of a Simultaneous Analytical Method for Determination of Insecticide Broflanilide and Its Metabolite Residues in Agricultural Products Using LC-MS/MS (LC-MS/MS를 이용한 농산물 중 살충제 Broflanilide 및 대사물질 동시시험법 개발)

  • Park, Ji-Su;Do, Jung-Ah;Lee, Han Sol;Park, Shin-min;Cho, Sung Min;Kim, Ji-Young;Shin, Hye-Sun;Jang, Dong Eun;Jung, Yong-hyun;Lee, Kangbong
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.124-134
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    • 2019
  • An analytical method was developed for the determination of broflanilide and its metabolites in agricultural products. Sample preparation was conducted using the QuEChERS (Quick, Easy, Cheap, Effective, Rugged and Safe) method and LC-MS/MS (liquid chromatograph-tandem mass spectrometer). The analytes were extracted with acetonitrile and cleaned up using d-SPE (dispersive solid phase extraction) sorbents such as anhydrous magnesium sulfate, primary secondary amine (PSA) and octadecyl (C18). The limit of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) were 0.004 and 0.01 mg/kg, respectively. The recovery results for broflanilide, DM-8007 and S(PFP-OH)-8007 ranged between 90.7 to 113.7%, 88.2 to 109.7% and 79.8 to 97.8% at different concentration levels (LOQ, 10LOQ, 50LOQ) with relative standard deviation (RSD) less than 8.8%. The inter-laboratory study recovery results for broflanilide and DM-8007 and S (PFP-OH)-8007 ranged between 86.3 to 109.1%, 87.8 to 109.7% and 78.8 to 102.1%, and RSD values were also below 21%. All values were consistent with the criteria ranges requested in the Codex guidelines (CAC/GL 40-1993, 2003) and the Food and Drug Safety Evaluation guidelines (2016). Therefore, the proposed analytical method was accurate, effective and sensitive for broflanilide determination in agricultural commodities.

Estimation of Fresh Weight and Leaf Area Index of Soybean (Glycine max) Using Multi-year Spectral Data (다년도 분광 데이터를 이용한 콩의 생체중, 엽면적 지수 추정)

  • Jang, Si-Hyeong;Ryu, Chan-Seok;Kang, Ye-Seong;Park, Jun-Woo;Kim, Tae-Yang;Kang, Kyung-Suk;Park, Min-Jun;Baek, Hyun-Chan;Park, Yu-hyeon;Kang, Dong-woo;Zou, Kunyan;Kim, Min-Cheol;Kwon, Yeon-Ju;Han, Seung-ah;Jun, Tae-Hwan
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.329-339
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    • 2021
  • Soybeans (Glycine max), one of major upland crops, require precise management of environmental conditions, such as temperature, water, and soil, during cultivation since they are sensitive to environmental changes. Application of spectral technologies that measure the physiological state of crops remotely has great potential for improving quality and productivity of the soybean by estimating yields, physiological stresses, and diseases. In this study, we developed and validated a soybean growth prediction model using multispectral imagery. We conducted a linear regression analysis between vegetation indices and soybean growth data (fresh weight and LAI) obtained at Miryang fields. The linear regression model was validated at Goesan fields. It was found that the model based on green ratio vegetation index (GRVI) had the greatest performance in prediction of fresh weight at the calibration stage (R2=0.74, RMSE=246 g/m2, RE=34.2%). In the validation stage, RMSE and RE of the model were 392 g/m2 and 32%, respectively. The errors of the model differed by cropping system, For example, RMSE and RE of model in single crop fields were 315 g/m2 and 26%, respectively. On the other hand, the model had greater values of RMSE (381 g/m2) and RE (31%) in double crop fields. As a result of developing models for predicting a fresh weight into two years (2018+2020) with similar accumulated temperature (AT) in three years and a single year (2019) that was different from that AT, the prediction performance of a single year model was better than a two years model. Consequently, compared with those models divided by AT and a three years model, RMSE of a single crop fields were improved by about 29.1%. However, those of double crop fields decreased by about 19.6%. When environmental factors are used along with, spectral data, the reliability of soybean growth prediction can be achieved various environmental conditions.

A Study on Lee, Man-Bu's Thought of Space and Siksanjeongsa with Special Reference of Prototype Landscape Analyzing Nuhangdo(陋巷圖) and Nuhangnok(陋巷錄) (누항도(陋巷圖)와 누항록(陋巷錄)을 통해 본 이만부의 공간철학과 식산정사의 원형경관)

  • Kahng, Byung-Seon;Lee, Seung-Yeon;Shin, Sang-Sup;Rho, Jae-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2021
  • 'Cheonunjeongsa (天雲精舍)', designated as Gyeongsangbukdo Folklore Cultural Property No. 76, is a Siksanjeongsa built in 1700 by Manbu Lee Shiksan. In this study, we investigate the life and perspective of Manbu Lee in relation to Siksanjeongsa, and estimate the feng shui location, territoriality, and original landscape by analyzing 「Nuhangnok」 and 「Nuhando」, the results of his political management. The following results were derived by examining the philosophy that the scholar wanted to include in his space. First, Manbu Lee Shiksan was a representative hermit-type confucian scholar in the late Joseon Dynasty. 'Siksan', the name of the government official and the nickname of Manbu Lee, is derived from the mountain behind the village, and he wanted to rest in the four areas of thought(思), body(躬), speech(言), and friendship(交). During the difficult years of King Sukjong, Lee Manbu of a Namin family expressed his will to seclude through the title 'Siksan'. Second, There is a high possibility of restoration close to the original. Manbu Lee recorded the location of Siksanjeongsa, spatial structure, buildings and landscape facilities, trees, surrounding landscape, and usage behaviors in 「Nuhangnok」, and left a book of 《Nuhangdo》. Third, Manbu Lee refers to the feng shui geography view that Oenogok is closed in two when viewed from the outside, but is cozy and deep and can be seen from a far when entering inside. The whole village of Nogok was called Siksanjeongsa, which means through the name. It can be seen that the area was formed and expanded. Fourth, the spatial composition of Siksanjeongsa can be divided into a banquet space, an education space, a support space, a rest space, a vegetable and an herbal garden. The banquet space composed of Dang, Lu, and Yeonji is a personal space where Manbu Lee, who thinks about the unity of the heavenly people, the virtue of the gentleman, and humanity, is a place for lectures and a place to live. Fifth, Yangjeongjae area is an educational space, and Yangjeongjae is a name taken from the main character Monggwa, and it is a name that prayed for young students to grow brightly and academically. Sixth, the support space composed of Ganjijeong, Gobandae, and Sehandan is a place where the forested areas in the innermost part of Siksanjeongsa are cleared and a small pavilion is built using natural standing stones and pine trees as a folding screen. The virtue and grace of stopping. It contains the meaning of leisure and the wisdom of a gentleman. Seventh, outside the wall of Siksanjeongsa, across the eastern stream, an altar was built in a place with many old trees, called Yeonggwisa, and a place of rest was made by piling up an oddly shaped stone and planting flowers. Eighth, Manbu Lee, who knew the effects of vegetables and medicinal herbs in detail like the scholars of the Joseon Dynasty, cultivated a vegetable garden and an herbal garden in Jeongsa. Ninth, it can be seen that Lee Manbu realized the Neo-Confucian utopia in his political life by giving meaning to each space of Siksanjeongsa by naming buildings and landscaping facilities and planting them according to ancient events.

A study on Broad Quantification Calibration to various isotopes for Quantitative Analysis and its SUVs assessment in SPECT/CT (SPECT/CT 장비에서 정량분석을 위한 핵종 별 Broad Quantification Calibration 시행 및 SUV 평가를 위한 팬텀 실험에 관한 연구)

  • Hyun Soo, Ko;Jae Min, Choi;Soon Ki, Park
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.20-31
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    • 2022
  • Purpose Broad Quantification Calibration(B.Q.C) is the procedure for Quantitative Analysis to measure Standard Uptake Value(SUV) in SPECT/CT scanner. B.Q.C was performed with Tc-99m, I-123, I-131, Lu-177 respectively and then we acquired the phantom images whether the SUVs were measured accurately. Because there is no standard for SUV test in SPECT, we used ACR Esser PET phantom alternatively. The purpose of this study was to lay the groundwork for Quantitative Analysis with various isotopes in SPECT/CT scanner. Materials and Methods Siemens SPECT/CT Symbia Intevo 16 and Intevo Bold were used for this study. The procedure of B.Q.C has two steps; first is point source Sensitivity Cal. and second is Volume Sensitivity Cal. to calculate Volume Sensitivity Factor(VSF) using cylinder phantom. To verify SUV, we acquired the images with ACR Esser PET phantom and then we measured SUVmean on background and SUVmax on hot vials(25, 16, 12, 8 mm). SPSS was used to analyze the difference in the SUV between Intevo 16 and Intevo Bold by Mann-Whitney test. Results The results of Sensitivity(CPS/MBq) and VSF were in Detector 1, 2 of four isotopes (Intevo 16 D1 sensitivity/D2 sensitivity/VSF and Intevo Bold) 87.7/88.6/1.08, 91.9/91.2/1.07 on Tc-99m, 79.9/81.9/0.98, 89.4/89.4/0.98 on I-123, 124.8/128.9/0.69, 130.9, 126.8/0.71, on I-131, 8.7/8.9/1.02, 9.1/8.9/1.00 on Lu-177 respectively. The results of SUV test with ACR Esser PET phantom were (Intevo 16 BKG SUVmean/25mm SUVmax/16mm/12mm/8mm and Intevo Bold) 1.03/2.95/2.41/1.96/1.84, 1.03/2.91/2.38/1.87/1.82 on Tc-99m, 0.97/2.91/2.33/1.68/1.45, 1.00/2.80/2.23/1.57/1.32 on I-123, 0.96/1.61/1.13/1.02/0.69, 0.94/1.54/1.08/0.98/ 0.66 on I-131, 1.00/6.34/4.67/2.96/2.28, 1.01/6.21/4.49/2.86/2.21 on Lu-177. And there was no statistically significant difference of SUV between Intevo 16 and Intevo Bold(p>0.05). Conclusion Only Qualitative Analysis was possible with gamma camera in the past. On the other hand, it's possible to acquire not only anatomic localization, 3D tomography but also Quantitative Analysis with SUV measurements in SPECT/CT scanner. We could lay the groundwork for Quantitative Analysis with various isotopes; Tc-99m, I-123, I-131, Lu-177 by carrying out B.Q.C and could verify the SUV measurement with ACR phantom. It needs periodic calibration to maintain for precision of Quantitative evaluation. As a result, we can provide Quantitative Analysis on follow up scan with the SPECT/CT exams and evaluate the therapeutic response in theranosis.

Application and Analysis of Ocean Remote-Sensing Reflectance Quality Assurance Algorithm for GOCI-II (천리안해양위성 2호(GOCI-II) 원격반사도 품질 검증 시스템 적용 및 결과)

  • Sujung Bae;Eunkyung Lee;Jianwei Wei;Kyeong-sang Lee;Minsang Kim;Jong-kuk Choi;Jae Hyun Ahn
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.6_2
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    • pp.1565-1576
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    • 2023
  • An atmospheric correction algorithm based on the radiative transfer model is required to obtain remote-sensing reflectance (Rrs) from the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager-II (GOCI-II) observed at the top-of-atmosphere. This Rrs derived from the atmospheric correction is utilized to estimate various marine environmental parameters such as chlorophyll-a concentration, total suspended materials concentration, and absorption of dissolved organic matter. Therefore, an atmospheric correction is a fundamental algorithm as it significantly impacts the reliability of all other color products. However, in clear waters, for example, atmospheric path radiance exceeds more than ten times higher than the water-leaving radiance in the blue wavelengths. This implies atmospheric correction is a highly error-sensitive process with a 1% error in estimating atmospheric radiance in the atmospheric correction process can cause more than 10% errors. Therefore, the quality assessment of Rrs after the atmospheric correction is essential for ensuring reliable ocean environment analysis using ocean color satellite data. In this study, a Quality Assurance (QA) algorithm based on in-situ Rrs data, which has been archived into a database using Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) Bio-optical Archive and Storage System (SeaBASS), was applied and modified to consider the different spectral characteristics of GOCI-II. This method is officially employed in the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)'s ocean color satellite data processing system. It provides quality analysis scores for Rrs ranging from 0 to 1 and classifies the water types into 23 categories. When the QA algorithm is applied to the initial phase of GOCI-II data with less calibration, it shows the highest frequency at a relatively low score of 0.625. However, when the algorithm is applied to the improved GOCI-II atmospheric correction results with updated calibrations, it shows the highest frequency at a higher score of 0.875 compared to the previous results. The water types analysis using the QA algorithm indicated that parts of the East Sea, South Sea, and the Northwest Pacific Ocean are primarily characterized as relatively clear case-I waters, while the coastal areas of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea are mainly classified as highly turbid case-II waters. We expect that the QA algorithm will support GOCI-II users in terms of not only statistically identifying Rrs resulted with significant errors but also more reliable calibration with quality assured data. The algorithm will be included in the level-2 flag data provided with GOCI-II atmospheric correction.

Incorporating Social Relationship discovered from User's Behavior into Collaborative Filtering (사용자 행동 기반의 사회적 관계를 결합한 사용자 협업적 여과 방법)

  • Thay, Setha;Ha, Inay;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.1-20
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    • 2013
  • Nowadays, social network is a huge communication platform for providing people to connect with one another and to bring users together to share common interests, experiences, and their daily activities. Users spend hours per day in maintaining personal information and interacting with other people via posting, commenting, messaging, games, social events, and applications. Due to the growth of user's distributed information in social network, there is a great potential to utilize the social data to enhance the quality of recommender system. There are some researches focusing on social network analysis that investigate how social network can be used in recommendation domain. Among these researches, we are interested in taking advantages of the interaction between a user and others in social network that can be determined and known as social relationship. Furthermore, mostly user's decisions before purchasing some products depend on suggestion of people who have either the same preferences or closer relationship. For this reason, we believe that user's relationship in social network can provide an effective way to increase the quality in prediction user's interests of recommender system. Therefore, social relationship between users encountered from social network is a common factor to improve the way of predicting user's preferences in the conventional approach. Recommender system is dramatically increasing in popularity and currently being used by many e-commerce sites such as,,, etc. Collaborative filtering (CF) method is one of the essential and powerful techniques in recommender system for suggesting the appropriate items to user by learning user's preferences. CF method focuses on user data and generates automatic prediction about user's interests by gathering information from users who share similar background and preferences. Specifically, the intension of CF method is to find users who have similar preferences and to suggest target user items that were mostly preferred by those nearest neighbor users. There are two basic units that need to be considered by CF method, the user and the item. Each user needs to provide his rating value on items i.e. movies, products, books, etc to indicate their interests on those items. In addition, CF uses the user-rating matrix to find a group of users who have similar rating with target user. Then, it predicts unknown rating value for items that target user has not rated. Currently, CF has been successfully implemented in both information filtering and e-commerce applications. However, it remains some important challenges such as cold start, data sparsity, and scalability reflected on quality and accuracy of prediction. In order to overcome these challenges, many researchers have proposed various kinds of CF method such as hybrid CF, trust-based CF, social network-based CF, etc. In the purpose of improving the recommendation performance and prediction accuracy of standard CF, in this paper we propose a method which integrates traditional CF technique with social relationship between users discovered from user's behavior in social network i.e. Facebook. We identify user's relationship from behavior of user such as posts and comments interacted with friends in Facebook. We believe that social relationship implicitly inferred from user's behavior can be likely applied to compensate the limitation of conventional approach. Therefore, we extract posts and comments of each user by using Facebook Graph API and calculate feature score among each term to obtain feature vector for computing similarity of user. Then, we combine the result with similarity value computed using traditional CF technique. Finally, our system provides a list of recommended items according to neighbor users who have the biggest total similarity value to the target user. In order to verify and evaluate our proposed method we have performed an experiment on data collected from our Movies Rating System. Prediction accuracy evaluation is conducted to demonstrate how much our algorithm gives the correctness of recommendation to user in terms of MAE. Then, the evaluation of performance is made to show the effectiveness of our method in terms of precision, recall, and F1-measure. Evaluation on coverage is also included in our experiment to see the ability of generating recommendation. The experimental results show that our proposed method outperform and more accurate in suggesting items to users with better performance. The effectiveness of user's behavior in social network particularly shows the significant improvement by up to 6% on recommendation accuracy. Moreover, experiment of recommendation performance shows that incorporating social relationship observed from user's behavior into CF is beneficial and useful to generate recommendation with 7% improvement of performance compared with benchmark methods. Finally, we confirm that interaction between users in social network is able to enhance the accuracy and give better recommendation in conventional approach.

Pipetting Stability and Improvement Test of the Robotic Liquid Handling System Depending on Types of Liquid (용액에 따른 자동분주기의 분주능력 평가와 분주력 향상 실험)

  • Back, Hyangmi;Kim, Youngsan;Yun, Sunhee;Heo, Uisung;Kim, Hosin;Ryu, Hyeonggi;Lee, Guiwon
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.62-68
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    • 2016
  • Purpose In a cyclosporine experiment using a robotic liquid handing system has found a deviation of its standard curve and low reproducibility of patients's results. The difference of the test is that methanol is mixed with samples and the extractions are used for the test. Therefore, we assumed that the abnormal test results came from using methanol and conducted this test. In a manual of a robotic liquid handling system mentions that we can choose several setting parameters depending on the viscosity of the liquids being used, the size of the sampling tips and the motor speeds that you elect to use but there's no exact order. This study was undertaken to confirm pipetting ability depending on types of liquids and investigate proper setting parameters for the optimum dispensing ability. Materials and Methods 4types of liquids(water, serum, methanol, PEG 6000(25%)) and TSH125I tracer(515 kBq) are used to confirm pipetting ability. 29 specimens for Cyclosporine test are used to compare results. Prepare 8 plastic tubes for each of the liquids and with multi pipette 400μl of each liquid is dispensed to 8 tubes and 100μl of TSH125I tracer are dispensed to all of the tubes. From the prepared samples, 100μl of liquids are dispensed using a robotic liquid handing system, counted and calculated its CV(%) depending on types of liquids. And then by adjusting several setting parameters(air gap, dispense time, delay time) the change of the CV(%)are calcutated and finds optimum setting parameters. 29 specimens are tested with 3 methods. The first(A) is manual method and the second(B) is used robotic liquid handling system with existing parameters. The third(C) is used robotic liquid handling system with adjusted parameters. Pipetting ability depending on types of liquids is assessed with CV(%). On the basis of (A), patients's test results are compared (A)and(B), (A)and(C) and they are assessed with %RE(%Relative error) and %Diff(%Difference). Results The CV(%) of the CPM depending on liquid types were water 0.88, serum 0.95, methanol 10.22 and PEG 0.68. As expected dispensing of methanol using a liquid handling system was the problem and others were good. The methanol's dispensing were conducted by adjusting several setting parameters. When transport air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 20.16, 12.54 and when system air gap 0 was adjusted to 2 and 5, CV(%) were 8.94, 1.36. When adjusted to system air gap 2, transport air gap 2 was 12.96 and adjusted to system air gap 5, Transport air gap 5 was 1.33. When dispense speed was adjusted 300 to 100, CV(%) was 13.32 and when dispense delay was adjusted 200 to 100 was 13.55. When compared (B) to (A), the result increased 99.44% and %RE was 93.59%. When compared (C-system air gap was adjusted 0 to 5) to (A), the result increased 6.75% and %RE was 5.10%. Conclusion Adjusting speed and delay time of aspiration and dispense was meaningless but changing system air gap was effective. By adjusting several parameters proper value was found and it affected the practical result of the experiment. To optimize the system active efforts are needed through the test and in case of dispensing new types of liquids proper test is required to check the liquid is suitable for using the equipment.

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