• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재해석법

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Study on Iron-making and Manufacturing Technology of Iron Swords with Ring Pommel Excavated in Ipbuk-dong, Suwon (수원 입북동 출토 철제환두도의 제철과 제작기술 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Ki
    • Journal of Conservation Science
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.579-588
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    • 2016
  • This study analyzed nonmetallic inclusions in iron swords with a ring pommel excavated in the Ipbuk-dong, Suwon. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy(SEM-EDS) was used to estimate the iron-making temperature, and we compared the oxide with $SiO_2$ to investigate the heat-treatment technology in the production of iron swords with a ring pommel by investigating the artificial insertion of a slag former and the metallurgical structure. From the wustite observed in most of the specimens, it is judged that these swords were produced by heating and forging iron smelted at a low temperature using the solid reduction method. In addition, judging from the partial presence of $P_2O_5$, it is assumed that they were smelted directly with natural ore, not calcined. From the ratios of $CaO/SiO_2$ and $TiO_2/SiO_2$, it is judged that the raw material for iron-making was iron ore and that a calcareous slag former was not artificially inserted. The structure of the blade part on the front end was pure iron. From the high carbon content of the blade part on the ring pommel and the formation of a martensitic structure and pearlite colony, it is judged that they were tempered after carburizing and that the back, handle part, and ring pommel were unintentionally carburized. Judging from the structure of these specimens, it was noted that they were produced by applying artificial partial heat-treatment technology. This study attempted to present a more scientific analysis by using the method of interpretation through component analysis of nonmetallic inclusions appearing in one relic by the ratio of the oxide divided by $SiO_2$. It is judged that reinterpreting the arguments by the results of the existing analysis and research in this way can obtain different interpretations.

Problems with Comparative Research on Daesoon Thought and Shamanism as Related to Jeungsan's Concept of Grievance-Resolution (무속과 증산의 해원사상 비교를 통해 본 대순사상 연구 관점의 문제)

  • Cha, Seon-keun
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.38
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    • pp.115-151
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    • 2021
  • According to Lee Young-geum, the ideas of grievance resolution and mutual beneficence were already present in shamanism. She also insists that Jeungsan merely theorized upon these ideas by inheriting them and his religious activities must be identified from within a shamanistic worldview. Contrary to Lee's claim, Cha Seon-keun argues that the grievance resolution of Jeungsan is far beyond the contents and level of development found in shamanism. He also insists that Jeungsan's religious activities must be identified as having a certain orderly uniqueness distinct from shamanism. The argument between these two different perspectives has not attracted other researchers besides those who are directly involved. However, this debate deserves attention with regard to the problem of how one approaches a given religion and which academic perspective should be applied. Based on the perspective of the Daesoon Jinrihoe, this study examines their debate by considering four issues. Firstly, whether Jeungsan inherited or expanded upon the subject of grievance resolution and its range remains undetermined. Secondly, the ethics of mutual beneficence and grateful reciprocation in Jeungsan's concept of grievance resolution should be analyzed as to whether that idea reasserts the ethics of shamanism. Thirdly, it is necessary to study whether his method of grievance resolution fully embraced the methods of grievance resolution that exist in shamanism. Lastly, it should be determined whether or not Jeungsan's religious activities and system of thought should be identified within a shamanistic worldview. Through this review, Lee and Cha can be shown to have different opinions on the academic approach to research on religion. Accordingly, this study concludes that Lee's method of only interpreting Jeungsan's religious thought via a shamanic worldview is incompatible with academic methodology. A scholar of religious studies should discuss Jeungsan on his own merits rather than just imply that Jeungsan thoroughly reflects the worldview of shamanism, doctrinal studies of Buddhism, and Daoist thought as well as other theologies. In other words, if certain tangible and intangible elements found in shamanism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, and Christianity are also observed in Jeungsan's religious thought, it is necessary to comprehend how different or similar those elements are or whether they are re-interpreted in any manner. In the case of Lee, her method of overemphasizing similarities is now criticized as outdated. Nowadays, it is necessary to demonstrate awareness of modern religious studies tendency to pay equal attention to similarities and differences.

A Study on Movement Characteristics of Dalgubal Drum Dance (달구벌 북춤 춤사위의 특성에 대한 고찰)

  • Choi, Won-sun
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.42
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    • pp.147-181
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    • 2021
  • Dalgubal drum dance is inherited in a recreated form by incorporating regional symbolism and the dance philosophy and artisticity of Young Hwangbo, the creator, based on the traditional drum dance of the Yeongnam region. This dance having popularity with the transformation of traditional Korean culture has been invited not only to Yeongnam region including Daegu but also to international various venues. This study explores what the movement characteristics of this Dalgubal drum dance are and the unique charm and symbolic meaning of this dance. Specific analysis was conducted through analyzing Dalgubal drum dance video film of the 89th Korean Myeongmujeon's by using Laban Movement Analysis as a research method. The special features of this dance resulted from the LMA analysis in terms of the four categories-Body, Effort, Shape, and Space-reveal simple yet cheerful personalities and strong yet patient characteristics of the people in Daegu. The harmony of drum sounds(music) and movements(dance) creates various characteristics of dances and reveals the beauty and excitement of unique Korean dance. In particular, drum play and its related dance movements create curved linear spatial pattern of arm movements, Spiral Shape in body posture, and diverse floor patterns occupying whole stage space. These movements show the three-dimensional spatial beauty and the artistic ideas for recreation of traditional drum dance, which considered with the spatial structure of the proscenium stage. In addition, the well-organized structure and harmonious movements of this dance show the traditional Korean philosophy, implying heaven, earth, and human being and the wholeness, and the harmony of yin and yang. The dance aims at communication between the audiences and dancers through sharing excitement and the aesthetic beauty of dance. This can be interpreted as a meaningful expression of traditional Korean philosophy developed with the unique value and characteristics of Korean dance.

Suggestions for Using Historical and Cultural Resources in Uiseong : Focusing on the Gilt-bronze Crown and the Earthenware of Jomunguk (의성 지역 역사문화자원 활용을 위한 제안 : 조문국 금동관과 토기를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Eunjoo;Kim, Migyung;Kim, Youngsun
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.79-105
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    • 2019
  • In the Geumseongsan Tumulus of the Uiseong area where the Jomunguk was existed in the Three Han Period, many relics such as metal craft ornaments and Uiseong-style earthernware were excavated. However, it is hard to find cases where the excavated relics were used to develop cultural products. In this study, symbolic relics which can express the culture of Uiseong Jomunguk were selected from excavated relics. Then, the basic design that can be applied to various cultural products were derived from symbolic relics. In order to select symbolic relics, the formative characteristics of the metal craft relics excavated from the Tablili Tumulus and the Dali Tumulus were examined. As a result, a gilt-bronze crown excavated from the Tablili Tumulus was selected as a symbolic relics. And then the basic desin was derived from the gilt-bronze crown. The basic design is expressed in the form of birds based on the bird's feather shape at the edge of the standing ornaments and the record of the Bongdae(鳳臺), the phoenix's habitat. And the application design that changed the expression of the birds' face was presented. The earthenware excavated from the Uiseong area was designed as a soil pot and applied various indoor air purification plants. The result of this study, which reinterprets and reconstructs the historical and cultural resources of the region in accordance with the modern sense, can be used as useful data for the development of cultural products of Jomunguk. Furthermore, if the design derived from the Jomunguk relics is used as a representative symbol of the area, it will be possible to derive an image of a differentiated region from other regions. Finally, it is expected that the result of this study will be a chance to re-evaluate the value of the historical and cultural resources in the region.

Risk Factors for Binge-eating and Food Addiction : Analysis with Propensity-Score Matching and Logistic Regression (폭식행동 및 음식중독의 위험요인 분석: 성향점수매칭과 로지스틱 회귀모델을 이용한 분석)

  • Jake Jeong;Whanhee Lee;Jung In Choi;Young Hye Cho;Kwangyeol Baek
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.685-698
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    • 2023
  • This study aimed to identify binge-eating behavior and food addiction in Korean population and to determine their associations with obesity, eating behaviors, mental health and cognitive characteristics. We collected clinical questionnaire scores related to eating problems (e.g. binge eating, food addiction, food cravings), mental health (e.g. depression), and cognitive functions (e.g. impulsivity, emotion regulation) in 257 Korean adults in the normal and the obese weight ranges. Binge-eating and food addiction were most frequent in obese women (binge-eating: 46.6%, food addiction: 29.3%) when we divided the participants into 4 groups depending on gender and obesity status. The independence test using the data with propensity score matching confirmed that binge-eating and food addiction were more prevalent in obese individuals. Finally, we constructed the logistic regression models using forward selection method to evaluate the influence of various clinical questionnaire scores on binge-eating and food addiction respectively. Binge-eating was significantly associated with the clinical scales of eating disorders, food craving, state anxiety, and emotion regulation (cognitive reappraisal) as well as food addiction. Food addiction demonstrated the significant effect of food craving, binge-eating, the interaction of obesity and age, and years of education. In conclusion, we found that binge-eating and food addiction are much more frequent in females and obese individuals. Both binge-eating and food addiction commonly involved eating problems (e.g. food craving), but there was difference in mental health and cognitive risk factors. Therefore, it is required to distinguish food addiction from binge-eating and investigate intrinsic and environmental risk factors for each pathology.