• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재난관리단계

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Current Status and Results of In-orbit Function, Radiometric Calibration and INR of GOCI-II (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager 2) on Geo-KOMPSAT-2B (정지궤도 해양관측위성(GOCI-II)의 궤도 성능, 복사보정, 영상기하보정 결과 및 상태)

  • Yong, Sang-Soon;Kang, Gm-Sil;Huh, Sungsik;Cha, Sung-Yong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_2
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    • pp.1235-1243
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    • 2021
  • Geostationary Ocean Color Imager 2 (GOCI-II) on Geo-KOMPSAT-2 (GK2B)satellite was developed as a mission successor of GOCI on COMS which had been operated for around 10 years since launch in 2010 to observe and monitor ocean color around Korean peninsula. GOCI-II on GK2B was successfully launched in February of 2020 to continue for detection, monitoring, quantification, and prediction of short/long term changes of coastal ocean environment for marine science research and application purpose. GOCI-II had already finished IAC and IOT including early in-orbit calibration and had been handed over to NOSC (National Ocean Satellite Center) in KHOA (Korea Hydrographic and Oceanographic Agency). Radiometric calibration was periodically conducted using on-board solar calibration system in GOCI-II. The final calibrated gain and offset were applied and validated during IOT. And three video parameter sets for one day and 12 video parameter sets for a year was selected and transferred to NOSC for normal operation. Star measurement-based INR (Image Navigation and Registration) navigation filtering and landmark measurement-based image geometric correction were applied to meet the all INR requirements. The GOCI2 INR software was validated through INR IOT. In this paper, status and results of IOT, radiometric calibration and INR of GOCI-II are analysed and described.

Review of Dam-Reservoir water level considering Dam-downstream situation (직하류 하천환경을 고려한 댐 저수량 수위 확보 검토)

  • Kim, Chang-soon;Kim, Jong-Rae
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.377-377
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    • 2017
  • 다목적댐은 비어있는 저수지 용량을 활용, 상류에서 유입되는 홍수를 저류하여 하류의 피해를 경감시키고, 저류된 저수량을 활용하여 갈수시 생 공 유지용수 등을 목적에 맞게 하류로의 공급에 주요 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 댐 계획에는 상류에서 유입되는 목표 빈도 계획홍수량을 산정하고, 이에 따른 여수로의 계획방류량 등이 포함된 홍수 조절 방안이 수립된다. 다목적댐은 그 중요도 때문에 많은 사회적 재화(財貨)가 투입되어 하천에서 가장 높은 빈도인 200년 빈도 홍수량에 대비하도록 설계되어 있다. 그러나 대부분의 댐 하류 하천에서는 긴 연장에 따른 투자비용 등의 한계로 상류 댐에 미치지 못하는 100년 빈도 이하로 설정되어있다. 이런 상 하류의 홍수계획간 괴리로 댐의 계획 방류량 수준의 홍수 조절시에는 하류 하천에 재난상황으로 발생할 우려가 있다. 기상예보의 고도화로 단기 예보의 정밀도가 높아져 단기간 댐 운영에는 효과적으로 활용되고 있다. 하지만 5일 이후를 예보하는 중 장기예보는 아직까지도 불확실성이 높은 실정이다. 여기에 기후변화 등 기상의 불확실성을 고려하여 홍수기 초 장마와 태풍 등의 영향에 대비하기 위해 무작정 댐을 저(低)수위로 운영하면 이후 여름 가뭄에 취약해 지고, 반대로 저수량 확보의 고(高)수위 운영을 할 경우 연이은 태풍 등 홍수상황에 취약해 지게 된다. 최근 '14~'15년도 낙동강 수계에 여름가뭄으로 안동 임하댐이 가뭄단계에 돌입하는 등 홍수기초 적정 저수량의 확보는 안정적 수자원시설 운영에 중요성이 커지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 불확실한 기상상황에 대비하고 댐의 이치수 목적 달성을 위해, 홍수기초 가능한 저수량을 확보하되 계획홍수량이 들어와도 하류피해는 경감시킬 수 있는 저수지 수위를 찾고자하였다. 이를 위해 낙동강 수계 9개 다목적댐(안동, 임하, 성덕, 보현산, 군위, 김천부항, 합천, 남강, 밀양댐)을 대상으로 댐 설계 및 직하류 하천 상황을 고려한 "홍수기초 댐 저수량 확보 수위 검토"를 실시하였다. 댐 직하류 하천의 홍수대비 상황 및 홍수조절시 제약사항 등을 조사해 주요지점(Critical Point)을 선정하고 그 지점의 홍수량을 파악한다. 이어서 저류함수 모형을 활용하여 댐별 저수지 모의 운영을 실시하였다. 대상 댐 저수지에 계획홍수량을 유입시키고 수위를 점차 조정하면서 하류 지점의 홍수량 내의 규모로 방류를 하는 저수지 모의 운영을 실시하였다. 이때 저수지의 계획홍수위를 초과하지 않는 등 안정적 홍수조절이 가능한 특정 수위를 찾아 하류 하천 환경을 고려한 댐 운영 수위로 선정하였다. 최근 홍수기총에는 강수량이 계속 줄어들고 홍수기 이후 더 많은 강수가 내리는 등 기후변화로 댐 운영은 날로 어려워지고 있다. 본 연구의 분석 결과는 홍수기초 가뭄 및 장마 또는 태풍 등에 대비하여 댐 운영의 이 치수 두 가지 목적을 달성하는데 참고가 될 수 있을 것이다.

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A study on measures for the mitigation of fire damage in Korea super high-rise building through the improvement of domestic·foreign standards (국·내외 기준개선을 통한 국내 초고층 건축물의 화재피해경감 대책에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jaesun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.233-248
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    • 2017
  • Uniform laws and regulations and reasonable design is necessary for the prevention of possible fire in super high-rise building. To this end, this study focused on super high-rise and massive building-related architectural review performance-based design (PBD) evaluation disaster impact assessment (DIA), and provided fire engineering measures for improving fire prevention on the basis of performance-based design by analyzing the buildings subject to these systems and problems in terms of contents. Above all, in the aspect of law and standard improvement, first, with regard to dual parts of two statutes though significant portion of them has the same contents in performance-based design (PBD) evaluation and disaster impact assessment (DIA), it is necessary to operate the systems after making them conform with each other and consolidating or abolishing them. Second, if it is impossible to consolidate or abolish performance-based design (PBD) evaluation and disaster impact assessment (DIA), the areas of contents of performance-based design (PBD) evaluation and disaster impact assessment (DIA) should be precisely classified and established. Next, engineering improvement measures against fire hazard in super high-rise building are as follows. First, it is necessary to revise the provisions of straight-run stairs in special escape stairs. And in case of installing a mechanical smoke exhaust system instead of smoke vent, sandwich pressurization used in the United Stated should be permitted. Second, with regard to smoke control system for special escape stairs, it was shown that there was necessity for revising the standards in order to enable air to be supplied according to section in case of fire, carrying out performance-based design, and the like from the early design stages to the completion stages. In the future, it is expected that an epoch-making contribution will be made to a decrease in casualties and property damage due to fire in case of super high-rise building where the results can be reflected after carrying out a study on maintenance and carrying out an additional study on other considerations of super high-rise building together with reflecting the improvement measures provided in the above-mentioned study.

A Study on The Improvement of Related Regulation System for The Utility Tunnel Activation (지하공동구 활성화를 위한 관련규정 체계 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Won-Joon;Cho, Choong-Yeun;Lee, Min-Jae
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.563-571
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of a utility tunnel is to prevent repeated excavation as well as disasters and calamity. Domestic utility tunnels have been built in new town development plans. Currently, it is difficult to establish a utility tunnel due to a conflict of opinions by organization and financing. In this paper, research was conducted based on systematic procedures to suggest ways of improving the activation of utility tunnels in new cities and existing cities. First, a survey was conducted on the laws and status of utility tunnels, and problems were derived based on the review and analysis of the status. Finally, a method suggesting improvement measures to solve problems was applied. Based on the related laws and problems, the status of the development project was analyzed to select the installation scale in the utility tunnel, and the appropriate scale was reviewed through economic feasibility analysis of the installation scale under 2 million square meters. Considering the new city and the existing city, it was proposed to support administrative expenses to reduce the burden on additional installation areas and occupied institutions in a utility tunnel. In addition, improvement plans were presented for the details of the master plan for reviewing the installation regional of the utility tunnel. This paper will help officials to work smoothly when planning and installing utility tunnels in the future.

The Study of a Strategic Plan for Building Experience-Space Facilities for a National Safety System (국민안전의식 체계화를 위한 체험공간 시설확보 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Tae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Hazard Mitigation
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    • v.3 no.1 s.8
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    • pp.149-155
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    • 2003
  • The reason of source for a tragic death by the occurrence of an event is $\ulcorner$unobservant of safety rule,$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$negligence of staff,$\lrcorner$ $\ulcorner$deficiency of responsibility$\lrcorner$ and $\ulcorner$deficiency of safety value$\lrcorner$ and for certain reason that is insufficiency of space for safety education also think little of a people, unobservant of safety rule, selfishness and so on. It makes new and specific plan that is simulation room before I compare the inside and outside of the country for a nation the reform of consciousness. Next, go ahead with a plan for about safety-simulation room. The Government can support to plan if it make a proposal to center of Government. It should be make a people of safety system, and it build the safety-simulation room $1{\sim}2$ in the city or county. And, the city cannot build the big safety-simulation room the reason are size of building and money. Accordingly, it will be make a system and installation for different type of safety-simulation room for about calamity, disaster and different type of accident in Korea. It must be build the building of space that should be make a space of knowledge and information by many books and media, develop of education program from life-safety.

A Study on Comparative Analysis of Socio-economic Impact Assessment Methods on Climate Change and Necessity of Application for Water Management (기후변화 대응을 위한 발전소 온배수 활용 양식업 경제성 분석)

  • Lee, Sangsin;Kim, Shang Moon;Um, Gi Jeung
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.73-78
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    • 2011
  • In order to resolve the problem of change in global climate which is worsening as days go by and to preemptively cope with strengthened restriction on carbon emission, the government enacted 'Framework Act on Low Carbon Green Growth' in 2010 and selected green technology and green industry as new national growth engines. For this reason, the necessity to use the un-utilized waste heat across the whole industrial system has become an issue, and studies on and applications of recycling in the agricultural and fishery fields such as cultivation of tropical crops and flatfishes by utilizing the waste heat and thermal effluent generated by large industrial complexes including power plants are being actively carried out. In this study, we looked into the domestic and overseas examples of having utilized waste heat abandoned in the form of power plant thermal effluent, and carried out economic efficiency evaluation of sturgeon aquaculture utilizing thermal effluent of Yeongwol LNG Combined Cycle Power Plant in Gangwon-do. In this analysis, we analyzed the economic efficiency of a model business plan divided into three steps, starting from a small scale in order to minimize the investment risk and financial burden, which is then gradually expanded. The business operation period was assumed to be 10 years (2012~2021), and the NVP (Net Present Value) and economic efficiency (B/C) for the operation period (10 years) were estimated for different loan size by dividing the size of external loan by stage into 80% and 40% based on the basic statistics secured through a site survey. Through the result of analysis, we can see that reducing the size of the external loan is an important factor in securing greater economic efficiency as, while the B/C is 1.79 in the case the external loan is 80% of the total investment, it is presumed to be improved to 1.81 when the loan is 40%. As the findings of this study showed that the economic efficiency of sturgeon aquaculture utilizing thermal effluent of power plant can be secured, it is presumed that regional development project items with high added value can be derived though this, and, in addition, this study will greatly contribute to reinforcement of the capability of local governments to cope with climate change.

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