• Title/Summary/Keyword: 재난관리단계

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Development of a Risk Assessment Program for Chemical Terrorism (화학적 테러에 대한 위험성 평가 프로그램 개발)

  • Lee, Younghee;Kim, Eunyong;Kim, Jinkyung;Moon, Il
    • Journal of Korean Society of societal Security
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.63-67
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    • 2008
  • This study focuses on assessing the security ri sk or the terrorism in chemical process industries. This research modifies conventional method for assessing the terrorism risk. The risk assessment method is developed and it is implemented as software to analyze the possibility of terrorism and sabotage. This program includes five steps; asset characterization, threat assessment, vulnerability analysis, risk assessment and new countermeasures. It is a systematic, risk based approach in which risk is a function of the severity of consequences of an undesired event, the likelihood of adversary attack, and the likelihood of adversary success in causing the undesired event. The reliability of the program is verified using a dock zone case. The case dock zone includes a storage farm, a manufacturing plant, an electrical supply utility, a hydrotreater unit, many containers, and administration buildings. This study represents chemical terrorism response technology, the prevention plan, and new countermeasure to mitigate by using risk assessment methods in the chemical industry and public sector. This study suggests an effective approach to the chemical terrorism response management.

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A Study on the Analysis of Service-linkage between the u-City and ITS (u-City와 ITS의 서비스 연관성 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yang-Bin;Kim, Gyeong-Seok;Seo, Min-So;Lee, Sun-Ha
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.101-114
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    • 2008
  • Ubiquitous City (u-City) and Intelligent Transport System (ITS) provide services, which are different from each other yet have close relation to each other partially. Thus, since a redundancy issue occurs or it is difficult to efficiently provide services depending on the relation degree, it is required to analyze the relation of services between the two systems and to elicit a priority. A table of relation among the services was created and the relation degree was analyzed by performing a survey for experts. As a result of calculating the total marks by accumulating and summing up the survey results, the incident management service and u-accident/calamity and disaster service of the ITS had the lowest value. The project priority was as follows: The basic principle of the project was that services with high relation degrees shall be worked on first. The services were categorized in each step and packaging the services could result in the synergy effect. This study is significant since it analyzed the relation degree between u-City and ITS and proposed schemes for efficiently working on the project by eliciting the priority of the services based on the analysis results.

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Crisis Management Analysis of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Using Multi-dimensional Data Cube (다차원 데이터 큐브 모델을 이용한 구제역의 위기 대응 방안 분석)

  • Noh, Byeongjoon;Lee, Jonguk;Park, Daihee;Chung, Yongwha
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.565-573
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    • 2017
  • The ex-post evaluation of governmental crisis management is an important issues since it is necessary to prepare for the future disasters and becomes the cornerstone of our success as well. In this paper, we propose a data cube model with data mining techniques for the analysis of governmental crisis management strategies and ripple effects of foot-and-mouth(FMD) disease using the online news articles. Based on the construction of the data cube model, a multidimensional FMD analysis is performed using on line analytical processing operations (OLAP) to assess the temporal perspectives of the spread of the disease with varying levels of abstraction. Furthermore, the proposed analysis model provides useful information that generates the causal relationship between crisis response actions and its social ripple effects of FMD outbreaks by applying association rule mining. We confirmed the feasibility and applicability of the proposed FMD analysis model by implementing and applying an analysis system to FMD outbreaks from July 2010 to December 2011 in South Korea.

Study on Determination of Intention Type for Reasonable Conservation and Use on Baekdudaegan Protection Area (백두대간 보호구역의 권역별 지향성 설정에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Dooahn;Kim, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.111 no.1
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    • pp.72-80
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    • 2022
  • In this study, intention type was assigned to determine appropriate conservation and use of the Baekdudaegan Protection Area. To determine intention type, 84 indices were integrated into 7 types: the Natural Environment Protection District, Natural Scenic District, Agriculture and Forestry Promotion District, Living Environment Protection District, Education/Culture/Arts Promotion District, Recreation/Tourism Promotion District, and Disaster Management District. Intention types were decided by comparing the occupying proportion of the intention types for each watershed segment in which the Seoraksan, Taebaeksan, and Sockrisan region boundaries were included. Weight values were applied to each of the seven intention types because each type did not play an equal role in the target regions. Most regions were classified as Natural Environment Protection intention types because the Baekdudaegan area is regulated with strong forestry and environmental protection acts; thus, the weight values related to nature protection were higher than those for other types. To supplement the results from this study, additional research is needed to determine the intention type and weight for each region, and it will also be necessary to integrate sociocultural factors and field survey data.

A study on the indirect measurement method of bedload discharge using hydrophone (하이드로폰을 이용한 소류사량 간접계측방안 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Sung Uk;Jun, Kye Won;Yoon, Young Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2022.05a
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    • pp.249-249
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    • 2022
  • 국외에서 산지재해를 예방하기 위해 하천 유사량을 계측하는 기존의 재래식 채집기의 문제점을 보완한 간접계측장치인 하이드로폰의 개발 및 실용화를 위한 연구를 수행하고 있다. 하지만 국내의 경우 유사량을 계측하는 기술 수준은 선진국에 비해 기초단계에 머물러 있다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 국내에서 사용하기 적합한 간접계측장치를 개발하고자 한다. 간접계측장치인 하이드로폰은 횡단구조물의 끝단에 부착하여 설치하는 형태로 개발하였다. 충돌음향 계측을 위한 센서부는 파이프와 마이크로폰으로 구성하였으며, 구조물에 부착하기 위한 고정프레임과 연결장치로 제작되었다. 설치된 계측장치는 하상에서 이동중인 토사가 파이프에 충돌할 때 발생하는 소음을 계측하며 충돌음은 데이터로거로 취득된다. 계측된 음향 데이터는 정확한 소류사량 추정을 위해 충돌 횟수에 착안한 펄스 분석 방법과 진폭의 시간 적분치에 착안한 음압적분치 방법으로 비교·검토를 수행하였다. 소류사량 추정 관계식의 유의성 분석을 수행한 후 펄스 수 기반 추정 관계식과 음압적분치 기반 추정 관계식을 공급 소류사량과 비교시 각각 29%와 33%의 오차율을 나타내는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 앞서 선정된 소류사량 추정 관계식의 신뢰성을 확보하기 위해 관계식으로 추정할 수 있는 예측구간 및 95% 신뢰구간을 분석하였으며, 분석 결과 펄스 수 기반 추정 관계식은 92.5%, 음압적분치 기반 추정 관계식은 90.9%로 두 관계식 모두 소류사량을 추정하기에 양호한 수준으로 일치하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 향후 추가적인 연구를 수행한다면 수문조사 시 부족했던 유사량 측정분야의 확대에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 예상되며, 이와 관련된 사업 및 기술발전에도 기여할 것으로 기대된다.

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Control System of Simulation-based Government Level Exercise for Emergency Preparedness (시뮬레이션 기반 비상대비 정부연습의 통제체제에 관한 연구)

  • Joo, Choong-Geun;Jin, Jong-Lok;Byun, Hae-Yun;Youn, Sang-Youn
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.54-72
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    • 2022
  • This study is on the control system of simulation-based emergency preparedness 'government level exercise'(GOV-Ex), which provides main control elements required for each stage of planning, preparation, implementation, and follow-up measures and its operation concept. For this purpose, the control requirements of 'simulation-based government level exercise'(GOVSIM-Ex) was derived through the preceding studies on GOV-Ex and simulation exercise control in military exercise and disaster exercises and then the concept of operation was presented. The main contents are exercise planning and key event scenario, the linkage between simulation model and other models, the composition of the simulation control center and the organization's workstation(WS), DB, control and evaluation team etc. The study limited to the main control elements, not all the control elements required for the GOVSIM-Ex, and it has limitations that the specific implementation plan of some control elements proposed has not been presented. These are presented as a future research subject. The study will promote the development of the GOVSIM-Ex Control System and early settlement of GOSIMV-Ex in the future.

The study of heavy rain warning in Gangwon State using threshold rainfall (침수유발 강우량을 이용한 강원특별자치도 호우특보 기준에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Hyeonjia;Kang, Donghob;Lee, Iksangc;Kim, Byungsikd
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.751-764
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    • 2023
  • Gangwon State is centered on the Taebaek Mountains with very different climate characteristics depending on the region, and localized heavy rainfall is a frequent occurrence. Heavy rain disasters have a short duration and high spatial and temporal variability, causing many casualties and property damage. In the last 10 years (2012~2021), the number of heavy rain disasters in Gangwon State was 28, with an average cost of 45.6 billion won. To reduce heavy rain disasters, it is necessary to establish a disaster management plan at the local level. In particular, the current criteria for heavy rain warnings are uniform and do not consider local characteristics. Therefore, this study aims to propose a heavy rainfall warning criteria that considers the threshold rainfall for the advisory areas located in Gangwon State. As a result of analyzing the representative value of threshold rainfall by advisory area, the Mean value was similar to the criteria for issuing a heavy rain warning, and it was selected as the criteria for a heavy rain warning in this study. The rainfall events of Typhoon Mitag in 2019, Typhoons Maysak and Haishen in 2020, and Typhoon Khanun in 2023 were applied as rainfall events to review the criteria for heavy rainfall warnings, as a result of Hit Rate accuracy verification, this study reflects the actual warning well with 72% in Gangneung Plain and 98% in Wonju. The criteria for heavy rain warnings in this study are the same as the crisis warning stages (Attention, Caution, Alert, and Danger), which are considered to be possible for preemptive rain disaster response. The results of this study are expected to complement the uniform decision-making system for responding to heavy rain disasters in the future and can be used as a basis for heavy rain warnings that consider disaster risk by region.

A Study on the Introduction of Performance Certification System of Inspection and Diagnostic Equipment for Infrastructure (시설물 진단장비의 성능인증제 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Hong, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jung-Gon;Cho, Jae-Young;Kim, Do-Hyoung;Kim, Jung-Yeol;Kim, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.104-115
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Infrastructure inspection and its diagnostics technique have been rapidly developing recently. Therefore, it is important to secure the reliability of diagnostic equipment, and this paper deals with inspection of diagnostic equipment, introduction to a certification system and development plans for infrastructure. Method: Several certification systems are established and introduction plans are reviewed through experts by synthesizing the contents of certification research for existing infrastructure diagnosis equipment. In addition, the revision of the law for introduction of the system is reviewed, detailed operation regulations are prepared and phased development plans are reviewed, which are based on the operation scenario. Result: Inspection and certification plans were constructed through four routes in order to consider infrastructure inspection and diagnostic equipment in use, and new diagnostic equipment using state-of-the-art technology. Furthermore, market confusion depending on the introduction of a new certification system is minimized and reliability is secured by transforming a simple inspection system in the short term into a formal certification system in the long term. The law amendments according to the introduction of the system were reviewed and detailed operation regulations were developed. Also, phased development plans, which are based on the long-term development scenario including manpower, infrastructure and specifications, were presented. Conclusion: It is important to secure reliability through the distribution and certification of diagnostic equipment using 4th industrial technology to strengthen the safety management of infrastructure at the national level since the infrastructure is various in type and increasingly large in size. It is also essential to train human resources who can use new technology with inspection and diagnosis system in order to enhance the safety management of all infrastructures. Moreover, it is necessary to introduce a regular inspection system for infrastructure that combines loT technology in the long-term point of view and to promote the introduction by giving active incentives to institutions that actively accept it.

A Study on the Reorganization of the National Spatial Information System (국가공간정보시스템 개편 추진 방향 연구)

  • Kim, Jeong Hyun;Kim, Soon Han;Kim, Sun Kyu;Kim, Sang Min;Jung, Jae Hoon;Heo, Joon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.373-383
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    • 2015
  • Spatial information has been widely used for efficient land use and management, disaster management, environment management, infrastructure management, corporate marketing, and cultural assets management, and the need for spatial information is expected to be increased. For this reason, central government, local government and public institutions must establish a National Spatial Information System (Fifteen systems related to spatial information managed by National Spatial Data Infrastructure Policy office, NSIS) framework that guarantees high accuracy and quality. The NSIS will provide convenience usage of spatial information in the field of decision-making or civil support. However the current National Spatial Information System is mainly established with separate processes, which causes data redundancy, deterioration of information, passive opening, and sharing of the spatial data. This study suggests 4 standards, which has been derived by applying value-chain model to NSIS data flow, and they are ‘Production and Establishment’, ‘Integration and Sharing’, ‘Application and Fusion’ and ‘Release and Opening’. Based on these standards, the 15 NSIS were analyzed to draw out implications and reforming directions were suggested. By following these suggestions we expect more recent, consist, accurate, and connected National Spatial Information Service which will be more open to public and then satisfy the demands.

A Study on the Application of River Surveying by Airborne LiDAR (항공라이다의 하천측량 적용 방안 연구)

  • Choi, Byoung Gil;Na, Young Woo;Choo, Ki Hwan;Lee, Jung Il
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2014
  • The river plan executes the role for prevention of disaster and protection of environment, and requires the surveying results with high accuracies for managing river, dam, reservoir which will be the major infrastructures. The purpose of this study is for comparing and analyzing the results of river surveying which is used widely for disaster management and construction industry support. The results are gathered by using LiDAR which is being used in Korea recently and by using Total station. Study area is chosen at upper area of Bukhan River which is located at Gangwon-do. Total 2 cross-sections of the two methods are extracted from the study area. The standard deviation of land part is about 0.017m which shows little difference between two methods, but the Airborne LiDAR results cannot survey the heights of the points accurately at the singular points with vertical structure and water body part. To overcome the problems through this study, there should be ways to survey the bottom river through transmission of water level within the same margin scope as land part and to survey detailed facilities used by laser exactly through continuous research and experiment. When implementation stage comes, this study expect that this document will be utilized variously for making decision in the area of planning and drawing of business and engineering not just for river regarding the major area or the area that people cannot access.