• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장기 생존율

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Long-term Survival after Coronary Artery bypass Surgery (관상동맥 우회술의 장기 생존율)

  • Lee Mi Kyung;Jeong Eun Taik;Choi Jong Bum
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.2 s.247
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    • pp.139-145
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    • 2005
  • Background: There were very few reports on long-term survival after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) in this country. The aim of this study is to investigate the long-term result in patients undergoing CABG in the early period in this hospital. Material and Method: One-hundred and fourteen patients (male/female, 79/35) who had undergone CABG from December 1990 to December 1995 were identified. Most of the patients had undergone CABG using left internal thoracic artery and vein grafts under cardiopulmonary bypass and cardiopulmonary arrest, and the proximal and distal anastomoses of the grafts were performed during the single aortic cross clamping period. Result: During the mean follow-up period of $135.5\pm17.9$ months, 37 patients $(32.5\%)$ were dead and only 10 patients $(27\%)$ of them died of cardiac cause. Risk-unadjusted survival after CABG was $95.6\%,\;85.1\%,\;71.8\%,$ and $57.9\%$ at 1, 5, 10, and 13 years, respectively, and cardiac death-free survival was $97.4\%,\;94.5\%,\;92.1\%$, and $81.3\%$ at 1, 5, 10, and 13 years, respectively. Predictable factors of long-term survival were sex and age. Predictable factors of postoperative coronary angiography and intervention were hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. Conclusion: Long-term survival after CABG in the early operative period was comparable to the previous outcomes, and females showed the better long-term survival. Postoperative coronary intervention was more common in patients with preoperative dyslipidemia.

Long-Term Result of Surgical Treatment for Esophageal Cancer -500 cases- (식도암에서 외과적 요법의 장기성적에 대한 임상적 고찰 -500예 보고-)

  • 임수빈;박종호;백희종;심영목;조재일
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.148-155
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    • 2001
  • 배경: 본 연구는 1987년부터 1997년까지 원자력병원에서 수술을 시행한 500명의 식도암환자를 대상으로 하여 휴향적 방법을 통해 조기 및 장기성적, 재발양상, 예후인자 등을 보고하고자 한다. 대상 및 방법: 대상환자 중에서 발병암이 있는 경우, 인두식도 경계부위나 위식도 경계부위 암, 고식적 우회술 또는 인공식도 삽입예 그리고 시험적 개흉술이나 개복술 만을 시행한 경우는 제외 시켰다. 식도 절제는 대부분 우측 개흉술을 이용한 Ivor Lewis 술식을 사용하였고 대부분의 문합은 stapler를 사용하였다. Extended lymph node dissection은 1994년 8월부터 시행하였고 그 이전에는 standard lymph node dissection을 하였다. 96.8%에서 위를 식도 대체장기로 사용하였고 경부에서 절제 및 재건술을 시행한 경우를 제외한 모든 식도재건은 후종격동을 통해 시행하였다. 결과: 474예(94.8%)가 편평상피 세포암이었고 대부분(58.2%)은 중부식도에 위치하였다. 술후병기는 47.4%가 stage III이었고 25%가 stage IIA이었다. 392예에서 근치적 절제가 가능하였고 74예는 고식적 절제를 시행하였으며, 식도열공을 통한 식도절제술과 경부에서의 유리공장 이식술을 시행한 34예는 위분류에서 제외하였다. 술후 유병율은 38.4%이었고 수술 사망률은 5.8%로 호흡기 감염, 문합부 유출이 주요 원인이었다. 대상환자의 99.8%에서 추적은 가능하였고 수술사망 예를 포함한 전체환자의 1, 2, 5년 생존율은 각각 63.5%, 38.9%, 19.4% 이었다. Standard lymph node dissection 그룹에서의 1, 2, 5년 생존율이 60.7%, 35.9%, 16.9%이었으나 extended lymph node dissection그룹에서는 1, 2, 4년 생존율이 70.2%, 46.5%, 30.9%이었다. 근치적 절제의 경우는 1, 2, 5년 생존률이 69.4%, 43.9%, 21.9%이었고, 고식적 절제의 경우는 37.8%, 17.6%, 7.3%이었다. 수술사망을 제외한 근치적 절제술과 extended lymph node dissection을 함께 시행한 경우의 4년 생존율은 35.6%이었다. 수술후 재발은 226예에서 발견되었고 주로 국소임파절(69%; 경부, 종격동, 복부)이었으며, 전신재발은 간, 폐, 뼈, 뇌 등의 순이었다. 결론: 저자들은 적절한 술후 환자관리가 선행되어야 하지만 근치적 절제와 광범위한 임파절 절제가 장기성적의 향상에 필수적 요소이고, 진행된 식도암에 있어서는 보다 효과적인 보강적 복합치료가 연구되어야 할 것으로 생각된다.

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Prognostic Factors for Survival in Patients with Stage IV non-small Cell Lung Cancer (제 IV병기 비소세포폐암의 예후인자)

  • Kim, Myung-Hoon;Park, Hee-Sun;Kang, Hyun-Mo;Jang, Pil-Soon;Lee, Yun-Sun;An, Jin-Yong;Kwon, Sun-Jung;Jung, Sung-Soo;Kim, Ju-Ock;Kim, Sun-Young
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.379-388
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    • 2002
  • Background : Although patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer are known to have a poor prognosis, the prognostic factors for survival have not been well evaluated. Such factors may be different from those for overall survival. This study was performed to analyze the prognostic factors for survuval and the variation of survival according to metastatic organ, in patients with stage IV non-small cell lung cancer. Materials and Methods : From January 1997 to December 2000, 151 patients with confirmed stage IV non-small cell lung cancer were enrolled into this study retrospectively. The clinical and laboratory data were analyzed using univareate Kaplan-Meied and Multivariate Cox regression models. Results : On univariate analysis, age, performance status, serum albumin level, weight loss, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), systemic chemotherapy, the number of metastatic organs and serum lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) level were significant factors (p<0.05). In multivariate analysis, important factors for survival were ECOG performance (relative risk of death [RR]: 2.709), systemic chemotherapy (RR: 1.944), serum LDH level (RR: 1.819) and FEV1 (RR: 1.774) (p<0.05), Metastasis to the brain and liver was also a significant factor on univariate analysis). The presence of single lung metastasis was associated with better survival than that of other metastatic organs (p=0.000). Conclusion : We confirmed that performance status and systemic chemotherapy were independent prognostic factors, as has been recognized. The survival of stage IV non-small cell lung cancer patients was different according to the metastatic organs. Among the metastatic sites, only patients with metastasis to the lung showed bettrer survival than that of other sites, while metastasis of the brain or liver was associated with worse survival than that of other sites.

Long-term Survival after CABG in Patients with Abnormal LV Wall Motion after MI (심근경색으로 좌심실 벽 운동장애를 가진 환자들에서 관상동맥 우회술 후 장기생존율)

  • Lee, Mi-Kyung;Choi, Soon-Ho;Choi, Jong-Bum
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.38 no.10 s.255
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    • pp.685-692
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    • 2005
  • Background: Wall motion abnormalities may be a significant predictor for long-term survival after coronary bypass surgery (CABG). The aim of this study is to see whether post-infarction wall motion abnormality of left ventricle affect on the long-term survival after CABG. Material and Method: One-hundred and thirty-three patients (male/female, 92/41) undergoing CABG more than 9 years ago were included in this study. Fifty-six patients (M/F, 42/14; mean age, $59.2\pm9.2$ years) with LV wall motion abnormalities were compared to 77 patients (M/F, 50/27; mean age, $58.0\pm7.6$ years) without the wall motion abnormalities. Most patients (112/133, $84.2\%$) had undergone on-pump CABG with the in-situ left internal thoracic artery and free grafts of saphenous vein, in which the proximal and distal anastomoses were done for the single aortic cross-clamping period. Result: Ejection fraction of left ventricle was lower in the group with LV wall motion abnormalities (mean ejection fraction, $48.7\pm13.2\%$) compared to the group without wall motion abnormalities (mean ejection fraction, $57.1\pm10.1\%$)(p=0.0001). Risk­unadjusted survivals after CABG in the group without wall motion abnormalities were $85.7\pm4.0\%,\;76.2\pm4.9\%,\;and\;57.2\pm10.3\%$ at 5, 10, and 13 years, respectively, and in the group with wall motion abnormalities were $80.4\pm5.3\%,\;58.7\pm7.3\%,\;and\;51.9\pm7.9\%$ at 5, 10, and 13 years, respectively (p=0.1). In univariate analysis, predictable factors of long-term survival in the patients with LV wall motion abnormalities were LV ejection fraction and post operative outpatient treatment. In multivariate analysis, predictable factor of long-term survival in the patients with the wall motion abnormalities was postoperative outpatient treatment, and that in those without the wall motion abnormalities was female. Conclusion: Although there was no significant survival difference after CABG between the group with LV wall motion abnormalities and that without wall motion abnormalities, the survival in the group with wall motion abnormalities seems to be more decreased. For the patients with LV wall motion abnormalities after myocardial infarction, the post-CABG outpatient treatment is suggested to be an important factor for the long-term survival.

Relationship between Early Postoperative Renal Scintigraphy and Long-term Transplant Survival (신 이식 직후 신장 스캔 소견과 이식신 장기 생존의 관계)

  • So, Young;Lee, Kang-Wook;Shin, Young-Tai;Ahn, Moon-Sang;Bae, Jin-Sun;Sul, Chong-Koo;Jung, In-Mok
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.251-257
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    • 2001
  • Purpose: We investigated the possibility of early postoperative Tc-99m DTPA scintigraphy in predicting long-term renal transplant survival. Materials and Methods: 64 living donor (LD) grafts were divided into two groups according to the graft function on early post-operative renal scintigraphy. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan-Meier method and Cox proportional hazard model. Chi-square test was performed to evaluate the difference in the frequency of acute rejection. Results: Cumulative renal transplant survival was decreased in 11 patients with abnormal renal scintigraphy, but it was not statistically significant. Decreased graft function on early post-operative renal scintigraphy was not a predictor of long-term graft survival. The frequency of acute rejection was higher in abnormal scintigraphy group, and the difference was statistically significant. Conclusion: Decreased graft function on early post-operative renal scintigraphy has no direct effect on long-term renal transplant survival in LD transplantation. But it may have an indirect elect through increasing the frequency of acute rejection.

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A retrospective study on survival rates of dental implants in elderly patients (노인 환자에서 임플란트의 생존율에 대한 후향적 연구)

  • Shin, Hee-Jong;Yu, Sang-Joun;Kim, Byung-Ock
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.326-347
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    • 2015
  • 목적: 노인 환자에서 식립된 임플란트의 생존율을 조사하고 다양한 요인에 따라 생존율에 미치는 영향을 후향적으로 평가하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법: 2001년 1월부터 2007년 12월까지 조선대학교 치과병원 치주과에 내원한 65세 이상 노인 환자 56명에게 식립된 138개의 임플란트를 대상으로 하였다.(남자 38명, 여자 18명, 평균 연령$69.38{\pm}3.91$세) 임플란트 생존율은 환자 성별 및 연령, 전신질환 유무, 치아 상실 원인, 식립 위치, 임플란트 직경 및 길이, 골질, 골이식 여부, 상부 보철물 유형에 따라 조사되었다. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis을 통해 각 요인에 따른 누적 생존율을 조사하였고, chi-square test를 통해 누적 생존율과 각각의 요인 간의 통계학적 유의성을 평가하였다. 결과: 보철물 시적 후 5 ~ 140개월 간 추적 관찰을 시행하였다. 65세 이상 노인 환자 56명에게 식립된 총 138개의 임플란트 중 추적 관찰 기간 동안 5개의 임플란트가 실패하였다. 그 중 63개의 임플란트는 환자가 정기적인 내원 약속에 응하지 않아 도중에 조사대상에서 제외되었으며, 결과적으로 5년간 누적 생존율은 94.9%였다. 임플란트 생존율에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인 중 골질 (P=0.037) 및 상부 보철물 유형 (P=0.015) 간에 누적 생존율이 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 그외 연령, 성별, 전신질환 유무, 치아상실 원인, 식립 위치, 임플란트 직경 및 길이, 골이식 유무 관련 요인과 누적 생존율 사이에는 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 결론: 여러 한계가 있었지만 노인 환자의 무치악 부위에 있어 임플란트는 장기간에 걸쳐 예지성 있고 받아들여질 만한 치료이면서 적은 합병증과 실패율을 가진다.

Changes in Incidence, Survival Rate and Morbidity of Very Low Birth Weight Infants (극소 저출생 체중아의 빈도와 생존율 및 예후 변화)

  • Kim, Young Ok;Kim, Sun Hui;Cho, Chang Yee;Choi, Young Youn;Kook, Jin Hwa;Hwang, Tae Ju
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.769-776
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The survival rate of very low birth weight infants(VLBWI) has improved by virtue of specialized neonatal care. This study was performed to analyze the changes in incidence, survival rate and morbidity of VLBWI who admitted to Chonnam National University Hospital from 1996 to 2001. Methods : We enrolled 565 VLBWI, and compared the incidence and the survival rate according to the birth weight or gestational weeks between period I(1996 to 1998) and period II(1999 to 2001). The mortality rate according to the postnatal age, cause of death, morbidity and days of hospital stay were also compared. Morbidity is categorized into 'short term' which is curable until discharge, and 'long term' causing any types of sequelae after discharge. Results : Incidence of VLBWI significantly increased in period II over period I(6.0% vs. 11.0%, P< 0.001). The survival rate also increased in period II(71.8% vs. 80.1%, P<0.05), especially in 1,000 to 1,249 gm of birth weight(P<0.001) and in 28 to 30 weeks of gestation(P<0.001). The most common cause of death was respiratory distress syndrome in period I; however it was sepsis in period II. Although overall and short term morbidity rate increased, long term morbidity and days of hospital stay didn't increase in period II. Conclusion : Although the incidence of VLBWI significantly increased and the survival improved in period II compared to period I, especially in 1,000 to 1,249 gm of birth weight and 28 to 30 weeks of gestation, 'long term' morbidity rate and hospital days didn't increase.

Improved survival rate with decreased neurodevelopmental disability in extreme immaturity (초극소저출생체중아의 생존율 향상에 따른 장기 신경발달 장애의 감소)

  • Jeon, Ga Won;Kim, Myo Jing;Kim, Sung Shin;Shim, Jae Won;Chang, Yun Sil;Park, Won Soon;Lee, Mun Hyang
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.50 no.11
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    • pp.1067-1071
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    • 2007
  • Purpose : The aim of this study was to determine whether improved survival of extremely low birth weight infants (ELBWI) was associated with decreased neurodevelopmental disability later in life, and also to identify the factors influencing this disability. Methods : ELBWI admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit of Samsung Medical Center, survived, and followed up until the corrected age of 18 months were enrolled. They were divided into two groups according to admission time: period I (1994-1999, n=36) and period II (2000-2004, n=98). Clinical data were collected retrospectively from the medical records. Results : Survival rates increased from 60.0% to 74.7%, cerebral palsy rates decreased from 22.2% to 8.2% and catch-up growth rate increased from 25.0% to 51.0% during period I and II. Despite less gestational age and birth weight, ELBWI during period II had less periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), sepsis and bronchopulmonary dysplasia compared to period I. The highest risk factors for cerebral palsy were intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) (${\geq}$Grade III), failure of catch-up growth and PVL. Conclusion : In summary, improved viability was associated with decreased neurodevelopmental disability in ELBWI. Improved neonatal care with resultant decrease in PVL and IVH, and better nutritional support seem to be primarily responsible for this improved outcome.

Long Term Survival after the Resection of Esophageal Cancer (식도암 절제수술 후 장기 성적)

  • 김영태;성숙환;김주현
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.32 no.7
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    • pp.653-659
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    • 1999
  • Background: Despite the recent promising efforts to improve survival in patients with esophageal carcinoma, the long term survival results of patients with esophageal cancer have seldom been reported in Korea. To establish standard control for future studies, we re trospectively analyzed the surgical treatment results of the esophageal cancer patients managed in our department at Seoul National University Hospital. Material and Method: From January 1984 to December 1996, 734 patients were diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Among them, 253 patients underwent surgery in our department. We retrospectively analyzed the operative results and long term survival rates of these patients. Result: The majority of patients(237) had squamous cell histology and only 6 patients had adenocarcinoma. The final TNM stage grouping for these patients was based on the 1988 revised American Joint Commitee on Cancer classification. Twenty one patients were surgically classified as stage I, 109 as stage II, and 107 as stage III. C respiratory failure in 8, sepsis in 1, hepatic failure in 1, bleeding in 1 and unknown etiology in the remaining 3. The actuarial survival of 222 patients in whom the curative resection was accomplished at 1-, 2-, 3- and 5 years was 74.7${\pm}$3.1%, 46.5${\pm}$3.7%, 32.3${\pm}$3.7%, and 19.9${\pm}$3.3%, respectively. CONCLUSION: The poor long term survival rates suggest that an alternative treatment method such as intensive combined modality therapy should be developed for the management of esophageal cancer.

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The Influence of Gender on the Long-term Outcome of Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery (성별에 따른 관상동맥 우회술의 장기 결과)

  • Choi Jong-Bum;Lee Mi-Kyung;Cha Byoung-Ki;Lee Sam-Youn
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.39 no.6 s.263
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    • pp.449-455
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    • 2006
  • Background: Female sex was known to be a risk factor for mortality after coronary bypass grafting (CABG), and women showed higher in-hospital mortality than men. Material and Method: Between 1992 and 1996, 147 consecutive patients (98 men and 49 women) undergoing CABG were included in the study. Most patients had undergone CABG with left internal thoracic artery and saphenous vein under cardiopulmonary bypass. We examined the influence of gender on survival after CABG and looked for risk factors for survival. Result: There was no in-hospital mortality in women, but 3 death (3.0%) in men. During the mean follow-up period of $138.5{\pm}23.0$ months, mortality was lower in women than in men (20.4% vs 44.9%, p=0.004), and the most common cause of death in women was chronic renal failure (40%). Survival in women at 1, 5, 10, and f4 years was 100%, $98.0{\pm}2.0%,\;81.2{\pm}5.6%,\;and\;78.4{\pm}6.1%$, respectively, which was better than in men (p=0.004). Although preoperative left ventricular ejection fraction was higher in women than in men, this did not affect early and long-term survival difference between two sexes (p=0.15). Risk factor for long-term survival in women was diabetes (p=0.033) and in men number of diseased coronary artery (p=0.006). Conclusion: Long-term survival after CABG was better in women than men. Risk factor for long-term survival in women was morbid disease rather than cardiac disease.