• Title/Summary/Keyword: 장경

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Varietal Responses of Ten Soybean(Glycine max L.) to Sulfur Dioxide Tolerance : A Comparison of Foliar Injuries and Yields in Relation to Physiological Properties of Leaves. (아황산가스에 대한 주요 콩 품종간의 내성 비교)

  • Park, Ki-Sun;Ku, Ja-Hyeong
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.455-463
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    • 1996
  • Studies were carried out to determine the effect of sulfur dioxide on leaf injury and yield of ten soybean cultivars. Plants were fumigated with 2.0 ppm of $SO_2$ for 4 or 8 h in a closed-top field chamber. In the comparison of foliar injury, Paldalkong and Eunhakong were more susceptible to $SO_2$ than Bogwangkong, Jangsukong, and Jangkeungkong. Correlations between chlorophyll contents, peroxidase activity, and stomatal resistance of leaves and foliar susceptibility were insignificant. However, significant correlations $(r=-0.611^{\ast})$ were found between superoxide dismutase activity and foliar injury rates. Dry weight, number of pods and total grains were significantly reduced by $SO_2$ fumigation but plant height, number of nods and weight of 100 grains were not affected. Yield reduction rates were higher in Eunhakong and Paldalkong than in Bogwangkong and Jangkeungkong. A liniar relationship was found between foliar injury rate and the percent crop loss with a significant coefficient of b=-1.17 in the susceptible cultivar of Paldalkong, but Bogwangkong, insusceptible cultivar, showed lower value of -0.165.

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Selection of Optimum Species of Tetraselmis for Mass Culture (대량배양에 적합한 Tetraselmis종의 선택)

  • 김철원;허성범
    • Journal of Aquaculture
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.231-240
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    • 1998
  • Tetraselmis is widely used as a live food because of its easy handling, high nutrient, large size and wide tolerant range of temperature and salinity. In order to find the optimum Tetraselmis species for mass culture in Korea, five species of this microalgae were examined on size, optimum culture condition ${\textperthousand}$s, $^{\circ}C.$) and nutrient composition. The results obtained were as follows: Among five species of Tetraselmis, T. sp.(Haeundae) was the largest(major axis $17.6{\pm}1.87^{\mu}$m, mean cell volume 727${\mu}$m), and T. sp. (China) the smallest (major axis $14.6{\pm}1.46^{\mu}$m, mean cell volume 625m). Tetraselmis was very eurythermal and euryhaline species. But optimum temperature and salinity for growth were 24~$30^{\circ}C.$ and 27~30${\textperthousand}$, respectively. Among five species of Tetraselmis, T. sp. (China) seemed to be the most tolerant of high temperature over $30^{\circ}C.$, and T. tetrathele of low temperature below $6^{\circ}C.$. In culture density, T. suecica showed the highest growth rate among the among the five species. The cell density of this microalgae attained to $141{\times}10^4$cells/ml at $24^{\circ}C.$ and 30${\textperthousand}$ within 7 days. In chemical composition, crude protein amount was the highest in T. suecica (44.50%), and crude lipid amount it T. sp. (Haeundae, 7.13%). Total essential amino acid amount was the highest in T. sp. (Haeundae, 50.4%) and total polyunsaturated amount in T. sp. (China, 11.7%) The results on growth and chemical composition of five species of Tetraselmis indicated that T. suecica seemed to be the most suitable species for mass culture in Korea.

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The new approach to maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arch forms - In Korean normal occlusion models (상하악 전치부 치열궁 형태에 대한 새로운 접근 - 한국성인 정상교합자 모델에서)

  • Ha, Man-Hee;Son, Woo-Sung;Yang, Hoon-Chul
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.31 no.3 s.86
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    • pp.347-355
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    • 2001
  • Maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arches often have the problems of occlusal relation and esthetics by malformations of teeth, congenital missing, et at. Though the clinician usually use the anterior ratio to overcome this problems, he has the limitation of a direct application this ratio to the prediction of anterior occlusal relationship by the change of anterior ratio as dental arch form, intercanine width, segment depth and arch perimeter. So this study examine maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arch forms by least square method using Korean normal occlusion models(man : 20 casts, woman : 20 casts). Maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arches of Korean normal occlusion models are curve fitted to polynomial function, beta function, hyperbolic cosine function in order. And this accuracy of curve fitting is constant regardless of man/woman and maxilla/mandible. The relationships between intercanine width, segment depth, and arch perimeter based on this owe fitted dental arch form are acquired. This relationships will give the prediction of anterior dental arch form and the information of more accurate anterior ratio according to intercanine width.

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A Study on Ligiron in the Oldest Feng-Shui Book "Janggyeong" - Focus on Sasepalryongbub - (풍수고전 "장경(葬經)"에 나타난 풍수이기론에 관한 연구 - 사세팔룡법을 중심으로 -)

  • Zho, In-Choul
    • Journal of architectural history
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.117-133
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    • 2011
  • This thesis is a study on the oldest feng-shui book "Janggyeong(葬經)". Specially, it is a focus on the feng-shui orientation method so called Sasepalryongbub(四勢八龍法) in that book. This method is to identify fortune and misfortune with the directions to be measured by a feng-shui compass. Sa(四) of Sase(四勢) is the four pieces of direction of dividing 12 parts for 360 degree circle. To divide for 12 parts is related with 12-Jiji(地支). Sa mean In(寅), Sin(申), Sa(巳), and Hae(亥). Se of Sase means a large stem of mountain. Generally, Sase are the big mountain stems of the four directions as In, Sin, Sa, and Hae. Pal(八) of Palryong(八龍) mean the 8 parts of equal division for 360 degree. It is related with Palgoe(八卦) that divide for 8 parts equally. Palgoe are Jin(震), Li(離), Gam(坎), Tae(兌), Geon(乾), Gon(坤), Gan(艮), and Son(巽). Ryong(龍) of Palryong(八龍) is a stem of mountain that is measured with 8 parts of equal division feng-shui compass. Sasepalryongbub make a connection between Sase and Palryong. When they are connected, it is a good fortune like as In(寅) and Li(離), Sin(申) and Gam(坎) or Gon(坤) or Gan(艮), Sa(巳) and Tae(兌) or Geon(乾), Hae(亥) and Jin(辰) or Son(巽). It is based on two theories. The one is 12-Unseongron(運星論), the other is one of Ohaengron(五行論) as Samhap-Ohaeng(三合五行). 12-Unseongron begins from dividing all human life affairs with 12 steps. Saeng(生), Wang(旺), Myo(墓) are the very important things among 12 steps. Saeng means starting, Wang means flourishing, Myo means keeping. Samhap-Ohaeng is made with Jiji of Saeng, Wang and Myo steps about 12-Unseongron. Saeng is the most important thing among of Saeng, Wang and Myo in Sasepalryongbub which means birth. Saeng of Jiji direction can help Palgoe direction as a counterpart. Like this, the good relation of Sase and Palryong is that Jiji direction can help Palgoe direction. For example, there are In(寅) of Jiji and Li(離) of Palgoe, can be explained as these kinds of the good relations. In view of Samhap-Ohaeng, In of Jiji is regared as Saeng of fire(火). This fire- Saeng-In as Jiji can help fire- Li as Palgoe. It can be said as a good condition that Sase and Palryong be connected like this case. This is the main content of Sasepalryongbub as being treated in this study.

The new approach to maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arch forms - The prediction to maxillary and mandibular anterior occlusal relationship by computer program (상하악 전치부 치열궁 형태에 대한 새로운 접근 - 컴퓨터 프로그램을 이용한 상하악 전치부 교합관계에 대한 예측)

  • Ha, Man-Hee;Yang, Hoon-Cheol;Kim, Gi-Tae;Son, Woo-Sung
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.32 no.1 s.90
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2002
  • When we deal with maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arches showing problems in occlusal relation and aesthetics caused by malformations of teeth and congenital missing, et al during the orthodontic treatment, we could not often decide the functional occlusion by only relying on the orthodontic treatment. If orthodontists can predict what kinds of treatments are needed for functional occlusion in maxillary and mandibular anterior dental arches, they can not only effectively treat patients but also facilitate the cooperation with other field during the treatment, Our previous research showed the correlation among intercanine width, segment depth and arch perimeter by using the Korean normal occlusion model. At this time, we produced the computer application program by taking advantage of this correlation. And then, we applied this program to setting up the treatment plans for 2 patients with the damaged maxillary and mandibular dentures. With the help of this program, we could not only easily acquire the information about the change of variables required by treatment plans but also intercanine width, segment depth and arch perimeter. Later, if we can the information about the relationship between the change of the angle of incisors depending on facial types and arch forms and, in addition, can acquire the appropriate intercanine width, we can have the ability to produce the 3 dimensional occlusogram for the anterior dental arch forms.

Studies on Artificial Polyploid Forest Trees V -On Morphological Characteristics in Colchitetraploids Pinus densiflora (인위배수성임목(人爲倍數性林木)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究) V -Colchitetraploids Pinus densiflora의 외부형태(外部形態)에 대(對)하여)

  • Kim, Chung Suk
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 1968
  • As a preliminary investigation to obtain useful auto- and allopolyploids a ten year old tetraploid of Pinus densiflora induced from the colchicine treated seed was observed on the cytological, morphological and physioa logical characters in the present study and the results can be summarized as follows. 1. The number of chromosome at the base of needle was 48 so that it was recognized as a tetraploid. 2. The needles were thicker and the number of them on an individual was less than the 2n plant. The needle combined to a single was appeared 2%. 3. No difference was found in the number of stomata rows on the central part of needle between the tetraploid and 2n plant, however, guard cells of tetraploid increased 36% in the long diameter compared with 2n plant. 4. Microsporangiate storbile developed normally showing the same size with 2n plant while the size of pollen grain increased about 20% larger than 2n plant. 5. Germination percentage in vitro increased until 17 hours but decreased after 26 hours compared with 2n plant. The longest length of pollen tube during the germination period appeared in the tetraploid pollen.

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The Significance of Audience's Reception and the Imagination on Transcendental World in Yungyungdang Jinjak(演慶堂進爵) (연경당 진작(演慶堂進爵)의 관극 체험과 무대미학)

  • Sa, Jean Sill
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.18
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    • pp.379-412
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    • 2009
  • According to "Jinjak-yigwe(進爵儀軌)", a special banquet was held at Yungyungdang(演慶堂, a kind of royal theatre) to celebrate the 40th birthday of Queen Soonwon(純元王后) in 1828. This banquet is famous for the presentation of nineteen new Jungjae(呈才) repertoires that the Crown Prince Hyomyung(孝明) created. In order to explore the theoretical basis for the reproduction and presentation of Yungyungdang(演慶堂) Jinjak(進爵, a type of royal banquets), in this article, the imagination and experience of the presentation of Yungyungdang Jinjak are pursued, while focussing on audience's reception. In Yungyungdang Jinjak, King Soonjo(純祖), Queen Soonwon and the prince were the special audience; they participated in the procedure of Ye(禮, etiquette of ceremony) and also were considered as the characters of certain repertoire of Jungjae. Hyomyung arranged the spectacles from the myths of Taoist gods and immortal hermits, as well as historic episodes of the past emperors' elegant tastes of music. These mythic and historic images lead the audience toward the imagination and experience on the transcendental world. Hyomyung, managing the administration as the representative of King Soonjo, tried to show absolute royal authority through the splendid performances of Yungyungdang Jinjak, so as to overcome the politicaly difficult situation. He set up the sacred world for his father King Soonjo, distinct from the secular ordinary world, and emphasized his position as the bridge between the two sides. He expressed his filial duty through the devotion of performing arts to display absolute royal authority.

A Study on Estimation of Distribution Rate of R&8 Input on R&D Output (R&D성과에 대한 R&D투입요소의 분배율 계측에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha;Chang, Kyung
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.20 no.44
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    • pp.129-134
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    • 1997
  • The purpose of this study is to estimate the distribution rate of R&D input on R&D output in major manufacturing industrial sector. The distribution rate is estimated on time-series data for the period 1980 to 1996. The data used in this study can be divided into the two categories. 1) R&D output data (Patent, Utility) 2) R&D input data (R&D expenditure, R&D workers) The raw data of R&D expenditure is transformed into R&D stock. And the specific production function is used to represent the interaction between R&D input and output. The production function shows the maximum rate of R&D output that can be achieved by certain given, technologically possible, R&D input combinations. The main findings can be summarized as follows. 1) There was a diminishing return between R&D input and output$(\alpha+\beta<1). 2) R&D output growth was more affected by R&D expenditures than R&D workers. 3) R&D workers were more contributed highly to Patent granted than Utility model.

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Effects of Death Education on College Students' Death Orientation and Suicidal Ideation - With a Focus on College Students majoring in Social Welfare in Daegu, Korea - (죽음준비교육이 대학생의 죽음에 대한 태도와 자살생각에 미치는 효과 - 대구지역 사회복지전공 대학생을 대상으로 -)

  • Chang, Kyung-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.423-437
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of death education, focusing on death orientation and suicidal ideation, among college students majoring in social welfare. Participation in this study was voluntary. Participants were divided into two groups; an experimental group and a control group, totaling fourteen participants in each group. In exploring the effects of death education, the experimental group was subjected to a total of seven independent sessions dealing with death education over a period of four weeks. As a result of the death education, scores of death orientation and suicidal ideation in the experimental group were significantly lower in the control group. College students majoring in social welfare in the experimental group demonstrated greater comfort with the concept of death, as well as death being the prolongation of one life and new hope for an ensuing life. The experimental group demonstrated a greater appreciation for life, more confidence in setting future goals for their lives, and an awareness of, and ability to deal positively with suicidal tendencies in themselves and others. This research demonstrated a strong practical benefit associated with death education and suicidal ideation awareness.

On a Research of Improving the Performance of Voice Activity Detector in G.723.1 (G.723.1 음성 활동 검출 장치 성능 향상에 관한 연구)

  • JANG KyungA;KIM JeongJin;Chang YoungOh;HONG SeongHoon;BAE MyungJin
    • Proceedings of the Acoustical Society of Korea Conference
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    • autumn
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    • pp.53-56
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    • 1999
  • ITU-T 국제 표준화 기구에서 인터넷 폰과 화상회의를 목적으로 개발된 G.723.1 음성 부호화기는 잡음 구간에서의 전송률을 낮추기 위한 방법으로 VAD(Voice Activity Detector)와 CNG(Comfort Noise Generator)를 사용하고 있다 이중 VAD는 최종적으로 현재 프레임의 에너지 레벨을 비교하여 음성의 활동 유무를 판정하고 있다. 하지만 G.723.1 VAD에서는 보다 안정적인 판정을 위해 음성 활동 구간 사이에 삽입되어 있는 묵음 구간에 대해서는 거의 대부분 음성이 활동하는 영역으로 판정을 하고 있다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 묵음 구간에 대해 보다 정확한 판정을 통하여 기존의 방법에 비해 전송율을 더욱 감소시킬 수 있는 방법을 제안한다. 실험에서는 묵음구간을 길게 조절한 문장을 사용하여 측정한 결과 평균 $46.8\%$ 정도의 전송율을 감소시킬 수 있었으며, 주관적인 음질평가의 경우 음질의 열하는 거의 발생하지 않았다.

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