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The Counter-memory and a Historical Discourse of Reproduced Records in the Apartheid Period : Focusing on 『Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life』 (아파르트헤이트 시기의 대항기억과 재생산된 기록의 역사 담론 전시 『Rise and Fall of Apartheid : Photography and the Bureaucracy of Everyday Life』를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hye-Rin
    • The Korean Journal of Archival Studies
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    • no.74
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    • pp.45-78
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    • 2022
  • South Africa implemented apartheid from 1948 to 1994. The main content of this policy was to classify races such as whites, Indians, mixed-race people, and blacks, and to limit all social activities, including residence, personal property ownership, and economic activities, depending on the class. All races except white people were discriminated against and suppressed for having different skin colors. South African citizens resisted the government's indiscriminate violence, and public opinion criticizing them expanded beyond the local community to various parts of the world. One of the things that made this possible was photographs detailing the scene of the violence. Foreign journalists who captured popular oppression as well as photographers from South Africa were immersed in recording the lives of those who were marginalized and suffered on an individual level. If they had not been willing to inform the reality and did not actually record it as a photo, many people would not have known the horrors of the situation caused by racial discrimination. Therefore, this paper focuses on Rise and Fall of Apartheid: Photography and the Bureau of Everyday Life, which captures various aspects of apartheid and displays related records, and examines the aspects of racism committed in South Africa described in the photo. The exhibition covers the period from 1948 when apartheid began until 1995, when Nelson Mandela was elected president and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission was launched to correct the wrong view of history. Many of the photos on display were taken by Peter Magubane, Ian Berry, David Goldblatt, and Santu Mofoken, a collection of museums, art galleries and media, including various archives. The photographs on display are primarily the work of photographers. It is both a photographic work and a media that proves South Africa's past since the 1960s, but it has been mainly dealt with in the field of photography and art history rather than from a historical or archival point of view. However, the photos have characteristics as records, and the contextual information contained in them is characterized by being able to look back on history from various perspectives. Therefore, it is very important to expand in the previously studied area to examine the time from various perspectives and interpret it anew. The photographs presented in the exhibition prove and describe events and people that are not included in South Africa's official records. This is significant in that it incorporates socially marginalized people and events into historical gaps through ordinary people's memories and personal records, and is reproduced in various media to strengthen and spread the context of record production.

Optimal-synchronous Parallel Simulation for Large-scale Sensor Network (대규모 센서 네트워크를 위한 최적-동기식 병렬 시뮬레이션)

  • Kim, Bang-Hyun;Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of KIISE:Computer Systems and Theory
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.199-212
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    • 2008
  • Software simulation has been widely used for the design and application development of a large-scale wireless sensor network. The degree of details of the simulation must be high to verify the behavior of the network and to estimate its execution time and power consumption of an application program as accurately as possible. But, as the degree of details becomes higher, the simulation time increases. Moreover, as the number of sensor nodes increases, the time tends to be extremely long. We propose an optimal-synchronous parallel discrete-event simulation method to shorten the time in a large-scale sensor network simulation. In this method, sensor nodes are partitioned into subsets, and each PC that is interconnected with others through a network is in charge of simulating one of the subsets. Results of experiments using the parallel simulator developed in this study show that, in the case of the large number of sensor nodes, the speedup tends to approach the square of the number of PCs participating in the simulation. In such a case, the ratio of the overhead due to parallel simulation to the total simulation time is so small that it can be ignored. Therefore, as long as PCs are available, the number of sensor nodes to be simulated is not limited. In addition, our parallel simulation environment can be constructed easily at the low cost because PCs interconnected through LAN are used without change.

Study on the Prevention and Combat System of Oil Pollution in Germany (독일의 해상유류오염 예방 및 방제체계 고찰)

  • Shin, Ok-Ju
    • Journal of Environmental Policy
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.97-127
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    • 2009
  • In Germany, North Sea and East Sea possess significant meaning in many aspects. North coast has an important economical significance to North Sea Gulf States. There are a number of harbors and manufacturing facilities in this area. Agriculture is also developed. East sea, where sea water and river water mingle. has a problem that it can not control harmful substances as fast as the North Sea due to its geographical location of being connected with the North Sea as a narrow water. To protect from big and small ship accidents and pollution sources, East Sea and North Sea have enacted HELKOM Convention and OSPAR Convention, respectively. Moreover, Denmark and Germany have made cooperation on tugboats in the occurrence of shipment accidents through the LethGer-Plan and DenGer-Plan. In 1998, after the Pallas accident that occurred near Bremen, the need to improve cooperation among each states on usable resources for ocean security has been increased in Germany. Consequently, the federal government and gulf state governments associated and organized the so called, "Havarie-Kommanando Ship Accident Measure Unit". Haravarie-Kommanando is a federal-state associated organization that deals with affairs that controls national operation and mobilization of ship accident related organizations unitively when serious ship accidents occur. Moreover, federal and state participant organizations, each shipping agencies and Wiking-Helicopers-Services, a helicopter agency, are cooperating well. Also, mutual assistance with the most prominent passenger agency called Scandlines, ARGE Kuestenschutz(Germany-Denmark shipping agency) is making progress as well.

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A Study on Control of Access to Internal Network Information and Authority Set Up Management for Client by Class (제한된 내부 네트워크 정보 접근제어와 계층별 클라이언트 권한설정 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Woo-Seok;Park, Jae-Pyo;Jun, Moon-Seog
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.287-293
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    • 2012
  • It has been only few years that various contents information subject for information processing system has been remarkably increased in online. If we say the year 2000 is the technology based year when deluge of information and data such as real time sharing, the time since after 2000 until 2011 has been a period plentiful of application based functions and solutions. Also, as the applicable range of these information process systems extends, individual information effluence has been social issues twice in 2009 and 2010. Thus now there are continuous efforts made to develop technologies to secure and protect information. However, the range problem has been extended from the illegal access from outside to the legal access from internal user and damages by agents hidden in internal information process system and client system. Therefore, this study discusses the necessity for the studies on efficiency based information security by control of access to internal information and authority setting for administrator and internal users. Based on the result of this study, it provides data that can be used from SOHO class network to large scale for information security method.

Ethical Codes in Scientific and Technological Communities and the Case of Korea (과학기술단체의 윤리강령과 한국의 사례)

  • Choi, Kyung-Hee;Kim, Eun-Cheol;Song, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.82-94
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    • 2009
  • This paper examines the roles, main contents, and writing guidelines of ethical codes, and analyses the developmental process and characteristics of ethical codes of scientific and technological communities in Korea. Korean communities occasionally tried for ethical codes from the 1970s to the 1990s, and have paid a serious attention to ethical codes in the 2000s. The forms of ethical codes became more sophisticated pursuing detailed commentary and ethical education. The focus of contents changed from professional dignity to social responsibility, and the importance of research integrity became embossed in the 2000s. Scientific and technological communities in Korea should make or revise ethical codes with self-imposed control considering realistic operation.

A Study of Seymour Chwast Focusing on his creative (시뮤와 크워스트(Seymour Chwast)의 작품세계에 대한 연구-독창적인 캐리커쳐(Caricature)를 중심으로-)

  • Moon, Chul
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.219-228
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    • 1998
  • Seymour Chwast, who has worked in various fields as in illustrator, graphic designer, and art director since 1950's, opened a new possibility in the field of visual design. Pushpin Graphics, founded by Chwast and his collegues, played a vital role in experimentation based on their creativity and courage. Amazingly enough his field covers Illustration, graphic design, poster, typography, and publication. His works, in which he sa tired people or events severely using his own lanb'Uage styit', appeals public powerfully and is remembered for a long time. He gives various forms to his creative ideas throughout many fields he deals with including caricature, giving all designers fresh and b'Teat inspiration. The fact that Chwast dose not limit himself to anyone style but uses various styles freely indicates his creative thinking process. The Creative Thinking, which is embedded in all his works, is so interesting and tactful that it may fulfill the requirement of the times, which wants to see something new and epochmaking. The aim of this study is to find creativity of Chwast's new visual language and its meaning through the analysis of unique caricatures among his works based on his philosophy, creative work process, and, particularly, creative thinking.

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Analysing the Impact of New Risks on Maritime Safety in Korea Using Historical Accident Data (사고기록 데이터를 이용하여 국내 해상안전에 새로운 위기가 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Park, Deuk-Jin;Park, Seong-Bug;Yang, Hyeong-Sun;Yim, Jeong-Bin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.791-799
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this work is to analyse the impact of new accident risks on maritime safety in Korea. The new accident risks have been induced from new/rare or unprecedented events in world maritime transportation, as identified by 46 experts in the previous study. To measure the impact of these new accident risks on maritime safety in Korea, the statistical accident data reported by the Korean Maritime Safety Tribunals (KMST) has been used for calculation, and the concept of Risk Index (RI) = Frequency Index (FI) + Severity Index (SI)established in a Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) by the IMO has also been introduced. After calculating two kinds of weight for FI and SI from the statistical accident data, high ranked scenarios were identified and their relationships between new risks and these scenarios were analysed. The results from this analysis showed, the root cause of the top-ranked scenario to be "developing high technology", which leads to "shorten cargo handling time". These results differed from optimum RCOs such as "business competition" and "crewing problems" which were identified in the previous study.

Development of Sensor Network Simulator for Estimating Power Consumption and Execution Time (전력소모량 및 실행시간 추정이 가능한 센서 네트워크 시뮬레이터의 개발)

  • Kim, Bang-Hyun;Kim, Tae-Kyu;Jung, Yong-Doc;Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2006
  • Sensor network, that is an infrastructure of ubiquitous computing, consists of a number of sensor nodes of which hardware is very small. The network topology and routing scheme of the network should be determined according to its purpose, and its hardware and software may have to be changed as needed from time to time. Thus, the sensor network simulator being capable of verifying its behavior and estimating performance is required for better design. Sensor network simulators currently existing have been developed for specific hardwares or operating systems, so that they can only be used for such systems and do not provide any means to estimate the amount of power consumption and program execution time which are major issues for system design. In this study, we develop the sensor network simulator that can be used to design and verify various sensor networks without regarding to types of applications or operating systems, and also has the capability of predicting the amount of power consumption and program execution time. For this purpose, the simulator is developed by using machine instruction-level discrete-event simulation scheme. As a result, the simulator can be used to analyze program execution timings and related system behaviors in the actual sensor nodes in detail. Instruction traces used as workload for simulations are executable images produced by the cross-compiler for ATmega128L microcontroller.

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A Study of the Hansi Poem by Seokbuk Shin Gwang-su as Performance Art (석북 한시의 공연예술화에 대한 소고)

  • Song, Ji-won
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.33
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    • pp.9-31
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    • 2016
  • Shin Gwang-su (申光洙, 1712~1775), also known as Seokbuk (石北), is a well-known poet and author of the song poetry (詩唱) "Gwanseo-akbu (Poems of the Gwanseo Region, 關西樂府)" in the late Joseon Dynasty. "Gwanseo-akbu" was popular among the Joseon Dynasty musicians. This fact confirms that the tradition of adding a melody to Shin Gwang-su's "hansi (Korean poetry recorded in Chinese characters, 漢詩)" already existed in the Joseon Dynasty. It is also a proof that the hansi poem was used in songs. Besides Seokbuk, other literary figures in the Joseon Dynasty wrote and sang hansi. In that case, the place of communication for songs was a poet's personal study, or "sarangbang." But when, like the works by Seokbuk, poems were sung by musicians, they became available to the public to communicate through music. This study is one of the attempts to re-make Seokbuk Shin Gwang-su's poems and songs, once popular among the Joseon Dynasty people, into the contemporary music that can be performed on stage. By adding a certain melody to his poems, this study introduces a case of musical work and offers an opportunity to consider hansi as performance art. There is a number of hansi works by Shin Gwang-su, and each poem includes material which can help survey Shin Gwang-su's musical life. And, working on his hansi works makes it possible to narrate major events that took place in Shin's life. Thus, this study attempts to focus Shin Gwang-su's musical life and introduces methods and contents to stage his hansi poems as performance art.

A cognitive psychological consideration of Michael Chehov's acting techniques (미카엘 체홉 연기 테크닉에 대한 인지심리학적 고찰)

  • Jin, Hyun-Chung;Cho, Joon-Hui
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.37
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    • pp.365-389
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    • 2018
  • This research aims to study Michael Chekhov's acting techniques scientifically, because his techniques has been studied only theoretically or empirically. Especially, this study focuses on 'imagination' and 'Psychological Gesture' from the perspective of cognitive psychology. Chekhov thought 'imagination' as the basis and core of all the works of acting. In cognitive psychology, it is called as 'imagery' and means 'a representation of the mind of the object not communicated by the sensory organs currently'. This study starts with defining imagery and takes a brief look at the features and kinds of imagery. Then the researcher will prove scientifically the possibility of training acting using imagery as Chekhov's assertion. For the proof of the validity of imagery, we'll look for the theoretical evidences-functional equivalence hypothesis, psychoneuromuscular theory, symbolic learning theory, psychophygiological information processing-and experimental ones-measurements of cerebral blood flow or event-related potential, experiments with fMRI(functional magnetic resonance imaging) or PET(positron emission tomography). As a result, we can see that imagery is functionally identical to perception and improves fulfillment of cognitive and physical tasks. As proving physical changes can draw out psychological changes(feeling) on the medium of imagery, we can also see the validity of Psychological Gesture. From the above research, even if Chekhov developed the acting techniques only on the basis of his experience, his techniques can be thought as having scientific validity. Though insufficient, this study can be a help for actors or students as they using Chekhov's techniques.