• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자재운반

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Characteristics Analysis of Seasonal Construction Site Fall Accident using Text Mining (텍스트 마이닝을 활용한 계절별 건설현장 추락사고 특징 분석)

  • Kim, Joon-Soo;Kim, Byung-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.113-121
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    • 2019
  • The death rate of industrial accidents per 10,000 people in Korea is two to three times higher than that of major countries. Falling accidents at the construction site happened to have caused the most deaths. Analysis of existing research and measures by national institutions showed that the industrial accident management concentrated on falling accidents was insufficient and the seasonal safety management measures were not enough. There is thus the need for research that provides detailed and enough information on falling accidents. This study, therefore, aims to overcome the limitations of existing research and safety management accident response using a methodology that provides the necessary information for the prevention of fall accidents by deriving seasonal crash characteristics of the construction site. In order to provide enough information, 387 cases of seasonal construction site falling were collected, which describes the causal relationship of accidents. Text mining using principal component analysis and cluster analysis was carried out. The analysis showed that: In the spring, snowfall and unreasonable operation of equipment including lifts were the major cause. In summer, most accidents were caused by form, insufficient safety inspection, and installation work. In autumn, weather factors such as wind and typhoon were the cause. In winter, material transportation, exterior wall work, and ignore safety precautions were the cause of the crash.

Development of the procurement system for Just-in-Time Building Construction (건설공사 적시생산(Just-ln-Time)을 위한 조달시스템 개발 - 콘크리트 타설 공사를 중심으로 -)

  • Shin Bong-Soo;Kim Chang-Duk
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.5 no.6 s.22
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2004
  • The effective management of major construction resources is the key to the success in high-rise residential building construction projects. It is even more important and challenging as well especially in CBD(central business district) area under tight project duration since little leeway in interface between construction trades, severe constraints in staging n and heavy demands for lifting among construction resources. In order to meet high demands among major construction resources, highly effective construction resource management information system is required This research develops and provides a system which selects and disseminates these information from each phase of procurement transportation, lift-up and storage for major construction resources This research applies the Kanban system, well recognized material information system technique in automobile manufacturing industry, in concrete work processes. It develops concrete procurement information system utilizing VSM(Value Stream Mapping) and also applies the model in actual super-high rise residential building construction project in order to analyze the benefit of the research model.

In-Situ Resources Utilization Technologies for Human Activities on the Moon (달에서 인류 활동을 위한 달 현지자원활용(In-Situ Resources Utilization) 기술)

  • Geunu, Ryu;Byunghyun, Ryu
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.23 no.12
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    • pp.41-53
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    • 2022
  • After industrialization has been started, mankind needs and consumes more resources. Now, the resources depletion is a serious problem in the Earth. However, there are infinite resources in the Space. Especially, the Moon is the closest planet and has much resources, including Helium-3 and rare earths, which are needed to human being in the future. Humanity needs to reside on the moon to harvest these resources. For the resident, much resources, such as food, construction, and industrial materials, are needed. However, to transport these resources to the Moon from the Earth, an astronomical cost should be consumed. Thus, research is underway to support human activities by procuring resources locally. This is called In-Situ Resources Utilization (ISRU), which is the essential technology for the space development. In this paper, the reason why ISRU is essential and the its status are introduced and future research projects will be explained.

Construction Stage Analysis of Hybrid Composite Cable-Stayed Girder Bridge Using Eccentrically Loaded Derrick Crane (편중 가능한 사장교 가설용 데릭 크레인을 이용한 합성형 복합 사장교 시공 단계 해석)

  • Park, Taekwun;Kim, Moon Kyum;Won, Jong Hwa
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.30 no.3A
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    • pp.277-286
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    • 2010
  • Derrick or caterpillar crane is generally used for the long-span/cable-stayed bridge construction by pre-cast segment lifting from over-land or water transportation. The heavy weight of them, however, could make defects on unstable under-construction structure and, furthermore a method of conventional segment transportation is also able to occur additional time and cost. In this study, in order to improve conventional construction method, the newly developed derrick crane is mainly considered. It could be not only eccentrically loadable on constructing girder but having rotatable boom for segment transportation from back-side. A series of construction stage using developed derrick crane is defined and also its numerical analysis is conducted. To reflect load characteristics of developed derrick crane on construction stage analysis, on/out of service load is separately calculated by considering vertical/lateral rotation range of boom and it is loaded on 4 fixed positions of crane. The derrick crane on this study could be time and cost saving solution for cable-stayed bridge construction and also make contributions to construction load reduction in its process.

최근 우리나라 조선산업의 모습과 장래 전망

  • 김영훈
    • Bulletin of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.64-67
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    • 1995
  • 우리나라 조선산업이 21세기에 명실상부한 선진 조선국으로 발돋움하기 위해서는 단기적으로는 가격경쟁력의 강화가 요구되나 장기적으로는 기술자립화를 통해 과거 가격위주의 경쟁체제에서 기술위주의 경쟁체제로 전환함으로써 질적인 성장을 추구해야 할 것이다. 또한 우리나라의 조 선산업은 세계조선시장을 리드하는 선도국으로서 세계선박수급구조의 안정화에 노력하고 지구 해양환경보호를 위한 국제적인 프로그램에 적극 참여하는 한편, 후발조선국에 대한 기술협력, 기술지도 등 국제협력도 강화하여 명실상부한 선진조선국의 면모를 갖추어야 할 것이다. 이를 효과적으로 추진하기 위해서는 다음과 같은 과제를 해결해야 할 것이다. 첫째, 효율적 기술개발을 통한 건조기술의 재고가 그 무엇보다도 중요하다. 즉 단기적으로는 주요 대체수요 선박이면서 국내 주력건조선박인 탱커, 벌크케리어 등 재래단순형 선박에 대해 성에 너지화, 성인력화 및 표준선형화하고, 선박 생산공정의 개선, 생산성 향상을 통해 가격경쟁력을 지속적으로 확보해야할 것이다. 그러나 중장기적으로는 가스운반선,카페리선, 초고속선 등의 부가가치선박에 대한 건 조기술의 자립화로 이들 선종을 주력선종화하여 해외 수주 경쟁력을 재고시켜야 한다. 이와함께 심해탐사장비, 해양구조부유물 등의 해양개발장비의 개발로 사업영역을 확대해야할 것이다. 상 기의 각종 기술재발을 효율적으로 추진하기 위해서는 범국가적인 연구체제의 구성을 통한 산학연 공동연구형태로 추진하는 것이 바람직하다. 둘째, 핵심 조선기자재의 국산화와 품질 향상이 필 요하다. 향후 조선기자재의 국산화추진은 과거 개발 품목의 확대에서 벗어나 핵심적이고 부가 가치가 높은 품목 위주의 질적 국산화로 전환되어야 할 것이며, 이때 국산화이후 조선소의 적 극적인 구매가 전제되어야 할 것이다. 또한 기자재의 품질, 성능검사기능의 강화와 다수요 품목을 중심으로한 표준화, 규격화의 확대 추진으로 지속적인 품질향상과 원가절감을 도모해야한다. 특히 조선기자재업체의 영세상을 감안하여 조선소 인근지역에 단지화함으로써 생산설비의 현 대화, 자재의 공동구매, 물류비용의 절감 등을 기해 가격경쟁력을 강화해야 할 것이다. 또한 업계 공동의 해외판매망, A/S망의 직수출을 늘려야 할 것이다. 셋째, 국제협력 강화로 통상환경에 적극 대응해야 한다. 다자간조선협정 발효에 따른 제소 가능성에 대비하여 관민차원의 국제협 력을 강화하는 한편, 회계 기준의 통일, 제소사례의 연구 등을 업계 공동으로 추진하는 것이 바 람직하다. 또한 향후 2010년이후에 중국을 비롯한 후발조선국에 대해 조선협정에의 참여를 유도, 세계조선시장의 수급안정화에 노력해야할 것이다. 그외에 국제적으로 추진되는 지구그린화에 주도적 역할을 수행해야 할 것이다. 넷째, 선박금융제도의 개선과 신금융상품의 개발이 요구된다. 내수 수요인 계획조선의 지원조건을 개선하고 연불수출자금을 BBC자금으로 활용토록하여 국내 선주들의 신조를 유도해야 할 것이다. 그 외에 향후 금융개방화에 맞추어 해외자금을 활용한 리스금융, 상사금융 등의 민간신용제도를 더욱 활성화하고 선진국의 선박금융기법에 대한 연구 및 도입 등 선주들에게 다양한 선박건조자금을 제공하여 내수기반 확충에도 노력해야 할 것 이다.

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A Case Study on the Human Error Analysis of Forklift Operations in a Small Enterprise (소규모 사업장의 지게차 작업에 관한 휴먼에러 분석 사례 연구)

  • Ha, Gyu Cheol;Park, Jungchul
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.207-215
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    • 2021
  • A forklift is an industrial vehicle with a power-operated fork for lifting and moving heavy loads over short distances. A significant number of accidents are caused by forklifts every year. Most of them are known to be caused by the unsafe acts of workers. However, only a few studies have focused on the risks of forklift work from the perspective of human error. In addition, various methods have been developed to analyze the risk of human error, while it is hard to find studies that directly compare the effectiveness or strengths/weaknesses of those methods. This study aims to analyze risk factors related to unsafe behavior in forklift operations using two representative human error analysis techniques, i.e., .SHERPA and HE-HAZOP, and compare their advantages and disadvantages. The analysis was performed on three main forklift operations ('unloading from the truck', 'moving and loading into the storage', and 'loading on the truck'). As a result, 118 errors and 34 remedial measures were derived by SHERPA. Through HAZOP, 139 errors and 54 measures were derived. The two techniques were compared in terms of the number of results and the method of deriving errors and remedial measures, cause analysis, and risk assessment. This study might be used to reduce human error related disasters in workplaces using forklifts. In order to provide a guide for choosing an appropriate analysis method, more comparative studies on different techniques involving wide range of tasks are needed in the future.

Study on the Technological System of the Cooperative Cultivation of Paddy Rice in Korea (수도집단재배의 기술체계에 관한 연구)

  • Min-Shin Cho
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.129-177
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    • 1970
  • For the purpose of establishing the systematized technical scheme of the cooperative rice cultivation which has most significant impact to improve rice productivity and the farm management, the author have studied the cultivation practices, and the variation of rice growth and yield between the cooperative rice cultivation and the individual rice cultivation at random selected 18 paddy fields. The author also have investigated through comparative method on the cultivation practices, management, organization and operation scheme of the two different rice cultivation methods at 460 paddy fields. The economic feasibility has been ana lysed and added in this report. The results obtained from this study are summarized as follows; 1. In the nursery, the average amount of fertilizer application, especially, phosphate and potassium, and the frequency of chemicals spray for the disease, insect and pest control at the cooperative rice cultivation are significantly higher than those of the individual rice cultivation. 2. The cultivation techniques of the cooperative rice farming after the transplanting can be characterized by a) the earlier transplanting of rice, b) the denser hills per unit area and the lesser number of seedlings per hill, c) the application of larger quantities of fertilizer including nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, d) more divided application of fertilizers, split doses of the nitrogen and potassium, e) the increased frequencies of the chemicals spray for the prevention of disease, insect and pest damages. 3. The rate of lodging in the cooperative rice cultivation was slightly higher than that of the individual rice cultivation, however, the losses of rice yield owing to the occurrence of rice stem borer and grass leaf roller in the cooperative rice cultivation were lower than that of the individual rice cultivation. 4. The culm length, panicle length, straw weight and grain-straw ratio are respectively higher at the cooperative rice cultivation, moreover, the higher variation of the above factors due to different localities of the paddy fields found at the individual rice cultivation. 5. The number of panicles, number of flowers per panicle and the weight of 1, 000 grains, those contributing components to the rice yield were significantly greater in the cooperative rice cultivation, however, not clear difference in the maturing rate was observed. The variation coefficient of the yield component in the cooperative cultivation showed lower than that or the individual rice cultivation. 6. The average yield of brown rice per 10 are in the cooperative rice cultivation obtained 459.0 kilograms while that of the individual rice cultivation brought 374.8 kilograms. The yield of brown rice in the cooperative rice cultivation increased 84.2 kilogram per 10 are over the individual rice cultivation. With lower variation coefficient of the brown rice yield in the cooperative rice cultivation, it can be said that uniformed higher yield could be obtained through the cooperative rice cultivation. 7. Highly significant positive correlations shown between the seeding date and the number of flowers per panicle, the chemical spray and the number of flowers per panicle, the transplanting date and the number of flowers per panicle, phosphate application and yield, potassium application and maturing rate, the split application of fertilizers and yield. Whilst the significant negative correlation was shown between the transplanting date and the maturing rate 8. The results of investigation from 480 paddy fields obtained through comparative method on the following items are identical in general with those obtained at 18 paddy fields: Application of fertilizers, chemical spray for the control of disease, insects and pests both in the nursery and the paddy field, transplanting date, transplanting density, split application of fertilizers and yield n the paddy fields. a) The number of rice varieties used in the cooperative rice cultivation were 13 varieties while the individual rice cultivation used 47 varieties. b) The cooperative rice cultivation has more successfully adopted improved cultivation techniques such as the practice of seed disinfection, adoption of recommended seeding amount, fall ploughing, application of red soil, introduction of power tillers, the rectangular-type transplanting, midsummer drainage and the periodical irrigation. 9. The following results were also obtained from the same investigation and they are: a) In the cooperative rice cultivation, the greater part of the important practices have been carried out through cooperative operation including seed disinfection, ploughing, application of red soil and compost, the control of disease, insects and pests, harvest, threshing and transportation of the products. b) The labor input to the nursery bed and water control in the cooperative rice cultivation was less than that of the individual rice cultivation while the higher rate of labor input was resulted in the red soil and compost application. 10. From the investigation on the organization and operation scheme of the cooperative rice cultivation, the following results were obtained: a) The size of cooperative rice cultivation farm was varied from. 3 ha to 7 ha and 5 ha farm. occupied 55.9 percent of the total farms. And a single cooperative farm was consisted of 10 to 20 plots of paddies. b) The educational back ground of the staff members involved in the cooperative rice cultivation was superior than that of the individual rice cultivation. c) All of the farmers who participated to the questionaires have responded that the cooperative rice cultivation could promise the increased rice yield mainly through the introduction of the improved method of fertilizer application and the effective control of diseases, insects and pests damages. And the majority of farmers were also in the opinion that preparation of the materials and labor input can be timely carried out and the labor requirement for the rice cultivation possibly be saved through the cooperative rice cultivation. d) The farmers who have expressed their wishes to continue and to make further development of the cooperative rice cultivation was 74.5 percent of total farmers participated to the questionaires. 11. From the analysis of economical feasibility on the two different methods of cultivation, the following results were obtained: a) The value of operation cost for the compost, chemical fertilizers, agricultural chemicals and labor input in the cooperative rice cultivation was respectively higher by 335 won, 199 won, 288 won and 303 won over the individual rice cultivation. However, the other production costs showed no distinct differences between the two cultivation methods. b) Although the total value of expenses for the fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, labor input and etc. in the cooperative rice cultivation were approximately doubled to the amount of the individual rice cultivation, the net income, substracted operation costs from the gross income, was obtained 24, 302 won in the cooperative rice cultivation and 20, 168 won was obtained from the individual rice cultivation. Thereby, it can be said that net income from the cooperative rice cultivation increased 4, 134 won over the individual rice cultivation. It was revealed in this study that the cooperative rice cultivation has not only contributed to increment of the farm income through higher yield but also showed as an effective means to introduce highly improved cultivation techniques to the farmers. It may also be concluded, therefore, the cooperative rice cultivation shall continuously renovate the rice production process of the farmers.

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