• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자연생태지역

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Status and Major Lessons of Inland Waterways in Germany (독일 내륙수로에 대한 현황과 교훈)

  • Kim, Jong-Woo;Han, Kun-Yeun;Yoon, Sei-Eui;Kim, Gwang-Seob
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.2071-2075
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    • 2008
  • 독일 내륙수로의 길이는 12개강을 중심으로 7,306 km이며, 북해의 하구로부터 라인강 상류 바젤까지 여객과 화물이 운반된다. 또한 라인강과 마인강, 도나우강을 거쳐 동유럽을 관통하여 흑해까지 연결되어 물류의 이동뿐만 아니라 인적 및 문화의 교류가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 독일 내륙 운하법은 연방내륙수로법, 선박기록규정법, 특허규정, 배기가스 규제에 관련된 법규 등으로 구성되었다. 특히 물길 잇기를 자연친화적인 방법으로 추진하였으며, 하천환경복원에 많은 투자와 배려를 아끼지 않았다. 라인강 상류지역을 직선하천으로 만들므로 홍수통제를 이루었으며, 하류지역 홍수범람문제의 해결책으로 상류지역에 천변저류지를 건설하였다. 또한 옛 가지천을 활용해서 지하수 수위 저감을 막을 수 있었다. 도나우강은 수로의 수심을 유지하기 위해 자연친화적인 공법을 적용하여 생태하천으로 복원되었다.

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Prior Eco-preserve Zoning through Stream Ecosystem Evaluation on Dam Basin -A Case of Yongdam-dam Watershed, Jeollabukdo Province- (댐유역 하천생태계평가를 통한 생태보전우선지역설정 -용담다목적댐 유역을 사례로-)

  • Lim, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.103-112
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to specify the prior eco-preserve zone by establishing the eco-landscape unit on the stream corridor and evaluating the stream ecosystem in the dam basin. The fundamental ecological data was surveyed and collected through "the ecosystem project on Yongdam multipurpose dam watershed" from 2008 to 2009. The Yongdam Dam Watershed has several streams, Jujacheon, Jeongjacheon and Guryangcheon, of which the area is $930km^2$, stretching to Jinangun, Jangsugun and Mujugun Jellabukdo. In spite of being used for drinking purpose, the dam water quality and ecosystem is threatened by in-watershed pollution produced by development, golf course grounds and sports complex, etc. The landscape unit of stream corridor was zoned across by 250m, 500m, and 750m from the vicinity line of stream, which was decided to the accuracy of mapping and surveying. Types of evaluation are the Stream Corridor Evaluation(SCE) and the Vegetated Area Evaluation(VAE). In the process of SCE, several indices were analysed, fish species diversity, species peculiarity, and stream naturality. Indices for VAE were forest stand map, vegetation protection grade, species diversity and peculiarity for wild bird and mammal life. The importance of the ecological items is categorized into three levels and overlapped for specifying the prior preserve zone. The area at which legally protecting species appeared is categorized as absolute preserve area. This study might be meaningful for proposing the evaluation process of a stream corridor ecosystem, which can synthesize a lot of individual ecological surveys. We hope further research will be actively performed about the ecotope mapping which is based on a individual wildlife territory and habitats and also their relationships.

A Study of Impacts of Human Interference on the Gapcheon River Basin in Daejeon City (도시하천에 대한 인위적 간섭 특성 및 하천 관리 방안 - 대전시 갑천유역을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Doo-Il
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2008
  • If there is no choice but to be urbanized, we should examine how human interference has had influences on the area to keep the river environment safe and stable. This study is aimed at finding improvement by examining the effect of human interference in Gapcheon river in Daejeon, which is developing fast. Distinctive features of human interference in Gapcheon river are followings. First, middle and upper reaches of Gapcheon river are being maintained and restored focusing on flood control but are scheduled to develop city and channel. Second, the rear area of middle and lower reaches of Gapcheon river is already developed into an urban district and solidified into artificial stream for leisure activities installing the artificial structure for fun. Third, lower reaches of Gapcheon river are in an unstable condition because of straightening waterway and developing rear area of river. Up to now, geographical features and bio-diversity of Gapcheon river has been ruined by the artificial management of river centered for technical engineering. From now on, followings should be considered for management of urban river. First, it is focused on maintaining eco system by itself than usage for human. Second, natural features of rear area of river should be taken into consideration and should be preserved before developing urban city and hills, back marsh, channel deposit and swamp to directly have an influence on river.

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Plant Diversity and Conservation of Salt Marsh in Nonhyun-Dong, Inchoen (인천 논현동 일대 염습지의 식물다양성과 보존방안)

  • 정주영;이만우;조강현;최병희
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.337-345
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    • 2000
  • The flora and vegetation of salt marsh region in Nonhyun-dong, Incheon were investigated from June 1999 to June 2000. The surveyed region includes the several abandoned salt farms and natural salt marshes developing along the intertidal zone at the stream of the Sorae Inlet, Yellow Sea and is going to be constructed a costal ecopark. In this survey 14 species of halophytes were collected in the region, among them Suaeda maritima is the most common one, Salicornia herbacea, Artemisia scoparnia and Aster tripolium are also observed popularly. The flora of the abandoned salt farms is very similar to that of the natural salt marshes. However, the bank areas between the abandoned salt farms and the natural salt marshes showed more richness of species diversity including 21 naturalized plants. The vegetations on the natural salt marshes are mainly composed of Suaeda maritima -Artemisia scoparnia and Suaeda maritima communities. On the other hand, various plant communities were investigated in the abandoned salt farms such as Suaeda maritima-Salicornia herbacea, Phragmites communis-Typha angustata, Suaeda asparagoides -Suaeda maritima and Phragmites communis communities. Based on the plant physiognomy and species diversity, the region can be divided into three types of area for conservation, that is, the area composed of well-developed vegetation, disturbed one by human activities and plant withering area. Futhermore, according to the construction of the costal ecopark in the region the conservation scheme for each area was discssed.

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Environmental Ecological Status of Suncheon Bay and Its Application to the Criteria of UNESCO World Nature Heritage (순천만 연안의 환경생태현황 및 세계자연유산 등재기준 적용 분석)

  • Kim, Kyungwon;Lee, Kyong-Jae;Han, Bong-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.27 no.5
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    • pp.625-641
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    • 2013
  • This study is analyzed the environmental ecological status of Suncheon Bay and its applicable possibility to the selection criteria of UNESCO World Natural Heritage (hereafter Criteria). The study shows that the formation process of the tidal-flats in Suncheon bay could apply to the Criteria VIII, "to be outstanding examples representing major stages of earth's history." The landscape pattern of Suncheon Bay is deduced various patterns based on 5 biotope types: tidal-flat, rice-paddy, field area, coniferous natural forest, and broadleaf natural forest. Its landscape characteristic is a harmonized composition of various landscape including mountains, rivers, fields, and tidal-flats. It is judged that the unique landscape of Suncheon Bay falls under the criteria VII, "areas of exceptional natural beauty and aesthetic importance." In addition, Suncheon Bay, the habitat of the Hooded Crane as internationally endangered species, comes under the criteria X, "the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of threatened species." The study shows, however, that any other designation for protected area including national park or biosphere reserve is a prerequisite for designation of World Nature Heritage. In particular, it could evaluate whether it is qualified of the Criteria after the integrated conservation and management to the Sucheon bay as well as the southwestern tidal-flat is preceded.

Evaluation Criterias of Site and Plant Species for Conservation Priorities in Korea : An Overview (우리나라에서 보전우선순위를 위한 입지 및 식물종 선정의 평가기준 : 개관)

  • Yong-Shik Kim;Michael Maunder
    • Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.11-26
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    • 1994
  • The criteria which have been used for the assessment of wildlife conservation values and particularly botanical values during the last decade, 1969~1986, were reviewed in order to select an appropriate set of criteria applicable for Korea. Fifteen studies, including studies of particular sites reviews of ecological evaluation are reviewed. Four criteria, rarity, diversity, size & extent and naturalness were used in more than half of these studies reviewed. The sixteen components were arranged with the scale of the sites, in view of the Korean situation. The human Interference, ecological fragility. as well as rarity, etc. were major components to be considered at small scale sites. In the contrary, area, diversity position in ecological and geographical unit, and naturalness, etc. considered the major components at larger scale sites. The components such as uniqueness, typicalness, research and educational, etc. were considered both applicable. Although this criteria should be tested by applications in the field and amended there after, It will be one of the first-step to evaluate of the protected areas, as well as specific plant species in the future.

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Design of Riparian Buffer Zone by Citizen's Participation for Ecosystem Service - Case Study of Purchased Land along Gyeongan-cheon in Han River Basin - (생태계 서비스를 위한 주민 참여형 수변완충녹지 설계 고찰 - 한강수계 경안천변 매수토지 사례 연구 -)

  • Bahn, Gwon-Soo
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.24 no.3
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    • pp.170-184
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    • 2022
  • The Riparian Buffer Zone(RBZ) is a sustainable social-ecological system created in the middle zone between water and land. For the RBZ, close communication with the local community is important, and it is necessary to promote it as a communicative environmental planning process. In this study, for the RBZ project, three strategies are presented as a communicative act to understand and implement planning. First, government-led projects were avoided and improved to a process in which citizens and stakeholders participated together, centered on local partnership. Second, it was intended to introduce design criterias in terms of enhancing the function of ecosystem services that citizens can sympathize with, and to increase acceptance and awareness through the planning of preferred spaces and facilities. Third, after a balanced plan for habitats, water cycle-based ecological environment, ecological experience and open space, citizens felt the restoration effect and value as an ecological resources, and a system was prepared to participate in the operation and management. This study will work as a process model based on citizens's participation. In addition, it will be possible to provide lessons for the change of the policy paradigm for the RBZ and the implementation of similar projects in the future.

Techniques for Evaluation of Ecological and Aesthetic Aspects of Landscapes through GIS Overlay Method (생태경관다양성과 시각경관민감도를 적용한 GIS중첩평가 계획기법)

  • Jang, Rai-Ik;Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.22-31
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    • 2009
  • In this study a landscape evaluation was carried out for the submission of a natural landscape conservation plan with the intention to prevent damage to natural landscapes through incautious exploitation. In the case of Korean landscape evaluation, in fact, only the aesthetic value of the landscape is evaluated as related to development projects but the ecological relevance of the landscape cannot be estimated by evaluating only the aesthetic. For that reason, this study performed a landscape evaluation, including the sensitivity limit of visible scenery and the diversity of ecological scenery. For the intention of landscape evaluation in the designation of an essential conservation area and for devising a plan related to this area, a GIS applied to Ian McHarg's map overlay method was used and both the ecological landscape diversity and the aesthetic value of the landscape was surveyed using this map overlay method. A region can be analyzed in relation to the needs for concentration of management in influence analysis of landscape effect elements.

Ecological Landscape Evaluation for the Planning of River Rehabilitation: The Upper Areas at the Mangyeong River in Jeollabukdo, Korea (하천복원계획을 위한 생태경관 평가: 전북 만경강 상류지역을 사례로)

  • Lee, Myung-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.34 no.4 s.117
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    • pp.69-83
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    • 2006
  • Nature rehabilitation has become a major theme in river management in South Korea. An analysis and evaluation of the landscape is a crucial step to select the suitable tracts for developing or conserving land use in the process of landscape planning. The purpose of this paper is to establish a hierarchical procedure for the setting of the landscape units on the various scales at which field biologists performed their observations and to select the preserves through by a suitability model for synthesizing the ecological empirical, and biophysical data. An evaluation process needs to be performed according to the landscape scales: site, local, and regional scales, at which the environmental data were collected, analyzed, and synthesized. Introducing of three level scales was crucially necessary for evaluating the various multi level ecological data for zoning of preserves in river corridors. The evaluation level at different scales are hierarchically established into three phases. The first evaluation phase can be performed by the long length units defined by the ranges of stream widths at regional scale. Secondly, each of these long units can be divided into two or more segments according to its landscape homogeneity at local level. Finally the segments at the last phase can be designated according to the location of the reservoir weirs and bridges at site level. The conceptual model components are adopted for collecting, evaluating, and interpreting the biological and abiotic data at site level. Three preserves are selected, having high potentials for being intensely managed as the Ecological Education Areas in the river. Despite a lot of assumption the results are expected to facilitate discussion and decision making about which frameworks of evaluation are desirable and adaptable for integrating the ecological data into the rehabilitation design process in South Korea.

Studies on the Management Plan in Urban Ecological Protected Area of Seoul - A Case Study of the Baeksil Valley Ecological Scenery and Conservation Area - (서울 도시생태 보호지역 관리계획 연구 - 백사실계곡 생태·경관보전지역을 대상으로 -)

  • Park, Seok-Cheol;Han, Bong-Ho;Kwak, Jeong-In
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.109-126
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    • 2015
  • This study is for constructing detailed data to secure biological diversity and maintain a healthy ecosystem in Backsasil Valley Ecological and Scenery Conservation Area, and for preparing an ecological management plan fit for the protected area. The period for this study was from April 2010 to May 2013. Recently, the increase of visitors to Baeksasil Valley, as well as the plantation and dissemination of introduced vegetable species, become factors accelerating ecological disturbance. Major research contents included the reviews of the management system of the protected areas, the necessity of ecological management at the basin level, establishing the system of a management plan, research and analysis of environment ecology, analysis of threatening factors, goal-setting, management strategies, and a plan through SWOT analysis. Survey items were the natural environment, major components of ecosystem, and human-use. The goals of ecological management were basin zone management for amphibians, conservation and restoration of forest vegetation for conservation habitat of Dryocopus martius, conservation habitat of Zelkova serrta for nature landscape, and management of users for environment protection. The conservation management plan at a basin zone level contains the management of point and non-point pollution sources in the upstream, securing growing conditions for native plants, securing safe habitats for amphibians, and securing of habitats for major wild birds. Also, restoration of natural forests, management of native plants and introduced vegetable species, and restoration of degraded forest paths are suggested for the restoration plans.