• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자동 결함 검출

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The Variation of Tagging Contrast-to-Noise Radio (CNR) of SPAMM Image by Modulation of Tagline Spacing (Tagline 간격의 조절을 통한 SPAMM 영상에서의 Tagging 대조도 대 잡음비의 변화)

  • 강원석;최병욱;최규옥;이상호;홍순일;정해조;김희중
    • Progress in Medical Physics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.224-228
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    • 2002
  • Myocardial tagging technique such as spatial modulation of magnetization (SPAMM) allows the study of myocardial motion with high accuracy. However, the accuracy of the estimation of tag intersection can be affected by tagline spacing. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between tagline spacing of SPAMM image and tagging contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in in-vivo study. Two healthy volunteers were undergone electrocardiographically triggered MR imaging with SPAMM-based tagging pulse sequence at a 1.5T MR scanner. Horizontally modulated stripe patterns were imposed with a range from 3.6 to 9.6 mm of tagline spacing. Images of the left ventricle(LV) wall were acquired at the mid-ventricle level during cardiac cycle with FE-EPI (TR/TE = 5.8/2.2 msec, FA= 10$^{\circ}$. Tagging CNR for each image was calculated with a software which developed in our group. During contraction, tagging CNR was more rapidly decreased in case of narrow tagline spacing than in case of wide tagline spacing. In the same heart phase, CNR was increased corresponding with tagline spacing. Especially, at the fully contracted heart phase, CNR was more rapidly increased than the other heart phases as a function of tagline spacing. The results indicated that the optimization of tagline spacing provides better tagging CNR in order to analyze the myocardial motion more accurately.

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Analysis of Performance of Digital Retrodirective Antenna Technology in High-Speed Rail (고속 철도 환경에서의 디지털 역지향성 안테나 기술 성능 분석)

  • Bok, Junyeong;Lee, Seung Hwan;Shin, Dong Jin;Ryu, Heung-Gyoon
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.11
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    • pp.1264-1271
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    • 2012
  • Fast tracking is important for high-speed data transmission in high-speed mobile environment such as high speed rail and vehicular. Digital retrodirective array antenna is possible to do automatically beam tracking because it can control the phase information of the output signal toward opposite direction to input signal without no a priori knowledge of the arrival direction. Also, Digital retrodirective array antennas has merit that it is easy to upgrade and modify compare with analogue retrodirective array antennas. In this paper, we analyze the BER performance of digital retrodirective array antenna under AWGN environment and multipath signal. Simulation results show correct phase estimation and conjugation of retrodirective array antenna by using phase detector block. Also, phase conjugation technique has better BER performance about 1 dB at source than that of without phase conjugation when phase lag is $15^{\circ}$ in AWGN environment. This paper also discusses effect of the presence of multipath signal. Phase and amplitude error about direction of direct signal occurs when retrodirective array system is affected by interference and multipath signal in the presence of multipath signal.

Efficient Multiplex Audio Monitoring System in Digital Broadcasting (디지털 방송에서 효율적인 다중 오디오 모니터링 시스템)

  • Kim, Yoo-Won;Sohn, Surg-Won;Jo, Geun-Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2008
  • In digital broadcasting, it is possible to multiplex maximum one hundred audio or music programs into MPEG-2 transport stream, which is suitable for transmitting through one channel. In order to check if multiplex music programs are transmitted well, we need a multiplex audio monitoring system that monitors the programs in real-time. In analog broadcasting, we have used hardware-based audio monitoring system for a small number music programs. However, the effectiveness of hardware-based audio monitoring system from the cost and function viewpoint is so low that a new system is needed for digital broadcasting. In this paper, we have designed and implemented a software-based audio monitoring system to satisfy these requirements. In this implementation, only one PC is used without other hardware facilities, and the system monitors digital broadcasting music programs effectively. Transmitted digital broadcasting streams are demultiplexed into many music programs and the realtime value of audio level and packet error information for these programs are displayed in the screen. Thus, the system detects and shows the abnormal transmitting programs automatically. Simulation results show that effective realtime multiplex audio monitoring is possible for digital broadcasting music programs.

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Introduction of Dental X-ray Imaging with New Concept - intra Oral x-ray Tube (신개념 치과용 X-선 영상장치 소개 - 강내형 X-선 튜브)

  • Cho, Sung-Ho;Kim, Dong-Young;Baek, Kwang-Woo;Lee, Re-Na
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SC
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    • v.48 no.4
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2011
  • Various kinds of medical imaging devices have been studied to develop periapical radiography. However, there are some problems such as high x-ray exposure rate and pains for patients because of the problems caused by intra-oral sensor based radiography system. In this study, a new concept of periapical radiography, intra oral X-ray tube and detector system, is introduced to solve these problems. This system is made up of miniature X-ray tube based on subminiature thermal electron or cold electron, CMOS based detector, and a body including automatic position and system control devices. In order to confirm the possibility of proposed new concept to periapical radiography, miniature x-ray tube from XOFT corporation is used to develop new x-ray system, and the performance evaluation of this system is performed according to collimator. Also, dental images are compared after acquiring both images from existing system versus new concept of system. As a result, new concept of system showed excellent image. Thus, it is considered that new concept of system will have a significant effect on medical imaging technology.

A Synchronized Playback Method of 3D Model and Video by Extracting Golf Swing Information from Golf Video (골프 동영상으로부터 추출된 스윙 정보를 활용한 3D 모델과 골프 동영상의 동기화 재생)

  • Oh, Hwang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Computer Game
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.61-70
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a synchronized playback method of 3D reference model and video by extracting golf swing information from learner's golf video to precisely compare and analyze each motion in each position and time in the golf swing, and present the implementation result. In order to synchronize the 3D model with the learner's swing video, the learner's golf swing movie is first photographed and relative time information is extracted from the photographed video according to the position of the golf club from the address posture to the finishing posture. Through applying time information from learners' swing video to a 3D reference model that rigs the motion information of a pro-golfer's captured swing motion at 120 frames per second through high-quality motion capture equipment into a 3D model and by synchronizing the 3D reference model with the learner's swing video, the learner can correct or learn his / her posture by precisely comparing his or her posture with the reference model at each position of the golf swing. Synchronized playback can be used to improve the functionality of manually adjusting system for comparing and analyzing the reference model and learner's golf swing. Except for the part where the image processing technology that detects each position of the golf posture is applied, It is expected that the method of automatically extracting the time information of each location from the video and of synchronized playback can be extended to general life sports field.

Development of Real-time Video Search System Using the Intelligent Object Recognition Technology (지능형 객체 인식 기술을 이용한 실시간 동영상 검색시스템)

  • Chang, Jae-Young;Kang, Chan-Hyeok;Yoon, Jae-Min;Cho, Jae-Won;Jung, Ji-Sung;Chun, Jonghoon
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 2020
  • Recently, video-taping equipment such as CCTV have been seeing more use for crime prevention and general safety concerns. Since these video-taping equipment operates all throughout the day, the need for security personnel is lessened, and naturally costs incurred from managing such manpower should also decrease. However, technology currently used predominantly lacks self-sufficiency when given the task of searching for a specific object in the recorded video such as a person, and has to be done manually; current security-based video equipment is insufficient in an environment where real-time information retrieval is required. In this paper, we propose a technology that uses the latest deep-learning technology and OpenCV library to quickly search for a specific person in a video; the search is based on the clothing information that is inputted by the user and transmits the result in real time. We implemented our system to automatically recognize specific human objects in real time by using the YOLO library, whilst deep learning technology is used to classify human clothes into top/bottom clothes. Colors are also detected through the OpenCV library which are then all combined to identify the requested object. The system presented in this paper not only accurately and quickly recognizes a person object with a specific clothing, but also has a potential extensibility that can be used for other types of object recognition in a video surveillance system for various purposes.

A Study on Development of Portable Concrete Crack Measurement Device Using Image Processing Technique and Laser Sensors (이미지 처리기법 및 레이저 센서를 이용한 휴대용 콘크리트 균열 측정 장치 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Seo, Seunghwan;Ohn, Syng-Yup;Kim, Dong-Hyun;Kwak, Kiseok;Chung, Moonkyung
    • Journal of the Korean Geosynthetics Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.41-50
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    • 2020
  • Since cracks in concrete structures expedite corrosion of reinforced concrete over a long period of time, regular on-site inspections are essential to ensure structural usability and prevent degradation. Most of the safety inspections of facilities rely on visual inspection with naked eye, so cost and time consuming are severe, and the reliability of results differs depending on the inspector. In this study, a portable measuring device that can be used for safety diagnosis and maintenance was developed as a device that measures the width and length of concrete cracks through image analysis of cracks photographed with a camera. This device captures the cracks found within a close distance (3 m), and accurately calculates the unit pixel size by laser distance measurement, and automatically calculates the crack length and width with the image processing algorithm developed in this study. In measurement results using the crack image applied to the experiment, the measurement of the length of a 0.3 mm crack within a distance of 3 m was possible with a range of about 10% error. The crack width showed a tendency to be overestimated by detecting surrounding pixels due to vibration and blurring effect during the binarization process, but it could be effectively corrected by applying the crack width reduction function.

Development of Damage Evaluation Technology Considering Variability for Cable Damage Detection of Cable-Stayed Bridges (사장교의 케이블 손상 검출을 위한 변동성이 고려된 손상평가 기술 개발)

  • Ko, Byeong-Chan;Heo, Gwang-Hee;Park, Chae-Rin;Seo, Young-Deuk;Kim, Chung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.24 no.6
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we developed a damage evaluation technique that can determine the damage location of a long-sized structure such as a cable-stayed bridge, and verified the performance of the developed technique through experiments. The damage assessment method aims to extract data that can evaluate the damage of the structure without the undamage data and can determine the damage location only by analyzing the response data of the structure. To complete this goal, we developed a damage assessment technique that considers variability based on the IMD theory, which is a statistical pattern recognition technique, to identify the damage location. To complete this goal, we developed a damage assessment technique that considers variability based on the IMD theory, which is a statistical pattern recognition technique, to identify the damage location. To evaluate the performance of the developed technique experimentally, cable damage experiments were conducted on model cable-stayed bridges. As a result, the damage assessment method considering variability automatically outputs the damageless data according to external force, and it is confirmed that the performance of extracting information that can determine the damage location of the cable through the analysis of the outputted damageless data and the measured damage data is shown.

Implementation of AI-based Object Recognition Model for Improving Driving Safety of Electric Mobility Aids (전동 이동 보조기기 주행 안전성 향상을 위한 AI기반 객체 인식 모델의 구현)

  • Je-Seung Woo;Sun-Gi Hong;Jun-Mo Park
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.166-172
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    • 2022
  • In this study, we photograph driving obstacle objects such as crosswalks, side spheres, manholes, braille blocks, partial ramps, temporary safety barriers, stairs, and inclined curb that hinder or cause inconvenience to the movement of the vulnerable using electric mobility aids. We develop an optimal AI model that classifies photographed objects and automatically recognizes them, and implement an algorithm that can efficiently determine obstacles in front of electric mobility aids. In order to enable object detection to be AI learning with high probability, the labeling form is labeled as a polygon form when building a dataset. It was developed using a Mask R-CNN model in Detectron2 framework that can detect objects labeled in the form of polygons. Image acquisition was conducted by dividing it into two groups: the general public and the transportation weak, and image information obtained in two areas of the test bed was secured. As for the parameter setting of the Mask R-CNN learning result, it was confirmed that the model learned with IMAGES_PER_BATCH: 2, BASE_LEARNING_RATE 0.001, MAX_ITERATION: 10,000 showed the highest performance at 68.532, so that the user can quickly and accurately recognize driving risks and obstacles.

Reproducing Summarized Video Contents based on Camera Framing and Focus

  • Hyung Lee;E-Jung Choi
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.10
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    • pp.85-92
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose a method for automatically generating story-based abbreviated summaries from long-form dramas and movies. From the shooting stage, the basic premise was to compose a frame with illusion of depth considering the golden division as well as focus on the object of interest to focus the viewer's attention in terms of content delivery. To consider how to extract the appropriate frames for this purpose, we utilized elemental techniques that have been utilized in previous work on scene and shot detection, as well as work on identifying focus-related blur. After converting the videos shared on YouTube to frame-by-frame, we divided them into a entire frame and three partial regions for feature extraction, and calculated the results of applying Laplacian operator and FFT to each region to choose the FFT with relative consistency and robustness. By comparing the calculated values for the entire frame with the calculated values for the three regions, the target frames were selected based on the condition that relatively sharp regions could be identified. Based on the selected results, the final frames were extracted by combining the results of an offline change point detection method to ensure the continuity of the frames within the shot, and an edit decision list was constructed to produce an abbreviated summary of 62.77% of the footage with F1-Score of 75.9%