• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자궁 전이

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Evaluation of DNA Damage by Mercury Chloride (II) and Ionizing Radiation in HeLa Cells (이온화 방사선 및 염화수은(II)에 의한 자궁경부암 세포의 DNA 손상 평가)

  • Woo Hyun-Jung;Kim Ji-Hyang;Antonina Cebulska-Wasilewska;Kim Jin-Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.24 no.1 s.61
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    • pp.46-52
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    • 2006
  • The mercury is among the most highly bioconcentrated toxic trace metals. Many national and international agencies and organisations have targeted mercury for the possible emission control. The mercury toxicity depends on its chemical form, among which alkylmercury compounds are the most toxic. A human cervix uterus cancer cell line HeLa cells was employed to investigate the effect of the toxic heavy metal mercury (Hg) and ionizing radiation. In the in vitro comet assays for the genotoxicity in the HeLa cells, the group of Hg treatment after irradiation showed higher DNA breakage than the other groups. The tail extent moment and olive tail moment of the control group were $4.88{\pm}1.00\;and\;3.50{\pm}0.52$ while the values of the only Hg treatment group were $26.90{\pm}2.67\;and\;13.16{\pm}1.82$, respectively. The tail extent moment and olive tail moment of the only 0.001, 0.005, 0.01 Hg group were $12.24{\pm}1.82,\;8.20{\pm}2.15,\;20.30{\pm}1.30,\;12.26{\pm}0.52,\;40.65{\pm}2.94\;and \;20.38{\pm}1.49$, respectively. In the case of Hg treatment after irradiation, the tail extent moment and olive tail moment of the 0.001, 0.005, 0.01 Hg group were $56.50{\pm}3.93,\;32.69{\pm}2.48,\;62.03{\pm}5.14,\;31.56{\pm}1.97,\;72.73{\pm}3.70\;and \;39.44{\pm}3.23$, respectively. The results showed that Hg induced DNA single-strand breaks or alkali labile sites as assessed by the Comet assay. It is in good agreement with the reported results. The mercury inhibits the repair of DNA. The bacterial formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Epg protein) recognizes and removes some oxidative DNA base modifications. Enzyme inactivation by Hg (II) may therefore be due either to interactions with rysteine residues outside the metal binding domain or to very high-affinity binding of Hg (II) which readily removes Zn (II) from the zinc finger.

Clinical Significance of Plasma CEA Levels in the Patients with Cervical Carcinoma during Follow-Up (자궁 경부암 환자의 추적검사시 혈장내 CEA치 측정의 임상적 의의)

  • Ban, Sung-Beom;Kim, Joo-Young;Choi, Myung-Sun;Rha, Joong-Yeol;Lee, Min-Jae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 1991
  • Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) has been studied in the field of gynecologic malignancy to determine whether it can be used as a tumor marker for early detection of recurrence or evaluation of therapeutic results. From January 1985 through December 1989, a total of 239 cervical cancer patients were entered for an analysis of plasma CEA level in the group with conical cancer compared to the control group consisting of 65 normal healthy women and 18 women with benign gynecologic disease. Plasma CEA levels appear to be directly related with the tumor extension and as stages advance, the incidence of patients with abnormal plasma CEA levels is increased. Also, there seems to be a little higher incidence of abnormal CEA levels in patients with adenocarcinomas or adenosquamous carcinoma but not statistically significant because of small number of patients. When the patients developed recurrence, plasma CEA levels are markedly elevated in the majority, particularly in patients with hepatic metastases, In conclusion, serial plasma CEA checks could be used to detect recurrence during follow-up after treatment of cervical cancer.

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Measurement of Nondestructive Residual Stress by Acoustoelasticity (음탄성에 의한 비파괴적 잔류응력 측정)

  • 박인근;이철구
    • Journal of Welding and Joining
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 1999
  • 국내에 건설되어 거의 20∼30년 가동되고 있는 발전설비, 석유화학 플랜트 등 거대설비 기기의 건전성(integrity) 및 신뢰성 확보와 잔존수명 예측을 위해서는 구조물 내부 또는 표층부에 존재하는 결 함의 특성을 아는 것과 함께 그 재료의 특정 부위에 어느정도의 응력이나 변형이 있는가를 아는 것이 매우 중요하다. 일반적으로 강 용접부의 비파괴적 결함검출에는 주로 SV파(vertically shear wave)와 SH파(horizontally shear wave)라 불리는 횡파를 이용한 초음파사각탐상법이 실용화되어 이용되고 있다. 그러나 비파괴적인 방법에 의한 실험적인 잔류응력 측정, 변형해석법에는 전기 저항 및 자기 스트레인 게이지법, X선회절법, 광탄성법(photoelasticity), 모아레(Mohr's)법, 레이저스펙클(Laser speackle)법, 응 력도료법, Barkhausen Nosise법, Caustics법 등이 제시되어 있으나 그 유용성 면에서는 아직 해결되야할 문제가 많이 남아 있는 실정이다. 응력이나 변형을 해석하는 방법으로 이론적 방법, 계산적 방법 실험적 방법이 잇다. 이론적 방법에는 재료 역학적으로 취급하는 방법, 탄성론 등이 있고, 계산적인 방법에는 유한요소법이 있지만, 이론적 방법이나 계산적 방법만으로는 해석이 불가능한 경우가 많기 때문에 실험 적 방법이 필요하게 된다. 이 글에서는 파괴 시험 또는 다른 비파괴평가기술에 비해 간편한 측정, 높은 측정정도, 시험결과 도출의 신속성, 검사비용의 절감 등 많은 장점을 가지고 있고 실험적으로 유용성이 일부 검증되고 있는 음탄성법(Acoustoelasticity)에 의한 잔류응력 측정법에 관해 소개하고자 한다.TEX> mg/L(평균 49 mg/L)로 비교적 안정적인 처리효율을 보여주었다. 본 연구결과 HVC 공정은 화학약품 사용량의 절감 및 이에 따른 화학슬러지 발생량의 감소를 기대 할 수 있는 친환경기술로 유지관리비를 최소화할 수 있는 장점이 있었다. 않은 사람들 중 미래의 검진실행의지에 건강소식지가 영향을 미친 경우는 48.7%였다. 보건교육을 받은 후 유방암 자가검진 실천율은 사업군에서 53.9%로 받기 전의 27.3%보다 증가하였으나 대조군의 경우는 별 차이가 없었다. 연령별로는 60대가 가장 높았고 사업군에서 검진율의 증가분은 30대가 가장 컸다. 교육수준별로는 사업군은 고졸이, 대조군은 전문대졸이 가장 높았고 사업군에서 검진율의 증가분은 고졸에서 가장 컸다. 보건교육 후 유방암과 관련된 건강지식의 정도는 사업군이 3.7점으로 대조군보다 유의하게 높았으며, 유방암 자가검진법을 실천하는 사람들의 동기는 ‘일반 대중매체의 영향’이 가장 많았으며 건강소식지가 동기인 경우도 20.4%였다. 사업군에서 건강소식지가 유방암 자가검진법 실천에 영향을 미친 경우가 79.6%였으며 유방암 자가검진법에 관한 보건교육을 받고 실천하지 않은 사람들 중 미래의 실천의지에 건강소식지가 영향을 미친 경우는 43.6%였다. 이상의 소견에서 지역주민을 대상으로 인쇄매체를 통한 보건교육은 인쇄물만으로도 쉽게 실천 할 수 있는 유방암 자가검진법이 가장 효과적이었으며, 자궁암검진에 관해서도 검진을 받을 수 있도록 지역사회의 보건의료의 하부구조를 정비하여 제도적 장치를 마련하고 정보를 제공한다면 자궁암검진 실천율도 증가할 것이다.고 12.9% 의 발달율을 보여 유의적인 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이상의 결과로 보아 핵이식 수정란을 효율적으로 생산하기 위하여

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Evaluate the implementation of Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy QA in the radiation therapy treatment according to Various factors by using the Portal Dosimetry (용적변조회전 방사선치료에서 Portal Dosimetry를 이용한 선량평가의 재현성 분석)

  • Kim, Se Hyeon;Bae, Sun Myung;Seo, Dong Rin;Kang, Tae Young;Baek, Geum Mun
    • The Journal of Korean Society for Radiation Therapy
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.167-174
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    • 2015
  • Purpose : The pre-treatment QA using Portal dosimetry for Volumetric Arc Therapy To analyze whether maintaining the reproducibility depending on various factors. Materials and Methods : Test was used for TrueBeam STx$^{TM}$ (Ver.1.5, Varian, USA). Varian Eclipse Treatment planning system(TPS) was used for planning with total of seven patients include head and neck cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and cervical cancer was established for a Portal dosimetry QA plan. In order to measure these plans, Portal Dosimetry application (Ver.10) (Varian) and Portal Vision aS1000 Imager was used. Each Points of QA was determined by dividing, before and after morning treatment, and the after afternoon treatment ended (after 4 hours). Calibration of EPID(Dark field correction, Flood field correction, Dose normalization) was implemented before Every QA measure points. MLC initialize was implemented after each QA points and QA was retried. Also before QA measurements, Beam Ouput at the each of QA points was measured using the Water Phantom and Ionization chamber(IBA dosimetry, Germany). Results : The mean values of the Gamma pass rate(GPR, 3%, 3mm) for every patients between morning, afternoon and evening was 97.3%, 96.1%, 95.4% and the patient's showing maximum difference was 95.7%, 94.2% 93.7%. The mean value of GPR before and after EPID calibration were 95.94%, 96.01%. The mean value of Beam Output were 100.45%, 100.46%, 100.59% at each QA points. The mean value of GPR before and after MLC initialization were 95.83%, 96.40%. Conclusion : Maintain the reproducibility of the Portal Dosimetry as a VMAT QA tool required management of the various factors that can affect the dosimetry.

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The Role of F-18 Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography in Patients with Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumors of the Uterus (자궁의 악성 혼합성 뮬러리안 종양 환자에서의 FDG PET의 역할)

  • Hidayat, Basuki;Cheon, Gi-Jeong;Chae, Min-Jeong;Kim, Moon-Hong;Kim, Min-Suk;Choi, Chang-Woon;Lim, Sang-Moo
    • Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.16-22
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: Malignant Mixed Mullerian Tumor (MMMT) of the uterine corpus is one of the very uncommon and the most lethal tumors in the uterus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of FDG PET in detecting distant metastasis and residual and/or recurrent disease. Methods: Ten patients who underwent FDG PET for detecting distant metastasis and recurrence were included. focal FDG accumulation was regarded as abnormal. We also reviewed serum CA 125 levels, anatomical images, and histopathoiogical examination. Results: Three patients of 10 FDG PET showed abnormal FDG uptake. One had high serum CA 125 levels and high fractions of carcinomatous element on histopathologic examination. FDG PET showed metastatic lesions in unexpected locations, which could not be detected by anatomical images. Another had normal serum CA 125 levels with high sarcomatous element and CT could only detect a few lesions. The other had high serum CA 125 levels and also had high carcinomatous element. Seven patients who had no abnormal uptake on FDG PET had no clinical evidence of recurrence during the follow up period ($51.7{\pm}12.2$ months). The mean disease free intervals of these 7 patients were $36.4{\pm}6.0$ months. Two patients with abnormal findings had never become disease-free condition during the follow up period ($6.0{\pm}4.2$ months. Conclusion: FDG PET could be a useful modality for unexpected distant metastasis and follow up tool in patients with MMMT.

Analysis of Radiotherapy Associated Factors in Stage IIb Carcinoma of Uterine Cervix (자궁 경부암 처지)

  • Moon, Chang-Woo;Jeung, Tae-Sig;Yum, Ha-Yong
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.241-253
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    • 1990
  • 331 patients of stage IIb uterine cervix cancer trated by radiation alone at Kosin Medical Center between June 1980 and Dec. 1985 were analysed to determine parameters of radiotherapy associated to disease states. Survival rate was highest among the reported ($82.8{\%}$ for crude and $82.4{\%}$ for disease free survival). Pelvic control rate in 6 weeks after the end of radiotherapy was $93.6{\%}$ in the patients treated with ICR following total pelvic radiation and $71.6{\%}$ with small field additional external irradiation. 5 year survival rate in those who achieved pelvic control was $98.9{\%}$ and $12.9{\%}$ in those who had pelvic failure and/or metastasis after radiation. The survival rate figured maximal $88.5{\%}$ with dosage of $7500{\~}8500$ cGy to point A with acceptable incidence of complications ($4.9{\%}$) but without increasing survival above it and minimal $74.1{\%}$ with dosage of less than 6500 cGy. The treatment failure was counted $18.7{\%}$ (62 of 331 patients): Local failure $72.6{\%}$ (45 of 62 patients), locoregional failure $3.2{\%}$ (2 of 62 patients) and distant failure $24{\%}$ (15 of 62 patients). Late complications were found in 50 patients ($15.1{\%}$) and $42{\%}$ of them was rectal bleeding and stenosis. The dose of 8500 cGy to point A was found to be critical for complication and $70{\%}$ of complications occurred above it and was more serious one such as fistula. Rectal complications were developed above rectal dose 6500 cGy and bladder complication above bladder dose 7500 cGy. Major cause of death was cachexia due to locoregional failure ($73.7{\%}$ of death), next was due to metastasis to lung, liver and bone, and only 3 patients died of complication of intestinal perforations and obstruction. In conclusion higher external radiation dose for a bulky uterine cervix and barrel shaped uterus was essential for local control.

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Studies on Increase of Litter Size by Infusion with Sterile Boar and Their Semen before Gestation in Gilts (임신전 불임 수퇘지 종부 및 무정자정액 주입에 의한 미경산돈의 산자수 증가에 관한 연구)

  • 연정웅;김동덕;정흥우;성환후
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.61-67
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    • 2003
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effect of infusion of sterile boar and their semen as pregnancy antigen factor for improvement of production in gilts. We observed 160 gilts between 7 to 8 months of age that were divided into 4 treatment groups vie. A group-epidimetomized boar, B group-no sperm semen infusion, C group-vasectomized boar, and D group-control in a completely randomized design. The number of total pigs born(NT) of A, B, C, and D groups were 10.05, 10.44, 11.63, and 9.97 pigs, respectively(P<0.05). And the NT of C g.cup was the highest among treatment. The number of live pigs born(NB) was similar to NT The NB of C group (10.70) was higher than that of A(9.12) and control(9.11)(P<0.05). However, there was not significant between B and C groups. The progesterone concentration of C group was the highest compare to other group at the 6th day after breeding. However, the progesterone concentration of C was lower than other groups after 8th day. There were not significant among cortisol of A, B, C and D groups. According of the results of this study, the infusion with vasectomized boar and semen at estrus before gestation can be improved reproductive efficiency because of more litter size in gilts.

The Preventive Effect of Antenatal Administration of Ambroxol on the Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome (산전에 투여한 Ambroxol의 신생아 호흡 곤란 증후군 예방 효과)

  • Lee, Eun-Sil;Kim, Kyung-Ah;Shin, Son-Moon;Koh, Min-Whan;Lee, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of Yeungnam Medical Science
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.52-59
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    • 1999
  • This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the antenatal ambroxol administration to mothers who were in danger of imminent preterm delivery in preventing the neonatal respiratory distress syndrome(RDS). Forty-two preterm newborn infants who were delivered at Yeungnam University Hospital from January 1996 to December 1997 were divided into two groups, 21 in ambroxol-treated group and 21 in control group. Six cases of the respiratory distress syndrome were developed from 21 ambroxol-treated infants, but 13 cases of RDS, from 21 control infants. This result indicated a significant reduction of the occurrence of RDS by antenatal administration o[ ambroxol (p<0.05). There were no differences in the occurrence of adverse effects of ambroxol in mothers between the two groups. There was also no difference between pre- and post-treatment hematologic and biochemical parameters in ambroxol-treated group. In conclusion, when premature delivery is expected, the administration of ambroxol before delivery enhances lung maturation in premature newborn infants and prevents the occurrence of respiratory distress syndrome without significant adverse effects.

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Primary Gastric Choriocarcinoma (위에 발생한 원발성 융모막암)

  • Jun, Kyong-Hwa;Jung, Ji-Han;Chin, Hyung-Min;Kim, Wook;Park, Cho-Hyun;Jeon, Hae-Myung;Park, Seung-Man;Lim, Keun-Woo;Park, Woo-Bae;Kim, Seung-Nam
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2008
  • The majority of choriocarcinomas occur in the uterus as gestational malignant tumors. Rarely, a choriocarcinoma appears in the gastrointestinal tract, and the tumor is assumed to arise from a different histogenetic origin as compared to tumors of other sites. A primary gastric choriocarcinoma is a rare aggressive, widely metastatic malignant tumor, and has a poor prognosis. Reported here is a case of a 69-year-old woman with a primary gastric choriocarcinoma who presented with melena, epigastric pain, and was diagnosed with a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma based on a preoperative endoscopic biopsy. Gastrectomy with lymph node dissection, followed by postoperative chemotherapy, is the treatment of choice. Therefore, in the case of a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma with a bleeding tendency, a meticulous examination with the suspicion of a choriocarcinoma should be undertaken.

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Sarcoid-Like Reaction after Complete Remission of Malignancy: CT and 18F-FDG PET/CT Features for the Differential Diagnosis from Lymph Node Metastasis (악성종양의 완전관해 후 발생한 사르코이드증 유사 반응: 림프절 전이와의 감별진단에 유용한 CT와 18F-FDG PET/CT 소견)

  • Hyun Ji Kang;Yookyung Kim;June Young Bae;Jung Hyun Chang;Soo-Hyun Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.82 no.4
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    • pp.903-913
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    • 2021
  • Purpose To identify the imaging features indicative of sarcoid-like reactions in patients with intrathoracic lymphadenopathy after complete remission of malignancies. Materials and Methods This study enrolled five patients with histopathologically confirmed sarcoid-like reactions that developed after cancer remission. The clinical features and findings of CT and 18F-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) PET/CT were assessed. Results The underlying malignancies included breast, nasopharyngeal, colon, and endometrial cancer and lymphoma. The time intervals between complete remission of malignancy and the diagnosis of sarcoid-like reaction ranged from 6 to 78 months. CT findings of sarcoid-like reaction included bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathies (n = 5), pulmonary nodules (1-15 mm) with peribronchovascular, fissural, or subpleural distribution, and interlobular interstitial thickening in the lungs (n = 4). 18F-FDG PET/CT revealed hypermetabolic uptake in the mediastinal and hilar lymph nodes and both lungs in the absence of extrathoracic uptake (n = 3). The sarcoid-like reactions resolved in all patients after corticosteroid treatment. Conclusion In patients with complete remission of malignancies, newly developed bilateral hilar and mediastinal lymphadenopathies with or without pulmonary nodules of perilymphatic distribution, in the absence of recurrence at the primary tumor site and extrathoracic metastasis, may suggest a sarcoid-like reaction. Such cases warrant histologic evaluation of the lymph nodes to prevent unnecessary systemic chemotherapy.