• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자궁 전이

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Catamenial Hemoptysis - Report of one case - (월경성 각혈 - 1예 보고 -)

  • 곽영태;맹대현;배철영;이신영;김정숙;이혁표
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.33 no.7
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    • pp.597-600
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    • 2000
  • Pulmonary endomertiosis is a rare disorder with the typical symptom of hemoptysis during menstruation (catamenial hemoptysis). We report a case of a 19-year-old woman, gravida 0, with 3-month history of catamenial hemoptysis which was confirmed with chest computed tomography. She was treated by means of thoracoscopic wedge resection for the right lesion and fuperior segmental resection through the left thoracotomy, successively. Preoperative fluoroscopy-guided hooking for thoracosopic target lwsion was helpful in circumstances with one lung anesthesia. Four months of follow-up after an uneventful discharge revealed out no recurrence of catamenial hemoptysis in symptoms and images.

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Metastatic Small Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Liver from the Uterine Cervix (간으로 전이된 자궁경부의 신경내분비 소세포암의 세포학적 소견)

  • Kim, Yee-Jeong;Lee, Kwang-Gil
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.98-104
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    • 1991
  • We present the cytologic features of small ceil neuroendocrine carcinoma of the liver metastasized from the uterine cervix. Cytologically, tumor cells were arranged in a pattern of solid sheet in necrotic background. The tumor cells were characterized by uniform, small cells, round hyperchromatic nuclei, and high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio. The smears showed frequent mitotic figures and rosette formation. These findings were identified with the previous histologic sections of uterine cervix. To make a diagnosis of metastatic small ceil neuroendocrine carcinoma on the Papanicolaou smear, a high index of suspicion and careful review of clinical history are needed.

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성인병 뉴스 제322호

  • The Korea Association of Chronic Disease
    • The Korean Chronic Disease News
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    • no.322
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    • pp.1-18
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    • 2007
  • 은퇴의사 보건소 봉사체계 도입/내년부터 병원 등 전면파업 금지/노인요양병원 30곳 종합실사/한국인 혈당 기준 대폭 강화/흡연이 40대 발기부전 직접 원인/노인 성병 감염자 대책 절실/복강경 대장수술 97%가 대장암/이화의료원, 여성전문대학병원 재도약/베트남에 한양대 류마마티스 센타 설립/김안과, 범태평양 안과병원 네트워크 구축/약제비절감 의사에 인센티브 제공/의약품 표준코드 시행 1년 유예 요청/전 국민 살빼기 캠페인/자궁경부암 백신, 45세까지 접종 확대/제약협회와 긴밀한 관계 유지/만성폐쇄성폐질환(COPD) 환자 급증/흡연, 음주가 대사증후군 2배 높여/골다공증에 대한 이해 여전히 부족/표준체중 성인도 '복부비만' 주의/녹차, 충치 예방과 치아 착색의 양면성/마음을 여는 Heart행정 실현-충주시보건소/'열심, 합심, 양심', 三心행정 지향/만성질환관리의 정책적 추진 방향/

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Perineal Pain due to Bladder Stones after Total Abdominal Hysterectomy - A case report - (전 자궁 절제술 후 방광 내 결석으로 유발된 회음부 통증 - 증례보고 -)

  • Park, Sang Hyun;Park, Jong Cook;Lee, Pyung Bok
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.251-254
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    • 2007
  • Perineal pain is a significant diagnostic challenge to the pain practitioner, and accurate diagnosis and treatment is essential. We report a case of 42-years old female patient suffering from excruciating vulvodynia for 5 years. Her pain on the visual analogue scale was 10 out of 10 and her pain was associated with sleep disturbance, dyspareunia, and chronic fatigue. She was diagnosed with a bladder stone by imaging, and The pain was relieved by cystolitholapaxy.

A Study on Korean Medical Treatment of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding - Based on Benglou Chapters of Classical Medical Texts - (비정상 자궁 출혈의 한약 치료에 대한 연구 - 제반 한의학 문헌의 붕루문을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim Yeon-Tae
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2023
  • Objectives : To examine Korean Medical treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding in classical texts, along with their clinical applicability. Methods : The Benglou chapters in the Donguibogam, Fuqingzhunuke, Xuezhenglun were examined in terms of diagnostic pattern and treatment. Benglou chapters of other medical texts were referenced as well. Basic Korean Medical knowledge of abnormal uterine bleeding and its clinical application were studied. Results : As abnormal uterine bleeding is generally caused by internal damage or deficiency from excessive labor, sexual activity, food, emotional stress, specific causes for each individual should be considered when approaching each case. Conclusions : Korean Medical treatment allows for a tailored approach to each pathology according to age and duration of illness, and has strength in dealing with various situations such as emergency situations, excessive bleeding, blood stagnation. As such, application of Korean Medicine in abnormal uterine bleeding is highly appropriate.

The Results of Radiation Treatment in Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix (자궁경암의 방사선치료 성적)

  • Lee, Myung-Za;Kim, Jung-Jin
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.95-101
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    • 1985
  • From July 1979 through March 1985,112 patients with carcinoma of the uterine cervix were treated by whole pelvis irradiation and intracavitary radiation with Cs-137. The treatment consisted of 3600rad-5200rad to the whole pelvis by parallel opposing portals, 5 days per week, 180-200rad per day. Parametrial boost with 400-800rad was given in 60 patients. 2 intracavitary Cs-137 radiation using TAO applicator were done with 7-10 days interval. Total treatment times were 40-65 days with average 52 days. Total dose of radiation to point A varied from 6820 to 10500rad with average 8388rad and to point B from 4850 to 6899ra0 with average 5898rad. All patients had follow up from 6 months to 75 months and median follow up of 31 months. $9(8\%)$ had stage $14(12.5\%)$ had stage IIa, $50(44.6\%)$ had stage IIb, $33(29.5\%)$ had stage III, $6(5.4\%)$ had stage IV. 110 patients had squamous cell carcinoma and 2 patients had adenocarcinoma. 5 year actuarial survival rates were $61.8\%$ for the entire group, $84.6\%$ for stage Ib,$77.8\%$ for stage IIa, $56.7\%$ for stage IIb, $60\%$ for stage III, $33.3\%$ for stage IV. RT dose to medial parametrium (point A) below 8000rad resulted in $7/18(38.9\%)$ failure (=death) in contrast to 25/94 $(26.5\%)$ failure with dose over 8000rad. RT dose to lateral parametrium (point B) below 6000ra0 yielded 20/63 $(34.9\%)$ failure compared to $10/49(20.4\%)$ failure with dose over 6000rad. Poor survival group of age were between 40-49 years with failure of $14/41(34.1\%)$. There was no increased failure rate below age of 40 with failure of $2111(13.9\%)$. The results suggest that survival is as good as other published data, and that higher doses over 8000rad to point A and 6000rad to point B should be delivered.

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Cytologic Features of Endometrial Hyperplasia : Comparison with Normal Endometrium and Endometrial Adenocarcinoma (자궁내막증식증의 세포학적 고찰: 정상자궁내막세포 및 자궁내막선암종과 비교)

  • Hong, Sung-Ran;Seon, Mee-Im;Kim, Yee-Jeong;Chun, Yi-Kyeong;Kim, Hye-Sun;Kim, Hy-Sook
    • The Korean Journal of Cytopathology
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to describe the cellular characteristics of endometrial hyperplasia without/with atypia in cervical smears. These cellular features were compared with those of normal endometrium and endometrial carcinoma. We reviewed 265 cervical smears : 64 normal proliferative endometrium, 118 endometrial hyperplasia without atypia, 21 endometrial hyperplasia with atypia, and 62 endometrial adenocarcinoma. Of these smears, 72(27.2%) smears which had diagnostic endometrial epithelial cells were selected for this study. The cytologic abnormalities about cellularity, background, changes in cellular architecture, alterations in nuclear size, anisokaryosis, chromatin pattern, nucleoli, cytoplasmic vacuoles, and mitosis were observed. Nuclear enlargement(1.6 to 2 times of the nucleus in the intermediate squamous cell) and anisokaryosis(${\geq}$2 fold in size variation) were highly suggestive of endometrial hyperplasia without/with atypia. The nuclei from endometrial hyperplasia with atypia were more coarsely granular in chromatin patterns than hyperplasia without atypia(33.3% vs 3.4%). Micronucleoli were observed in all endometrial conditions, but the presence of macronucleoli were more suggestive of hyperplasia with atypia(22.2%) and adenocarcinoma(55%). The changes in cellular architecture(loss of polarity, uneven internuclear distance, overlapping and loose arrangement) were seen in hyperplasia with atypia and adenocarcinoma. Characteristically, bloody background was seen in endometrial hyperpiasia, and cellular detritus or granular proteinaceous material was only observed in endometrial adenocarcinoma. Mitoses were also observed in adenocarcinoma. In conclusion, although there is no single parameter useful for the cytologic differential diagnosis of endometrial lesions, combined cytologic evaluation can be used to diagnose hyperplasia cytologically.

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Anti-tumor Activity of Fermented Liquid Opuntia humifusa in Cervical Cancer Cells and Its Chemical Composition (손바닥 선인장(Opuntia humifusa) 발효액의 화학적 성분과 자궁경부암 세포주에 대한 항암작용)

  • Choi, Hwa-Jung;Park, Seung-Chun;Hong, Tae-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.1525-1530
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    • 2005
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate anti-tumor activities, general composition, elemental composition and mineral contents of fermented liquid stem, root and fruit of Opuntia humifusa. In the general composition, the energy, crude protein, crude lipid and crude carbohydrate contents of fermented liquid stem were 86.21 Kcal, 0.92$\%$, 0.12$\%$, and 20.34$\%$, respectively. Fermented liquid fruit showed 65.32 Kcal, 1.04$\%$, 0.08$\%$, and 15.15$\%$. In mineral analysis, fermented liquid stem and fruit showed 1,800 and 388 mg of calcium per 100g. The ferrous concentrations of fermented liquid stem and fruit were 21 and 10 mg per 100 g, respectively. Methanol, ethanol and water extracts of nonfermented liquid stem and fruit did not inhibit the proliferation in human cervical cancer cells (Caski, SiHa and HaCaT), but the fermented liquid fruit showed the inhibition of Proliferation with dose-response manner in Caski and SiHa cells, but not HaCaT. Therefore, it suggests that fermented cactus may be used as one of potential adjuvant for the treatment of cervical carcinomas.

Analysis of Treatment Failures in Early Uterine Cervical Cancer (조기 자궁경부 악성종양의 치료실패에 대한 분석)

  • Kim Joo-Young;Lee Kyu-Chan;Choi Hyung-Sun
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 1991
  • One hundred and twenty six patients with early uterine cervical cancer who had been treated at Departmen of Radiation Oncology of Korea University Hospital from Jan.1981 to Dec.1988 were analysed retrospectively by the treatment result and pattern of of failures. All patients had stage Ia to IIa disease and were grouped whether they had combination of operation and postop irradiation or radiation therapy alone. 1) Sixty six patients belonged to the combination treatment group and 60 patients to the radiation alone group. 2) Combination group consisted of $18.1\%$(12/66) stage Ia, $71.2\%$(47/66) stage Ib and $10.6\%$ (7/66) stage IIa patients. There were no stage Ia, 18.8$\%$(l1/60) stage Ib and 81.6$\%$(49/60) stage IIa patients for RT alone gronp. 3) There were total 23$\%$(29/126) treatment failures,13 patients in combination group and 16 patients in RT alone group. In 66 patients of combination group, they were found to have 5 locoregional failures, 7 distant failures and 1 at both sites. In 60 patients of RT alone group, 9 locoreginal failure and 7 distant failures occured. Eighty six percent (25/29) of total failures appeared within 18 month after completion of treatment. About 60$\%$ of the patients with regional recurrences which were located at pelvic side wall or pelvic lymph nodes paesented their recurrent disease after 1 year of completion of treatment, whereas same percent of distant failures appeared within 6 month. 5) In RT alone group, the first sites of distant failure were mostly para-aortic lymph node and/or left supraclavicular lymph node (71.4$\%$,5/7). In combination group, various sites such as inguinal lymph node, mediastinal lymph node, liver, lung and bone appeared first or at the same time with para-aortic and supraclavicular lymph node metastasis. 6) Logistic regression analysis was done for multivariate analysis of the factors contributing to locoregional and distant failures. In combination group, adequacy of the resection margin and the presence of positive pelvic node were found to be the most significant factors (p=0.0423 & 0.0060 respectively). In RT alone group, less than complete regression of the tumor at the end of treatment was the only significant contributing factor for the treatment failures (p=0.0013) with good liklihood ratio.

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Efficacy of Small Bowel Displacement System in Post-Operative Pelvic Radiation Therapy of Rectal Cancer (소장 용적 측정을 통한 직장암의 수술 후 방사선치료 시 사용하는 소장 전위 장치(Small Bowel Displacement System : SBDS) 의 효용성 검토)

  • Ahn Yong Chan;Lim Do Hoon;Kim Moon Kyung;Wu Hong Gyun;Kim Dae Yong;Huh Seung Jae
    • Radiation Oncology Journal
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 1998
  • Purpose : This study is to evaluate the efficacy of small bowel displacement system(SBDS) in post-operative pelvic radiation therapy(RT) of rectal cancer patients by measurement of small bowel volume included in the radiation fields receiving therapeutic dose. Materials and Method : Ten consecutive new rectal cancer patients referred to the department of Radiation Oncology of Samsung Medical Center in May of 1997 were included in this study. All patients were asked to drink $Castrographin^(R)$ before simulation and were laid prone for conventional simulation and CT scans with and without SBDS. The volume of opacified small bowel on CT scans, which was to be included in the radiation fields receiving therapeutic dose, was measured using Picture archiving and communication system (PACS). Results : The average small bowel volumes with and without SBDS were 176.0ml(5.2-415.6ml) and 185.1ml(54.5-434.2ml), respectively The changes of small bowel volume with SBDS compared to those without SBDS were more than $10\%$ decrease in three, less than 10% decrease in two, less than $10\%$ increase in three, and more than $10\%$ increase in two patients. Conclusion : No significant advantage of using SBDS in post-operative pelvic RT for rectal cancer patients has been shown by small bowel volume measurement using CT scan considering additional effort and time needed for simulation and treatment setup.

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