• Title/Summary/Keyword: 자격 인증 관리

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A Study on the Improvement of Evaluation Procedure for the Educational Facility Safety Certification (교육시설의 안전인증 평가절차 개선 연구)

  • Seung-Hoon, Han;Seung-Ju, Choe
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.99-114
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    • 2023
  • This study was conducted to review the adequacy and applicability of the safety certification system for educational facilities which was implemented in 2021 and to derive possible improvements to the existing certification system. This study analyzed the existing certification system, examined similar systems from abroad, conducted interviews with certification experts, and presented the proposed improved system to experts for review and advice. The proposed model replaced the current certification process with three stages of follow-up management. This allows for problems that may occur in the evaluation process and the composition of evaluators to be prevented by applying a feedback system. In the review stage of the newly proposed certification system, certification experts recommended specifying the detailed standards of certification performance such as criteria for selecting examiners and arbitrators. They concluded that there were no fatal flaws in the overall structure of the evaluation system. According to the results of this review, the proposed evaluation system was proven to be an effective improvement to the existing system.

ISO/DIS9712 "Nondestructive Testing Qualification and Certification of Personnel" (국제친격안(國際規格案) DIS9712 "비파괴검사기술자(非破壞檢査鼓術者)의 기량인정(技量認定) 및 인증")

  • Chang, Hong-Keun
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.20-32
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    • 1992
  • 국제표준화기구(國際標準化機構)(ISO)의 비파괴시험(非破壞檢査) 기술자(技術者)의 기량인정(技量認定)및 인증에 관(關)한 국제친격안(國際規格案) DIS 9712를 번역, 소개(紹介)한다. 이 문서(文書)는 현재(現在)로는 안(案)에 불과하지만 부원간(不遠間) 회원국(會員國) 각국(各國)이 투표(投票)에 의(依)해서 결정(決定)되게될 것이다. 구주(歐州)의 대부분(大部分) 국가(國家)는 적극적(積極的)으로 찬성(贊戚)을 하고 있고 개발도상국(開發途上國)에서는 동조(同調)를 하고 있으며 일본(日本)도 찬성(贊成)을 표명하고 있다. 반대(反對)하는 나라는 놀랍게도 미국(美國)과 서독(西獨)이지만 대립점(對立點)이 몇가지로 좁혀지고 있고 타협책(妥協策)이 모색되고 있어서 국제규격(國際規格)으로써 확정(確定)되는 것은 시간문제(時間問題)인 것으로 보이며 정식(正式) 문서화(文書化) 하기까지는 아마도 시간(時間)이 좀 걸릴 듯하다. 많은 나라가 이 문서(文書)를 전제(前提)로 해서 비파괴시험(非破壞檢査) 기술자격(技術資格)에 대(對)한 인정(認定)의 국제통합(國際統合)을 추진(推進)하고 있다. 일본(日本)도 1989년(年)에 종래사용(從來使用)해오던 규정(規程)을 개정(改訂)하였으며 국제통합(國際統合)을 더욱 진전(進展)시키기 위(爲)하여 자국(自國)의 인정규정(認定規程)과 국제규격안(國際規格案)과의 항목별(項目別)로 비교검토(比較檢討)하고 있다. 우리나라의 기술자격인정제도(技術資格認定制度)는 국가기술자격법(國家技術資格法)에 의거(依據)하여 한국산업인력관리공단(韓國産業人力管理公團)에서 주관(主管)하여 실시(實施)하고 있는 반면(反面) 미국(美國), 구주(歐州) 등(等) 대다수(大多數)의 나라가 정부(政府)의 위임하(委任下)에 협회(協會) 등(等)의 단체(團體)에서 주관(主管)하여 실시(實施)하고 있는 것이 특징(特徵)이며 기술자격(技術資格)의 등급면(等級面)에서도 대부분의 국가(國家)가 Level 1, 2 및 Level 3의 3등급(等級)으로 구분(區分)하여 실시(實施)되고 있는데 현행(現行) 우리나라는 기능사(技能師), 기능장(機能長) (기능대졸업자(機能大卒業者) 대상), 기사(技師) 1, 2급 및 기술사(技術士)로 세분(細分)되어 실시(實施)되고 있다. 국제표준화(國際漂準化) 기구(機構)(ISO)의 비파괴검사(非破壞檢査) 기술자(技術者)의 기량인정(技量認定)및 인증에 대(對)한 국제규격(國漂規格)이 마무리 단계에 있고 많은 나라에서 국제통합(國際統合)을 추진(推進)하고 있는 추세여서 우리나라도 이에 대응해 나아가야 할 것으로 사료(思料)된다.

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Strategic Improvement of Professional Engineers System (기술사 관리 총괄부처 선정 및 특급기술자 제도 개선방안)

  • Park Ki-Hyoung;Kim Sun-Kuk;Lee Chan-Sik
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute Of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 2004
  • Efficient Professional Engineers(PE) play an important role in development of the scientific technology and the national industry. Recent technologies have been more complicated, fusionized and globalized. Thus it is required to establish total system doing the PE more competitive and specialized. This study is to Propose 'an improvement system for the current Specialized Engineer System(so-called recognized PE)' and 'an Unifying method of managing PE' by the professional Engineers Act for Korean PE so as to meet the global standards. As Improvement policy for the Specialized Engineer system, some alternatives are suggested including removal or change of the recognized PE. And two improved alternates were also suggested in order to manage the PE more systematic and competitive. One of the two is that the Ministry Of Science and Technology(MOST) have an authority to manage every activities associated with PE system for example PE qualification, PE exam, PE CPD(continuing professional development), PE employment, and so on.

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The Activation and Export Strategies of Call Center Manager Certification Test (고객센터 관리자 인증제도의 활성화 및 수출 상품화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Iljin;Cheong, Kiju;Li, Yan
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.161-176
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    • 2015
  • The significance of upgrading current certification service for customer center manager and counsellor in Korea Call Center Information Research Center-affiliated Call Center College is dramatically increasing due to steady applicants for the last few years, while there is a need to expand the numbers of applicants with a new channel. This paper has suggested the directions for developing IBT system to hold a dominant position in the certification business industry. Providing IBT channel, mainly base upon internet and utilizing various IT infra for the PCCM (Preliminary Customer Center Manager)/CCCM (Certified Customer Center Manager), will increase the convenience of taking qualification exams for customer center managers and improve competitiveness in qualification certification business industry. Specifically, this study reviews overview of industry trends of domestic and overseas, success cases of test services, service model and methods of on-line test, and short and long term analysis of the domestic and overseas markets.


  • 대한한약협회
    • 대한한약신문
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    • s.116
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2006
  • 2006년도 제3차 회장단 협의회/정부, 약사법.의료법 전면개정안 국회 제출/"한약재 품질관리 강화된다"/생산단계서 의약품으로 구별 관리해야/치료효과 보장.암시하는 의료광고 형사처벌/의료단체 행정소송 이어 연말정산 '헌법소원' 제기/난치성질환 치료에 '한의학' 적극 활용/한의학연, 사상의학 본격 연구/의료비 자료제출 거부기관 세무조사 경고/"한약, 간기능 악화 요인 없다"/의료기관 공진단 취급 '주의 요망'/한의원, 자체 제조한 안약.연고 등 판매불가/"의료비 소득제출 유언비어 살포시 고발조치"/"연말정산 미제출 병의원 세무조사 없다"/복지부, 요양기관 녹색인증제 폐지/소득.학력 높을수록 약국 서비스에 불만족/PD수첩 방영된 한의사 3명 징계 결정/부정합 판정 한약재 취급 업소 행정처분/개원한의사 전문의 면허시험 자격인정 연구/지부탐방-지부장에게 듣는다/칼럼-고쟁이와 자궁병/애증 이야기/명칭이 비슷하여 감별하기 어려운 한약재/성약과 패륜아/우리 약초를 찾아서-치자나무/한방과 항문질환/노인들 아스피린을 상용하면/전호, 오용에 대한 소고

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Improving the reliability of Certificate bodies of Environmentally-Friendly Agricultural Products (친환경농산물 인증기관의 신뢰도 제고방안 - 민간인증기관 설문조사 결과를 바탕으로 -)

  • Shin, Y.K.;Park, J.K.
    • Journal of Practical Agriculture & Fisheries Research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.113-124
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    • 2015
  • The purposes of this study is to draw up some measures for improving the reliability of certificate bodies of environmentally-friendly agricultural products in Korea. For the purpose, this study investigated the current states of certification system through a survey of the private certificate bodies. Based on the survey, the main goals of this study are as follows : First, the main reason of providing the certification services is the academic-industrial collaboration(21.7%) followed by the revenue seeking of the organizations (20.0%). Second, the average number of cases per private certificate bodies is 277 cases for 1,195 farms, and the average net revenue per authority is estimated as 16.84 million Won with the average total revenue of 262.09 million Won and the average total cost of 255.04 million Won. Third, in order to improve the reliability of the certificate bodies requires a variety of policy options.

Medical Physicists in the Field of Radiation Therapy for Unlicensed Activity (방사선치료분야에서 의학물리사 무면허행위 여부)

  • Jeong, Seong-Hyeun;Kim, Seung-Chul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.12
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    • pp.869-879
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    • 2013
  • Modern medicine has not yet conquered behavior therapy for cancer radiation treatment, which is one of the professional groups involved in the justification of the act and reasonable human resources was analyzed. Radiation Oncology(Therapeutic Radiology) installed the role of the medical physicist in the current law, the act must have been within the limits given licenses, but the legitimacy of the act which can be given the current laws and regulations are not clear. Thus, certification and testing outside the medical physicist's research institutions, including the measures to be reflected in national legislation sought. Medical physicists, with the inherent illegality act because one of the areas to precluding the illegality of the content-based "medical law" and "Nuclear Safety Law", "medical technology in the field of radiation safety standards on management" was based on the interpretation. In conclusion, "medical law" and "in the field of medical technology on the management of radiation safety standards" that are consistent with the recognition of qualifications, increased activity in the radiation therapy and radiation safety management must deal with this will be feasible.

Performance Improvement of Cert-Validation of Certification based on FM Subcarrier Broadcasting (FM방식을 이용한 인증서 유효성 검증의 성능 향상)

  • 장홍종;이성은;이정현
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.3-13
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    • 2002
  • There are cases that revoke the certification because of disclosure of private key, deprivation of qualification and the expiration of a term of validity on PKI. So, a user has to confirm the public key whether valid or invalid in the certification. There are many methods such as CRL, Delta-CRL, OCSP for the cert-validation of certification. But these methods have many problems, which cause overload traffic on network and the CRL server because of realtime processing for cert-validation of certification. In this paper we proposed cert-validation of certification improvement method based on FM Subcarrier Broadcasting, which solved problems that are data integrity by different time between transmission and receiving for CRL, and overload traffic on network and the CRL server the realtime management.

Insights from the Compulsory Licensing and the Approved Contractor Scheme of the UK Private Security (영국의 민간경비 의무적 자격증 및 인증계약자 제도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Seong-Ki;Kim, Hak-Kyong
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.30
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    • pp.85-115
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    • 2012
  • The private security industry has expanded in proportion to economic developments throughout the world, largely because the existing security services provided by the government do not satisfy demands of various economic entities and people in the society for better security service. Therefore, it would not be unfair to say that security services by private sectors are decided by its quality, price, and customers' needs. A refined management system, however, is essential to assess qualification of security companies and their service quality, given the nature of public goods of security service. Despite the steady growth of private security industry in Korea, however, it has been continuously criticized that its security management system for better qualification of security guards, training, and private security companies have not been fully updated enough to guarantee good quality. This paper aims to gain insights to effective policy formation in the Korean private security industry, through reviewing the licensing system of private security guards and the Approved Contractor Scheme (hereinafter the ACS) in the UK- that has on one hand systematically regulated private security industry, but on other hand has enforced public-private cooperation by laying significant stress on autonomy of private security companies. The distinctive characteristic of the UK policy for the private security is that the Security Industry Authority (hereinafter the SIA), an independent authority, is leading development of the private security industry of the UK through specialized private security regulation and enhanced service quality. In addition, the UK is developing quality of security service with transparent financial management and recruitment of good quality security guards by adopting not only substantially specified regulations and standards, but the voluntary ACS system. Moreover, the SIA analyzes customers' demands for security service specializing the policy for private security through conducting a variety of surveys. With the analysis of the UK private security system, this paper suggests that the Korean government change from a non-specialized private security regulation system by the National Police Agency to an independently specialized private security authority like the SIA and adopt the compulsory licensing and the ACS system of the UK.

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The Perception Research on the Career Development of the Non-Certified Qualification Acquisitors of National Construction Management (국내 건설사업관리(CM) 민간자격 인증자들의 경력개발에 대한 인식조사)

  • Yu, Hoe-Chan;Ahn, Hyoung-Jun;Kim, Ju-Hyung;Kim, Jae-Jun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2009.11a
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    • pp.231-234
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    • 2009
  • Recently, the roles of the construction engineers become more important in all phases of construction project life cycle. Construction engineers' capabilities is one of the key factors to accomplish construction project objectives. After acquiring basic Knowledge and skills in colleges, the construction engineers have opportunities to develop their abilities through continuous education provided by companies, associations, colleges, and so on. The current eduction system is not sufficient enough to assist engineers to develop their potentials. The construction professionals training system that help career development, career management, education and training is need to raise excellent engineers in a long term perspective. In order to investigate the necessity and the element in the career development support, I perfromed the perception about the career deveolopment by doning question investigation.

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