• Title/Summary/Keyword: 입지기준

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Study on Decision for Landslide Hazard Areas by Using GIS (지리정보시스템을 이용한 산사태 위험지 판정에 관한 연구)

  • Choo, Tai Ho;Yoon, Hyeon Cheol;Bae, Chang Yeon;Son, Hee Sam
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.5310-5317
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    • 2014
  • Landslides occur in Korea every year because it has numerous mountainous regions and approximately two-thirds of the annual rainfall falls in Summer. Therefore, it is important to predict potential areas of landslides and minimize the damage in advance to protect property and human life. Therefore, in the present study, the potential danger areas were extracted from a digital map, digital forest map, digital forest site environmental map, and digital geologic map to estimate the landslide hazard. In addition, the assessment of landslide danger was analyzed by first and second estimations based on the criteria from the Korea Forest Research Institute using a GIS technique, which was finally judged by a field investigation.

Using Geospatial Information Open Platform for Design and Planning of Route Unused Land (국도 유휴공간의 개발 계획을 위한 공간정보오픈플랫폼의 활용)

  • Lee, Dong Gook;Go, Jae Woong;Lee, Hyun Jik
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.95-106
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    • 2015
  • Unused land is a new load of building and a linear improvement, expanding the loss of function of the road abandoned road construction sites, as well as existing roads is possible additional advantage. However, some space is overcharge checkpoints, materials yard, make this vehicle utilization and maintenance of the unfavorable situation, as vehicle rest area but unused land most of the space required for the use of the system management plan. We are analyzed the location, topographical features, cultural property and in the space which is geospatail open platform set up to classify the type of unused land. Depending on the type of unused land using the geospatial open platform performs a 3D model and a proposed model development and application taking into account the environment and landscape. To derive the Gangwon development Plan and design of future route unused land was becoming helps you make better use of unused land.

The Study on the Introduction of Clear QAM and 8VSB in the Digital Conversion of Pay TV (유료방송 디지털 전환에서 클리어 쾀과 8VSB 도입에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Kyung
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2013
  • This study would verify the validity of two transmission technology, 'Clear QAM' and '8VSB'. 'Clear QAM' and '8VSB', the transmisson technology, have been suggested as the concrete alternatives in the situation that half of subscriber of multi channel tv service have been still out of benefit from digital convert. In this study, we have shown that the introduction of 'Clear QAM' and '8VSB' should ease economical burdens and information minority group without extra set-top box. But there is another concern that it should negatively affect on the contents industry by a devaluation of the multi channel tv service or by an infringement of copyright. In these reasons, it is still difficult to solve the related concern, though the government have to set up the politic goal for the related industry as well digital convert. This study suggested that Korea Communication Commission consider above-mentioned technology temporarily, and reconsider 'Clear QAM' around the completion of the digital convert project.

A Case Study on Suitability Analysis of Solid Waste Landfill Site utilizing GIS (GIS를 활용한 폐기물 매립지의 적지분석 사례연구)

  • Lee, Jin-Duk;Yeon, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sung-Gil
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.33-49
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    • 2000
  • This research demonstrates the application of GIS to the selection of the waste landfill site through the case study of a urban area. The estimation factors for the suitability analysis of the waste landfill site were determined. The database was built through collection, input, and transformation of data. The recent land cover classification data and NDVI data which were obtained through processing of satellite imagery were incorporated into GIS data as estimation factors. The relative weights of importance among 2nd category estimation factors were determined by the pairwise comparison method. Also relative weights of 1st category estimation factors which are divided into the social-economical factor and the natural environmental factor were combined with those of 2nd category estimation factors. As the results of this case study, the suitability analysis was conducted in accordance with various estimation criteria. The highest suitability index was obtained in the case where we considered the relative weights of 2nd category estimation factors as different in the viewpoint which regards the social economical factor as important.

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A Method for Increasing the Promotion of Wonju Cluster (원주의료기기 클러스터 혁신역량 제고방안)

  • Lee, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.428-441
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    • 2008
  • This article verifies the actual conditions of the Wonju area medical devices cluster for presentation of method for increasing promotion. It examines the general status of companies, reason for location, competitive power and supporting system with a questionnaire survey and in-depth research. The Wonju area has 79 medical device companies. It comprised 9% of total sales and 11% of export sales of korea medical devices in 2007. For enhancement of the Wonju area medical devices ability to accumulate and attract of medical device companies and front-line and back-line industries, the followings is needed, a supply of highly qualified man power, a support base for developing modem technology and information marketing, adequate infrastructure for housing and education system, methodologies for sustaining new business and innovation fund-raising programs and marketing, and provide the highest degree of education for CEO.

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High definition VOD contents management system design of H.264 basis (H.264기반의 고화질 VOD 콘텐츠관리시스템(CMS) 설계)

  • Min, Byoung-won;Oh, Yong-sun;Lee, Jung-man
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.465-468
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    • 2008
  • Recently, VOD market is getting increased and most of public, educational organization, enterprises are providing service as content managing system of WMV standard subordinated to Window OS of Microsoft company. VOD CMS of WMV standard have problem that frequent cut-off, small-size of screen, and image quality which is also chronic problem. In order to solve this problem, technology solving the problem has developed through minimization of buffering time, screen size, high quality sound, and high quality image by image codec and streaming engine which is H. 264. But there are still a problem that systematic management of contents or distribution is difficult. This study expected that there would be a effect preoccupying significant stand of world wide H.264 high quality image mobile VOD managing market by securing domestic on-line VOD contents integrated managing technology by designing system for image VOD contents management having a limit in wmv market and combining H.264 which is new technology.

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Errors Verification for Constructing Database of Land Use Suitability Assessment System (토지적성평가시스템 DB구축을 위한 오류검증)

  • Yoo Hwan Hee;Kim Weon Seok;Park Ki Youn;Kim Seong Sam
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.177-187
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    • 2005
  • The Land Use Suitability Assessment System was recently introduced by the Act on Planning and Utilization of the National Territory to use, manage, and develop the national territory, which integrated the National Land Use and Management Act and the Urban Planning Act. It provides a guideline for land use according to locational characteristics, usability, and developmental conditions of land in the vicinity. The database is constructed with LMIS cadastral data, posted land price data, and the data of related agencies such as the Korea Forest Service, the Ministry of Environment, and the Korea Water Resources Corporation etc. In this paper we describe accurate database construction method fur land use suitability assessment system as classifying and verifying errors deriving from database construction focused on Jinju city. Those data errors have the problems such as accuracy difference among the related agencies data, gap of data acquisition time, and non-consideration of latest updated data etc.

Quantitative Evaluation on Geographical Indication of Agricultural Specialty Products using Location Quotient (LQ) Index (입지계수를 이용한 지역 농특산물 지리적표시제의 정량적 평가기준 연구)

  • Kim, Solhee;Suh, Kyo;Kim, Yooan;Kim, Chanwoo;Jung, Chanhoon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.61 no.2
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    • pp.75-83
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    • 2019
  • Using geographical indication, a type of source identification, can effectively promote local specialty agricultural products of superior quality, by identifying the specific geographic location or origin of the produce. Agricultural products can be registered using the geographical indication by describing the product's relation to its geographical origin including the reputation and quality. However, this indication has no objective standards to qualify goods as agricultural specialty products. The purpose of this study is to suggest basic criteria to define the characteristics and criteria of agricultural specialties based on a quantitative evaluation method. To propose this basic standard, we used the proportion of arable land to denote the major production areas and the location quotient (LQ) index to grasp the extent of the specialty of a product. The results show that the average LQ values of registered agricultural products, particularly apples, pears, and garlic, are 3.26, 8.01, and 2.82, respectively. This indicates that they are more specialized than produce from other areas that have not registered for a geographical indication. Low LQ values were found in some areas with registered rice geographical indications, which are also more focused on their historical reputation as the main rice producing areas. Considering the agricultural specialty of products, the recommendation is that the producing proportion should be over 1% of the national scale and over 10% of the province scale, and the LQ value should be over 2.0. This recommendation is not a requirement, but the criteria can prove to be useful in identifying a higher range of specialized agricultural products.

A Study on the Type of Sinro·Eoro in Joseon Royal Tombs - Focused on the Type of Irregular Sinro·Eoro - (조선왕릉의 신로(神路)·어로(御路) 형식에 관한 연구 - 비정형(非定型) 신로·어로를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Kyu-Yeon;Jung, Ki-Ho;Choi, Jong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.38-49
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    • 2011
  • This study is foundation study to understand the Location and the composition of Joseon Royal Tombs, the purpose is to bring light on the types of Sinro Eoro in Joseon Royal Tombs. The type was grouped into Regular type and Irregular type by relations with the approach way, Hongsalmun and Jeongjagak, and the Irregular type was grouped into Curved type and Divided type. The making pattern of Sinro Eoro was divided into three period, the former period, the transition period and the latter period, by the length and the Irregular type. The Regular type was affected by the length of Geonwonreung's Sinro Eoro as the minimum standard in the former period. The result of examining the Irregular type's present condition in Jeongreung, Hyeonreung, Mokreung, Jangreung and Yeongreung, narrow topograph and the waterway were important factors to decide the type. In other words, the type of Irregular Sinro Eoro was constructed by a topography and a waterway in the length of Geonwonreung's Sinro Eoro as the minimum standard.

Analyzing Spatial Patterns of Manufacturing Employment of the Disaster Safety Sector in South Korea (우리나라 재난안전분야의 제조업 고용 공간패턴 분석)

  • Kim, Geunyoung
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.351-363
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: The objective of this research is to find manufacturing employment clusters of the disaster safety sector in South Korea. Method: The LISA(Local Indicator of Spatial Association) analysis method is applied to the employment data of 229 local governments categorized by the 2019 Korean Standard Industry Classification and Disaster Safety Industry Special Classification. The LISA method identifies the spatial dependency of employment and the spatial cluster of industries. Result: Three research findings are summarized. First, employment of the disaster safety industry in South Korea occupies about six percent of the total manufacturing industry. The annual proportion is in increasing trend. Second, the employment cluster of the disaster safety industry is located in the western side of the Seoul metropolitan region. Third, manufacturing businesses of industrial safety goods preventing industrial accidents are concentrated in regions of Busan, Ulsan, Changwon, Gyeongnam, and Gimhae, where heavy and chemical industries and industrial complexes are formed. Conclusion: Investment and promotion policies are suggested to the manufacturing employment clusters of the disaster safety industry for fostering these regions. Research results can be used to the better policies for industrial development and employment improvement of manufacturing clusters of the disaster safety industry in South Korea.