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A Study on the Type of Sinro·Eoro in Joseon Royal Tombs - Focused on the Type of Irregular Sinro·Eoro -  

Kim, Kyu-Yeon (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Graduate School of SungKyunKwan University)
Jung, Ki-Ho (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, SungKyunKwan University)
Choi, Jong-Hee (Division of Environmental Design & Urban Horticultural Science, PaiChai University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture / v.29, no.1, 2011 , pp. 38-49 More about this Journal
This study is foundation study to understand the Location and the composition of Joseon Royal Tombs, the purpose is to bring light on the types of Sinro Eoro in Joseon Royal Tombs. The type was grouped into Regular type and Irregular type by relations with the approach way, Hongsalmun and Jeongjagak, and the Irregular type was grouped into Curved type and Divided type. The making pattern of Sinro Eoro was divided into three period, the former period, the transition period and the latter period, by the length and the Irregular type. The Regular type was affected by the length of Geonwonreung's Sinro Eoro as the minimum standard in the former period. The result of examining the Irregular type's present condition in Jeongreung, Hyeonreung, Mokreung, Jangreung and Yeongreung, narrow topograph and the waterway were important factors to decide the type. In other words, the type of Irregular Sinro Eoro was constructed by a topography and a waterway in the length of Geonwonreung's Sinro Eoro as the minimum standard.
Joseon Royal Tombs; Sinro; Eoro; Chamdo;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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