• Title/Summary/Keyword: 입원환자 관리

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Development of a Critical Pathway for a Korean Medicine Hospital Inpatient with Stroke (중풍 입원 환자 관리를 위한 임상경로 개발)

  • Kim, Mikyung;Han, Chang-ho
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.62-71
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    • 2021
  • Objectives: This study was aimed to share the development process of the critical pathway (CP) for the treatment and management of stroke patients admitted to a Korean medicine hospital. Methods: A draft CP was prepared based on a review of relevant literature and medical records in the hospital, and its validity was reviewed by the in-hospital CP review committee. Each member evaluated all items in the CP on a 5-point Likert scale. Items with an average score of 3.5 or higher or an agreement rate of more than 80% were considered valid. In addition, free described opinions to improve the CP were also received from the review committee. Results: The horizontal axis of the CP was composed of a time domain, including 7 time points from hospitalization to discharge. The vertical axis was composed of 9 domains of medical practice. All items in the CP satisfied the validity criteria. The CP was revised, supplemented, and completed by reflecting the opinions of the committee. Conclusions: This CP will be taught to in-hospital users and will continue to be used with regular monitoring and a feedback plan. This study is expected to serve as a useful reference for standardizing the treatment process and delivering measures to improve the adequacy of Korean medicine treatment for stroke patients.

Current Status of Repeated Hospitalization in South Korea: Focused on Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions (국내 반복입원의 현황과 환자 특성: 외래진료 민감질환을 중심으로)

  • Jung, Hyemin;Kim, Hyun Joo;Lee, Jin Yong
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.45-56
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: Repeated hospitalization could be a proxy of unnecessary or preventive admission in South Korea where barriers to hospitalization are relatively low. This study aimed to estimate the current status of repeated hospitalization due to ambulatory care sensitive conditions (ACSC) in South Korea. Methods: Using the National Health Information Database, repeated hospitalization databases were constructed in units of episodes for patients who had been admitted more than twice between January 2017 and December 2018. The number of hospitalizations, total in-hospital days, and total medical expenditure were calculated and compared by patient characteristics in both of the entire patient group and the ACSC patient group. Results: Of total hospitalization episodes, 26.6% reported repeated admission, and 6.7% of repeated hospitalization was due to ACSC. A total of 183,110 patients with ACSC had been admitted an average of 2.9 times and spent an average of KRW5,630,118. In other words, KRW1,309 billion had been spent for repeated hospitalization due to ACSC. The scale of medical expenditure was relatively large in the highest and lowest socioeconomic status. Conclusion: Repeated hospitalization for ACSC can be considered a simple and intuitive indicator when assessing unnecessary hospitalizations or evaluating healthcare policy.

The Effect of Inpatient Elderly Patients' with Chronic Diseases on Fall Experience (입원 노인환자의 만성질환 보유가 낙상경험에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Ju Hyee;Suh, Won Sik
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2021
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to identify the characteristics and factors affecting falls among elderly inpatients with chronic diseases based on the data from the discharge damage depth survey of the Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency(KDCA) from 2014 to 2018. Method: The study selected elderly inpatients aged over 65 who were hospitalized(n=1,173). Their data were analyzed after being assigned to either a fall group(KSCD, W00-W19) or a non-fall group. Frequency analysis, cross-tabulation analysis, and binary logistic regression analysis were conducted, using SPSS 28. Results: According to the analysis on category of fall and non-fall group were statistically significant difference in age and having chronic diseases. Based on the binary logistic regression analysis of factors affecting falls, The risk of falls was 1.058 times higher with age, and E11-E14 and I63 as main diagnostic codes, the risk of falls was 2.049 times and 2.437 times higher. Conclusion: It is necessary to develop customized educational manuals and muscle exercise programs considering the characteristics of chronic diseases and to create a safe hospital room environment, and this result is expected to be used as basic data for fall prevention education and manual development for elderly inpatients with chronic diseases.

Diagnostic Methods of Respiratory Virus Infections and Infection Control (호흡기 바이러스 감염의 진단법과 감염관리)

  • Park, Chang-Eun
    • Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2021
  • Respiratory viruses (RVs) cause infections in hospital environments through direct contact with infected visitors. In infection control, it causes major problems of acquired infections in hospitals by respiratory viruses. The surveillance data derived from clinical laboratories are often used to properly allocate medical resources to hospitals and communities for treatment, consumables, and diagnostic product purchases in the institutions and public health sectors that provide health care. An early diagnosis is essential in infection with respiratory viruses, and methods that can be used in diagnostic methods using respiratory samples include virus culture, molecular diagnosis, and analysis. A microchip provides a new strategy for developing a more diverse and powerful technology called point-of-care testing. The importance of the respiratory system should be applied strictly to the infection control guidelines to ensure the occupational health and safety of health care workers. Evidence of clinical efficacy, including this study, is challenging the long-standing paradigm for infection propagation. Additional assistance will be needed for frequent tests to detect respiratory viruses in inpatients who have begun to show new respiratory symptoms indicating infections requiring efforts to control the infection.

A Study on the Efficient Management of Long-term Inpatient Flour in a General Hospital (한 종합병원의 장기입원환자 흐름의 효율적 관리에 관한 연구 - 장기입원환자정상 운용개선방안을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Chun-Bae;Chae, Young-Moon;Yu, Seung-Hum;O, Hee-Chul
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.23 no.1 s.29
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 1990
  • This study refers to the problem of long-term inpatient flow in a general hospital. In this study, a queueing simulation model was developed for the two departments in the hospital with a homogeneous case mix and relatively many long-term inpatients in order to increase the turnover rate and hospital charges. Before the simulation n, the model was verified by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. The following results were generated by three alternative models of the special bed policies. 1. Alternative I : When long term inpatients were admitted to the wards belonging to departments A and B without transfer to other departments and special beds, the average turn-over rate decreased by 2-4% and the average hospital charges decreased by 70 million won. 2. Alternative II : When long-term inpatients were transferred to department C but the transfer of wards was determined by department C in order of clinical need, the average turnover rate increased by 4-13% but the average hospital charges decreased by 30 million won. This result was not greatly different from the present state. 3. Alternative III : When long-term inpatients were transferred to the special wards and department C simultaneously, the increase in the average turnover rate and hospital charges was equivalent to the increase of two beds in the special wards. When the special wards were allocated 16 beds, the average turnover rate of departments A and B increased by about 55% and 20% respectively. Also, the hospital charges increased by about 0.44 billion won. As a result, transfer to department C and the use of 16 beds in the special wards for long-term inpatients of departments A and B is expected to maximize the hospital revenue. However, as the above special bed policy can not increase the turnover rate above 60%, there is a need for a more comprehensive policy to further increase the rate. The development of an elaborate model should include the number of long-term inpatients in all clinical departments, the special wards system or an increase of hospital beds to handle admission needs, and the resources of the hospital by department. When the alternatives are evaluated, a cost-benefit analysis in addition to the turnover rate and the hospital charges should be considered.

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The study of Health Care Utilization and Direct Medical Cost in the Diabetes Mellitus Client (당뇨병 질환자의 의료이용 및 직접의료비 연구)

  • Yoo, In Sook
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.87-101
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    • 2015
  • This study was aimed to make data how much spent money of medical utilization and direct medical cost. In order to research we were using Korea Health panel 2012 Statistics which data contained Diabetes mellitus client 812 people in age 19. The method of this study was emergency cost, admission medical cost, out patient department cost(client own due, National Health insurance service due, not insurance fee). The result of this study, Diabete Mellitus client were using 198 times during 1 year per 100, total medical direct cost were 859,942 won, 447,359 won, 363,255,508. And admission times were 5.6 times per year, total direct cost was 772,240 won, 4,061,982 won, and 3,298,329,384 won, and out patient clinic using number was 10 times, medical cost total direct cost containing total direct cost was 11,978 won, 26,020 won, and 21,129,240 won. From this research we conclusion that the occurrence of diabetes mellitus can be increased medical cost and direct medical cost and it can be huge burden to client including their family and quality of life in the future. We suggest that in order to prevention and management of diabetes mellitus healthy diet, activity, blood sugar, and blood management should be encouragement.

Clinical Characteristics Associated with Blood Culture Contamination in Neonates (신생아에서 혈액 배양 오염과 관련된 임상적 특징)

  • Jung, Min Young;Son, Ok Sung;Hong, Yoo Rha;Oh, Chi Eun
    • Pediatric Infection and Vaccine
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was aimed to investigate the contamination rates of blood culture in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and to examine the clinical characteristics related to the contamination. Methods: Eight hundred thirty cases of blood culture performed from March 2013 to February 2014 were analyzed. We evaluated the contamination rates of blood culture by blood sampling sites and compared the clinical characteristics such as real name system and body weights of the contaminated cases and those of non-contaminated ones. The clinical characteristics were retrospectively reviewed by medical records. Results: The overall contamination rate was 3.6% (30/830). The contamination rates by blood sampling sites were as follows: peripheral vein 15.6% (10/64), peripheral artery 2.6% (20/759), and umbilical arterial catheter 0% (0/7). There was no difference in the contamination rates between cases with and without real name system (P=0.484). However, there were significant differences in the contamination rates by the physicians who performed the culture (P=0.038) and body weight (<1,000 g vs. ${\geq}1,000g$) at the time of blood culture (P<0.001). Conclusions: These results suggest that neonates with a body weight less than 1,000 g have more risks of the contamination of blood culture. Furthermore, there is a necessity to provide blood culture performers with active feedbacks and individualized education plans that can help diminish blood culture contamination rates. Prospective studies in a systematic manner that can be applied in actual clinical settings are needed in order to figure out factors that can diminish the contamination rates of blood culture in NICU.

A Case of Cauda Equina Syndrome Treated with Additional Carthami Semen Herbal Acupuncture Therapy (홍화자(紅花子) 약침요법(藥鍼療法)을 가미한 한방치료로 호전된 마미증후군(馬尾症候群) 환자(患者) 1례(例))

  • Seo, Bo-Myung;Lee, Yoon-Kyoung;Kim, Sung-Woong;Lee, Sea-Youn;Lim, Seong-Chul;Jung, Tae-Young;An, Hee-Duk;Han, Sang-Won;Seo, Jung-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was to investigate the effect of the Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture therapy on a Cauda equina syndrome patient who has a complex of low back pain, bilateral sciatica, saddle anesthesia and motor weakness in the lower extremity and paraplegia with bladder and bowel incontinence. Methods : Oriental Medical Therapy was performed on the Cauda equina syndrome patient from July 15th 2004 to July 29th 2004. The patient was treated with Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture at BL22, BL23, BL25, BL28 and GV3 in combination with herbal medicine and conventional body acupuncture. We evaluated The Visual Analog Scale(VAS), Improvement index, The Oswestry Diability Index(ODI), gaiting, dyschezia, bladder incontinence, duration of urination and area of anesthesia, Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging(DITI) before and after treatment. Results : 1. After treatment, VAS, Improvement index, ODI were improved each from 10 to 2, from 21 to 73, from 333 to 166. 2. After treatment, gaiting, bladder incontinence, duration of urination and area of anesthesia and DITI were improved well, but dyschezia was remained. Conclusions : From this case it is thought Carthami Semen herbal acupuncture therapy is very effective to Cauda Equina Syndrome and further study is needed for the confirmation of the effect of Carthami Semen Herbal acupuncture.

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Discharge Analysis of Chungcheongbuk-do Residents using National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey in the Recent 5 Years (퇴원손상심층조사 자료를 이용한 최근 5년간의 충청북도 거주민의 퇴원 분석)

  • Kim, Hae-Sook
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.15 no.8
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    • pp.389-401
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    • 2021
  • This study was performed to generate basic data to establish a health promotion plan for residents of Chungcheongbuk-do by identifying characteristics of discharged patients residing in the Chungcheongbuk-do area from an In-Depth Post-Discharge Injury Survey reported by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(KCDCP). The Report provided data on demographic characteristics, medical institution use characteristics, medical use characteristics, and disease characteristics of patients discharged from medical institutions with 100 or more beds from 2013 to 2017. The total number of Chungcheongbuk-do residents who were admitted and discharged from 2013 to 2017 was estimated to be 1,656,590, and the discharge rate was 21,089, which was higher than the national average of 13,882 in 2016. The regions where the discharge rate increased during this period include Goesan, Yeongdong, Boeun, Okcheon, Jeungpyeong, and Eumseong-gun, which are mainly rural areas. Among the patients hospitalized and discharged from hospitals outside the Chungcheongbuk-do area, the discharge rate of patients who used hospitals in Incheon/Gyeonggi areas and Daejeon/Chungnam areas increased slightly. Among the malignant tumor patients, the number of lung cancer(included trachea & bronchial cancer) patients was the highest. In addition, the discharge rate was highest for patients with respiratory diseases. This study suggests that efforts need to be made to lower the discharge rate for infection, circulatory disease, genitourinary disease, and musculoskeletal disorder patients

Advances in Hospice and Palliative Care in Japan: A Review Paper

  • Mori, Masanori;Morita, Tatsuya
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.283-291
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    • 2016
  • Over the past decade, hospice and palliative care in Japan have progressed rapidly under the national policies supported by the Cancer Control Act. The numbers of palliative care units/inpatient hospices, hospital palliative care teams, and clinics with a home hospice function have been steadily increasing. The increasing numbers of physicians, nurses, and pharmacists have been certified as specialists in palliative care by national associations. Collaborative efforts have been made to standardize and disseminate educational programs and training opportunities in undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing medical education. Research activities in Japan have markedly contributed to the growing body of evidence, especially in the fields of terminal delirium, terminal dehydration, palliative sedation, care for dying patients, prognostication, communication, psycho-oncology, and regional palliative care programs. This review focuses on major palliative care settings, specialty, national associations, education, and research in palliative care in Japan.