• Title/Summary/Keyword: 임상증상 약물치료

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Pharmacological Treatments of Headache (두통의 약물학적 치료)

  • Na, Eun-Jin;Park, Jong-Il;Yang, Jong-Chul
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.20-27
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    • 2016
  • Headache is one of the most common physical symptoms which almost everyone experience at least once during a life. Headache is often associated with disability, but rarely with secondary headache which could result in a serious life-threatening illness, i.e. brain tumor. However, in most cases, headache is a benign illness which comprises a primary headache, i.e. migraine or tension-type headache. The accurate diagnosis of headache is critical for clinicians and it begins with history taking and physical examination since there are no diagnostic tests for primary headaches. Nowadays, there are a wide variety of pharmacological treatments according to each headache disorder. The specific purposes of this review are introducing history of classification of headache disorder and presenting diagnostic process of headache disorder. Then, we discuss the effective pharmacological treatment strategies of each headache disorder.

Clinical Diagnosis and Its Medical Managements from Patients with Gastrointestinal Diseases (위장관 질환자의 임상진단과 치료방법)

  • 김재웅
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.186-192
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    • 1997
  • Endoscopic diagnosis and medical management from K43 and C45 patients, whose sex, occupation, character and life patterns are quite different each other, were discussed. The K43 was patient with erosive gastritis, which may caused by maldietary habits and life stresses. Although the effective drugs such as H2-receptor antagonists with atacids, H+/K+-pump inhibitors, prokinetics, colloidal bismuth, and sucralfates, were administrated for long time, symptomatic relief of abdominal pain was not improved. The tests of clinical phathology and abdominal sonogram were normal, visceral hypersensitivity was appeared from barostat test of stomach. However C45 had taken headache during every day life, and endoscopically confirmed as a gastric·duodenal ulcer patiant, which may caused by chronic use of NSAIDs. The her ulceric symptoms were suppressed from active stage to healing stage by using combination therapy for H. pylori with traditional antipeptic ulcer drugs, where as amitriptyline was administrated to the K43 but not effective. Nonulcer dyspepsia and irritable bowel syndrome is pooly defined, and affect about 15% of the population annually in U. S. A. but don't seek medical care. Author would like to point out that statistics for visceral pains are absent in Korea.

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Comparison of the Medication Effects between Milnacipran and Pregabalin in Fibromyalgia Syndrome Using a Functional MRI: a Follow-up Study (섬유근통 환자에 대한 Milnacipran과 Pregabalin 약물치료에 대한 기능적 자기공명영상에서의 후속 영향 비교)

  • Kang, Min Jae;Mun, Chi-Woong;Lee, Young Ho;Kim, Seong-Ho
    • Investigative Magnetic Resonance Imaging
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.341-351
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    • 2014
  • Purpose : In this study, the medication effects of Milnacipran and Pregabalin, as well known as fibromyalgia treatment medicine, in fibromyalgia syndrome patients were compared through the change of BOLD signal in pain related functional MRI. Materials and Methods: Twenty fibromyalgia syndrome patients were enrolled in this study and they were separated into two groups according to the treatment medicine: 10 Milnacipran (MLN) treatment group and 7 Pregabalin (PGB) treatment group. For accurate diagnosis, all patients underwent several clinical tests. Pre-treated and post-treated fMRI image with block-designed pressure-pain stimulation for each group were obtained to conduct the statistical analysis of paired t-test and two sample t-test. All statistical significant level was less than 0.05. Results: In clinical tests, the clinical scores of the two groups were not significantly different at pre-treatment stage. But, PGB treatment group had lower Widespread Pain Index (WPI) and Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) score than those of MLN treatment group at post-treatment stage. In functional image analysis, BOLD signal of PGB treatment group was higher BOLD signal at several regions including anterior cingulate and insula than MLN treatment group at post-treatment stage. Also, paired t-test values of the BOLD signal in MLN group decreased in several regions including insula and thalamus as known as 'pain network'. In contrast, size and number of regions in which the BOLD signal decreased in PGB treatment group were smaller than those of MLN treatment group. Conclusion: This study showed that MLN group and PGB group have different medication effects. It is not surprising that MLN and PGB have not the same therapeutic effects since these two drugs have different medicinal mechanisms such as antidepressants and anti-seizure medication, respectively, and different detailed target of fibromyalgia syndrome treatment. Therefore, it is difficult to say which medicine will work better in this study.

Osteoarthritis of the Temporomandibular Joint (측두하악관절의 골관절염)

  • Lee, Jeong-Yun
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2013
  • Osteoarthritis (OA) of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a severe form of temporomandibular disorders (TMDs), presenting gradual breakdown of articular cartilage and subchondral bone by the functional load sustained to exceed the physiologic tolerance of the joint. In such a joint loaded, offensive bioactive materials such as matrix degrading proteins, cytokines, and free radicals increase in concentration to shift the tissue response in the joint to degeneration from regeneration or remodeling. Recently, it has been issued that obesity can play an offensive role in pathogenesis of OA in a metabolic way. Adipokines released by adipose cells are present at higher concentration in the arthritic joint and joints of obese individuals. However, because of conflicting data reported, further scientific study should be performed to elucidate the practical role of adipokines in pathogenesis of TMJ OA. As far as the clinical signs and symptoms of TMJ OA are not much different from those of other forms of TMD and any definitive treatment modality to control directly the bone resorptive activity is not available yet, the treatment of TMJ OA should be directed to reduce the physical load and enhance the physiologic tolerance of the joint by means of conservative treatment such as physical therapy, medication, and occlusal splint therapy for sufficient period and, if needed after that, supplementary surgical procedure such as intra-articular injection, arthrocenthesis, and arthroscopic surgery that have turned out to be effective to control OA signs and symtpoms. Enthusiastic reassurance and motivation for patients to control behaviors for themselves to reduce unnecessary functional load in daily life is very important for the joint to reach to more favorable orthopedic stability of the TMJ more quickly, guaranteeing more successful management TMJ OA.


  • Kim, Haeng-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.89-93
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    • 1990
  • 60 Attention-deficit hyperactive patients treated with stimulant drugs such as methylphenidate and pemoline were evaluated in regards to the therapeutic benefit and side effects of these drugs. The results were as follows : 1) Of the 60 subjects 34 showed considerable imporvement and only 8 showed little or no improvement. 2) Hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity were improved markedly by stimulants These behavioral changes were accompanied by improved performance in classroom. 3) School age children tended to show more improvement than preschool children or adolescence. 4) Of the 60 subjects 25 showed no side effect and only 6 showed severe side effects, and common side effects were decreased appetite, insomnia and irritability or nervousness. It is the author's impression that despite of the therapeutic efficacy of these drugs when they were administered on a short-term basis, long-term outcome dose not seem to be altered by the administration of these agents.

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요통의 주된 원인이 되는 근육질(Muscle Quality)향상을 위한 재활프로그램 모델개발

  • 라웅칠
    • Journal of Korean Orthopaedic Sports Medicine
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.115-117
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    • 2002
  • 목적: 척추에통증을유발하는주된원인인근육질(Muscle Quality)의저하를향상시키는데있어서비교적안정적인방법(약물혹은수술이아닌요법)을시행하여치료중조직손상과부작용을최소화하면서신속한치료가이루어지는치료방법을찾는데주안점을두었다. 대상및방법: 임상실험기간은6주이었으며대상은평균연령34세(17 $\~$ 42세), 남녀30명,발병된지1년이상지난만성요통환자로서, 치료방법은근육마사지요법과운동요법을선택하였다.1군은근육마사지요법만을시행하였고, 2군은운동요법만을시행하였으며, 3군은근육마사지요법과운동요법을동시에병행하였다. 결과: 유연성측정결과와InBody 3.0에서의체성분결과를토대로분석한결과근육마사지요법만을시행한1군은즉각적인호전현상은보였으나시간경과후6일안으로다시이전의증상이원상복귀되어증상이개선되었다고보기는어려워보였다.한편운동요법만을시행한2군은연령에따른개인차는있었고6주안에만족할만한개선결과를보이지는않았지만증상개선이서서히이루어지고있었다. 그러나근육마사지요법과운동요법을병행한3군은1군과2군의실험결과와2단계이상의통증지수향상이관찰되었다. 결론: 요통의주된원인이되는근육질(Muscle Quality)의향상은근육질에긍정적인영향을주는모든요법중어느한가지를사용하는것보다는보다다각적인치료방법을개발하여적용시킬필요성이있다고사료된다.

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Behavioral Variant Frontotemporal Dementia Phenocopy Syndrome (행동증상 아형 전측두엽 치매 표현형모사 증후군)

  • Cheon, Jin Sook
    • Korean Journal of Psychosomatic Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : The aim of this study was to draw attention toward so called 'behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia(bvFTD) phenocopy syndrome', which is difficult to discriminate with the primary psychiatric disorders, showing poor response to conventional therapeutic drugs, leading to higher risk to misdiagnoses and legal problems. Furthermore, the author insisted that our interest and study on them must be continued. Methods : English articles published during 2000 thru 2016 had been searched by internet with the combination of words such as 'frontotemporal', 'phenocopy' and 'behavioral', and reviewed. Besides, two clinical vignettes were described. Results : Precise diagnosis is important because patients' behavioral symptoms can influence on their families and community. However, disease-modifying treatment for bvFTD are not developed until now, and recent therapeutic drugs are only good for specific symptoms, while deterioration progresses in spite of proper psychiatric management. The possible bvFTD patients are not progressed into probable bvFTD clinically, showing no decline of cogntive and social function, no decrease of activity function, longer survival time, and normal neuroimaging for several years. Conclusions : Rather than expected, there are much more patients having clinical symptoms, course and diagnostic findings including neuroimaging, which are atypical to classical frontotemporal dementia and primary psychiatric disorders. If our knowledge and discriminating ability is improved, discovery rate of that cases will be increased. However, the identity of these atypical features are not clarified until now, it must be further actively investigated.

Analysis of Effect of Non-drug intervention on the Elderly with Dementia in Korea: Meta-Analysis (국내 치매노인의 비약물적 중재에 대한 효과분석: 메타분석)

  • Lee, Na Rae;Park, Yun Ji;Jang, Jong Sik
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.466-472
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    • 2021
  • This paper aims to guide experts who manage dementia by exploring the various non-drug interventions and analyzing the effective intervention methods applicable according to the functional level of the elderly with dementia. Fourteen studies were analyzed in this study. Meta-analysis was performed using the means, standard deviations, and the number of samples. Subsequent meta-analysis showed that the Holnis program had the largest effect size in cognitive function, the bakery activity program in memory, and the composite intermediation program with ADL was the largest. In addition, client-centric cognitive stimulation interventions showed the most significant effect sizes, while in depression and BPSD, rhythmic movement activities had the most significant effect size. Elderly with dementia exhibit various symptoms depending on their characteristics and the progress of the disease. Therefore, more efficient arbitration could be provided if the effects of each intervention can be applied differently.

A Clinical Trial of Light Therapy on Patients with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (월경전 불쾌기분장애 환자의 광치료 임상 시도)

  • Joe, Sook-Haeng;Kim, Jin-Se;Kim, Seung-Hyun;Kim, Leen
    • Sleep Medicine and Psychophysiology
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 1999
  • Objectives: Patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder(or PMDD) have impairments of the social, occupational or academic function due to psychological or somatic symptoms, which have the characteristic pattern of symptom exacerbation in the week before menses begin and remission shortly after the onset of menses. In the chronobiological view, many researchers have assumed that the etiology of PMDD is the advanced circadian rhythm. It has been suggested that light has a therapeutic effect on PMDD, because evening light results in phase delay of circadian rhythm through the biochemical changes including melatonin. Methods: The authors investigated the therapeutic effect of light therapy on four patients with prospectively diagnosed PMDD by DSM-IV criteria using clinical psychiatric interview, Premenstrual Assessment Form(PAF) and Daily Rating Form(or DRF). In the evening(6:30pm-8:00pm), the 2,500 lux light administered for seven consecutive days during the symptomatic late luteal phase of menstrual cycle. Beck Depression Inventory(or BDI), Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression(or HAM-D), Spielberg State Anxiety Inventory(or SA), and DRF were evaluated before and after seven days of light therapy. Results: Premenstrual symptoms of PMDD could be effectively treated with the evening bright light therapy, especially in PMDD patients with atypical symptoms. In addition, the light therapy seemed to more effective on the psychologic symptoms than the somatic symptoms of PMDD. There was no significant side-effect of light therapy, except the transient and mild eye-strain in one case. Conclusions: In spite of the results of limited data from our clinical trial, the authors suggest that the potential use of light therapy as an alternative to the pharmacological management of patients with PMDD.

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Treatments of the Acute and Chronic Oral Ulcerative Lesions : Case Report (구강에 발생한 급성 및 만성 궤양성 병소의 치료 : 증례보고)

  • Hong, Seong-Ju;Kang, Seung-Woo;Ahn, Jong-Mo
    • Journal of Oral Medicine and Pain
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2009
  • In most cases, it is difficult to diagnose ulcerative diseases of the mouth, because they have many similar clinical appearance. For the diagnosis of oral ulcerative lesions, the clinician should check a detailed history of the patient and consider the relation with systemic diseases. In this case report, we introduced two patients with erythematous multiforme, phemphigus, lichenoid reaction and aphthous stomatitis as clinical diagnosis. The lesions were improved by medication.