• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일상생활 감지

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A Development of Detection Device for Terminal Block Looseness (단자대 이완 검출 장치 개발)

  • Hong, Jae-Sung;Kim, Young-Noh;Park, Ki-Sik;Lim, Young-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.198-199
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    • 2009
  • 산업이 발달함에 따라 전기는 우리 일상 생활에 있어 없어서는 안 될 중요한 요소이나 그 사용에 따른 화재 위험성 또한 날로 증가하는 추세이다. 특히 전기 화재의 경우 전기용품 사용에 있어 그 사고를 미리 감지하기 어려워 사고 위험성에 대하여 무방비 상태가 된다. 특히 우리나라의 경우 전체 화재 건수 중 전기 화재가 차지하는 비율은 30%이상으로 일본, 미국 등 선진국에 비해 높아 화재 원으로서 전기 화재 예방에 대한 그 중요성 대두된다 본 논문에서는 전기화재 발화 원인 중 단자대 접촉부 접촉 불량으로 야기된 과열에 의한 화재를 예방하기 위하여 접촉부 접촉 저항을 검출 하는 시스템에 대하여 알고리즘 개발 및 설계 하였다.

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A Development of Detection Device for Terminal Block Looseness (단자대 이완 검출 장치 개발)

  • Joo, Nam-Kyu;Shin, Bong-Il;Park, Ki-Sik;Lim, Young-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.2086-2087
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    • 2007
  • 산업이 발달함에 따라 전기는 우리 일상 생활에 있어 없어서는 않 될 중요한 요소이나 그 사용에 따른 화재 위험성 또한 날로 증가하는 추세이다. 특히 전기 화재의 경우 전기는 시각적인 흐름을 볼 수가 없어 전기용품 사용에 있어 그 사고를 미리 감지하기 어려워 사고 위험성에 대하여 무방비 상태가 된다. 특히 우리나라의 경우 전체 화재 건수 중 전기 화재가 차지하는 비율은 30%이상으로 일본, 미국등 선진국에 비해 높아 화재원으로서 전기 화재예방에 대한 그 중요성 대두된다. 본 논문에서는 전기화재 발화 원인 중 단자대 접촉부 접촉 불량으로 야기된 과열에 의한 화재를 예방하기 위하여 접촉부 접촉 저항을 검출 하는 시스템에 대하여 알고리즘 개발 및 설계 하였다.

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Analysis of the differences in living population changes and regional responses by COVID-19 outbreak in Seoul (코로나-19에 따른 서울시 생활인구 변화와 동별 반응 차이 분석)

  • Jin, Juhae;Seong, Byeongchan
    • The Korean Journal of Applied Statistics
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    • v.33 no.6
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    • pp.697-712
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    • 2020
  • New infectious diseases have broken out repeatedly across the world over the last 20 years; COVID-19 is causing drastic changes and damage to daily lives. Furthermore, as there is no denying that new epidemics will appear in the future, there is a continuous need to develop measures aimed towards responding to economic damage. Against this backdrop, the living population is an important indicator that shows changes in citizens' life patterns. This study analyzes time-based and socio-environmental characteristics by detecting and classifying changes in everyday life caused by COVID-19 from the perspective of the floating population. k-shape Clustering is used to classify living population data of each of the 424 dong's in Seoul measured by the hour; then by applying intervention analysis and One-way ANOVA, each cluster's characteristics and aspects of change in the living population occurring in the aftermath of COVID-19 are scrutinized. In conclusion, this study confirms each cluster's obvious characteristics in changes of population flows before and after the confirmation of coronavirus patients and distinguishes groups that reacted sensitively to the intervention times on the basis of COVID-related incidents from those that did not.

Gait Type Classification Based on Kinematic Factors of Gait for Exoskeleton Robot Recognition (외골격 로봇의 동작인식을 위한 보행의 운동학적 요인을 이용한 보행유형 분류)

  • Cho, Jaehoon;Bong, wonwoo;Kim, donghun;Choi, Hyeonki
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2017
  • The exoskeleton robot is a technology developed to be used in various fields such as military, industry and medical treatment. The exoskeleton robot works by sensing the movement of the wearer. By recognizing the wearer's daily activities, the exoskeleton robot can assist the wearer quickly and efficiently utilize the system. In this study, LDA, QDA, and kNN are used to classify gait types through kinetic data obtained from subjects. Walking was selected from general walking and stair walking which are mainly performed in daily life. Seven IMUs sensors were attached to the subject at the predetermined positions to measure kinematic factors. As a result, LDA was classified as 78.42%, QDA as 86.16%, and kNN as 87.10% ~ 94.49% according to the value of k.

A System Prototype for Remote Haptic Communication (원격 촉감 커뮤니케이션을 위한 시스템 프로토타입)

  • Cha, Jong-Eun;Lee, Jun-Hun;Ryu, Je-Ha
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.238-243
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    • 2006
  • 최근에는 통신기술과 인터넷의 발달로 원격의 사람과 전화, 이메일, 메신저 또는 화상회의 시스템 등을 통해서 쉽게 의사소통 할 수 있다. 이 시스템들은 주로 음성, 그림, 동영상 또는 문자 기반의 시청각 정보를 서로 주고 받으며 자신의 의사 및 감정을 전달하는 통로를 제공한다. 그러나 일상 생활에서 시청각 정보 외에 촉감 정보도 서로 의사소통 하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 악수, 포옹 등의 촉감 상호작용은 사람 사이에서 친근감을 표시하는데 가장 직접적인 방법으로 자신의 감정을 전달하거나 느낌을 표현하는데 사용된다. 그럼에도 불구하고 촉감 상호작용을 가능케 하는 의사소통 시스템의 연구는 아직 폭넓게 진행되고 있지 않다. 본 논문에서는 일상에서와 같이 원격에서도 상대를 바라 볼 수 있고 자연스럽게 접촉할 수 있는 원격 촉감 커뮤니케이션 시스템을 제안한다. 이 시스템에서는 로컬 사용자가 손가락으로 상대의 몸 특정 부위를 만질 수 있고 서로 그 촉감을 실시간으로 느낄 수 있다. 이 시스템은 크게 AR 시스템, 그래픽 시스템, 햅틱 시스템, 택타일 시스템의 부시스템들로 나눌 수 있다. AR 시스템에서는 몸의 한 부위에 사각형의 AR 마커를 부착한 원격 사용자를 웹카메라로 촬영하고 ARToolKit 을 사용하여 마커의 위치를 측정한다. AR 마커의 바로 밑에는 택타일 장치가 장착되어 있으며 이 부위를 통하여 원격의 사용자는 로컬사용자가 자신의 팔을 만지는 느낌을 받게된다. 그래픽 시스템은 로컬사용자에게 촬영된 원격 사용자와 측정된 마커의 위치가 대표하는 원격 사용자의 가상 피부, 그리고 자신의 가상 손가락을 보여준다. 햅틱 시스템에서는 촉감 장치를 사용하여 로컬 사용자의 손가락 위치를 구하여 원격 사용자의 가상 피부와 접촉했을 때 그 충돌을 감지하고 접촉력을 계산하여 촉감 장치에 반영함으로써 그 접촉력을 느낄 수 있도록 한다. 택타일 시스템에서는 원격 사용자의 AR 마커 밑에 장착된 배열 타입의 진동 촉감 장치에 접촉 정보를 주어 로컬 사용자와 접촉 했을 때 접촉 부위에 진동을 줌으로써 촉감을 느끼도록 한다.

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Development Of Fuzzy Logic Based Wristband For Healthcare (퍼지 논리 기반의 건강관리용 팔목 밴드 개발)

  • Hwang, Heesoo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.86-92
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    • 2017
  • As the elderly population increases, real-time personal health monitoring is gaining new ground with advances in wireless communications. Such an approach is particularly beneficial to elderly and physically challenged people, as well as those who live alone and are not be able to seek help in case of medical emergencies. The aim of this study is to implement a wearable band which monitors personal vital signs, such as the body temperature and heart rate, and assists with healthcare decisions using a fuzzy logic based decision support system. Since the vital sign data measured from sensors are imprecise and their normal variation with age is nonlinear and not crisp, a fuzzy system is employed to deal with this imprecise or uncertain information. The proposed wearable band is designed to continuously capture and transmit vital signs and healthcare decisions to suitable apps developed for smartphones. In this way, health alerts can be sent to the guardian or caregiver who is registered in the apps.

Estimation of User Activity States for Context-Aware Computing in Mobile Devices (모바일 디바이스에서 상황인식 컴퓨팅을 위한 사용자 활동 상태 추정)

  • Baek Jonghun;Yun Byoung-Ju
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.43 no.1 s.307
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2006
  • Contort-aware computing technology is one of the key technology of ubiquitous computing in the mobile device environment. Context recognition computing enables computer applications that automatically respond to user's everyday activity to be realized. In this paper, We use accelerometer could sense activity states of the object and apply to mobile devices. This method for estimating human motion states utilizes various statistics of accelerometer data, such as mean, standard variation, and skewness, as features for classification, and is expected to be more effective than other existing methods that rely on only a few simple statistics. Classification algorithm uses simple decision tree instead of existing neural network by considering mobile devices with limited resources. A series of experiments for testing the effectiveness of the our context detection system for mobile applications and ubiquitous computing has been performed, and its result is presented.

Design and Implementation of a WiFi Trashcan based on Arduino (아두이노 기반 WiT(WiFi Trashcan)의 설계 및 구현)

  • Yoo, Jong-Yeol;Kim, Hyun-Il;Lee, Jang-Ho;Yang, Dong-Min
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2016.10a
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    • pp.270-273
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    • 2016
  • Recently due to development of IT technology, ideas and technology that blends with environment has evolved. In this paper, we propose WiT(WiFI Trash-Can) which takes advantage of the IT technology fusion and environmental factors at the same time to create a more pleasant environment. WiT provides a free WiFi when disposing trash in the trash can. WiT which is synthetic name for WiFi and Trash-Can is a system that is provides free WiFi when people dispose litter to detect whether user had access and determined the volume of the trash disposed. WiT uses Arduino and Raspberry Pi to detect the amount of trash and provide WiFi output on the display to show the ability to design and implement the remaining amount of time available.

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Beyond Nuclear Power: Risks, Alternatives, and Laypersons' Role (원자력발전을 넘어: 위험, 대안, 그리고 비전문가 역할)

  • Huh, Chan Rhan;Kwon, Sangcheol
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.163-180
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    • 2021
  • Nuclear power has been an attractive energy efficient and to the pressure with the climate change despite of its risks. There are safety, security, and environmental concerns with the nuclear radiation, but the techno-optimism forms the mainstream by experts and the state to be able to control and manage the risks yet occurred. The disastrous Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear accidents brought about alternative action and thought including renewable energy expansion, efficient energy delivery and use, and enhancing stewardship to environmental carrying capacity. More significant alternative movement is sought by victims of nuclear radiation, technicians, and the general public who realized the pitfalls of expert and state centered policy formation. These laypersons become counter-expertise competent in recognizing local contamination and considering the risks and emotions seriously affecting peoples' everyday lives. They play important roles in the construction and legitimation of alternative knowledge about nuclear power widely realized across regions.

Implementation of a Wearable Device for Monitoring the Health Status of the Elderly Living Alone

  • Ji-Hoon Lee;Gyung-Hwan Kim;Myeong-Chul Park
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.39-46
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    • 2024
  • In this paper, we propose a low-cost wearable device that can monitor the health status of the elderly living alone in real-time. As aging is accelerating, the elderly population is rapidly increasing, and the social isolation of the elderly living alone is causing physical and mental difficulties and the number of elderly people dying alone is increasing, becoming a social problem. In this study, we propose a belly band-type wearable device that can monitor the biometric information of elderly living alone. The proposed device transmits electromyogram, electrocardiogram, and body temperature information to a remote server through an Arduino-based sensor built into the abdominal band. Transmitted information can be monitored in a web environment in real-time, and it has the feature of enabling remote monitoring of a large number of subjects with a small amount of management manpower. The research results will contribute to improving the safety and welfare of seniors living alone by not only detecting lonely deaths in advance but also responding immediately to dangerous situations that may occur in daily life.