• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일사해석

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The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Sulfadiazine (Sulfadiazine의 結晶 및 分子構造)

  • Shin Hyun So;Ihn Gwon Shik;Kim Hoon Sup;Koo Chung Hoe
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.329-340
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    • 1974
  • Sulfadiazine, $C_{10}H_{10}N_4O_2S$, forms monoclinic crystals of space group $P21}c$ from a mixture of acetone and ethanol with $a=13.71{\pm}0.04,\;b=5.84{\pm}0.03,\;c=15.11{\pm}0.05{\AA},\;{\beta}=115.0{\pm}0.3^{\circ}$, and four molecules per cell. Three dimensional photographic data were collected with $CuK\alpha$ radiation. The structure was determined using Patterson and Fourier synthesis methods and refined by block diagonal least-squares methods with isotropic thermal parameter for all non-hydrogen atoms. The final R value was 0.15 for the 1517 observed independent reflections. The dihedral angle between the planes through the benzene ring and the pyrimidine ring is $76^{\circ}$. The conformational angle formed by the projection of the S-C(5) bond with that of N(1)-C(1) where the projection is taken along the S-N(1) bond is $77^{\circ}$. The imino nitrogen atom, N(1), and pyrimidine nitrogen atom, N(3), form intermolecular $N-H{\cdots}N$ hydrogen bond between the molecules related by center of symmetry. Amino nitrogen atom, N(4), forms two intermolecular $N-H{\cdots}O$ hydrogen bonds, with O(1) and O(2) atoms of different molecules separated by b. A two dimensional network of hydrogen bonds form infinite molecular sheets parallel to the (100) plane. Adjacent sheets are bound together by van der Waals forces.

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The Crystal and Molecular Structure of Sulfaguanidine Monohydrate (Sulfaguanidine Monohydrate의 結晶 및 分子構造)

  • Koo, Chung-Hoe;Kim, Hoon-Sup;Shin, Whan-Chul;Choe, Chu-Hyn
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.97-109
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    • 1974
  • The crystal and molecular structure of sulfaguanidine monohydrate, $C_7H_{10}N_4O_2S{\cdot}H_2O$, was determined from visually estimated intensity data from Weissenberg photographs. The crystal data are monoclinic, space group $P2_1$/c with four molecules in a unit cell of dimensions, ${\alpha}=7.57{\pm}0.03,\;b=5.44{\pm}0.02,\;c=24.76{\pm}0.06{\AA},\;{\beta}=91.0{\pm}0.2^{\circ}$. The structure has been solved by an interpretation of a Patterson map and with a help of a direct procedure on a projection. The parameters were refined isotropically by block-diagonal least-squares methods using 1542 observed independent reflections to give R = 0.14. By hydrogen bonding a guanidyl nitrogen of a sulfaguanidine molecule is linked to the sulfonyl oxygens of the other molecules indirectly through two different water molecules. The role of water molecule is both a donor and an acceptor in hydrogen-bonding formation and these hydrogen bonds are tetrahedrally oriented. The hydrogen-bonding networks form infinite molecular layers parallel to (001) plane.

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Relationships of Physiologieal Activity and Anatomical Structure to the Wilting Phenomena in Rice Plant 1. Reappearance of the Wilting Phenomena concerning to Physiological Aspects and Environment (수도품종의 위고현상과 생리 및 형태해부학적 구조와의 관련성에 관한 연구)

  • ;Jong-Hoon Lee
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 1980
  • In 1976, a newly released rice variety, Yushin, was planted in 300,000 ha of the 533,000 ha of cultivated total hecterage with new rice varieties. High productivity and quality were achieved by farmers around country. However, the wilting phenomena of Yushin occured in some regions where were employed poor cultural management, and flowed sewage into the paddy field from industrial factories. This study was identified some factors for the wilting phenomena of Yushin rice variety in morphological and physiological aspects. The Yushin variety showed greater internode elongation on low part of the stems that close related to lodge at heavier nitrogen levels, excessive number of spikelets per unit leaf blade weight i.e. higher sink/source ratio, and greater consumption of respiratory substrate by increased respiration rate of rice plant as compared with those of Tongil rice variety. In physilogical aspects, the Yushin variety was significantly declined root development and root activities under heavy nitrogen conditions. Yushin rice variety was decreased $K_2$O/N ratio, carbohydrate content in stem of rice plant, and physiological root activities specially in low light intensity, 50% light interception plots. Therefore, above factors were mainly promoted the wilting phenomena of Yushin rice variety.

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A study on the Optimal Configuration Algorithm for Modeling and Improving the Performance of PV module (태양광모듈의 모델링 및 성능향상을 위한 최적구성방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Jong-Yun;Choi, Sung-Sik;Choi, Hong-Yeol;Ryu, Sang-Won;Lee, In-Cheol;Rho, Dae-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.723-730
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    • 2016
  • Solar cells in a PV module are connected in series and parallel to produce a higher voltage and current. The PV module has performance characteristics depending on solar radiation and temperature. In addition, the PV system causes power loss by special situations, including the shadows of the surrounding environment, such as nearby buildings and trees. In other words, an increase in power loss and a decrease in life cycle can occur because of the partial shadow and hot-spot effect. Therefore, this paper proposes the optimal configuration algorithm of a bypass diode to improve the output of a PV module and one of a PV array to minimize the loss of the PV array. In addition, this paper presents a model of a PV module and PV array based on the PSIM S/W. The simulation results confirmed that the proposed optimal configuration algorithms are useful tools for improving the performance of PV system.

Simulation of soil moisture on Youngdam Dam basin using K-DRUM (K-DRUM 모형을 이용한 용담댐 유역의 토양수분 변화 모의)

  • Hur, Young Teck;Lim, Kwang Suop;Park, Jin Hyeog;Park, Gu Young
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.281-281
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    • 2016
  • 기후변화로 인한 기상학적 자연재해로부터 대비하고 안정적인 용수공급을 위해 유역의 다양한 수문 요소들에 대한 분석 필요성이 증가하고 있다. 계절적 강수량의 편차가 큰 우리나라는 유역 통합 물관리가 중요하며, 효율적 수자원 관리와 물안보 확보를 위해 유역내 물순환을 이해하는 것이 중요하다. 유역의 유출을 결정하는 요소들에는 강우, 증발산량, 토양 수분 및 지하수 등이 있으며, 시간적으로는 홍수와 같이 단기에 발생하는 유출과 장기적으로 발생하는 유출이 있다. 장기 유출은 단기 유출에 비해 토양내 수분량이 무시할 수 없을 정도로 영향을 미치게 되므로, 1년 이상의 장기 유출 해석을 위해서는 강우가 발생하지 않는 기간 동안의 토양 수분량 변화와 증발산 영향을 고려할 필요가 있다. K-water에서 자체 개발된 분포형 장단기유출 모델인 K-DRUM은 유역을 격자(grid)단위로 구분하고 각 셀들에 대한 매개변수는 흐름방향도, 표고분포도, 토지이용도, 토지피복도 등을 GIS처리하여 일괄 입력할 수 있도록 함으로써 매개변수 산정과정에서 문제가 되는 경험적인 요인을 제거하였다. 흐름의 구분은 얕은면 흐름, 지표하 흐름, 지하수 흐름으로 구분하여 운동파법과 선형저류법을 적용하였다. 또한 초기 토양함수 자동보정기법으로 실제의 기저유출량을 재현하여 전체적인 유출모의 정확도를 높였으며, FAO-56 Penman-Monteith법을 적용한 증발산량 산정모듈과 Sugawara et al.(1984)이 제안한 개념적 융설 및 적설모듈을 추가하였다. K-DRUM모형을 이용한 유출분석은 용담댐 시험유역을 대상으로 2013년도 1년간의 유출모의를 수행하였다. 입력자료는 용담댐 유역의 지형, 토양 및 토지특성 정보와 시단위 강우 및 기상정보(온도, 바람, 일사 등)를 활용하였다. 분석 결과, 총 관측유출량은 7,151 ㎥/s이고 총 계산유출량 $8,257m^3/s$이며, 관측유출량 대비 계산유출량은 약 115% 정도로 나타났다. 연간 총 강우량은 1303.5 mm로 유역면적 약 $930km^2$을 적용하여 유역 총 강우량을 산정하면 $14,030m^3/s$로서 관측유출량은 유역 총 강우량 대비 51%이고 계산유출량은 59% 정도로 나타났다. 즉 유역 유출율은 약 51% 수준으로 보통의 유역과 유사한 수준이다. 관측된 토양수분량과 K-DRUM 모형의 계산된 토양수분량을 비교하기 위하여 관측 토양수분량의 비율을 이용하여 비교하였다. 모의결과 토양수분은 강우에 의해 변화하며, 관측결과와 유사한 형태로 나타남을 알 수 있었다.

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The study in Wangshouren's viewpoint of 「Daxue」- with 「Daxuewen」 as the focus (왕수인(王守仁)의 『대학(大學)』관(觀) 연구(硏究) - 「대학문(大學問)」을 중심으로 -)

  • Lim, Hong-Tae
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.35
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    • pp.329-358
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    • 2009
  • A general idea and the structure of Wangshouren's philosophy is intimately associated with "Daxue". Systemicity of Wangshouren's Xinxue stand on the basis of a mind, intention, innate knowledge and things. "Daxuewen" is a series of a process of gongfu. It stand on the basis of a mind, intention, innate knowledge and things, same as Four-Sentence Teaching. Wangshouren's gongfu theory of "Daxue" changes from gewu to chengyi, from chengyi to zhizhi again. It is deepening of Wangshouren's philosophy and is the change of education. It is also that Wangshouren's gongfu theory internalize anything. He spent his younger life in pursuit of Zhuxi's gewu. Through a lecture of LongChang, Wangshouren's gongfu theory of "Daxue" changes from extroversion to introversion. According to Wangshouren' opinion, "Daxuewen" is the tenet of the XinXue, same as Four-Sentence Teaching. This papers mainly emphases two points: one, to analyze the thinking system of Wangshouren's "Daxuewen", make a comparative study of befour "Daxuewen" and after "Daxuewen". another, through this work we can understand thoroughly Wangshouren's viewpoint of "Daxue".

Heat Budget Analysis of Light Thin Layer Green Roof Planted with Zoysia japonica (한국잔디식재 경량박층형 옥상녹화의 열수지 해석)

  • Kim, Se-Chang;Lee, Hyun-Jeong;Park, Bong-Ju
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.40 no.6
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    • pp.190-197
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate thermal environment and heat budget of light thin layer green roof through an experiment in order to quantify its heat budget. Two concrete model boxes($1.2m(W){\times}1.2m(D){\times}1.0m(H)$) were constructed: One experiment box with Zoysia japonica planted on substrate depth of 10cm and one control box without any plant. Between June 6th and 7th, 2012, outside climatic conditions(air temperature, relative humidity, wind direction, wind speed), evapotranspiration, surface and ceiling temperature, heat flux, and heat budget of the boxes were measured. Daily maximum temperature of those two days was $29.4^{\circ}C$ and $30^{\circ}C$, and daily evapotranspiration was $2,686.1g/m^2$ and $3,312.8g/m^2$, respectively. It was found that evapotranspiration increased as the quantity of solar radiation increased. A surface and ceiling temperature of those two boxes was compared when outside air temperature was the greatest. and control box showed a greater temperature in both cases. Thus it was found that green roof was effective in reducing temperature. As results of heat budget analysis, heat budget of a green roof showed a greater proportion of net radiation and latent heat while heat budget of the control box showed a greater proportion of sensible heat and conduction heat. The significance of this study was to analyze heat budget of green roof temperature reduction. As substrate depth and types, species and seasonal changes may have influences on temperature reduction of green roof, further study is necessary.

Analysis of Hydrodynamics in a Directly-Irradiated Fluidized Bed Solar Receiver Using CPFD Simulation (CPFD를 이용한 태양열 유동층 흡열기의 수력학적 특성 해석)

  • Kim, Suyoung;Won, Geunhye;Lee, Min Ji;Kim, Sung Won
    • Korean Chemical Engineering Research
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    • v.60 no.4
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2022
  • A CPFD (Computational particle fluid dynamics) model of solar fluidized bed receiver of silicon carbide (SiC: average dp=123 ㎛) particles was established, and the model was verified by comparing the simulation and experimental results to analyze the effect of particle behavior on the performance of the receiver. The relationship between the heat-absorbing performance and the particles behavior in the receiver was analyzed by simulating their behavior near bed surface, which is difficult to access experimentally. The CPFD simulation results showed good agreement with the experimental values on the solids holdup and its standard deviation under experimental condition in bed and freeboard regions. The local solid holdups near the bed surface, where particles primarily absorb solar heat energy and transfer it to the inside of the bed, showed a non-uniform distribution with a relatively low value at the center related with the bubble behavior in the bed. The local solid holdup increased the axial and radial non-uniformity in the freeboard region with the gas velocity, which explains well that the increase in the RSD (Relative standard deviation) of pressure drop across the freeboard region is responsible for the loss of solar energy reflected by the entrained particles in the particle receiver. The simulation results of local gas and particle velocities with gas velocity confirmed that the local particle behavior in the fluidized bed are closely related to the bubble behavior characterized by the properties of the Geldart B particles. The temperature difference of the fluidizing gas passing through the receiver per irradiance (∆T/IDNI) was highly correlated with the RSD of the pressure drop across the bed surface and the freeboard regions. The CPFD simulation results can be used to improve the performance of the particle receiver through local particle behavior analysis.

Countermeasure and Outbreak Mechanism of Cochlodinium polykrikoides red tide 1. Environmental characteristics on outbreak and disappearanceof C. polykrikoides bloom (Cochlodinium polykrikoides 적조 발생기작과 대책 1. Cochlodinium polykrikoides 적조 발생과 소멸의 환경특성)

  • Park, Young-Tae;Kim, Young-Sug;Kim, Kui-Young;Park, Jong-Soo;Go, Woo-Jin;Jo, Yeong-Jo;Park, Seong-Yoon;Lee, Young-Sik
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.259-264
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    • 2001
  • Typhoon and neap tide on Cochlodinium polykrikoides bloom and water temperature on disappearance of C. polykrikoides bloom were investigated to elucidate the outbreak mechanism of C. polykrikoides blooms at Naro and Namhae coastal area in South Sea of Korea. The first observation of C. polykrikoides blooms were observed when thermocline was disappeared by typhoon, tide, etc. The first blooms of C. polykrikoides were observed on neap tide or before one day from neap tide in 1996-1998 and 2000. However, thermocline was disappeared by typhoon in 1994 and 1999, the first blooms were observed early 12-30 day than 1996-1998 and 2000. The main reason of disappearance of C. polykrikoides blooms after typhoon on 1997-2000 seems to be other environmental change by typhoon rather than low water temperature. In the future, the first C. polykrikoides bloom will be appear around the first neap tide of latter part of August with breaking down of thermocline, but if the thermocline be collapsed by typhoon in July, the C. polykrikoides bloom will be appear at beginning of August. The outbreak of C. polykrikoides blooms will be explain as follows: The vegetative cells, which was germinated by environmental change or already exist in surface water at low level, input to the surface water, and then nutrients and trace metals which were suppled from out side of C. polykrikoides bloom area inflow to surface. The vegetative cells are growth by the nutrients and trace metals at suitable environmental conditions e.g. water temperature, salinity, and sufficient light.

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Studies on INtestinal TRematodes in Korea XVII. Development and Egg Laying Capacity of Echinostoma hortense in Albino Rats ans Human Experimental Infection (한국의 장흡충에 관한 연구 XVII. 호르텐스극구흡충의 흰쥐내 발육, 충란산출양상 및 인체실험감염)

  • 서병설;전광선
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.24-32
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    • 1985
  • The worm development and egg laying pattern of Echinostoma hortense (Trematoda; Echinosto-matidae) were studied in albino rats and the brief clinical course was observed in human volunteers. A total of 21 rats were infected with 20~69 metacercariae each and two humans were with 7 and 27 metacercariae, which were collected from the loaches. For recovery of worms, the rats were sacrificed at irregular intervals from the 6th to 150th day after infection and the human volunteers were treated with praziquantel and purged with magnesium salt on the 26~27th day. The stools of the rats and humans were examined for the eggs. The results were as follows: 1. The worm recovery rate from the rats was not affected by the increase of infection time but varied individually; 9.1~50.0% (31.1 % in average). From humans, 14.3% and 37.0% (32.4% in average) of challenged were recovered. 2. In the rats, it was revealed that the worms rapidly grew for the first 14 days to become 7.59mm in average length and 1.17mm in average width but the growth became much slower thereafter until the 150th day; 7.95mm in length on the 21 th day, 9.04mm on the 28th day, 10.21mm on the 49th day and 12. 62mm on the 150th day. During the early stage of infection, the growth of genital organs (male or female) was expressed as sigmoid curves whereas non-genital organs (such as suckers) was simply as straight lines. 3. The prepatent period of this fluke was 10~12 days in the rats and 16~17 days in men. After the start of oviposition, the egg production by the worms remarkably increased, reached maximum on the 32~33th day, followed by decrease thereafter. The maximum value of E.P.G./worm was 390. 4. The major subjective symptoms in human volunteers were abdominal pain and diarrhea during the early stage of infection. The results show that human is as susceptible as the rats to E. hortense infection and the amount of egg production in the rats is greatly affected by the age of worms.

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