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Seasonal Changes in Micrometeological Factors of a Costal Sand Dune Grassland Ecosystem in Hakampo, Taeanhaean National Park, Korea (태안해안국립공원 학암포 해안사구 초지생태계의 미기상인자 계절변화)

  • Lee, Na-Yeon;Choi, In Young
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.9-16
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    • 2013
  • Coastal sand dune area is an important ecosystem as an ecotone which is located between coastal area and terrestrial area. In order to understand the sand dune ecosystem in terms of its habitat characteristics, micrometeorological analysis was carried out in a coastal sand dune in Hakampo, Taeanhaean National Park, Korea. Micrometeorological measurements were made to monitor air and soil temperatures, relative humidity, soil water content, rainfall, solar radiation, wind speed, and wind direction. In contrary to a forest ecosystem, the coastal sand dune grassland ecosystem was relatively hotter and very humid with heavy rainfalls concentrated between June and July. The seasonal change of daily mean soil temperature was greater than that of air temperature by $2{\sim}3^{\circ}C$. Daily mean soil water content was less than 10% throughout the year. Also, the maximum wind speed of 156.7 m $s^{-1}$ was recorded on 7 October 2011. The observed seasonal wind direction was different from those observed at Seosan by KMA (Korea Meteorological Administration). To better understand the habitat characteristics in a costal sand dune grassland ecosystem, long-term multi-year measurements are needed.

Application Performances of the Simplified Solar Collectors and for the Drying of Red Pepper (간이(簡易) 태양열(太陽熱) 집열기(集熱器)의 유형별(類型別) 분석(分析) 및 고추건조(乾燥)에의 이용(利用))

  • Choi, Boo-Dol;Chun, Jae-Kun
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.479-484
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    • 1986
  • Two different types of solar collector for farm dryer- the flatplate type and the modified tubular type-were constructed and analyzed on their performances. The transparent plastic film, black painted galvanized iron sheet and black vinyl film were used for the cover and absorber of the flat-plate types. The simplified tubular type was constructed with transparent films for the cover and black vinyl films for the absorber Two elliptical iron rings were used to form a tubular shape through which air could pass. No remarkable differences were found in thermal efficiences between the absorbers made with galvanized iron sheet and black vinyl film. The average thermal efficiencies of the solar collectors were 42.8%(max.48.2%, min.38.2%) for flat plate type and 22.971 (max. 25.4%, min. 14.8%)) for tubular one. The empirical equations were proved to be applicable to the prediction of temperature elevation. The tubular solar heat collector was successfully applied to red peppers drying as a practical farm dryer. The drying rate was almost doubled compared to a conventional sun drying.

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A Pre-Feasibility Test of Introducing Renewable Energy Hybrid Systems -Case Studies for 3 Off-Grid Islands- (도서지역 신·재생복합 전력시스템 보급 타당성 분석 -3개 도서지역 분석결과-)

  • Jang, HaNa;Kim, Suduk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.693-712
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    • 2006
  • A pre-feasibility test is done for renewable energy hybrid power systems at off~grid islands in which the current power supply is provided only by diesel generation. We apply Homer (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables) which was developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) for the analysis to identify the cost-minimizing combination of power generating facilities for the given load profiles. Chuja-Do, Geomun-Do and Youngsan-Do have been selected for our analysis considering the wind resources data of the Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER). Information on wind speed, solar radiation and temperature is also used for the analysis. System component cost information from overseas market has been used due to the lack of domestic information. Site specific Load profile for electricity demand for those islands are reconstructed based on the partial survey results obtained form other sources. The LCOE of the least cost hybrid power systems for Chuja-Do, Geomun-Do and Youngsan-Do are $0.278/kWh, $0.234/kWh and $0.353/kWh, respectively Considering the fact that diesel generation is being subsidized at the price of $0.300/kWh by the government, first 2 cases are economically feasible for the introduction of renewable energy hybrid systems to those islands. But the third case of Youngsan-Do does not meet the criteria. The basic differences of these pre-feasibility test results are from the differences of the site specific renewable energy conditions, especially wind resources. In summary, promoting hybrid systems in the off-grid remote island should be based on the economic feasibility test results. Not all the off-grid islands are feasible for introducing this renewable energy hybrid system.

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A Calculation of the Coefficients for Estimating the Regional Radiation in Using the penman Equation (Penman식의 적용에 있어서 지역별 일사량 추정을 위한 계수의 산정)

  • Ko, Heui-Weon;Hwang, Eun;Kim, Shi-Won
    • Magazine of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.96-110
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    • 1989
  • To suggest the fundamental data for the estimation of crop evaportranspiration by the ca- lculated coefficients for estimating the radiation suitable to the different regions of korea in application of Penman equcation, the daily data such as sc(skycover), n(actual sunshine hours), N(possible sunshine hours), Rs(horizontal solar radiation) and Ra(extraterrestial solar radiation) for 10 years (from 1977 to 1986) collected from 19 meteorological stations were analysed. The results are summarized as follows : 1. The coefficients a, b and c for estimating the radiation taken by the regression method with the daily and monthly mean data of the skycover and the ratio of Rs to Ra were shown as a=0.619, b= -0.0202, c= -0.0023 and a=0.64, b=0.0377 c=0.0001 in ave- rage respectively. 2. The coefficients a and b for estimating the radiation analysed by the regression and arithmetic method from the daily ratio of sunshine hours and Rs to Ra were shown as a= 0.157, b= 0.529, and a=0.119, b= 0.726 in average, respectively. 3. The coefficients a and b for estimating the radiation calculated by the regression me- thod based on the monthly ratio of sunshine hours and radiation were shown as a=0. 319 and b= 0.557 in average. 4. The values of a and b for estimating the radiation taken from the relationship between the daily ratio of sunshine hours and radiation showed high significance level. 5. The standard deviation and the coefficient of variance between the radiation calculated from the coefficients by the regression and arithmetic method with the daily data and the actual radiation were analysed and compared to the results by the coefficients of the modified Penman method (a=0.18, b=0.55) and by those of the F.A.O inodified Penman method(a=0.25, b=0.5). The standard deviation and the coefficient of varia- nce by the regression method in this study showed the lowest value. 6. From the above results, it is suggested that regression method using the coefficients taken from the relationship between the ratio of sunshine hours and the ratio of radia- tion based on the daily data has the highest accuracy in estimating the radiation. 7. The average reference crop evapotranspiration estimating by the modified Penman me- thod using the coefficients a and b derived by the regression method from the daily meterological data was closer to the actual evapotsranspiration of grass measured in Suwon area than the estimated evapotranspiration by the modified Penman method and the F.A.O modified Penman method.

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Wild Boar (Sus scrofa corranus Heude ) Habitat Modeling Using GIS and Logistic Regression (GIS와 로지스틱 회귀분석을 이용한 멧돼지 서식지 모형 개발)

  • 서창완;박종화
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2000
  • Accurate information on habitat distribution of protected fauna is essential for the habitat management of Korea, a country with very high development pressure. The objectives of this study were to develop a habitat suitability model of wild boar based on GIS and logistic regression, and to create habitat distribution map, and to prepare the basis for habitat management of our country s endangered and protected species. The modeling process of this restudyarch had following three steps. First, GIS database of environmental factors related to use and availability of wild boar habitat were built. Wild boar locations were collected by Radio-Telemetry and GPS. Second, environmental factors affecting the habitat use and availability of wild boars were identified through chi-square test. Third, habitat suitability model based on logistic regression were developed, and the validity of the model was tested. Finally , habitat assessment map was created by utilizing a rule-based approach. The results of the study were as folos. First , distinct difference in wild boar habitat use by season and habitat types were found, however, no difference in wild boar habiat use by season and habitat types were found , however, ho difference by sex and activity types were found. Second, it was found, through habitat availability analysis, that elevation , aspect , forest type, and forest age were significant natural environmental factors affecting wild boar hatibate selection, but the effects of slope, ridge/valley, water, and solar radiation could not be identified, Finally, the habitat at cutoff value of 0.5. The model validation showed that inside validation site had the classification accuracy of 73.07% for total habitat and 80.00% for cover habitat , and outside validation site had the classification accuracy of 75.00% for total habitat.

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Numerical analysis of solar heat gain on slim-type double-skin window systems - Heat transfer phenomena with opening of windows and vent slot in summer condition - (전산유체 해석을 통한 슬림형 이중외피 창호의 태양열 취득량 분석 - 높은 태양고도 및 하절기 냉방조건에서의 자연환기구 적용 및 창문 조절 방식별 비교 -)

  • Park, Ji-Ho;Oh, Eun-Joo;Cho, Dong-Woo;Cho, Kyung-Joo;Yu, Jung-Yeon
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.69-75
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: Heat transfer analysis of recently developed 'slim type double-skin system window' were presented. This window system is designed for curtain wall type façade that main energy loss factor of recent elegant buildings. And the double skin system is the dual window system integrated with inner shading component, enclosed gap space made by two windows when both windows were closed and shading component effectively reflect and terminate solar radiation from outdoor. Usually double-skin system requires much more space than normal window systems but this development has limited by 270mm, facilitated for curtain wall façade buildings. In this study, we estimated thermophysical phenomena of our double-skin curtain wall system window with solar load conditions at the summer season. Method: A fully 3-Dimentional analysis adopted for flow and convective and radiative heat transfer. The commercial CFD package were used to model the surface to surface radiation for opaque solid region of windows' frame, transparent glass, fluid region at inside of double-skin and indoor/outdoor environments. Result: Steep angle of solar incident occur at solar summer conditions. And this steep solar ray cause direct heat absorption from outside of frame surface rather than transmitted through the glass. Moreover, reflection effect of shading unit inside at the double-skin window system was nearly disappeared because of solar incident angle. With this circumstances, double-skin window system effectively cuts the heat transfer from outdoor to indoor due to separation of air space between outdoor and indoor with inner space of double-skin window system.

Spatial panel analysis for PM2.5 concentrations in Korea (공간패널모형을 이용한 국내 초미세먼지 농도에 대한 분석)

  • Lee, Jong Hyun;Kim, Young Min;Kim, Yongku
    • Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.473-481
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    • 2017
  • It is well known that the air quality of 92% of the world is known to exceed the standard of WTO and the death caused by air pollution is almost 6 million per year. The $PM_{2.5}$ concentration in Korea is the second most serious among the OECD countries following Turkey. Since the $PM_{2.5}$ has a direct effect on the respiratory system, it has been actively studied in domestic and foreign countries. But current research on the $PM_{2.5}$ is limited in weather factor or air pollutants. In this paper, we consider the influence of spatial neighbor with weather factor or air pollutants using spatial panel model. We applied the proposed method to 25 borough of Seoul in Korea. The result shows a significant effect of spatial neighbor on the $PM_{2.5}$ concentration fields.

The Meteorological Themes Selection for the Site Selection of Protected Horticulture Complex in Saemanguem (새만금 시설원예단지 적지선정을 위한 기상환경 주제선정)

  • Kang, Dong Hyeon;Lee, Si Young;Kim, Jong Koo;Choi, Hong Ki;Park, Min Jung;Yeon, Je Sung;Son, Jin Kwan
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.287-295
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    • 2015
  • This study was conducted to find the suitability site selection for the construction of Saemangeum horticulture complex taking into account cost-effective environmental management by analyzing and comparing meteorological conditions. The study sites were regions around the Saemangeum area in which the development of an industrial complex extending 28,300 ha is planned. We collected meteorological data in 12 candidate sites and established a rating scheme and thematic maps. We selected ten themes by consulting experts using a questionnaire. Selected ten themes is Summer, 20 days max. temp. mean, Winter, 20 days min. temp. mean, Summer, 90 days temp. mean, Winter, 90 days temp. mean, Year-round, max. wind velocity, Year-round, wind velocity mean, Winter, 90 days solar radiation mean, Year-round, number of foggy days, Year-round, 1 day max. rainfall and Spring. 90 days humidity mean. And we set ratio-based weights for the evaluation parameters.

Growth Model of Common Ice Plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.) Using Expolinear Functions in a Closed-type Plant Production System (완전제어형 식물 생산 시스템에서 선형 지수 함수를 이용한 Common Ice Plant의 생육 모델)

  • Cha, Mi-Kyung;Kim, Ju-Sung;Cho, Young-Yeol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.493-498
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    • 2014
  • The objective of this study was to make growth and yield models for common ice plant (Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L.) using expolinear functional equations in a closed-type plant production system. Three-band radiation type fluorescent lamps with a 12-hours photoperiod were used, and the light intensity was $200{\mu}mol{\cdot}m^{-2}{\cdot}s^{-1}$. Nutrient film systems with three layers were used for plant growth. Environmental conditions, such as air temperature, relative humidity and $CO_2$ concentration were controlled by an ON/OFF operation. Leaf area, shoot fresh and dry weights, light use efficiency of common ice plant as function of days after transplanting, accumulative temperature and accumulative radiation were analyzed. Leaf area, shoot fresh and dry weights per area were described using an expolinear equation. A linear relationship between shoot dry and fresh weights was observed. Light use efficiency of common ice plant was $3.3g{\cdot}MJ^{-1}$ at 30 days after transplanting. It is concluded that the expolinear growth model can be a useful tool for quantifying the growth and yield of common ice plant in a closed plant production system.

Real-Time Micro-Weather Factors of Growing Field to the Epidemics of Rice Blast (벼 도열병 Epidemics에 미치는 재배 포장 실황기상 요인)

  • Kwon, Jae-Oun;Lee, Soon-Gu
    • Research in Plant Disease
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.199-206
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    • 2002
  • It was investigated on the relationship of the rice blast epidemics and the real-time meteorological factors, at the experimental paddy field in 1997. Weather factors(temperature, relative humidity, irradiation, precipitation, the direction of wind, wind speed, soil temperature and leaf-wetness, etc) were measured by using the automated weather station. The most influenced weather factor to blast epidemics, was the average max-temp($R^2$= 0.95) during 10 days before leaf blast epidemics, while the least thing was wind speed($R^2$= 0.24). The most potential weather factors correlated with the blast epidemics were T-ave(average temperature), T-max(maximum temperature), RH(Relative Humidity) and RD(Relative Humidity > 90% hrs). A statistics model(the regression equation) of the blast epidemics with the potential weather factors, was established as tallows ; Y = -3410.91 - 23.91 $\times$ T-ave + 28.56 $\times$ T-max + 41.0 $\times$ RH - 3.75 $\times$ RD, ($R^2$= 0.99). (T-ave >= 19$^{\circ}C$, T-max - T-ave >= 5.2$^{\circ}C$ and RH% >= 90.4%). According to the fitness test($\chi$$^2$) of the model, the observed blast disease severity was quite close to those expected.