• Title/Summary/Keyword: 일반경비원

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The multidimensional influence of commitment on national security, job satisfaction, and job commitment on intent to leave (국가안보의식과 조직몰입도, 직업만족도가 특수경비원들의 이직의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Joo-Sub
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.35
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    • pp.63-86
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    • 2013
  • Security officers' intent to leave their job would have devastating effects on national security related industries. That is because excessive turnover would result in wasting the money for recruiting and training for organizations as well as putting the level of national security at risk. Therefore, this study has a goal to investigate the factors influencing the intent of leave job among security staff working for one of public institution, airports(n=198). Specifically, this study has a focus on examining the effect of job satisfaction, job commitment and security staff's level of commitment on national security on their turnover intent. The results of the multivariate ordinary lest square regression analysis reveal that job satisfaction, job commitment, and the level of national security commitment directly influence turnover intent. Also, the job satisfaction and the level of national security commitment has indirect impact on the turnover intent via job commitment. However, the results indicate that gender, age, and educational level are not related with security staff's decision to leave their job. Policy implications and study contribution were discussed in this study.

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Limit of interpreting 'security service' in current 「Security Services Industry Act」 and direction of legislating and revising private security industry (현행 「경비업법」상 경비개념과 경비업무 해석의 한계 및 민간보안산업 관련 입법의 제·개정 방향)

  • Choi, Eun-Ha;Kim, Na-Ri;Yoo, Young-Jae
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.50
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    • pp.35-57
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    • 2017
  • Security Act has been partially revised many times since it was revised to "Security Service Act". Main contents of such revision consist of the addition of security work such as protection or special security, responsibility enforcement of security company or security guard and systematic management of security service based on security work of previous security service act. But, it needs to be checked out that the fundamental matter about the concept of 'security' is directly related as double-edged sword in such flow of legal revision. That is because security service satisfies the multiple needs for security in the modern risky society and is based on the concept of active management whose goal is to forster and develop the function of actual security service comparing that current "Security Service Act" regulates the formal security service whose goal is permission of security service and systematic management based on article 2 as previous facilities and manned security that is guard duty-centered security service in another respect. So, this study pointed out the limit of interpreting security and security service in "Security Services Industry Act" in respect of providing private security service and drew the conclusion that the legislation and efforts are required for 'security for citizen' by reinterpreting the legislation and revision of private security service-related law as the normal regulation of "Security Services Industry Act" and the special law of "Private Security Services Industry Act".

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A Research on Extension Device of Korea Private Security Market (한국 민간경비 시장의 과제와 활성화 도입방안)

  • Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.15
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    • pp.173-198
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    • 2008
  • As we took a look at above, this researcher suggest following device to extend Korea's private security industry's area. First, it is necessary to extend private investigation law's area grafting private security together. Second, it is necessary it is necessary to think of private security's role related key figure law, corresponding terror law, Presidential Security Service Guard law. Third, as a draft of a proposed law related prevention flowing out of industry techniques among industry security related law, passed, it is necessary private security's diversity, subdivision, composition through an enterprise security, and private security industry area's grafting together. Fourth, a research about private security company's investment and professional area's bringing up as well as business's extension device should be groped for the security consulting though total system management service. Fifth, there are no big difference education course and purpose, duty about a security police man law and security law's unification, so it is necessary to drive forward actively unification through government organization's cooperation. Sixth, a paradigm shift should be occured about private security service among policeman, citizen, and private security guards. Seventh, it is considered the role of security association is important. Lastly about a matter communication between the National Police Agency, and Security Association, not only look at from an authority's angle, collecting information, corresponding ability but now it is considered to grope each other cooperation device together among organizations not only the National Police Agency but also, National Organization, National Intelligence Service, the prosecution, Presidential Security Service Guard, Army etc.

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A Moral Education Development of Security Martial Arts (경호무도 수련의 도덕교육 발전방안)

  • Oh, Se-Kwang;Park, Jun-Seok
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.23
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    • pp.65-86
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    • 2010
  • The conclusion for this paper is as following as to plan for advancing security. First, Depending on situation, security martial arts technique is necessary in security work, but the case that the client need to be covered by security guards to avoid the danger often happens. If there is no self-sacrifice and loyalty to the clients, the meaningful security work is not completed in this situation. Therefore, the basic views on education of security leaders need to be defensive than aggressive, and be spirit-equipped than technical feature. Second, more time has to be taken training mentality along with focusing on technical education of security martial arts. To escape from danger spreaded around, security guards must be strong mentally and physically, then they are able to finish the situation. If someone is chosen as a security guard, one's physical strength is already approved. This means that the rest part for the perfect accomplishment is strict discipline on mental one's mind, and basically physical training has to be continued. In conclusion, The elements that the instructor has to acquire are not only extensive theoretical knowledge of the security martial arts and real experiences through techniques but also personality cultivation which maximize the morality training. Accordingly, this could bring the client personally change in perception of the security guard, furthermore greatly expand the academic and professional security work of security department.

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The assessment of Seoul City school sheriff system and developmental expansion plan - Around the righteousness proof of the security industry law application - (서울시 학교보안관 제도의 평가와 발전적 확대방안 - 경비업법 적용의 당위성 논증을 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.29
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    • pp.163-191
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    • 2011
  • Recently, the problems in school violence did not stop on the crime between the members at the school and which developed into the invasion crime of the school caused by outsiders. The school is no more the safety zone from the crime. Particularly, in the case of the elementary school, because there are nearly no people who oppose to the outside attacker and can control this, it is the place where it is vulnerable to the invasion crime. The Metropolis of Seoul implements the School Sheriff system within the jurisdiction bureau, in the public elementary school. However, actually the School Sheriff business is being managed, never applying a rule in the Security Industry Law with the main content, that is the Security Industry Law application is excluded. Because the jurisdiction on the contract of Seoul City and operating company are run, the various issues is caused. First, since it is not being considered as a security business, the commercial liability insurance for security company has no chance to applicate when the operation company and the School Sheriff have related damage generation. So the security for the indemnification of loss of the victim is weak. Second, The task of the School Sheriff is ruled just by in the individual contracts. But it is insufficient with this thing. The related duties are required some supplement like a general rule application including the obligation of the guard in the security industry law. Third, the education of the School Sheriff needs to connect with the educational programme in the security industry law. The related professional education specially needed for the prevention of school violence ought to be reserved compensation. Forth, the citizens still demand the strengthening of police patrol for the surroundings of a school in spite of the result of Seoul City's public survey. Therefore, the active relation of cooperation with the police needs to be supported legally and institutionally with the Security Industry Law application. Fifthly, the success of the School Sheriff business can be more guaranteed with the supervision of the legal and institutional device like a the Security Industry Law application or police and all sorts of administrative execution's and etc.

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