• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인터넷 조사

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Differential Media Effects on Candidates' Image and Correlations Among Media Use, Interpersonal Communication, and Voting Participation (후보자 이미지 형성에 관한 미디어의 차별적 효과와 미디어 이용, 대인커뮤니케이션, 투표참여 간의 상호관계에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Young
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.32
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    • pp.113-146
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    • 2006
  • This study explored how media and interpersonal communication affected voters in Busan mayoral by-election, focusing on the mutual relations among media use and attentive use of political campaign, interpersonal communication, and voting participation. Also, comparative analysis between image factor and the factor of political party influencing the decision of a candidate were examined. Additionally, it was analysed differential media effects on candidates' image. According to the results, the local media use and attentive use of political campaign had the influence on the increase of interpersonal communication about the election. Voters who had much interpersonal discussion with others participated more than voters who had less interpersonal discussion. Media use did not directly affect the participation of voting, but indirectly contributed to participation of voting through interpersonal discussion. The assumption of differential media effects on candidates image was partly proved. There were statistically significant differences in the factor of competence of candidates' image among three experimental groups (attentive use of TV discussion program, Internet web sites of two candidates, and printing materials of political advertisement). Furthermore, with three main vote variables, issues, candidates image, party identification, the results of comparative analysis between image factor and the factor of political party influencing the choice of a candidate suggested that a sense of oneness with a party was highly related to the choice of the candidates of the party, however, candidates' image was not related to the decision of a candidate. Political party had more impact on for whom to vote than candidates' image in this study.

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Trend and future prospect on the development of technology for electronic security system (기계경비시스템의 기술 변화추세와 개발전망)

  • Chung, Tae-Hwang;So, Sung-Young
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.19
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    • pp.225-244
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    • 2009
  • Electronic security system is composed mainly of electronic-information-communication device, so system technology, configuration and management of the electronic security system could be affected by the change of information-communication environment. This study is to propose the future prospect on the development of technique for electronic security system through the analysis of the trend and the actual condition on the development of technique. This study is based on literature study and interview with user and provider of electronic security system, also survey was carried out by system provider and members of security integration company to come up with more practical result. Hybrid DVR technology that has multi-function such as motion detection, target tracking and image identification is expected to be developed. And 'Embedded IP camera' technology that internet server and image identification software are built in. Those technologies could change the configuration and management of CCTV system. Fingerprint identification technology and face identification technology are continually developed to get more reliability, but continual development of surveillance and three-dimension identification technology for more efficient face identification system is needed. As radio identification and tracking function of RFID is appreciated as very useful for access control system, hardware and software of RFID technology is expected to be developed, but government's support for market revitalization is necessary. Behavior pattern identification sensor technology is expected to be developed and could replace passive infrared sensor that cause system error, giving security guard firm confidence for response. The principle of behavior pattern identification is similar to image identification, so those two technology could be integrated with tracking technology and radio identification technology of RFID for total monitoring system. For more efficient electronic security system, middle-ware's role is very important to integrate the technology of electronic security system, this could make possible of installing the integrated security system.

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Accuracy of References in Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society and Journals of the Korean Pediatric Subspecialty Societies and Citation Pattern Analysis (소아과 관련 학회지에 실린 논문들의 참고문헌 정확도와 인용행태 분석)

  • Cho, Gil Ho;Lee, Mi Kyung;Han, Man Yong;Kim, Young Rae;Kim, Seo Jung;Lee, Kyu Hyung
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.45 no.11
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    • pp.1325-1331
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    • 2002
  • Purpose : We tried to check the accuracy of references in the Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society and Journals of the Korean Pediatric Subspecialty Societies. We also wanted to know the citation patterns of authors by analyzing the frequency of cited materials. Methods : Three journals were randomly selected from the 2000 issues of Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society and nine journals were selected mainly from the second half of 2000 issues of each Journal of the Korean Pediatric Subspecialty Societies for the study. Then the accuracy of references was checked with Medline. Journals before 1964, books, and journals which were not written in English were used only in the citation pattern analysis. Results : Author errors were the most common(21.3%) among the reference elements. The next was title errors, followed by page errors, journal errors, volume errors and year errors. Total average error rate was 34.7% and we were unable to find journals in 89 cases(2.2%). The journal of the Korean Society of Neonatology had the lowest error rate(17.4%) and the journal of the Korean Pediatric Cardiology Society had the highest error rate(53.2%). The reference journals which were published and quoted in the most recent three years were only 612 cases(15%). Foreign journals were selected as reference(78.4%) more than domestic journals; The Journal of the Korean Pediatric Society was the most frequently cited reference(43.3%) among domestic journals. Conclusion : Authors are ultimately responsible for the accuracy of references and they should check the reference list with responsibility. Hopefully, authors also will have to use more domestic journals and recent journals.

A report on operating a nationwide human milk bank in Korea (전국규모 모유은행 운영보고)

  • Song, Kang-Hoon;Lee, Yoo-Min;Chang, Ji-Young;Park, Eun-Young;Park, Sung-Ae;Cho, Nam-Kyu;Bae, Chong-Woo
    • Clinical and Experimental Pediatrics
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.488-494
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    • 2010
  • Purpose : A human milk bank collects, processes, eliminates, and stores breast milk from donors and provides breast milk to those in need. The authors hereby present the experiences and the objective lessons obtained through operating a nationwide human milk bank over a period of 2 years. Methods : The characteristics of the donors and the recipients and the amounts of breast milk donated, processed, and received at the East-West Neo Medical Center Human Milk Bank were investigated from August 2007 to August 2009. Results : The donor pool consisted of 131 first-time donors and 39 repeat donors who made 341 and 127 donations, respectively. Seventy-nine percent of the donors resided in the Seoul-Kyunggi area, and 60% of the donors were in their 30s. Most information and motivation came from the Internet (66%) or television (14%). A total of 2,736 L of breast milk was collected, and 1,979 L were processed. The cumulative number of recipients was 160 preterm or full-term infants and 21 adults, each group receiving the breast milk 337 and 41 times, respectively. In total, infants received 1,663 L and adults received 179 L. Conclusion : Through the present study, the role and importance of a human milk bank in collecting, pasteurizing, and storing surplus breast milk in through sanitary, medically proven methods and providing this breast milk to recipients could be appreciated and reevaluated. The authors believe that a national support system is necessary to expand this practice to a nationwide scale.

Designing female-oriented computer games: Emotional expression

  • Shui, Lin-Lin;Lee, Won-Jung
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.20
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    • pp.75-86
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    • 2010
  • Recently, as the number of female players has increased rapidly, the electronic gaming industry has begun to look at ways to appeal to the largely untapped female market. According to the latest game market investigative report by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC), the total number of game players in China increased by 24.8% in 2009, reached 69,130,000 people, and 38.9% of them are female players. This growth in the number of female player is corroborated by a series of investigative reports from IResearch Company in Shanghai, China: from 2003 to 2009, the number of female players grew from 8% to more than 49%. Therefore, no matter how much attention the game production companies have given to male players or how they have ignored the female players before, the companies would be sensible to face up this reality and adjust their marketing policy a bit more. This article analyzes gender preferences in video games which shows that male players are more likely to be attracted to elements of aggression, violence, competition and fast action in electronic game-playing, while female players are drawn to emotional and social aspects of the games such as an understanding of character relationships. The literatures cited indicates that female players also show apparent preference for games with familiar environments, games that allow players to work together, games that have more than one way to win, and games in which characters do not die. It also discusses the characteristics of female-friendly games from the aspect of emotion, pointing out that the simulation games involving pet, dressing-up, and social simulation games are very popular with female players. Because these are the most suitable game types to fill with emotions of love, share, jealousy, superiority, mystery, these are absolutely attractive to female players. Finally, in accord with the above, I propose some principles of designing female-oriented games, including presenting a good-looking leading character, making the story interesting with "live" NPCs(Non-Playing Characters), and finding ways to satisfy female nature instincts such as taking care of others and the inborn interest of classifying and selecting.

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A Study on the Transformation of Traditional Laboratories into Instructional Media Centers for Education of Library and Information Science (문헌정보학 실습실의 교수매체 센터화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Man-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.265-295
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    • 2000
  • Education of library and information science must focus on practical education acted upon as a laboratory room in the characteristics of learning, because it cultivates a librarian as an information expert who can conduct professional affairs and services, applying traditional theory to the practical business of library and information. This dissertation suggested a new paradigm of an instructional media center as an advanced laboratory room which faithfully can run the curriculum of a library and information science for cultivating librarians, information experts who can satisfy the 21C information society. To carry out this purpose, I considered the various opinions of professors and librarians, after investigating and analyzing facilities and furnishings of laboratory rooms and teaching and learning data related to departments of library and information science in 32 universities. These contents can be summarized as follows : 1) Constructional media centers connected to education of library and information science sets laboratory rooms for practical classification and cataloging classes; laboratory rooms for film media which can utilize advanced media, listening tools, and practical materials; information management laboratory rooms which can experience the various information research methods through the Internet, cultivate the ability of information application, and teach the curriculum of library and information science related to computers. 2) Arrangement plans linked to laboratory rooms for classification and cataloging, one for film media, and one for information proceedings are as follows: , , and . 3) The size of each room is $162m^2$ (49.1pying); the number of persons to be admitted is about 40 to 50; each room has one media expert and one assistant as operating manager of exclusive responsibility. 4) Instructional & learning data which must be contained as instructional media of library and information science include computers, marginal tools related to it, listening materials, supplies for ordering books, teaching aids containing various equipment and tools, textbooks for practice, books connected to classification and cataloging for practice, and textbooks related to practical subjects and reference books. 5) Industrial media centers belonging to library and information science require for practice, general furnishings like bookshelves, and various material depository boxes.

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Toward a Social Sciences Methodology for Electronic Survey Research on the Internet or Personal Computer check (사회과학 연구에 있어 인터넷 및 상업용 통신망을 이용한 전자설문 조사방법의 활용)

  • Hong Yong-Gee;Lee Hong-Gee;Chae Su-Kyung
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.3
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    • pp.287-316
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    • 1999
  • Cyberspace permits us to more beyond traditional face-to-face, mail and telephone surveys, yet still to examine basic issues regarding the quality of data collection: sampling, questionnaire design, survey distribution, means of response, and database creation. This article address each of these issues by contrasting and comparing traditional survey methods(Paper-and-Pencil) with Internet or Personal Computer networks-mediated (Screen-and-Keyboard) survey methods also introduces researchers to this revolutionary and innovative tool and outlines a variety of practical methods for using the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. The revolution in telecommunications technology has fostered the rapid growth of the Internet all over the world. The Internet is a massive global network and comprising many national and international networks of interconnected computers. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks could be the comprehensive interactive tool that will facilitate the development of the skills. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks provides a virtual frontier to expand our access to information and to increase our knowledge and understanding of public opinion, political behavior, social trends and lifestyles through survey research. Comparable to other technological advancements, the Internet or Personal Computer Networks presents opportunities that will impact significantly on the process and quality of survey research now and in the twenty-first century. There are trade-offs between traditional and the Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey. The Internet or Personal Computer Networks is an important channel for obtaining information for target participants. The cost savings in time, efforts, and material were substantial. The use of the Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey tool will increase the quality of research environment. There are several limitations to the Internet or Personal Computer Network survey approach. It requires the researcher to be familiar with Internet navigation and E-mail, it is essential for this process. The use of Listserv and Newsgroup result in a biased sample of the population of corporate trainers. However, it is this group that participates in technology and is in the fore front of shaping the new organizations of interest, and therefore it consists of appropriate participants. If this survey method becomes popular and is too frequently used, potential respondents may become as annoyed with E-mail as the sometimes are with mail survey and junk mail. Being a member of the Listserv of Newsgroup may moderate that reaction. There is a need to determine efficient, effective ways for the researcher to strip identifiers from E-mail, so that respondents remain anonymous, while simultaneously blocking a respondent from responding to a particular survey instrument more than once. The optimum process would be on that is initiated by the researcher : simple, fast and inexpensive to administer and has credibility with respondents. This would protect the legitimacy of the sample and anonymity. Creating attractive Internet or Personal Computer Networks survey formats that build on the strengths of standardized structures but also capitalize on the dynamic and interactive capability of the medium. Without such innovations in survey design, it is difficult to imagine why potential survey respondents would use their time to answer questions. More must be done to create diverse and exciting ways of building an credibility between respondents and researchers on the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. We believe that the future of much exciting research is based in the Electronic survey research. The ability to communicate across distance, time, and national boundaries offers great possibilities for studying the ways in which technology and technological discourse are shaped. used, and disseminated ; the many recent doctoral dissertations that treat some aspect of electronic survey research testify to the increase focus on the Internet or Personal Computer Networks. Thus, scholars should begin a serious conversation about the methodological issues of conducting research In cyberspace. Of all the disciplines, Internet or Personal Computer Networks, emphasis on the relationship between technology and human communication, should take the lead in considering research in the cyberspace.

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A study on security independent behavior in social game using expanded health belief model (건강신념모델을 확장한 소셜게임(Social Game) 보안의지행동에 관한 연구)

  • Ahn, Ho-Jeong;Kim, Sung-Jun;Kwon, Do-Soon
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 2016
  • With the development of Internet and popularization of smartphones over recent years, social network services are experiencing rapid growth. On top of this, smartphone gaming market is showing a rapid growth and the use of mobile social games is on the significant rise. The occurrence of game data manipulation targeting these services and personal information leakage is highlighting the importance of social gaming security. This study is intended to propose development plans effective and efficient in social game services by figuring out factors putting effects on security dependent behavior of social game users in Korea and carrying out a practical study on the casual relationship between factors influencing security dependent behavior through recognized behavioral control and attitudes for privacy infringement of these factors. To do this, proposed was a study model in which the HBM(Health Belief Model) allowing the social game user to influence security dependent behavior was expanded and applied as a major variable. To verify the study model of this study practically, a survey was conducted among university students in Seoul-based K University and S University who had experienced using social game services. According to the study findings, firstly, the perceived seriousness turned out to provide positive influence to trust. But, the perceived seriousness turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy. Secondly, the perceived probability turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Thirdly, the perceived gain turned out to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Fourthly, the perceived disorder turned out not to put positive effects on self-efficacy and trust. Fifthly, self-efficacy turned out to put positive effects on trust. But, self-efficacy turned out not to put positive effects on security dependent behavior. Sixthly, trust turned out not to put positive effects on security dependent behavior. This study is intended to make a strategic proposal so that social game users can raise awareness of their level of security perception and security willingness through this.

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A Study on Commemoration Characteristics of Vietnam War Memorials in Korea (한국에 있는 베트남전쟁 메모리얼에 나타난 기념성)

  • Lee, Sang-Seok
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.22-34
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to analyze commemoration characteristics of fifty-nine Vietnam war memorials in Korea(VWMK) including monuments and national cemeteries from landscape architectural point of view such as location, spacial characteristic, landscape detail, sculpture, and interpretive text. Based on the commemoration characteristics of the analysis, the commemoration culture among Vietnam, the U.S.A., and Korea were studied and differences compared. The results are as follows. First, monuments were mainly located in public open space such as national cemeteries, parks, and plaza, and some of them were elected along with Korea war memorials to honor Vietnam war veterans at the national level. Second, because the monuments were relatively small and memorial towers were conventionally built on a square platform, the memorial style had been simply standardized to stereotype the commemoration characteristics. Third, outmoded memorial towers, stone plates, emblems, and memorial walls were used as main landscape details and standardized facilities were considered from an artistic and social point of view. Fourth, realistic soldier statues to show heroic and humanitarian image were in majority, while symbolic and abstract sculpture were small in number, they were mostly conventional and unexpressive. Fifth, the causes of participation in the Vietnam War were predominantly expressed as 'defending freedom', 'keeping world peace', and 'national economic development' based on anti-communism and patriotism, and also the collectivity of Vietnam War veterans by troop and local level was emphasized through engraving each veterans's name on towers, plates, and walls. VWMK are mostly conventional and stereotyped in style and show strongly national official memory and the collectivity of veterans from a sociopolitical perspective, and aim for anti-communistic patriotism ideologically. Further study and projects will be required to make creative and innovative memorials and to study how to rethink sublime fundamental themes like war, death, and the individual veteran's experience in VWMK.

Cognition and Satisfaction of Customer in Home-delivered Meal (가정배달급식에 대한 고객의 인식 및 만족도 조사)

  • 김혜영;류시현
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.529-538
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    • 2003
  • The objectives of this study were to measure customers' cognition and overall satisfaction, and to identify relatively important attributes for the overall satisfaction, of home-delivered meals. Questionnaires were distributed to 243 customers. The statistical data analyses were completed by x$^2$-tests, ANOV A, factor analysis, reliability analysis and regression analysis using SPSS version 10. 56.6% of customers get obtained information from the internet, with 31.3% of these using this method at least once a week, but 72.9% of customers used this method less than once per years. The major reasons for ordering home-delivered meals were tired of cooking, more economical and no time to cook. The results were significantly different in relation to age, occupation and monthly income. The major reasons for hesitation about ordering home-delivered meals were meals should be prepared in households, not sanitary and the use of too many artificial flavors. The results for this factor were significantly different in relation to gender, age and monthly income(p<0.01). The most preferred kinds of home-delivery meals were Korean soup (guk), stew, soup (tang), speciality dishes and party dishes. The customer's cognition of kindness of the delivery staff was highest, with food temperature being the lowest among the options. The food and service level factors were derived from a factor based analysis of customer's cognition towards home-delivered meals. The customer's cognition of food taste, food quantity, kindness of delivery staff and packaging container shape were significantly different according to the use frequency and use period. The packaging method, sanitation, kindness of delivery staff, price and taste were the most relatively important attributes for overall satisfaction with home-delivered meals.