• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인지된 상호작용

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A Case Study of Creativity Development Using Simpson's Paradox for Mathematically Gifted Students (Simpson의 패러독스를 활용한 영재교육에서 창의성 발현 사례 분석)

  • Lee, Jung-Yeon;Lee, Kyeong-Hwa
    • Journal of Educational Research in Mathematics
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.203-219
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    • 2010
  • Several studies have reported on how and what mathematically gifted students develop superior ability or creativity in geometry and algebra. However, there are lack of studies in probability area, though there are a few trials of probability education for mathematically gifted students. Moreover, less attention has paid to the strategies to develop gifted students' creativity. This study has drawn three teaching strategies for creativity development based on literature review embedding: cognitive conflict, multiple representations, and social interaction. We designed a series of tasks via reconstructing, so called Simpson's paradox to meet these strategies. The findings showed that the gifted students made Quite a bit of improvement in creativity while participating in reflective thinking and active discussion, doing internal and external connection, translating representations, and investigating basic assumption.

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Effects of target types and retinal eccentricity on visual search (시각탐색에서 표적 유형과 망막 이심율 효과)

  • 신현정;권오영
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2003
  • Two experiments were conducted to investigate effects of target types and retinal eccentricity on the search of a target while both target and background stimuli were static or moving. A visual search task was used in both experiments. The retinal eccentricity was determined by five concentric circles increasing by the unit of 1.6 and the target was different from the background stimuli in either orientation(orientation target) or a distinctive feature(feature target). In Experiment 1 where both the target and background stimuli were presented statically, an interaction between retinal eccentricity arid target type was found. While search time of the orientation target was not affected by the retinal eccentricity, that of the feature target increased as the retinal eccentricity increased. In Experiment 2 where all stimuli were moving, the interaction effect was also found. But the reason was not the same as that in Experiment 1. In the moving condition, while the search time of the orientation target decreased consistently as the retinal eccentricity increased, that of the feature target was not affected by the retinal eccentricity. The implications and limitations of the present results were discussed with respects to the real world situations such as driving cars or flying airplanes.

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Interaction of Binocular Disparity and Pulfrich Effect in the Perception of Rotation Direction and Depth of a Transparent Rotating Cylinder (회전방향과 깊이 지각에서의 양안부등과 Pulfrich 효과의 상호작용)

  • Li Hyung-Chul O.
    • Korean Journal of Cognitive Science
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.243-254
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    • 2005
  • Pulfrich effect implies the possibility that motion information is processed by the system that processes depth information, and this possibility by supported by various neurophysiological studies. Although Pulfrich effect is processed by the system that processes binocular disparity, the representative depth information, there has not been a psychophysical research to determine the characteristics of the interaction between Pulfrich effect and binorular disparity using a stimulus containing the two information sources. Present research examined the characteristics of the interacation between Pulfrich effect and binocular disparity by nenuring the depth and rotation direction of a rotating cylinder comprised of random dots under two different conditions: 1) consistent rendition where the Pulfrich effect and binocular disparity depth the depth and rotation direction of the cylinder in a consistent manner 2) inconsistent rendition where they did not. , The perceived depth of the cylinder in the consistent condition was larger than that in disparity/Pulfrich effect only condition. Interestingly, the perceived rotation direction of the cylinder in the inconsistent condition was modulated by the relative strength of the disparity and the Pulfrich effect. These results imply that binocular disparity and Pulfrich effect are processed by a common neurophysiological methanism.

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Interaction of Apolipoprotein E ${\varepsilon}4$ and Education on Cognitive Decline in Korean Elders (노인의 인지감퇴에 미치는 아포지단백 E4와 교육수준의 상호작용)

  • Kim, Jae-Min;Shin, Il-Seon;Kim, Sung-Wan;Yang, Su-Jin;Park, Sang-Wook;Shin, Hee-Young;Yoon, Jin-Sang
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.29-34
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    • 2008
  • Objectives : This study aimed to test potential modifying effects of education on the association between apolipoprotein E ${\varepsilon}4$ (Apo E4) and cognitive decline. Methods : A community cohort(N=683) aged 65 or over completed the Korean version of Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE-K) at baseline and two years later(1999-2001). Apo E polymorphisms were genotyped, and classified into that with or without Apo E4. Educational levels were categorized into people with or without education. Covariates included demographic(age, gender), life style(smoking, alcohol drinking), clinical (depression, sleep disorder, vascular risk factors) characteristics. Results : The association between Apo E4 and cognitive decline was significant only in the old persons with no education. The interaction term between education and Apo E4 on cognitive decline was significant(p=0.040). Conclusion : Elders with no education might be more vulnerable to the impact of Apo E4 on cognitive decline, which suggests gene-environment interaction.

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The Impact of Generative AI's Technical Characteristics and Librarians' Personal Traits on Intention to Use Generative AI (생성형 AI의 기술적 특성과 사서의 개인적 특성이 생성형 AI 사용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Seonghee Kim;Seung Min Lee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.109-133
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    • 2024
  • This study investigated the impact of the technical characteristics of Generative AI (GAI) and librarians' personal traits on their intention to use GAI. Personalization, interaction, and context awareness were considered as technical characteristics of GAI that influence the intention to use GAI, while innovativeness and frequency of GAI use were considered as librarians' personal traits. The study targeted 187 librarians working in libraries, and 165 questionnaires were collected and analyzed. The results showed that the technical characteristics of GAI had a statistically significant impact on the intention to use GAI. Additionally, librarians' personal traits, namely innovativeness and frequency of GAI use, were also found to have a significant impact on the intention to use GAI. The findings of this study can be used as valuable information to help librarians increase their intention to use GAI and improve the quality and satisfaction of library services.


  • Im, Yeon-Wook
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.649-659
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    • 2005
  • A window presentation style, either tiled window or single page design, determines the spatial arrangement of information in a modern computer-based instructional design. This study investigates the interaction between spatial ability and window presentation style in terms of student's achievement of cognitive knowledge through Web-based instruction. Seventy-one students from the Falk School in Pennsylvania were pre-tested to determine their level of spatial ability, then randomly divided into two treatment groups in order to study a Web-based instructional unit on flowering plants. The Web-based instructional package was organized with either tiled window presentation or single page presentation. A posttest measured participants'acquisition of the instructional content. Posttest and spatial ability test scores were analyzed using multi-variate linear regression for the full sample (n=71) and three sub-samples: (a) 4th and 5th grade students only, (b) female students only, and (c) 4th and 5th grade female students only. The goals of the data analysis included the examination of (i) the correlation between spatial ability and posttest scores; (ii) the correlation between window presentation style and posttest score; and (iii) the interaction between spatial ability (aptitude) and presentation style (treatment).The data from all four sample groups showed a significant relationship between spatial ability and achievement of cognitive knowledge at the 1% level of significance. The aptitude-treatment interaction between spatial ability and style of window presentation was not significant in the full sample, but was significant in the sub-samples either at the 10% or 5% level. In neither the full sample nor any sub-sample data did window presentation style have an impact on average posttest score. In all analyses, the higher the level of spatial ability, the higher the posttest score. The sub-samples revealed that students with low spatial ability performed better with the tiled window presentation, while those with high spatial ability did better with the single page presentation. Neither window presentation style was shown to better foster learning by children of all levels of spatial ability.

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기술융합 촉진을 위한 혁신정책의 방향

  • Lee, Gong-Rae
    • Information and Communications Magazine
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    • v.25 no.11
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    • pp.18-22
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    • 2008
  • 기술융합은 연구자간 사회적 상호작용의 결과 일어나는 일종의 기술혁신 현상인데, 융합과정에서 수명주기가 존재한다. 기술능력을 가진 개인이나 조직의 학습${\rightarrow}$기술의 통합 및 혁신 ${\rightarrow}$안정화 과정을 거치는 융합 수명주기를 갖는다. 조직학습(집단학습)은 기술융합의 주요한 성공요소로 작용한다. 이 때문에 기술융합의 성공을 위해서는 프로젝트 리더의 리더십이 중요하다. 기술융합 프로젝트 리더는 개별연구자나 연구그룹이 보유하는 인지맵(cognitive map)을 통합하는 노력이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 조직 및 개인의 네트워크 구축과 학습역량 강화가 중요하다. 정부는 기술융합 촉진을 위해서 학회, 협회 등 중심연계조직을 육성해야 한다. 그리고 프로젝트 리더의 리더십 함양프로그램을 운영해야 한다. 장기적인 관점에서는 학제간 벽을 뛰어 넘는 대학원 교육의 혁신이 필요하다. 공공부문은 창의적이고 개방적인 연구환경을 조성해야 하겠다.

A Study Mother-Infant Interaction and Maternal Identity in Mother-Infant dyads of Premature and Full-term infants (미숙아 어머니와 만삭아 어머니의 모아상호작용과 모성정체감 인지에 대한 연구)

  • 권미경;한경자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 1991
  • The study was conducted to examine Mother - Infant interaction and Maternal identity in two groups, that is, premature infant and its mother and full-term infant and its mother. For this purpose, the data were collected from 24 sample groups(12 for premature dyads and the remaining 12 for full-term dyads) by using observation method and questionnaires during July, 20 through September 30, 1987. The results are summerized as follows; 1. In terms of Mother - Infant Interaction, full-term dyads considerably stood out campared to that of premature dyads (u=21, p<0.01). 2. In terms of Maternal Identity, though full-term dyads showed somewhat high results, there was not a significant difference between two groups. 3. There was not a significant correlation between Mother-Infant Interaction and Maternal Identity.

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Human domain paradigm for man-machine interface system design in ATM switching system development (ATM 시스템 개발에서의 인간-기계 계면체계 설계를 위한 인간영역 정의)

  • Park, Beom;Kim, Bong-Su;Lee, Byung-Yoon;Kim, Han-Gyung
    • Proceedings of the ESK Conference
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    • 1993.10a
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 1993
  • 본 연구는 ATM 시스템 개발에 있어서 인간-기계 계면체계에 더 적합한 설계 계획을 위한 새로 운 인간영역에 관한 정의이다. ATM은 광대역 종합정보통신망에 사용될 비동기 전송방식 교환시 스템으로 인간-기계 시스템 상호작용에 있어서 인간 운용자에게 높은 신뢰성과 양호한 적응성이 강력히 요구된다. 대형 통신시스템의 설계영역 정의에 대한 이런 관점은 다음과 같은 관련 영역 을 포함하고 있다: 인간-기계 시스템의 구성요소: 객체지향적 설계 계획: 인간 프로세서 체계 모 형의 영역: 인지작용의 원칙: 인간오류 행위의 영역 등 이다. 또한, 제안하는 지식베이스 체계 는 인간-기계 계면기능의 평가에 있어서 인간지향적 오류의 진단분석을 유용하게 할 수 있다. 이 적합한 인간지향적 영역 정의는 ATM 통신 교환체계의 운용보전에 있어서 적합한 설계영역을 위한 주요한 지식기반이 될 것이며, 사용자에 편리한 운용체계의 개발로 효율적인 성과를 가져 올 것 이다.

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Effects of Anonymity and Morality to the Patterns of Learner Participation in the Real-Time Online Discussion (실시간 온라인 토론에서 도덕성과 익명성이 참여자의 참여 형태에 미치는 영향 탐구)

  • Kim, Tae-Woong
    • Journal of Engineering Education Research
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2009
  • This research deals with the effects of anonymity and morality to the patterns of learner participation in the real-time online discussion. Based on these research results, it was suggested that the anonymity mode and morality levels subject should be utilized in order to enhance the participation quality of online discussion