• Title/Summary/Keyword: 인구 지리학

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The Changes of Social Spatiality in Rural Areas: Focusing on Population Structure and Utilization of Territorial Assets in Gyeongnam Provincial Villages (촌락 지역의 사회적 중간성 변화 -경상남도 촌락의 인구 구조와 영역 자산 활용을 중심으로-)

  • Sim, Kwang-Taek
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.510-531
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    • 2009
  • This paper aims to explain the changes of social spatiality in rural areas as seen on a sloping scale in reference of population structure and utilization of territorial assets. Guessing from the population characteristics of rural communities and farming activities in Hwangsan village of Uichon-Myeon, Geochang-Gun and Hanam village of Chogye-Myeon, Hapchon-Gun, it will become a society characterized by super-aged intensification and large-scale crop cultivation. Deokgok-Myeon and Yulji village of Hapchon-Gun are required to intake outside residents. They have to understand the complementary cooperation and become conscious of the relationship between existing residents and relocated people in Yudong village of Yokji-Myeon, Tonyoung-Si. Due to a decreasing population and the phenomena of the 'super-aged', the efforts to revive the spatial function as a living and working space while utilizing territorial assets could be challenged in these case study regions.

The Impact of the Kwang-yang Steel & Iron Company역s Location to the Regional Economy (광양제철소의 입지와 지역경제의 변화)

  • 유성종
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.63-80
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of the Kwang-yang Iron and Steel Co.(KSCO) on the industrialization of the economic structure in Kwang-yang area. The research used the shift-share analysis and regional growth rate differential analysis. KSCO has influenced this area by changing the economic structure from traditional agriculture and fisheries to the manufacturing industry. KSCO also has influenced the population of Kwang-yang area. The number of employees grew from 594 in 1981 to 29,865 in 1992. However, after 1992, employee numbers decreased to 23,399 in 1998. KSCO was constructed in the region of traditional agriculture and fisheries in 1981. The social and economic status of the Kwang-yang area has changed greatly due to the growth of KSCO and the corresponding influx in population. KSCO has developed the related industry and changed this area into a booming industrial city. The number of employee has rapidly increased. At the end of the year 2000, 17,240 people work for KSCO and 39,593(28.7%) of the total population of Kwang-yang are related to KSCO.

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Spatial Optimization Approaches to Redistricting for National Assembly Election: A Case Study on Yongin City (공간 최적화 기법을 이용한 국회의원 선거구 획정 -용인시를 사례로-)

  • Kim, Myung Jin;Kim, Kamyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.48 no.3
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    • pp.387-401
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    • 2013
  • Redistricting of National Assembly Election has a significant effect on the results of election because it has a strong tendency to be performed with political intentions rather than the equivalent representativeness of population and region. This paper focuses on proposing an alternative for restricting of National Assembly Election in terms of implementation, that is, an procedural and systematic approach, not allowing for political or arbitrary intervention. A spatial optimization model conforming with criteria for political redistricting such as population equality, contiguity, and spatial compactness is developed and applied to Yongin City where are some controversy over the redistricting of the 19th National Assembly. Modeling results show that it is possible to derive National Assembly Election districts based on the information of basic spatial units without political consideration or arbitrary intervention. In addition, The districts derived from the model improved population equality compared with the existing districts.

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The Spatial Diffusion and Locational Characteristics of Convenience Stores in Daegu (대구시 편의점의 공간확산과 입지적 특성)

  • 이재하;문명렬
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.69-87
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the spatial diffusion and locational charateristics of convenience stores in Daegu which had increased rapidly in the 1990s. The first convenience store (CVS) was introduced in the zone of transition of (Namgu district) adjacent to the city center or CBD in 1992. Thereafter they diffused into CBD and residential areas, but they have centered around places where their steady purchasing population was distributed. As a result, the spatial distribution of CVSs in Daegu shows a very uneven pattern concentrated in areas with many high school, in commercial and business areas, and apartment residential areas. It seems that this pattern is derived from two basic locational factors. Primarily, the location of CVSs in Daegu is very closely related with the spatial distribution of the demand population which will be clients for CVSs. Secondarily, it is also affected by the accessibility of streets which the demand population utilizes easily.

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Urbanization of Large Cities in Korea : Assessing Development Stages using Migration and Commuting data (한국 대도시의 도시화 특성 : 이동, 통근자 자료 분석을 통한 도시화 단계의 실증적 검토)

  • Kwon, Sang-Cheol
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.536-553
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    • 2011
  • New urbanization different from the manufacturing based urban growth has been widely discussed in post-modern city, consumption city and others to reflect the urban changes in qualitative manner. Urbanization stage models consider large cities to be in mature stage, reurbanization and the stages are assumed to be experienced successively in lower sized cities. However, since the industrial restructuring implies new urbanization experiences, this study examines new urbanization in diverse aspects such as the population change and the geographic and social characteristics of commuters and migrants for the 6 large cities in Korea. Seoul follows the urbanization stages in order while other 5 large cities are divergent in their transition from the industrial city. Regional large cities reveal broad reverse commuting and selective in-migration of economically active households for better work and housing opportunities available in central cities. Similar to the consumption city thesis with enhanced cultural and recreational amenities in western cities, the widening urban residential function including housing and other services is a new urbanization characteristic of large cities in Korea.

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Health Inequality of Local Area in Seoul : Reinterpretation of Neighborhood Deprivation (서울시 소지역 건강불평등에 관한 연구 : 지역박탈에 대한 재해석)

  • Kim, HyoungYong;Choi, Jinmu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2014
  • This study was performed to identify neighborhood deprivation indicators associated with health and to test the contextual effects of those indicators on individual health. This study calculated SMR based on Dong district and see the differences of prediction across deprivation index and indicators. Then, a multi-level analysis using HGLM was conducted to test the contextual effect of neighborhood depreivation indicators on health after controlling for demographic and socioeconomic status of individuals. The results showed that regional SMR had strong correlations with land price, education, welfare recipients, female household proportion in Dong district but failed to show the correlation with individual health and neighborhood deprivation. Individual health was only associated with individual level of demographic and socioeconomic status. That is, spatial dispersion of illness is understood as the distribution of social classes in terms of socioeconomic status of individuals, not the contextual aspects of community.

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The Structure of Interrelationship Among the Influential Factors of Migration Using Path Analysis (경로분석을 이용한 인구이동 결정요인들 간의 인과구조)

  • Lee, Hee-Yeon;Park, Jung-Ho
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.123-141
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    • 2009
  • Interregional migration is viewed as the most important component in regional population change in Korea. The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure of interrelationship among influential factors of interregional migration from the macro-viewpoint. During the period of 2000-05 the correlation between immigration and outmigration among 223 shi gun gu spatial unit was over 0.95, indicating that regions with high outmigration received high immigration. In this study the hypothesized cause-and-effect relationship among six influential factors of total migration flow was analyzed using path analysis. Based on the direct effect culturalwelfare environment has the biggest impact on immigration, while education environment and new housing environment are somewhat less and industrial-job opportunity environment the smallest impact. However based on the indirect effect, fiscal environment has the biggest impact on immigration, while industrial-job opportunity environment and infrastructure environment are somewhat less and new housing environment the smallest impact. If we consider the total effect, fiscal environment and cultural-welfare environment have the most significantly influenced on immigration. In particular, the influence of fiscal environment was remarkable in migration process through nonrecursive path and feedback loop.

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Development of an Open Source-based Spatial Analysis Tool for Storm and Flood Damage (풍수해 대비 오픈소스 기반 공간분석 도구 개발)

  • Kim, Minjun;Lee, Changgyu;Hwang, Suyeon;Ham, Jungsoo;Choi, Jinmu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_3
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    • pp.1435-1446
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    • 2021
  • Wind and flood damage caused by typhoons causes a lot of damage to the Korean Peninsula every year. In order to minimize damage, a preliminary analysis of damage estimation and evacuation routes is required for rapid decision-making. This study attempted to develop an analysis module that can provide necessary information according to the disaster stage. For use in the preparation stage, A function to check past typhoon routes and past damage information similar to typhoon routes heading north, a function to extract isolated dangerous areas, and a function to extract reservoir collapse areas were developed. For use in the early stages of response and recovery, a function to extract the expected flooding range considering the current flooding depth, a function to analyze expected damage information on population, buildings, farmland, and a function to provide evacuation information were included. In addition, an automated web map creation method was proposed to express the analysis results. The analysis function was developed and modularized based on Python open source, and the web display function was implemented based on JavaScript. The tools developed in this study are expected to be efficiently used for rapid decision-making in the early stages of monitoring against storm and flood damage.

Spatial Structure of Farm-Direct Produce Business by Mail-Order -A Case Study of Sobaeksan Ganodermal Lucidum and Poun Jujube- (통신판매에 의한 산지직송의 공간구조 -소백산 영지버섯과 보은 대추를 사례로-)

  • 서주선;한재성
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.99-118
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    • 1999
  • This paper aim to grasp the order region distribution of the goods, which are the sobaeksan ganodenma lucldum on the mail-order through post office and the poum jujube on the mail-order through agncultural Co- operalive and the regional connection made by distributing the goods between production region and sale region The amount of sales for sobaeksan ganodenma lucidum, with little regional difference in the producing volume, is not affected by the basic fare of a long-distance call in the spaual sale. It also shows that the amounl of poun jujude with regional difference of production volume is restricted by distance.

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A Study on Environmental Problems by the Changes of the Population and Agriculture in North Korea (북한의 인구와 농업의 변화에 따른 환경문제 연구)

  • Lee, Min-Boo;Kim, Nam-Shin;Jin, Shizhu
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.709-717
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    • 2008
  • This study is to analyze environmental problems which have caused by changes of the population and agriculture in North Korea. Main results of the research are following. First, Population of the North Korea shows lower increase ratio less than 2% growth from 1970's to middle of 1990's. This is interpreted by food shortages. Second, population distribution by provinces represented that northern and eastern part of the North Korea were comparatively lower and other western areas were higher. Third, Food situation of the North Korea was relatively better in 1970's, but, 1990's was the worst in the way. Fourth, on the agricultural productivity according to each province, western areas possessing more plains were more higher than mountainous areas of the northern and eastern parts of North Korea. Fifth, Growth ratio of food production and population have grown very steadily until 1990's, but the increase ratio of population exceeded food productivity after 1990's. Sixth, Cropland reclamation for improving these situation have caused deforestation and environmental problems and especially eastern and northern areas became more serious. For the solving these problems of North Korea, it is necessary to get the help of South Korea and international societies with efforts by itself.

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