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Optimal Storage Condition of Clubroot Pathogen, Plasmodiophora brassicae for Artificial Inoculation (배추뿌리혹병균(Plasmodiophora brassicae)의 인공접종을 위한 효율적인 저장조건)

  • Yang, Seul Gi;Park, Ju Young;Seo, Mun Won;Kim, Hong Gi
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.286-289
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    • 2015
  • Clubroot, caused by the obligate parasite Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a severe soilborne disease of Brassicaceae. Storage of clubroot gall is important for studies on pathogenicity and race identification. As the current storage method has been used for more than 100 years, a new storage method should be developed and the most efficient way maintaining pathogenicity should be determined. Effects of storage conditions with different storage periods on pathogenicity in galls of kimchi cabbage were examined in a greenhouse. The experiments were performed under six conditions and four temperatures in order to determine the most effective storage conditions for maintenance of pathogenicity. The most effective conditions for clubroot gall storage was the storage of whole gall at $-70^{\circ}C$ or storage of filtrate at the same temperature through eight layers of gauze after homogenization of the galls.

Estimation of water surface evaporation in Yongdam Dam using Empirical wind function (경험적 바람공식을 적용한 용담댐 내의 수면증발량 추정)

  • Minwoo Park;Sumiya Uranchimeg;Ho-Jun Kim;Min-kyu Jung;Hyun-Han Kwon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2023.05a
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    • pp.291-291
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    • 2023
  • 증발량을 산정하는 방법 중 증발접시를 활용한 방법은 하천의 증발량을 직접적으로 측정할 수 있는 장점이 있는 반면, 장기간의 증발접시를 활용한 증발량 추정은 현실적으로 쉽지 않다. 대표적인 증발량 산정식으로는 에너지 수지 및 공기동역학적 원리의 혼합적용 방법(PCE, Penman combination equation)과 경험적 바람공식(PWF, Penman wind function)이 있다. PCE로 산정된 증발량의 경우 하천 내 바닥열(bed heat flux)과 물기둥의 열저장 변화율이 장기간 규모의 순 복사량에 비해 작은 값을 가져 식에서 제외되므로 전반적으로 증발량이 과대 추정되는 문제가 발생한다. 반면, PWF로 산정한 증발량에서는 광범위한 매개변수 범위와 기상자료의 부족으로 모형의 불확실성을 증대시키는 요인으로 작용한다. 본 연구의 최종적인 목표는 하천 수로의 수면증발량을 추정하는 것이지만, 실제 하천 중심에서 증발량을 추정하기 위한 수문학적 자료는 매우 부족한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 유역단위에서의 증발량을 전이하는 방안을 모색하고자 하며, 구체적인 연구과정은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 유역단위 수문학적 자료를 수집하여(flux tower 자료 활용) 유역단위의 증발량을 산정한다. 둘째, PCE와 PWF으로 산정한 증발량과 관측된 증발량을 이용하여 각 식의 매개변수를 최적화한다. 마지막으로 최적화된 매개변수를 적용한 증발량과 관측값의 유사성을 분석한다. 본 연구에서는 하천단위의 증발량을 산정하기 위해 PWF을 적용하였으며 용담댐 내의 기상자료를 활용하여 산정한 증발량과 실제 용담댐 내의 수면증발량의 상관성을 분석한 결과 높은 상관성 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 하천 주변에 증발량 추정을 위한 최소한의 기상정보가 존재하는 지역에서, 하천단위의 증발량을 산정할 수 있으며 장기간의 증발량도 산정할 수 있을 것으로 판단된다.

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A Study on Efficient Design of Surveillance RADAR Interface Control Unit in Naval Combat System

  • Dong-Kwan Kim;Dong-Han Jung;Won-Seok Jang;Young-San Kim;Hyo-Jo Lee
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.28 no.11
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    • pp.125-134
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, we propose an efficient surveillance RADAR(RAdio Detection And Ranging) interface control unit(ICU) design in the naval combat system. The proposed design applied a standardized architecture for modules that can be shared in ship combat system software. An error detection function for each link was implemented to increase the recognition speed of disconnection. Messages that used to be sent periodically for human-computer interaction(HCI) are now only transmitted when there is a change in the datagram. This can reduce the processing load of the console. The proposed design supplements the radar with the waterfall scope and time-limited splash recognition in relation to the hit check and zeroing of the shot when the radar processing ability is low due to the adoption of a low-cost commercial radar in the ship. Therefore, it is easy for the operator to determine whether the shot is hit or not, the probability of wrong recognition can be reduced, and the radar's resources can be obtained more effectively.

Comparative analysis of status of safety accidents and importance-performance analysis (IPA) about precautions of safety accidents by employment type of industry foodservices in Jeonbuk area (전북지역 산업체급식소 조리종사자의 고용형태에 따른 안전사고 실태 및 안전사고 예방관리에 대한 중요도와 수행도 분석)

  • So, Hee;Rho, Jeong Ok
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.402-414
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    • 2017
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to evaluate the status of safety accidents and importance-performance analysis (IPA) between regular and non-regular employees in industry foodservices. Methods: The participants were regular employees (n = 119) and non-regular employees (n = 163) in industry foodservices in the Jeonbuk area. Demographic characteristics, status of safety accidents, safety education, and importance and performance status were assessed using a self-administered questionnaire. Results: Approximately 66.4% of regular employees and 53.4% of non-regular employees experienced safety accidents (p < 0.05). Types of safety accidents of regular and non-regular employees were mostly burns, and causes were mostly from their own negligence. Approximately 98.3% of regular employees and 95.1% of non-regular employees experienced safety education. Approximately 88.9% of regular employees and 96.8% of non-regular employees received safety education from dietitians. Approximately 41.9% of regular employees and 50.0% of non-regular employees had difficulty applying the contents of safety education due to lack of time during work. As a result of IPA, regular and non-regular employees were aware of the importance of the following and performed them well: 'Clean the floor of the work place', 'Arrange in the work area', 'Wear safety shoes', 'Check for heater cord', and 'Safety cooking when using oil'. On the other hand, they were not aware of the importance of the following and performed them insufficiently: 'Check for the MSDS', 'Aware of chemical signs', 'Wear protection gloves etc.', 'Do stretching exercise', and 'Using ancillary tools'. Conclusion: Therefore, it is necessary to improve the consciousness of dietitians for effective application of safety education contents, development of contents, especially MSDS, and related things.

Low-temperature Hydrothermal Synthesis of Organic Smectite from Siliceous Mudstone (규질 이암으로부터 유기 스멕타이트의 저온 수열합성)

  • 노진환
    • Journal of the Mineralogical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.49-59
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    • 2004
  • Organic smectite was hydrothermally synthesized by treating the opal-rich siliceous mudstone from the Pohang area with TMAOH solutions and 1:1 solutions of TMAOH+NaOH at $80^{\circ}C$ and concentrations ranging 10∼15%. Smectite was solely formed without accompanying any mineral products in case of TMAOH, whereas NaP and hydroxysodalite was synthesized together with smectite under the blending solution of TMAOH+NaOH. The synthesized smectite is identified as an organic smectite intercalating $TMA^{+}$ within its interlayer site, specifically corresponding to monmorillonite species, through mineralogical characterization by XRD, DTA, and IR analyses. The experimental results indicate that main precursor of the synthesized smectite is undoubtedly opal-CT, and the original sedimentary smectite included as considerable amounts in the mudstone seems to play a major role as Al-sources necessary far the smectite formation. Original inert components such as quartz and mica do not affect mostly to the synthesis reaction, and thus, are resultantly found as impurities in the synthetic products. These experimental results may imply that a new effective method for the low-temperature (less than $100^{\circ}C$) hydrothermal synthesis of organic smectite will be established if some Al-sources adequate for this synthetic system are available.

A Study on Archive Description Using RiC-CM (RiC-CM을 적용한 영구기록물 기술방안 연구)

  • Kim, Soohyun;Lee, Sungsook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.115-137
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    • 2020
  • This study aims to examine the limitations of status that describe archives based on the Archival rules, and to propose a new method using the Records in Context - Conceptual model (RiC-CM) as a solution. Given this, the study conducted literature reviews and case studies. The solutions based on RiC-CM and its effects on the limitations of the existing environment are as follows. First, RiC-CM can describe multiple provenances about archives. This can be solved by defining individual records and provenances as "entity" and expressing their associations as relationships. The interrelation of entities alone can more accurately represent the information of provenances associated with a particular archive, making it easier to identify the overall context that makes records. Second, RiC-CM can link related files. Those that belong to a specific records group (fonds) can be resolved by assigning them to individual entities and making interrelation according to the context that makes records. This method makes it possible to serve information about the context that makes records. From the user's point of view, more options are available for searching records. Third, RiC-CM can link all relevant producer-made records related to a specific production organization. If organizations are related to each other, they can be defined as "entity," and their relationship can be expressed as "associated with." It helps to comprehensively examine the context of provenances. The findings of this study are expected to be used as a basis for future research on RiC-CM, in response to the paradigm shift for electronic records management systems.

The Prevalence Study of TMD and the Associated Factors in Korean Malocclusion Patients (한국인 부정교합자의 측두하악장애(TMD) 유병율과 그 기여요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Myung-Hee;Nahm, Dong-Seok
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.27 no.4 s.63
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    • pp.523-538
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    • 1997
  • In order to investigate TMD prevalence in malocclusion patients and to study its relationship with occlusal factors, 205 malocclusion patients (M67, F138, 6Y1M-46Y8M) were examined. The following examinations were carried out, Questionnaire personal history, TMD symptoms, and the associated factors Clinical examination : TMJ sound and maximum mouth opening Orthopantomogram : condyle abnormalities, length of Co'-Inc' and Co'-Go', ratio Co'- Inc'/ Co'-Go', and depth of antegonial notch Transcranial view limitation of anterior movement of condyle Model Angle classification, overjet, overbite, midline discrepancy, missing of posterior teeth, posterior crossbite, attrition of palatal cusp of maxillary molars, crowding/spacing The results could be summarized as follows, 1. The prevalence of TMD showed that Helkimo Anamestic Inder(Ai) 0 was $46.8\%$, Ai I was $22.0\%$, Ai II was $31.2\%$ and subjective symptoms increased with aging (p<0.001) and were frequent in females (p<0.05). 2. Flattening ($4.4\%$) was the most frequent condyle abnormality on Orthopantomogram, and $8.3\%$ of subjects showed some abnormalities on Orthopantomogram. 3. The cases with neck and shoulder pain (p<0.001), clenching, lip biting (p<0.01), and headache (p<0.05) showed higher scores of Ai. 4. Angle class II showed high frequency of condylar abnormalities on Orthopantomogram, and subjects whose palatal cusp of maxillary molars had been attrided had the tendency to show high hi scores (p<0.05). The other occlusal factors had nothing to do with the symptoms of TMD. 5. In the cases that 1)the value of Co'-Inc', Co'-Go' or Co'-Inc'/Co'-Go' were low or 2)the differences of Co'-Go' or Co'-Inc'/Co'-Go' between the right and the left were large, condylar abnormalities were frequently obserbed on Orthopantomogram.

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Entry strategy for global water market (해외시장 진출 활성화를 위한 제언)

  • Lee, Byoung Chul;Kim, Shang Moon
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2015.05a
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    • pp.115-115
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    • 2015
  • 국내 물관련 건설 및 설비 업체를 대상으로 하는 설문조사 및 인터뷰 결과 국내 물 관련 기업들의 해외진출 시 가장 큰 애로사항은 해외경험 직원의 부족으로 나타났다. 해외사업 확대를 위해서는 고부가가치 업무를 수행할 수 있는 고급기술자와 관리 인력의 양성이 시급하며, 특히 건설사업관리(CM, PM)나 설계/엔지니어링을 담당할 고급 기술 인력의 양성이 필요한 것으로 조사되었다. 경쟁력있는 글로벌 기술 관리 인력의 양성은 정부의 주도하에 기존의 물 관련 기관의 교육프로그램 통합 운영 및 내실있는 전문 수자원 대학원 운영 등 장기적인 정책적인 지원이 필수적이다. 또한 현재 해외 물시장 정보 수집의 활성화를 위하여 국토교통부, K-water, 해외건설협회 등이 연계한 물 산업 전담 정보시스템 구축과 중점 수출대상국 선정 후 대상국에 해외지부 운영 등이 필요할 것이다. 금융지원과 관련하여 해외건설 금융지원 강화를 위한 글로벌 인프라펀드 조성, 해외건설 보증한도 확대 등이 필요하며, 'EDCF 등 공적금융의 물산업 지원 확대 등 재정지원을 위한 정부의 적극적인 역할 역시 중요하다. 해외 물시장 진출을 위해서는 국내 물기업들의 역량을 결집하는 것이 필요하며, 이를 위해서는 효율적인 공공 민간 협의체의 설립 및 운영이 이루어져야 한다. 전 세계적으로 물 산업은 높은 공공성과 함께토탈 솔루션 역량이 중시되고 있으며, 이런 시장환경에 부응하여 네덜란드, 독일 등 물산업 수출 강국은 자국의 물관련 분야를 결집하는 워터 파트너십을 설립하여 국제사회에서 위상과 세계시장 점유율을 동시에 높여가고 있는 실정이다. 이들 국가 워터파트너십의 공통적인 설립 목적은 궁극적으로 자국 물 관련 산업, 국가 브랜드 및 이니셔티브와 관련되는 국제협력, 정책 분야 등의 결집이다. 다시 말해서 정부가 주축이 되어 관 산 학 연 기관간의 정보제공, 협력 등을 도모하고 있으며 이 네트워크의 구심점 역할 및 촉진은 자국의 워터파트너십이 맡고 있는 것이다. 해외 물 시장 확대를 도모하고 있는 우리나라도 국가차원의 장기적이고 지속적인 해외 물산업 네트워크 구축을 위해서는 정부-공기업-민간기업 등의 협력을 토대로 한 Korea Water Partnership을 조속히 설립하는 것이 필요하다. 이를 위해서는 국토부, 환경부 등 물 관련 부처는 물론 글로벌 네트워크를 구축하고 있는 외교부, 무역협회 등 유관기관의 정보 연계 및 협조 체계 역시 필요하다. 정부부처 차원의 조직은 국제 정치 아젠다(agenda)에 중대한 영향을 줄 수 있으며, 경쟁적 우위와 유사기관 간의 정보와 네트워킹의 공유를 보다 원활하게 할 수 있기 때문이다. Korea Water Partnership에서는 한국이 보유하고 있는 선진 수자원기술 및 경험을 해외에 소개하고, 정부 및 민간 기업들의 물 산업 수출역량을 적극적으로 피력할 수 있는 기회를 마련하며, 국제사회에서 물 강국으로서 한국의 위상을 높일 수 있는 홍보 마케팅 창구로서의 역할을 기대할 수 있을 것이다.

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Plant Regeneration from Somatic Embryo with Structural Diversity from Leaf Explant Culture of Ostericum koreanum Kitagawa (강활(Ostericum koreanum Kitagawa)의 잎절편체 배양으로 부터 발생된 여러가지 형태의 체세포배를 통한 식물체 재생)

  • 조덕이;소웅영
    • Korean Journal of Plant Tissue Culture
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.51-56
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    • 1998
  • This study was carried out in order to establish plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis from leaf explant of Ostericum koreanum Kitagawa and to elucidate the effects of NAA and cytokinins (kinetin, BA) on the abnormalities of somatic embryo and the relationship between thecotyledon numberand germinability. Calli were formed on leaf explants cultured on MS agar medium supplemented with various concentrations (0, 0.1, 0.5, 1, 2 mg/L) of NAA and cytokinins. The calli were white, watery and soft, became browning during cultures. Somatic embryos were formed from pale yellowish calli derived browning calli. High frequency somatic embryos were observed on MS medium containing 1 mg/L NAA and 0.1 mg/L BA after 60 days of culture. The mature somatic embryos germinated into plantlets without subculture after 2 weeks. The frequency of normal somatic embryo with two cotyledons was 39.8%. On the other hand, cotyledonary abnormalities of somatic embryos were observed at considerable frequency: 33.6% of somatic embryo with one cotyledon, 15.3% cotyledons with three, 8.2% four cotyledons and 3.1% jar shaped cotyledon. Germination frequency of somatic embryos with two cotyledons was 97.4%, and that of the embryos with abnormal cotyledon was almost similar to that of embryos with two cotyledons, except jar shaped somatic embryos (33.3%).

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Changes of root lengths and crestal bone height In nail biting patients (손톱 깨물기 습관을 가진 아동의 전치부 치근길이와 치조골 높이 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Chung-Ju;Kim, Jung-Suk
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.29 no.6 s.77
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    • pp.689-698
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    • 1999
  • Although the purpose of orthodontic treatment is to increase the function and aesthetics of the jaws as well as to increase stability, there are side effects from the treatment itself such as root resorption and alveolar bone resorption. Such resoiption of the apical root is unpredictable and may even proceed into the dentin layer. Once the process has begun, it is irreversible. By evaluating the effects of different oral habits, especially that ef nail biting, and their correlation with the root and the periodontal tissues, the appropriate biomechanics for orthodontic treatment can be taken into consideration. The possibility of root resorption and alveolar bone loss during orthodontic treatment can also be considered. Also, any legal problems that might occur may be pondered as well. Among the male md female patients of the ages 10~15, 63 were chosen as the test group with known nail biting habits at time of examination and within the same age range those without nail biting habits as the control group. The test group was composed of 30 males and 33 females. The control group had 31 males and 32 females. The result from this study were as follows : 1. Of the 63 patients of both the test and control groups, the male-to-female-ratio was 1:1, and had no statistically significant difference in male and female root resorption. 2. In comparing crown length of the test and control groups, no significant difference existed, but in root length, maxillary and mandibular right and left central incisors and mandibular right lateral incisors had a smaller value. (p<0.001) 3. Average crown-to-root ratio of the test group on the periapical view show a noticeably high value for the maxillary and mandibular right and left central incisors and mandibular right and left lateral incisors. (p<0.01) 4. In comparing and evaluating the alveolar bone loss measured from the cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar bone crest, mesial surfaces of the maxillary and mandibular right and left central incisors and distal surface of maxillary right central incisor of the test group showed greater loss of crestal bone than the control. (p<0.05)

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