• Title/Summary/Keyword: 이용자수

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DCB 적용 한반도 전리층 격자 모델 개발

  • Lee, Chang-Mun;Kim, Ji-Hye;Park, Gwan-Dong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Space Science Society
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.22.2-22.2
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    • 2011
  • 이 연구에서는 한반도 상공의 전리층 총전자수를 격자 형태로 나타냈다. 이를 위해 국토해양부 GPS 상시관측소에서 제공 중인 코드와 위상 측정값을 선형조합하였으며 그 결과물을 이용하여 시선방향 총전자수를 산출하였다. 이때 전리층 총전자수 산출결과의 정확도를 향상시키기 위해 가중최소자승법을 이용하여 위성과 수신기의 하드웨어 오차인 DCB(Differencial Code Bias)를 추정하였으며 추정된 DCB값은 IGS에서 제공 중인 DCB값과 비교하여 정확도를 확인하였다. 산출된 시선방향 총전자수를 연직방향 총전자수로 변환하기 위해 사상함수를 적용하였으며, 이를 다시 각 격자점에서의 연직방향 총전자수로 변환하기 위해 기존 연직방향 총전자수에 역거리 가중 보간법을 적용하였다. 각 격자점에서의 총전자수는 IGS(International GNSS Service)에서 제공 중인 GIM(Global Ionosphere Map) 모델의 총전자수와 비교하여 정확도를 확인하였다. 산출된 총전자수는 2시간 간격으로 나타내어 한반도 상공 전리층 총전자수의 변화 경향을 확인하였다.

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Relationship Between Terrestrial Broadcasting Services Viewing and OTT VOD Usage (지상파 방송 실시간 시청과 OTT VOD 이용 간의 관계)

  • Cho, Suk-Hyun;Lee, Hyun-Ji
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.18 no.8
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    • pp.315-325
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to search the correlation between real-time viewing and OTT VOD usage. The study is based on the ratings and VOD download data, collected from TNmS and pooq. And this study focused on the ratings, 2049 ratings, OTT VOD download over the past 7 days, OTT VOD download over the past 30 days. The results showed that there were positive correlation in all genres(drama, entertainment, current affairs). First, there was a correlation between ratings and OTT VOD download over the past 7 days, between 2049 ratings and OTT VOD download over the past 7 days. Next, there was a correlation between ratings and OTT VOD download over the past 30 days, between 2049 ratings and OTT VOD download over the past 30 days. Finally, there was somewhat different among rankings of the ratings and VOD download.

후보 종빈돈의 첫발정일령, 첫수정일령 및 등지방두께가 산자수에 미치는 영향

  • 손동수;이장희;최선호;연성흠;류일선;서국현;허태영;유충현;조규호
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Developmental Biology Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.130-130
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    • 2003
  • 번식효율이 높은 우수한 후보종빈돈의 조기선발기술을 개발하기 위해 후보종빈돈의 첫발정일령과 첫수정일령 및 첫수정시 등지방두께가 산자수에 미치는 요인을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 본 시험에 공시된 후보종빈돈은 충남 천안시에 위치하고 있는 양돈장에서 자돈을 생산ㆍ육성하여 체중 80∼90kg에서 선발하였고, 체중이 약 110kg 도달하였을 때 최종 선발하여 이용하였으며, 사양관리는 양돈장의 관행에 따라 실시하였다. 첫발정조사는 생후 22주령때부터 매일 아침, 저녁으로 2회씩 외음부의 충혈과 부종상태를 관찰하고 승가허용 자세유지 등을 통하여 발정여부를 조사하였다. 교배는 첫발정발견 후 2차 발정이 발현되었을 때 실시하는 것을 원칙으로 하였으며, 수퇘지를 허용하는 시기에 액상적액으로 1차 인공수정하고, 12시간후 2차 인공수정을 실시하였다. 첫수정시에 등지방측정기 (Lean-neater; Renco, U.S.A.)를 이용하여 제 10늑골의 정중선으로부터 좌측 또는 우측으로 약 5cm 이격된 지점을 2회 측정하여 평균치로 하였다. 산자수는 미이라 등을 제외하고 정상적으로 성장하여 분만한 복당자돈수를 조사하였다. 첫발정일령이 160일령이하일때에 산자수는 9.64두였으며, 161∼180일렬인 경우 10.14두, 181∼200일령인 경우 9.56두, 201일령이상인 경우 9.13두로 첫발정일령이 161∼180일이었을때가 산자수가 가장 많았으나 유의적인 차이는 없었다. (중략)

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Analysis of the Necessary Mechanical Properties of Embroiderable Conductive Yarns for Measuring Pressure and Stretch Textile Sensor Electrodes (생체 신호 측정 압력 및 인장 직물 센서 전극용 자수가 가능한 전도사의 필요 물성 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Un;Choi, Seung-O;Kim, Joo-Yong
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2021
  • In this study, we investigated the necessary mechanical properties of conductive multifilament yarns for fabricating the electrodes of biosignal measurement pressure and stretch textile sensors using embroidery. When electrodes and circuits for smart wearable products are produced through the embroidery process using conductive multifilament yarns, unnecessary material loss is minimized, and complex electrode shapes or circuit designs can be produced without additional processes using a computer embroidering machine. However, because ordinary missionary threads cannot overcome the stress in the embroidery process and yarn cutting occurs, herein, we analyzed the S-S curve, thickness, and twist structure, which are three types of silver-coated multifilament yarns, and measured the stress in the thread of the embroidery simultaneously. Thus, the required mechanical properties of the yarns in the embroidery process were analyzed. In the actual sample production, cutting occurred in silver-coated multifilament rather than silver-coated polyamide/polyester, which showed the lowest S-S curve. In the embroidery process, the twist was unwound through repetitive vertical movement. Further, we fabricated a piezoresistive pressure/tension sensor to measure gauge factor, which is an index for measuring biological signals. We confirmed that the sensor can be applied to the fabrication of embroidery electrodes, which is an important process in the mass production of smart wearable products.

A Study on the Fluctuation and Influential factors of Daily Visitors of Seoul Children′s Grand Park (도시공원 이용자수의 변동특성과 그 영향변인에 관한 연구 -서울 어린이대공원을 대상으로-)

  • 엄붕춘;최준수
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.81-90
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    • 1986
  • The full grasp of recreation demand and factors affecting on recreation demand can be very important information for park planning and management. The object-tives of this study are to investigate factors affecting the fluctuation of urban park visitors and to analyze the relationship between these factors and the daily parti-cipations. The results were as follows; 1) The peak of monthly participations comes on May, April, August and October in order. And these months are specified as school picnic period and vacation of school children. 2) In correlation analysis, the variables such as ‘Day of a week(D)’, ‘Monthly mean temp.(T)’and ‘Monthly character(M)’have high correlations with ‘No. of visitors’in order. And it is better to categorize months by its charater(picnic period in school, vacation etc) than by seasons. 3) Candidate regression model were established, as for 1984 log U= 1.51 + 0.64D1 + 0.02T + 0.36W1 - 0.23M4 + 0.003SS + 0.24Ml($R^2$=0.5326) where, U=no. of daily visitors D1 = sunday.ho1iday(1), weekday(0) T=monthly mean temperature($^{\circ}C$) W1= weather (sunny.cloudy(1) , rainy (>5mm)(0)> M4=non vacations and non school picnic period(1) , if not (0) SS=monthly sunshining hours M1=summer vacation(1), if not(0) 4) The most important variable was ‘Day of a week’(sunday.holiday or not). And temperature, weather and monthly charcter(especially picnic period of school and vacation) were in turn, hence ‘Children's grand park’shows the use pattern of park.

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Visual Expression Effect by Digitization of Embroidery Design (자수 디자인의 디지털화에 의한 시각적 표현효과)

  • Kyung Ja Paek
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.407-413
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    • 2023
  • The purpose of this study is to provide basic information about various methods to easily affix unique embroidery effects to clothes due to the current expansion of digital fashion technology. A comparison of design techniques using virtual and real clothing was used to show the visual expression of embroidery designs. Actual embroidery motifs were created using a computer embroidery machine, DTP embroidery motifs were made by utilizing digitalization techniques, and digital motifs were produced. Then patch pocket type T-shirts were produced using each embroidery technique to compare the visual expression effects on clothing. The results of this comparison are as follows: for real clothing color (3.5), texture (4.0), gloss (3.8), and thickness (3.5). It was found that the color and thickness of the embroidery floss was visually sufficiently show the design texture and gloss. In terms of the embroidery design on virtual garments, the resutls of color (3.8), texture (4.3), gloss (3.9), and thickness (3.6) showed a high degree of similarity to the non-virtual results, confirming that digitized embroidery motifs are also a tool that can fully realize unique embroidery effect.

Generation of Korean Ionospheric Total Electron Content Map Considering Differential Code Bias (Differential Code Bias를 고려한 한반도 전리층 총전자수 지도 생성)

  • Lee, Chang-Moon;Kim, Ji-Hye;Park, Kwan-Dong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.293-301
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    • 2011
  • The ionospheric delay is the largest error source in GPS positioning after the SA effect has been turned off in May, 2000. In this study, we used 44 permanent GPS stations being operated by National Geographic Information Institute (NGII) to estimate Total Electron Content (TEC) based on pseudorange measurements phase-leveled by a linear combination with carrier phases. The Differential Code Bias (DCB) of GPS satellites and receivers was estimated and applied for an accurate estimation of the TEC. To validate our estimates of DCB, changes of TEC values after DCB application were investigated. As a result, the RMS error went down by about an order of magnitude; from 35~45 to 3~4 TECU. After the DCB correction, ionospheric TEC maps were produced at a spatial resolution of $1^{\circ}{\times}1^{\circ}$. To analyze the effect of the number of sites used for map generation on the accuracy of TEC values, we tried 10, 20, 30, and 44 stations and the RMS error was computed with the Global Ionosphere Map as the truth. While the RMS error was 5.3 TECU when 10 sites are used, the error reduced to 3.9 TECU for the case of 44 stations.


  • Choi, Byung-Kyu;Park, Jong-Uk;Lee, Sang-Jeong
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.269-274
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    • 2007
  • We established a regional ionospheric model for investigating ionospheric TEC (Total Electron Contents) variations over the Korean Peninsula during major geomagnetic storms. In order to monitor the ionospheric TEC variations, we used nine permanent GPS reference stations uniformly distributed in South Korea operated by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). The cubic spline smoothing (CSS) interpolation method was used to analyze the characteristics of the ionospheric TEC variations. It has been found that variations of TEC over the Korean Peninsula increase when a major geomagnetic storm occurred on November 20, 2003. The TEC has increased about one and a half of those averaged quite days at the specific time during a geomagnetic storm. It has been indicated that the KASI GPS-derived TEC has a correlation with the geomagnetic storm indices (eq. Kp and Dst indices).

Embroidery 'ㅂ' Character Type UHF RFID Tag Antenna Design ('ㅂ'자 자수형 도전사 UHF RFID 태그 안테나)

  • Chung, You-Chung;Kim, Yeon-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Hwan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.20 no.10
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    • pp.1071-1076
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    • 2009
  • A wearable embroidery 'ㅂ' character shape UHF RFID tag antenna has been designed using conductive electro-thread. After testing characteristics of various electro-threads, the embroidery tag, with a T-matching structure, has been designed on a cloth with 200D(denier) electro-thread which performs electrically better. The embroidery tag on a piece of fabric or clothes made with the flexible electro-thread is a wearable tag and possible to be recognized by an RFID system. The conductivity of different deniers of electro-threads has been measured. The measured conductivity has been used for simulation and fabrication to have accurate simulation results. To verify the characteristics of the tag antenna, the return loss and reading range of the fabricated embroidery electro-thread UHF RFID tag antenna have been tested. The reading range is approximately 1.52 m.

Association of Genetic Polymorphisms of Estrogen Receptor with Litter Size using PCR-RFLP in Yorkshire Swine (Yorkshire종 돼지에서 PCR-RFLP을 이용한 Estrogen Receptor의 유전적 다형과 산자수간의 관련성)

  • Kim, J.E.;Song, W.C.;Choi, B.D.;Kho, Y.;Park, S.S.;Hong, K.C.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.45 no.4
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    • pp.523-528
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    • 2003
  • This study was performed to investigate a possible association of the porcine estrogen receptor(ER) locus with the total number of born(TNB) and number of born alive(NBA) in Yorkshire pigs. Using DNAs extracted from 242 Yorkshire pigs, the ER genotype was determined by PvuII PCR-RFLP. The ER allele frequencies of two types of A and B were 0.39 and 0.61, respectively. The least squares means of the litter size by ER genotype was evaluated. The TNB and NBA were found to be associated with an specific ER allele. The genotype at the porcine ER locus has an application potential for marker-assisted selection for litter size in pigs.